Ch 6

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Shivaay take Anika to some place near jungle as it was peaceful he sat on big stone while Anika sat near him and both were staring at Lake which was beautiful

After sometime Anika kept her hand on his hand and look at him to say

S: you know sunshine my family was never a happy family we struggled alot to come here at this point my mom,dad they are lovely person just they don't have time for me and my brother

There was a time we didn't have food for two times a day then my mom and dad started working hard and hard and in all this me and my brother couldn't get parents love

I am really blessed to have them they have done everything to make us live peacefully with luxury and my dadi she always loved us that was the only love we have but I miss them sunshine i really miss my parents

A: (not knowing what to say just hold his hand together tightly)

S: today they called me saying they are going on business trip and I have to take care of my brother I was fine but then they said then i want some answers sunshine why they said they are leaving they said to take care of everything but why they didn't ask about me, why they didn't said how I am feeling ,they never care what I feel what I want they just order and it always hurt and anger me

May be I have grown up but I also want the love and care which every parent give to there child am I wrong (with slight tears on his eyes)

A: no shivaay you are wrong and nor your parents are but situation is wrong i understand what you are feeling but you should not take this to heart they love you shivaay its just they never express but they surely love you thats why they are working hard right (carsing his face)

S: you know sunshine you are the best thats the reason I like you sooo much I really really like you

Listening to him Anika was shock while shivaay smile

S: you don't have to say it again if you don't like me its just I couldn't hold more I can wait for yo...

Anika hug him tightly while he hug her back

A: I do like you shivaay it's just I was shock

S: you know sunshine you are the only one girl who has this effect on me never anyone cross this line of heart and you just made a big place in my heart (kissing her forehead)

A: feelings are mutual shivaay (pecking his cheeks)

After that they both went to Cafe where everyone of there gang always sit and chit-chat always

They sat with each other while Malika gave them teasing grin Making them smile

M: is there something I am missing I mean I am having smell of it

S: yeah you and all missing this that we said each other that we like each other and will try where this goes

M: woah I was waiting for this day only finally Anika will become my bhabhi yayyyyyy (shouting on top of her voice Making Anika red tomato)

S: just shut up monkey seriously I should never tell you anything certified idiot

Malika glare him angrily and take tomato ketchup and throw on his face while shivaay get angry and throw cold coffee on her face and they both start fighting like cat and dog pulling each other's hairs and all sid was capturing everything in camera

Anika came in between and stop them

A: guysssss stop it are you both 5 who fight like this idiots apologize now (sternly)

S: sunshine she started

M: haww liar liar pants on fire you said me monkey

A: I said apologize or I won't talk to both of you (glaring)

S: just for you sunshine, sorry Ms malika (gritting teeth)

M: just for you ani, sorry Mr shivaay (gritting teeth)

And both took there bags and went to different directions while Anika faceplam herself and sid,khushi and arnva brust into laughter

Anika goes to her room and see Anika cursing pillow giving some pity on dear pillow she goes to malika and snatch it

A; why are you cursing him what pillow has down

M: that donkey threw cold coffee na see how I take revenge

A: but you were wrong na you threw ketchup

M: ohh so now you will take his side obviously now he is more important than your this dear lovely friend I understand (doing fake drama)

A: you idiot stop your drama or I won't order pizza for you (Listening to Anika malikas eyes widen and she give her all well smile)

M: ohhh you took on heart babe I love you only in best friends way you know na I am straight how can I make you angry you are my heart now Bring pizza please (making all cute faces )

A: I really doubt its just your height which increased you are still 5yr toddler (nodding her head in disbelief)

M: whatever now I want pizza, pizza pizza pizza (throwing her hand and legs saying like stubborn kid)

A: stop eating my head i am ordering (bell rang and she open the door to look everyone there )

S;  we brought pizza for everyone and coke and some French fries

He was saying only while one pizza box becomes disappear they all saw who took it and there malika was relishing her pizza like there is she and only pizza in world

Anika hit malikas head with paper while she ignore her and start eating again giving nothing importance

Soon everyone started eating pizza while talking and Malika was in her own world relishing pizza making everyone smile at her


Finally here is your chapter give your love votes and infinity comments waiting for your response

What did you all like in this chapter

Shivaays past has not been revealed fully there is many things way

How was shivaays past till now what are your views

Stay happy stay safe lots of love


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