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Cold sweat gathered on the back of Alzar’s neck. He had promised himself he wouldn't go back to that website, bit now he had no choice. Was Fancy right? Did things beyond believe exist in this world?

Was he one of them?

This was the next article on the page on Demons had linked to. He had no idea what the term even meant.

To put it simply, World Eaters are monsters. They are incomprehensible beasts that gain strength by consuming anything in their path. Many prey on Demons for their immense power, but they are capable of eating everything- organic or not.”

I have never encountered one of these creatures, and I hope I never do. I am drawing information from folklore and ancient legends. These beings are far larger than any human mind can understand. Some accounts say they do not even have a ‘true form,’ and we are only capable of seeing their mortal avatars. Either way...we humans are but merely ants to them. I now truly understand how small we are.”

I have scoured my sources for an origin of their nomenclature. I believe I have come to a consensus: these beings have the ability to consume entire planets, perhaps even galaxies, as if it were nothing. I do not understand the motivation of the World Eaters. I can only hope that for the sake of myself and my child, that we really are as small as I believe we are.

That's it? Alzar thought, eyes widening as the article came to an end. That can't be it.

The site hadn't been updated for nearly eighteen years. Alzar put down his phone, staring at his lunch with vacant eyes. Was the author right? Or was this all myth?

Alzar remembered Fancy’s words. Is this what she believed in? All powerful, planet-destroying monsters? He was terrified at the possibility.

“Hey, Alzar! Wanna sit with us?” a pleasant voice rang in his ear.

Alzar lifted his head, blinking. Andrea and her friends stood in front of him, smiling. Alzar steered his gaze away from her uncanny companions, and instead focused on her.

He blushed, scratching the back of his neck. “You really want me to sit with you?”

“Of course! You are my date, after all!” she replied, winking at him. She leaned over him, pushing out her chest. Alzar forced himself to stare at her breasts, hoping to feel something.

Gathering his food into his lunchbox, Alzar stumbled across the cafeteria with them, aware of the hot eyes on his back. Cautiously, he fell into the seat beside Andrea. He wasn't used to sitting with others, nonetheless a girl.

“I rented a suit for you, Alzar,” Andrea said casually, “I know how you can't afford that much stuff.”

Alzar bowed his head, unable to meet her eyes. “Yeah...um...thanks, Andrea.”

The table lapsed into uncomfortable silence. Alzar knew the other kids had to be thinking about his now-apparent poverty.

“My uncle said it's gonna rain,” Alzar said awkwardly, “I'm going to bring an umbrella. So you won't get wet. At prom, I mean.” His cheeks burned.

Andrea’s friends giggled, making Alzar blush harder. He covered his face, hoping they couldn't see his visible embarrassment.

“Oh, Alzar, you're so adorable,” Andrea cooed, putting a hand on his back.

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