Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Are all the troops ready?" Leo asked.

"Yes, sir the troops are all ready." A private had his back straight. He is known as Kite, he serves Leo and is a member of the hidden organization Avatar.

"Good. Have all captains come meet in the control room for a briefing." Leo ordered.

"Yes, sir." Kite saluted and left the scene.

On the loudspeakers in the base, a message was conveyed to everyone: "Attention captains, you are to head to the control room in five minutes."

Fifteen minutes later...

Once everyone was gathered inside of the room. Leo started speaking, "The mission that we are about to undergo is very dangerous. The casualty rates will exceed that of the norm and may seem unreasonable, but we cannot let our citizens suffer in the hands of that monster; we must rescue them. Everyone is to not engage in a fight with Ren's men unless necessary. If caught within a fight, buy as much times you can for the civilians to escape. Are there any questions?"

"No, sir." They responded in unison.

" You will be divided into four teams. Each team will be assigned to either north, east, south or west parts of the city. Everyone is dismissed." 'Good. That should buy that Doctor Angra a few hours to complete my suit. Seeing that this suit is the first of its kind, It took 8 months to develop. After many trials and errors, the suit is almost complete.'

After the meeting each captain left to go to their respective team to begin the mission. The reasons they went to a place which isn't under Ren's control is because they want to recruit the people there and have them fight. They each went to their assigned place and although it was determined that this mission would result in casualties, it is unfortunate for one of the captains and his men as it would be the last assignment they would ever go on.

"The Air Marshal has given us our mission, we will be going in soon and you will need to maintain your vigilance. You all know that we are to rescue the civilians and bring them back to the fortess for protection but as the situation stands, we are at a disadvantage. No doubt that the moment we interact with the civilians, we will be ambushed, and so in other to complete this mission with the least amount of deaths, I will distract the enemies as you escort the civilians." Yuri, one of the commanding captains laid out his plan in front of his men.

"But captai-"

"My decision is final, prepare to depart." Yuri stayed firm on his decision. He would not change his mind, if he is able to trade his life for that of his men who were good soldiers and the citizens of this nation, it would be worth it.

"Yes, captain!" They shouted solemnly.

Time skip

Arriving inside of the appointed city, Yuri sends off his men. "Go and remember to leave immediately once you have all the civilians. Even if I do not return, you must persevere and complete the mission."

Nodding to their captain's order, some of the men's eyes reddened. Yes, this was their captain. Although he was a rough man from the military, he had a gentle heart inside of that hard and course outer layer. He was a man that deserved many praises for his selflessness.

3rd Person P.O.V

"Oh, looks like they sent some people to try and stop me." His eyes turned into crescents as he grinned."It is about time that I had some entertainment."

"Alright, everyone. Quickly gather in the town square, we are expecting a guest today and can't be late to greet them after they spent so much time coming to visit us~." Shen spoke with false enthusiasm as a devilish smile bloomed on his handsome face.

"And why should to listen to you?" Random citizen retorted back in ire.

"Hahahaha. Good. Good! This is more interesting than having you guys do what I tell you, like a dog obeying its owner. But right now is not the right time to act so brave, tell me do you value your life?" Shen released his killing intent without care. A smile still sported on his face as he swept his eyes over the civilians.

"Y-you!" The person pointed at him with great shock, only able to utter 'you'.

Shen sneered, " I have permission from my master to end all of you if you resist.But I won't do that, because now you will all be a part of my game."

Looking at the stupefied looks on their faces, Shen's smile deepened. Waving his hands, he ushered them, "Go, what are you all waiting for? For someone's body to drop first before you decide to go?

Fifteen minutes later

One of the scouting soldiers saluted to Yuri, "Captain, we have found the location where the civilians are. They are all gathered side of the town square, should we proceed and initiate contact?"

"No, it's a trap." Yuri shook his head.

"Captain, how do you know it's a trap?" One of the other members asked.

"Don't you find it strange that they are all assembled at the town square? We were informed that Ren and his men had sieged the place but a wisp of their shadow has yet to be found. They won't simply let lambs run amok with no caretaker." Yuri frowned.

"Now that you mention it captain, it is strange. How should we proceed now, captain?"

"You guys stay right here, I will draw out the person in hiding and occupy them. Once you find a chance to rescue the civilians, take it. No matter what happens do not stop or turn back and run because If i die I want to you to head back and report to the marshal" yuri commanded.

They all nodded as they recalled his previous order.

Yuri calmly walked into the area, "I know you are here, Shen. I can clearly feel the blood lust leaking out from your body." 

"Hahaha." Shen stepped out from the shadows.

With his head tilted tauntingly, "Why don't we get down to business?"

"..." Yuri's lips curved down. An ill feeling grew in his chest as he observed Shen.

"First, let us play a game shall we?" Shen gave off a sly evil grin.

"Not interested." Yuri narrowed his eyes.

"Don't be so quick to reject, after all it has to do with the life and death of these people here." Shen smirks.

The civilians shivered

"YOU BASTARD!" Yuri's body shook with anger.

He scowled, "How can you take human life a play thing?!" Yuri shouted, his fists were tightly clenched together.

"Haha. What else could it be for?" Shen chuckled, "Because I can. It's exhilarating to kill people and it's not like you have a choice in the matter."

Shen pointed at the civilians who had their eyes wide in fear, "If you win, the're free to go. But if I win, you, and your men, and the civilians will die. But if you choose not to play, I will slaughter them all, and the people will fall under master Ren command" shin

"Don't kill them! I will play your sick and stupid game. I want you to swear that they will be safe if I win the game." Yuri gritted his teeth.

Shen raised his hand and swore like a 'good' person, "I swear. Now, let the game begin."

As soon as Shen finished speaking, they start of the match. The moment they began their fight, the first to strike was Shen. Because of his advantage of being an assassin and that he possessed wind attribute, he controlled the field. Yuri who had fire element was no match for an experienced killer. In just a few tap of his feet, Shen made his his way over to Yuri. Yuri raised his gun and five shots rang. Using his foot work, Shen was easily able to dodge the bullets and landed a kick on Yuri's side. It sent the grown man flying like a plastic bag in the wind and knocked the air out of his lungs. Yuri flew and his body bore large holes into the wall of the building. 

"Oi! Don't tell me that you're already done? Tsk tsk tsk. If you don't get up, I will start killing them off." Shen threatened.

Inside of the building, Yuri struggled to get up.

"Ahhh, damn that hurts. If it wasn't for this armor, I would have died." yuri took in deep laboured breaths.

"Oh, is that so? well them let's test that theory out, shall we?" Shen took a step inside of the dilapidated building.

Without waiting for Yuri to react, Shen's figure disappeared again. It wasn't that he teleported but that his speed was too fast that Yuri's eyes weren't able to keep up with it. Hits rained down on his body and it seemed hopeless for Yuri. But just as things seemed to have no hope, Yuri suddenly thought of an idea. Murmuring silently, flames erupted from his body and encased him like a protective shell.

"What the hell?!" Shen leaped back from the roaring flames, "Are you trying to killing me?"

He snickered, "Haha. Get it? Because this is a death match? hahaha"

"You know, you are really are sick in the head." Yuri spat out in disgust. 

"Now it is my turn." Shen ignored their rude remark and smiled.

"Wind blade." Shen waved his hand.

Yuri quickly raised his defense and blocked the attack. One after another, the two of them clashed with each other and caused the surrounding environment to be heavily damaged. But as the battle continued, there proved to be a major difference of strength. On the ground kneeling was Yuri, his body was bleeding profusely in different areas. As for Shen, he was completely untouched by any of the damages with a sadistic smile on his face.

He leaned forward and whispered, "Thank you for entertaining me, but this is the end for you. Goodbye."

Sending a sharp and quick blade of wind, it penetrated Yuri's chest easily. Blood poured out from the large wound and painted the ground in red.

Mournful shouts echoed the air upon the death of Yuri, "Captain!"

Shen lifted his head to see a row of soldiers rushing over to his location. A joyful look appeared on his face as he had more play things to toy with. Yuri's men had been unable to accomplish their set task as they weren't able to get close to the civilians. Shen had purposefully intercepted them everytime, whenever they were just about to achieve their task, he would send a blade to warn and stop them as he toyed around with Yuri.

They proved to be too weak and Shen quickly cleaned them up. Their bodies littered the ground and blood flowed like a river. Like a asura demon, Shen turned to face the civilians who had fallen to the ground, "It's too bad that your savior died. Now, you will follow him into the afterlife."

Painful screams filled the air and made anyone else who heard it shiver. Shen crouched down next to the bleeding scared soldier. He hadn't killed off everyone, he wanted to keep a survivor so that they would be able to pass on his message. He tapped his chin, "Go inform your leader, that their fall is inevitable and to prepare a welcoming party for our king, Ren."

On his way back to the ship, Shen saw the other generals that seemed as if they had just finished at the same time he had. Ren had gathered everyone and ordered a report. Some of civilians were killed because they had resisted and fought back, but every single one of them killed captains that tried to recover teh citizens.

"How did things go for you, Shen?was your day" Cao espied the content look on Shen's face and raised his eyebrow.

Shin just smiled and said to him, "Well... It was quite fun." them. go bye old friend I hope you find peace yuri.

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