Lukanette {Part 4}

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It was finally the weekend and Marinette was excited for the hangout party with Luka and her friends.

Marinette:"It's finally the day Tikki. I was waiting for this day so eagerly."

Tikki:"It's the hangout party you and Luka decided and all of your friends will come including Adrien and excluding Chloè."

Marinette:"Yeah. I'm so excited and I just can't wait for the evening."

Tikki:"Time flies by Marinette. Evening will come very fast you just need to wait patiently."

It was finally evening

Marinette was getting dressed. She had a few options to wear.

She decided to wear the white dress.

Now it was time for deciding the shoes.

Marinette thought of wearing boots.

Marinette:"Perfect. Now let's get going Tikki"

Tikki:"Marinette you are looking wonderful."

Marinette:"Thank you so much Tikki."

At Luka's House

Marinette:"Hey! Guys"

All of them:"Hey! Marinette. How are you."

Marinette:"I'm fine. Have you all seen Luka."

Alaya:"He is still in his room. He hasn't come out of his room yet."

Marinette:"Ohk. I'll go speak with him in his room."

Marinette goes to Luka's room.

Alex:"Marinette is surely falling for Luka."

Mylene:"I think you're right."

Rose:"They'll look so cute together."

Alaya:"I don't think she's falling for Luka. I know Marinette very well. She still has a crush on Adrien."

Marinette with Luka

Marinette:"Hi Luka! What's up?"

Luka:"Oh hi there Marinette. I was just waiting for you."

Marinette:"Why were you waiting for me?"

Luka:"Did I say to you yet that you're looking gorgeous. I can't help myself I really do wanna kiss you right now."

Marinette:"Really! Do you think it will be right to kiss. I mean lot of people are present here and we might get caught."

Luka:"Leave that to me. We will lock the door and have some nice time for some time and then we'll join the others."

Marinette:"Ok. Let's see if that works."

Luka pins Marinette against the wall and kisses hee fiercely.


Just as she was about to scream Luka again puts his lips on Marinette's lip. And they share another kiss.

Luka has now lifted Marinette on his lap and they are kissing like theres no tomorrow.

Luka is now kissing Marinette on her neck,earlobe.

The final kiss lasts like for an eternity.

They clean up and comes out of Luka's room. By that time Adrien had also arrived.

Marinette served everyone with juices and Luka served delicious sandwiches.

Everyone just enjoyed the delicious sandwiches made by Luka and Marinette's delicious apple juice.

Time was just flying by as they all were talking and playing wonderful games like truth and dare.

The pencil this time pointed towards Marinette.

Alaya:"Truth or dare Marinette."

Marinette:"Ummm! Dare."

Alaya:"Go to a private room with Adrien and share something romantic and as a proof we want a picture."

Marinette:"Are you kidding Alaya."

Alaya:"Go do it girl."

Marinette and Adrien went into a private room.

Adrien:"Well why don't we have some fun before clicking a picture."

Marinette:"What type of fun?"

Adrien:"Like kissing in different parts and having some kinky fun."

Marinette:"Yeah yeah."

Adrien pins Marinette against the door and lays a number of kisses over her lips, earlobe,neck and cheeks.

Adrien carries Marinette over the bed and drops her in the bed and kisses like a 100 times.

The final kiss was bland and they just clicked a selfie of them kissing.

The next time the pencil was pointing towards Luka.

Nino:"Truth or dare Luka."


Nino:"Whom do you love the most in this room."

Luka:"I'm not sure but I think I love Marinette the most in this room."

Like this they kept on playing until 8:00pm.

Nino:"Guys I think it's getting late. We should now head out."

Adrien:"I think you're right.
I'll drop Marinette as her house is a bit far away."

Marinette:"Marinette bid Luka Fare well."
Luka:"Meet you soon Marinette."

Marinette:"Meet you soon too."

Marinette and Adrien boarded the car.
Adrien:"I shouldn't have kissed you that way."

Marinette:"No it's fine. I don't mind that and it was a bit fun too."

[This the end of Lukanette Part 4. I hope you guys loved reading this part. Comments and votes are highly appreciated.]

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