Ch 14

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Remember me? Your idiot writer 😁😁

Extremely sorry for being this late but was tooo caught up

First birthday then guest then trip and above all studies I really didn't get time to write

now without wasting time let's go to chapter


In morning, in college

Anika, khushi and Malika were sitting in class and attending lectures while shivaay, arnav and sid were talking in themselves

Soon lecture completed and they were moving towards canteen and they heard news that there is going to happen football match

Hearing this boys went to ground for audition as they three were crazy fan of football while girls followed them

At ground they have to play match and whom coach will select would play so girls sat at bench seeing them while boys started playing soon more public came to see the game

After match boys remove there t-shirts and drink water as well as throw some on themselves to cool them down

Soon gaps were heard from girls and ani,mali and khushi were glaring at all girls for eye raping boys soon they came to girls

S: how was the game

A: first you wear your t-shirt no need to show your body to anyone (sternly)

S: its all sweaty I don't want to wear (winned like kid)

A: shivaay wear it all girls are looking at you like you are some peice of meat to be eaten, I don't like it

S; ohhh so my girl is being possessive, I like it.. I like it very much (teasing her and pinching her cheeks)

A: wear it quickly or I won't talk to you (angrily)

S: ohk got it wearing don't stop talking

A: good boy now if you get selected I want treat

M: not only her we all want treat if any of you get selected well we are quite sure you three would be selected then also never know coach can do anything if he is some stupid

K: boys you two are not special,  putting yours body at display common wear the shirt now (sternly)

A: (smirking) well khushi, mine is understand I don't want anyone to see my man body like way but they don't have anyone so thats not problem

M: no they are not special i can't see my friends getting all weirdy looks by all that girl's (annoying)

A: ohh common may they get some girls for them what say boys (smirking seeing all possessive eyes )

While shivaay nodded his head in disbelief seeing his sunshine to be match maker while khushi glare at arnav and he immediately wear his t-shirt, while Malika throw sid t-shirt on his face and while he mean it quickly not wanting malika's monster to come out

At selection

Girls were all finger crossed and praying for them to get selected soon three of them get selected

Shivaay came running to Anika and lift her from ground and twril her in happiness while Anika help him tight so she did not get fall soon he place Anika on ground and kiss her forehead his eyes were Shinning like precious gem

A: congratulations my boy you made me sooo proud (kissing his cheeks)

S: thank you sunshine I am glad you are proud (pecking her forehead)

A: congratulations to you two also, you three played really well and made all of us proud

Sid and arnav hug her and thanks her for congratulating them while Malika jump on shivaay asking for treat while laugh at her monkey sister

A: arnav i wanted to talk to you about something alone will be back soon (gesturing shivaay something and he understood)

S: bye I will be waiting

Soon Anika and arnav goes to nearby park and sat at one of the beach

A: you truly think me of your sister

Ar: offcourse Anika tell me what happen

A: then answer to my question honestly without hesitation ohk, I promise it will be between us only

Ar: ask what you want to know

A: are you and khushi are thing..?

Ar: no we are not dating (spoke immediately)

A: do you like her in romantic way?

Ar; umm.... (while Anika hold his hands assuring him) yes I do like her but i dont think she also like me

A: Why do you think like this my brother is cool, smart, handsome who won't fall for him

Ar: (signing) i don't know anu, I just don't have courage to ask her

A: arnav go and ask her we all are with you, don't wait for time you never know once time gone, may be you loose her (placing hands on his shoulder)

Ar: yup I will ask her soon, really soon

A: good let's go all would be waiting for us to have food

Soon they reach penthouse to see everyone munching there food and none waiting for the

A: what the hell (shouted)

M; what happen why are you shouting my ears will be blast

A: I thought you all would be waiting for us, so we came all running and here you all are munching your food without caring about anything

M: ohh we will eat with you also why you worry come you have heard that phrase "food wait for none"

A: (Hitting her head) its "time wait for none" not food idiot

S: sorry sunshine we all were very hungry and after game me and sis were too much hungry and couldn't wait

A: well then you all have eat come arnav let's eat what is there..

M: umm sorry babe but we were too hungry to left anything, soo basically there is nothing left

Anika's mouth was wide open listening this, she grab arnav hand and was going outside

S: where are you going sunshine

A: for getting some food in stomach as I am also daam hungry and I also have my brother who also played with you all soo he would be more hungry and as here food is not there we are going outside

M: really can I come with you I have tooo much space in my stomach

Listening to her everyone look at her with open mouth

S: after eating 4 roti, two bowl of rice 2 glass of juice and desert there is still place in your stomach, you have stomach or black hole?

M: my stomach my food what I can eat whatever I want you are you to stop me (accusing him)

A; well Mali you can't come its for me and arnav only common let's go I am hungry (glaring at everyone they left)


Finally here is your chapter give your love votes and infinity comments waiting for your response

Lots of love stay happy stay safe ❤❤❤


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