6. Seven Days ((Lol))

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// Castiel's POV

Cas had begun packing some of his things. He hadn't really brought much, but he bought more than he should have.

In the end, he didn't see Dean last night. He had to call and reschedule for later today. Gabriel wasn't in the house either, he had gone to linger around the flower shop, in hopes of seeing Sam again.

Castiel folded more of his coats and placed them into the suit case. He grabbed photos he had taken and placed them in the pockets on the top of the case when his phone began to ring.

He picked it up from his bed and stared at the caller I.D. for a few seconds before answering.


"Hey, Cas! How's everything going?" The voice spoke through the phone.

"Everything's fine...I'm kinda busy packing, Balth. How are you?" Cas said, placing a hand on his hip and stared at all his scattered clothes.

"Good. Good. Sorry for calling like this. I was just wondering when I should pick you up from the airport."

"Balthazar, I don't leave for another seven days."

"I know I know! But Mom keeps calling me and asking. She's super worried about you coming back here safe." Balthazar blabbed.

"I'll be fine. I'll call her later or something."

"Alright, sounds good. I shall see you at the airport in seven days little brother! Adieu!" And the phone line went dead.

"You're not even french." Cas sighed and threw the phone back on the bed to continue packing.
After a few more stored items, his phone rang again.

Ready to tell Balthazar off again, Cas picked up the phone and answered.

"Balthazar, I said I would call mom later today so please ju-- "

"SAM'S NOT HERE!" Gabriel cried desperately through the phone. "Oh. Did Balthy call? He said mom was worried about your flight."

"Gabriel. Sorry...Yes Balth called. But what do you mean Sam's not there?" Cas sighed. As Gabriel begun to explain, Cas held the phone in place between his left shoulder and his ear, tilting his head to the side.

"As you know, I left the house to the flower shop in hopes of seeing my Sam-mate. That was like an hour ago. HE HASN'T SHOWN UP!"

Cas closed his eyes and sighed, lifting up a pair of jeans and folding them, his phone still balanced in the crook of his neck.

"Don't worry, Gabriel. I'm sure he'll be there soon. He did promise to take you somewhere didn't he?" Cas said, placing the jeans in the suitcase.

"Well...yes...but he didn't say when!" He whined.

"Gabriel please...just calm down..."

"But Cassie! I can't I-- hey what? What are you doing? Is that Cas? Hey gimme that!"

"Cas? Is that you?" Dean asked through Gabriel's phone.

"Dean? What-- how did you get Gabe's phone?"  Cas asked, taking the phone in his hands again.

"Don't worry about that, hon. When are you stopping by? You are stopping by, right?" Dean asked, the hope obvious in his voice.

Cas sighed and looked at his suitcase. It was almost full...and he did have a whole week until he left...he could procrastinate a little.

"I'm be there soon." He finally said.

"Oh goody! Thanks, babe, love you!" The line went dead.

"Love you too..." Cas mumbled and began searching for something decent to wear. He decided on a nice black and red jumper before putting on the hat and scarf Dean lent him, along with his coat.

He placed the phone in his pocket, grabbed his wallet and keys and headed for the door when-



// Dean's POV

"But where's Sam??¿¿?" Gabriel asked for the millionth time.

Dean rolled his eyes and placed flower pots in their designated areas. "Listen, I called him, okay? He'll be here."

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him and crossed his arms. "I've been following you for the past half hour. You did not call him."

Dean sighed and turned to look at him. "He'll be here, regardless."

"Dean! Your boyfriend's here!" Benny called from the front of the shop.

Dean's face lit up and he literally ran over there, leaving Gabriel with the pots.

"N-no! I'm not his boyfriend!" Cas was trying to explain to Benny.

"CAS!" Dean squealed and wrapped his arms around him tightly. Color bloomed through the shop and out the door. "You're wearing my beanie!"

"Not your boyfriend. Got it." Benny smirked.

"D-Dean! Please, get off me." Cas mumbled, grabbing Dean's arms in attempt to rip them off of him.

Dean chuckled and let him go, his smile never leaving his face. "How's your day going?"

Cas nodded slowly, taking his hat off. "It's alright. I started packing my things..."

"Wait, no! No no no! I still have a week left! Did your flight schedule change?!" Dean cried desperately, grabbing Cas' arms.

"No! I still leave in a week! Don't worry! I just like packing early." He explained.

Dean sighed in relief and started laughing. "'Man, I thought I lost you."

Cas smiled nervously and shook his head. "Not yet."

Dean smiled and dragged Cas back to where Gabriel was now doing Dean's job.

"Of course you would leave me here to do your work!" Gabriel accused. "Oh, hey Cassie."

Cas waved and Dean shook his head. "You didn't have to do that you know. I was coming back...you could've just left it there."

Gabriel shook his head and continued placing pots up on their labeled shelfs.

"Well...okay then. So, Cas. You're actually really early. My lunch isn't for another few hours." Dean sighed. "Sorry."

"Oh! No no! It's fine! It is totally okay, I'll hang around here for a while or the shops around the block." Cas said.

"Alrighty, Have fun." Dean smiled and kissed his cheek before wandering off to a different isle.

"Yeah...bye...get your magnificent green eyes away from me..." Cas said, between his teeth, smiling and waving at nothing.

"Dude." Gabriel whisper-yelled. "Snap out of it!"

Cas shook his head frantically and turned back around. "Wha-- sorry."

"Have you told him yet?"

"Told him what...?"

"That you can see color!" Gabriel yelled.

"SshhHHHHhHHh!" Cas whispered, placing a finger against his lips in silence and his other hand over Gabriel's mouth. "He might hear you!"

"Frrrrmmerrnmmr." Gabriel mumbled. Cas pulled his hand away and let his brother speak. "That's the point."

Cas sighed and straightened his jacket. "I'm gonna check out the other stores." He walked out of the shop and down the street.

Gabriel sighed and set the last pot. "I just had to finish fixing these."

+++++ a few moments later

"Dean! Sam's here!" Benny yelled.

"Alright I'm going!" Dean called and began looking for Gabriel.

"Gabe? Did you hear? Sam's here." He called. There was no answer.

"...I'm...over...here..." came the whisper.


"Over here...!" The whisper said again.

Dean walked around the different isles until he found Gabriel cowered in a corner.

"Gabriel, what are you doing? Come on!"

"I can't!" Gabriel whispered.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know! I just can't. I mean last time we saw each other, we touched...and there was color! But he didn't see any of it...what if he's my soulmate, but...I'm not his...?"

Dean sighed and leaned against the wall next to Gabriel.

"Listen, I don't think -- "

"Dean? Are you here?" Sam asked, turning down the isle in a large coat and black beanie. And in that moment, Gabriel changed completely.

He stood up quickly and leaned against the wall, any sign of nervousness leaving him.

"Hey, Sammich." He smirked. Two faced much?

"Hey, Gabriel." Sam smiled, waving.

"Hey, Sammy. What brings you here?" Dean asks, patting his brothers shoulder.

His cheeks darken the slightest bit and he clears his throat. "Oh I just um...wanted to see how business was going. Also, I promised Gabriel I would take him somewhere."

On the outside, Gabriel was smirking, his cheeks showing off the slightest amount of blush, but inside, he was jumping around and shaking because he was so nervous.

Dean looked towards Gabriel and nods. "Alright, well, I have to fix something somewhere so I'll give you two a moment. Er- Gabe, where did Cas go?"

"Oh, he um went to browse the other shops." Gabriel said, before continuing to stare into Sam's eyes.

Dean thanked him and ran away, leaving the moose and leprechaun alone.

"So, how's it going, Sam?" Gabe asks, walking closer to him.

Sam nods. "I'm good. How are you?"

"Well, still incredibly sexy and amazing in bed, if that's what your asking." Gabriel winked.

"Good. I mean...wanna grab some lunch...?" Sam stretches on.

Gabriel chuckled and nodded. "Sure."

"Lunch????????" They heard Dean ask from the isle next to them. "I'm off in like half an hour! Cas can come! It'll be like a double date!"

"Uhh..." Gabriel tried to decline the offer but Sam agreed and just smiled at him, and he knew he couldn't do anything else.

Great...now he had a double date with his brother and his soulmate...accompanied by his own soulmate, who probably doesn't know. Jesus this is terrible.




this is my first update of 2016


It took me forever I am so sorry. I have been trying to write but things aren't coming as quickly as they used to!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! How  do you guys think their double date will go? Hmmmm. Sorry for any hiccups.

Also, I started two new series this past month and a half. Arrow and The Flash.


I mean Olicity is one of my OTP's but Roliver is too and thEY BOTH MAKE ME SO MAD AND FRUSTRATED! I am Harper trash

Also The Flash is a giant mess of things. I cry.

If you haven't watched these two amazing shows yet, I suggest you do! But you have to watch The Flash after S2 of Arrow. That's just how the storyline fits in.

Anyways, enough ranting, goodbye my lovelies!

See you in my next update!

Also, I started watching this French animated show called Miraculous Ladybug and I am trash

ComeAlongHolmes_ *

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