Adrien's Birthday

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It was finally Adrien's Birthday and that day Marinette was overwhelmed with happiness.

Adrien's Pov.

Plagg:"It's your birthday boy. Happy Birthday sweet Adrien."
Gives him a nice chunk piece of camembert.

Adrien:"Thank you Plagg but please take away that huge piece of camembert. It stings in the morning."

Plagg:"What? I gave you the best present that I could give you."

Adrien:"Think of something else more wonderful than stinging piece camembert."

During Breakfast

Adrien:"Natalie is my father still working."

Natalie:"Yes Adrien."

Adrien:"Did he agree to the birthday party that I told him last night."

Natalie:"I'm afraid but he doesn't like your idea of celebrating your birthday."

Adrien:"But I just asked once. He never allows me to do what I want. When will he be free I wanna talk to him myself."

Marinette's Pov.

Marinette:"Tikki it's the day. It's Adrien's birthday. I am so excited about it."

Tikki:"Try telling him this time how you feel about him and don't forget to give him his present."

Marinette:"Tikki thanks for the reminder it is his birthday and I just forgot to take the present."

Gets down and ready to leave for school.

Sabine:"Marinette don't forget to clean your room today."

Marinette:"Could you please do it for me this time mom."

Sabine:"I can definitely do it for you and if I find any of your secrets don't blame me."

Marinette:"Leave it mom I'll do it myself."

At school

Alaya:"You can do it girl. Give him your present and tell him how you feel."

Marinette:"I can do it."

Adrien gets down from his car and Nino hugs him.

Nino:"Happy Birthday Dude."

Adrien:"Thanks Nino."

Chloè comes and also wishes him and asks did she receive her present.
Adrien frankly replies no.

Marinette could not giver her the gift.

Nino:"Did your father agree to your birthday party."


Nino:"I'll come with you and talk to him about the party."

At Agreste Mansion

Nino:"Mr. Agreste  I just want to know what's your problem with celebrating your son's birthday."

Gabriel:"I'm not answerable for that question young man."

Nino:"But please let him celebrate his birthday. It's only once a year."

Gabriel:"I can decide what's good for Adrien and what is not.
If your work is done you may leave."

Adrien:"I'm sorry Nino but he's like that."

Nino:"No problem Dude. I'll go to the park."

In the meantime Marinette came to give Adrien his present that she had made.
But as she was not allowed to go inside she gave the present in the message box as directed by Natalie.

But unfortunately she had forgot to sign in it.

In The Park

Nino:"Elders are just so nosy at times. They don't know what's good for us and not."

Hawk Moth:"I feel a young man is angry on the elders. It is the perfect prey for my akuma.
Fly away my little akuma and evilise that angered man."

Gets akumatized!

Hawk Moth:"Bubbler I give you the power to punish the elders and celebrate your best friend's birthday."

Bubbler:"You can count on me Hawk Moth."

Bubbler in just a fraction of seconds captured all the elders in bubbles and sended them high up in sky.

Marinette's Pov.

Alaya:"Girl did you sign on the gift that you gave him?"

Marinette:"Alaya I don't remember if I had signed or not."

Alaya:"What you gave a gift to Adrien without signing on it. How can you forget such a important thing."

Just as they were talking Marinette saw her parents were captured in bubbles and were floating high up in the sky.

Marinette:"Who did that."

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