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  The head scientist could see all the rage, hate, and the strong killing intent coming from Shiro. The head scientist did not have right to deny his request to have a suit created for him.

"So what kind of suit do you have in mind, Shiro?"

Shiro smirked inwardly as the head scientist agree to his request. Whether or not they had been willing to agree to his request, he would've found another way to get it done.

"The suit I want you to create for me should be able to discharge electricity as well as absorbing the power back. This will enable me to go beyond my current lighting abilities, pushing me over the limitations that I have currently. With this boost in my strength, I will to be able to kil- I mean bring the wanted man into justice."

Only a few in the room could finish and understand what Shiro had said before he changed his word, but they could only sigh inwardly. They were worried that he would become out of control, seeing that his true intentions were already leaking out unintentionally.

"Ok, Shiro. We will create the suit for you, as it shouldn't be hard to create it with all the data that we have gathered from our tests."

The head researcher carefully drew his words as he continued to speak, "And Shiro, we are worried about your rage. It is going out of control and is not good for mentality as well as your body. Please consider taking some time off if you need it. Don't force yourself."

"I am fine, sir. There is no need to worry about me. I- No, we will bring that monster to justice. Only then can I rest."

The head researcher could only sigh at their response. He was clear on how Shiro will end up.

He had already done as much as he can to help the young man change his mind. There was nothing more than he could do, if they chose to walk on the path to chaos, he could only watch them do it. The head researcher clapped his hands, "Alright people. Let's get back to work!"

5 hours later...

(A/N: Here is a picture of what Shiro's suit will look like.)

"Shiro, we're done with the suit you had requested. We added some additional elements to the suit that will assist you in battle. One of them is expulsion, it can store kinetic energy and released it when needed, to create an explosive force.

Shiro glanced at the suit with a satisfied look on his face. He reached out and felt the material and did a little test by releasing a small amount of energy. Instantly, he could see the small sparks scatter across the suit, proving that it is able to absorb the electricity. He grabbed the newly developed suit and changes into it.

It didn't feel heavy or restricting on his body and actually felt as if there was nothing there.

"So what do you think about it, Shiro? How do you feel?" The head researcher asked anxiously as he observed the others reaction.

"Hahaha! I feel great!" Shiro can't help but smile as he flexed his arms. Putting out a hand, he tests out its battle performance by chanting a spell. But instead of aiming at a dummy or someone else, Shiro decided to aim it at himself.

Everyone inside of the room jumped in shock at his boldness. The loud thundering sounds of the lighting striking him reverberated throughout the room, making them all cover their ears. Once they opened their eyes, they could see that Shiro was still standing tall, unaffected by what had just happened. The anxiousness was washed away by seeing the result of hard work made by their blood and sweat, smiles forming on their faces.

"Wearing the suit, I could feel that I am much stronger than I previously was. And after absorbing the lightning, it increases my powers by two folds! The more I take in the more stronger I get, not to mention that all my physical abilities have all been enhanced."

Although, Shiro had done some testing on his own. The rest of the researchers wanted to know the full extent of what they had created. Even if they had tested it before, it was much more different as the lightning that was used in the experiments were artificially created and was not from an ability. The contrast between the two were like heaven and earth.

The head researcher gulped, "Why don't we run some more tests and to make sure it's functioning according to your request?"

"Yeah, I want to know just how strong I am now." Shiro lets out a smug smirk.

He then heads over to the testing area and starts conducting the trials. He casted Rairyū Hōtengeki (Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd), then Rairyū no Hōken (Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist), and finally Rairyū no Agito (Lightning Dragon's Jaw).

Seeing the light show and the data being gathered from the trails, the researchers were in awe at the other's prowess.

"wow his powers are impressive!"

They were infected by the results they were seeing and were instantly invigorated. Their burning soul inflamed and shot through the roof.

"They're more destructive than they were previously. He might actually be able to win this war!"

Spectral's P.O.V

The whole of Iron Fortress is in a state of panic, as all the bases around Autumn have been destroyed. The mass hysteria caused another major issue for the government as they were already dealing with the infidels what were running amok on their land.

"Sir! What are we going to do, now all the base around Autumn has been destroyed?"

"How many casualty have we sustained from the recent attack? Also call all the captains and troops we have left to defend the city whatever we do this city must not fall and with this treat I install the marshall law get every citizen into them home" leo

"S- sir, w-we s-sent a recon team to each of the facility to check on the situation, as each commander were not responding to the signals that were sent. The recon team that we had sent found the base in shambles, there was not a single life from located there, Sir...."


They recalled all of the details that they were given:'All of the soldiers were dead', 'no one was able to make it out alive''The carnage was no different from that of a slaughterhouse'. Their voice choked as they continued with the report, "Unfortunately, the recon team were unable to find the bodies of all of the commanders. They're all currently pronounced as missing at the moment, sir."

The Air Marshal had to focus on the main point at the moment and not worry about the whereabouts of the commanders. He had consider about Ren, and how long before Ren would come to attack the Iron Fortress.

Standing before a tide of soldiers, he looked down at them. The soldiers under his command had either sorrow, fear, horror, shock, hate, and anger in their eyes..

Speaking in a steady tone as if unaffected by the news of their disadvantage, the Air Marshal set out to rise the soldiers' morale. "Rear your minds, soldiers. I understand the feeling of losing someone dear to you. But this is a war and with wars, there will be casualties involved. Although we cannot prevent this war from coming for us, all we can do is try and reduce the loss. In this battle against Ren, we may have fallen behind but now we know that there are spies among us who had sold us out to that monster!"

Raising his voice at the critical moment seeing the expressions change on their face, he enunciated every word clearly, "The only thing we can do know is raise our defences and and prepare for the next attack from him. We must hold on and not falter for the deaths of our loved one will not be in vain. The reinforcements will be on their way soon, we must hold out until then and when the time comes we will see victory!"

The troops all looked at each other and looked back at the Air Marshal. They couldn't help but feel inspired by his speech and raised their fist. They roared loudly, "For our nation!"

The Air Marshal glanced down at his men with pride. Yes, this would be for their nation, their home, their loved ones, and for themselves.

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