Chapter 2

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10 minutes later~

Shui: Ugh~hmm

Kyoya: Hey, wake up

Madoka: Hey, let her wake on his own, he is sore

Kyoya: Ok

Shui: *slowly opens her eyes*


Gingka: Hey, can you hear me?

Shui: Ugh

Toby: Wow, she has crimson eyes

Zeo: Yeah!!

Kenta: What is your name?

Kyoya: What were you doing there?

Gingka: What happened?

Toby: Who did that, was it Ryuga?

Zeo: What is your phone company?

Masamune: Your bey is rare, what kind of bey is it?

Shui: //thinking: what the hell//

Madoka: Let her get up, and don't ask her that many questions at the same time. So What is your name and where do you stay?

Shui: Um... Hi, my name is Shui Kurenai, I live in Beigoma and I am one of the Supreme 4. Also a member of WBBA, so who are you all?

Masamune: So what was that logo on your shirt?

Shui: Huh? Oh, that logo, it is WBBA's logo, aren't you all bladers?

Madoka: How can this be possible and where do you stay?

Shui: Beigoma

Madoka: Where is that?

Shui: Japan

Kyoya: Please don't play with us, there is no such place like that and no WBBA logo

Toby: What happened?

Shui: I was battling Lui while a black hole kinda thing sucked me and brought me here

Everyone: What!!!

Shui: Yes, I guess I am from another world

Yu: You must be playing with us this can't be

Masamune: So on which planet do you stay?

Shui: Earth for sure

Kyoya: Okay, so battle me, your bey is interesting what is its name?

Shui: Um... thanks and my bey's name is Spryzen, it is a balance type bey

Kyoya: Spryzen, huh?

Shui: Btw, can you all introduce yourself?

Madoka: Oh yeah, for sure, my name is Madoka

Shui: ^_^

Kenta: I am Kenta

Shui: Hi

Kyoya: Kyoya

Shui: oh ^_^'

Gingka: My name is Gingka, Gingka Hagane

Shui: Oh Hi Gingka

Masamune: Hi!!!!! My name is Masamune

Shui: Ohh, Hi

Toby: Toby

Shui: Hi!

Zeo: Me Zeo

Shui: Oh Zeo

Yu: Me Yu

Shui: Hi, kiddo

Tsubasa: I am Tsubasa, nice to meet you

Shui: Hi, Tsubasa

Tsubasa: //Thinking: I guess she will take my spotlight//

Shui: So, do you want to battle Kyoya

Gingka: How did you memorize our names so fast? I can never do that

Shui: Oh, thanks Gingka

Madoka: I guess you should rest, you are not well, It would be better if you rest for 2 days

Shui: Hmm

Kyoya: So in your Earth, who are the best bladers?

Shui: Free De La Hoya, Lui Shirosagi, Valt Aoi, Lane Valhalla, and Me

Kyoya: Really

Shui: I can show you the chart *shows the chart*

*chart positions*

Free: No. 1

Lui: No. 1

Shui: No. 1

Valt: No. 3

Lane: No. 2

(Free, Lui, and Shui, three of them are legendary and the strongest bladers, so everyone comes at the No. 1 position)

Kyoya: Wow!

Gingka: You're really strong, I want to battle you

Shui: Our beys must be different but it will be fun

Masamune: Just can't wait for you to get well soon

Shui: Thanks!! I really miss home

Gingka: Hey, you Lui is also one of the best bladers, so please show us his pic

Everyone except for Shui and Kyoya: Please!!

Kyoya: You can show me

Shui: Ok, I will show you all

*Shui's Phone*

Shui: This is Lui 

Gingka: Ooo, He is sweating so much

Shui: Btw, I sweated more than that

Shui: These are my best friends, that blue-haired boy is Valt and that red one is Xander, just his height is larger, he is of our age.

Yu: Ohh

Tsubasa: Really, What a friendship

Toby: It looks like a course like? Shui is me, Valt is Masamune and Xander is Zeo

Zeo: Yes

Masamune: Yeah, you are right

Shui: *laughs* Both of them squiz me a lot

Masamune: Really 

Shui: But because of Xander I was able to play the last round, he pressed a pressure point on my shoulder. After the match, I fainted at him

(This is season 1 episode 15)

Shui: Hmm

Masamune: You have such good friends

Kyoya: Really

Shui: Thanks!!

Madoka: Now everyone come, I made food for you all

Everyone: coming

Shui: If you all want I can cook dinner for you all

Kyoya: Really, you know how to cook

Shui: Of course, I live alone in an apartment, my mom and dad are always busy

Gingka: I feel sad for you

Shui: Hmm... I barely see them

Madoka: I can understand, and yes you can cook but I will help you

Shui: I don't need but thanks, I will make Spaghetti

(Shui (Me): Whoever wants to eat my special Spaghetti then come and order here)

Madoka: Ok

Madoka: Hehe

Gingka: So, it is final that you will cook

Shui: Yes














- To Be Continued

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Stay Home Stay Safe ... Bye Bye!!

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