Storm Update

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This is my sketch of Aberdeen if you don't read my dragon art book.
Anyways, storm update:
My power has been out for a couple of hours now. And I don't know how much longer it will be out for. I probably shouldn't be on my phone but whatever. It is not as hot as I though it would be without the AC. But I'm pushing my way through this. Let's get off topic now:
I have a draft saved for my second art book, just so I don't have to make a welcome page when I have art work good to go.
Back on topic:
No power has given me the chance to read so that is good.
And it just sounds horrific outside. If I didn't know any better I would have thought Albatross returned from the dead. (Reference from Darkstalker)
That is it for now. Sorry this was random, but I'm just making sure you guys know I'm still alive.


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