Stoneheart is defeated

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Ladybug is quite tensed as its her first day as ladybug and she has to save whole of Paris and she  is quite clumsy herself so she's fearing that she might do some thing wrong.So Ladybug goes to the terrace of her home to try her Yo-yo.
As she is new as a Ladybug she is facing some difficulties first but eventually she will be a customed with the features of the Yo-yo and her lucky charm.

She throws the Yo-yo and it gets attached to a few metres or kilometres from her house.

While she reaches some distance from her home and she screams.

After reaching she meets the Black Cat.

Black Cat:"I'm still learning the features of my stick.Hi!My name is ...What was it?Yeah!My kwami said that my name is Cat Noir.You must be my partner as said by my Kwami.What's your name?"

(We will now call as Ladybug as Red bug till stone heart is defeated.)

Red bug :"Ahh my name?I didn't figure out my name yet.Now just call me Red bug and I'm also learning also how to use my Yo-yo ".

Cat Noir:"Ok Red bug."
They uses their yo-yo and stick to go to the place where Stoneheart had went.

Cat Noir was ahead of Red Bug as she was thinking whether she was doing the right thing or not.

As they reached the place Cat Noir went to fight with the villain and Red Bug was standing at the audience seat and was trembling.Suddenly Alaya called out her and said "What are thinking Red Bug go and save that boy and help your partner."That few words gave her the power to fight and she catches Kim as Stoneheart threw him and said "Now you have to fight both of us cuz I'm not going backing away again."

Red Bug catches Kim on time and then black cat starts to fight with Stoneheart.

But till that time everyone knew that if we hit Stoneheart with some he becomes more stronger and taller in height.

After keeping Kim from a safe distance from Stoneheart both Red bug and Cat Noir fights the villain.

Stoneheart catches both of them and throws them at a very high speed.

As they are thrown and they land inside of a goal post.
Cat Noir says "you don't my power.I can just destroy in just a minute".

Stoneheart:"If you can destroy me then try to destroy me."

Cat Noir:"Cataclysm"
He uses his power in goal post to show Red bug that he has a wonderful power and says "see I have such a wonderful power.Now see Stoneheart how I defeat you."

Red Bug:"No Cat Noir.Don't!!!!"

Now Cat Noir runs towards Stone heart and as he touches his foot nothing happens and instead Stoneheart grows bigger in size.

Red Bug somehow manages to pull Cat Noir back with her yo-yo.

Red Bug:"Don't you know that you can use your power once and then you have only five minutes left before you transform.Did'nt your kwami tell you anything."

Cat Noir:"I guess my kwami would have told me but I was quite excited as I was going to be a superhero."

Red Bug:"Now I have to use my lucky charm."
'Lucky Charm!'

Red bug gets a human shaped water balloon.
"What shall I do with this.Well I'll figure out later. "

As she was looking at her surroundings she figured out what to do.

Stoneheart by that time threw the goal post toward Alaya and she screamed "Helppp"

Cat Noir throws his stick towards Alaya and she is saved.

Cat Noir says "We don't even know where his akuma is hiding and he is fully made up of stone."Red Bug says "See,Why does he never opens his right hand it's just like the Russian dolls.The akuma must be there."

She finally figures out what to do with her Lucky Charm and points at a pipe.

Cat Noir says "How can you defeat him with this."She says "Just trust me."

She wraps her yo-yo around Cat Noir's legs and throws him towards Stoneheart and Stoneheart catches him. Next she runs towards Stoneheart and Stoneheart also catches her.She calls out to Alaya and says "Quickly open the tap over there." Alaya does as she was said by Ladybug.

The human shaped water balloon inflates as the tap is opened and stone heart drops both of them along with the akumatized paper ball.

As they fall Red bug breaks the akumatized object and stone hear turns back to Ivan.

Red Bug and Cat Noir puts their fists together and says "POUND IT" and Red Bug says that you're about transform back and our indentites should remain a secret.Cat Noir says "Ok Red Bug"and leaves.

Red Bug reads the note that Ivan had "You don't have the guts to tell Mylene that you love her".She hands back the note to Ivan and Ivan says "It's written by Kim.He always likes to make fun of me."Red Bug says "Theres no problem in loving someone."

Alaya says to Red Bug "You were awesome out there...Hm What should we call you?"Red Bug says "From now on you all can call me Ladybug".
Alaya replies"You're awesome Ladybug".She bits everyone good bye and leaves.

At dinner time the news was showing that the Mayor of Paris will be hosting a party to welcome their new superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir.

But just after that the news started showing that the akuma had been haunting people all over Paris and turning innocent people into statues of Stoneheart.

(Finally Stoneheart is defeated but a lot is still left for Ladybug and Cat Noir.Keep reading to find out how they defeat all the villains and saves Paris)

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