Chapter Fourteen: Ignition

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Mercer: [On Radio] General, this is Sentinel two three. Tracker has been successfully placed on the target.

General: [On Radio] Copy that two three. We've got Pandora in the crosshairs now. Projected destination is Rio Gallegos Air Base.

General: [On Radio] If Saul is planning a strike anywhere in the hemisphere, this would represent an ideal staging point.

General: [On Radio] Our only option is intercept Pandora in international airspace and forced a controlled landing. Coordinates for mid air rendezvous to follow.

Mercer: [On Radio] Roger that, I've got a team suiting up now.

General: [On Radio] It's a big step Mercer. You'll be hitting Atlas directly, no more working from the shadows.

July 25 2025 [Few hours Later]

The team along with Mercer were using the archwing as they were navigating through the fog until they saw the pandora flying as the team began flying towards the cargo ship and Mercer spoke to the General.

Mercer: General, this is Sentinel two three. We're close to the Pandora.

General: [On Radio] Copy that Sentinel two three, Your primary objective is the cargo.

Mercer: [On Radio] Affirmative, General. We will rendezvous with Guardian Five at the drop point and secure the cargo.

The team along with Mercer continued flying towards the Pandora as they activated the mag grips on their hands.

They continued flying towards the Pandora as they made it to the planes wings.

Alex, Benjamin and Anne were at the right wing of the plane as Michael, Chris and Jack were on the left wing of the plane. They used the mag grips and continued crawling as they spoke to each other.

Benjamin: Watch the winds.

Anne: Use the mag grips to steady yourself.

The team continued crawling towards the wing as they placed a plasma cutter on the wings of the pandora.

Michael: Charges have been set.

Jack: Alright, let's activate the charges.

Chris: Three. . . Two. . . One. Activate the charges!

The team activated the plasma cutter as it began cutting the wings of the pandora as they were looking at it.

Suddenly the plane began shaking as the team were using the mag grips to hold on as they saw the wings of the pandora were destroyed.

There was a drone on top of the pandora as it was holding the plane and activated the parachutes as the team were speaking to the General on the radio.

Benjamin: General, Cargo is heading towards the drop point.

General: [On Radio] Copy that. Guardian five is in on the ground, ready to receive.

Jack: Any word on Atlas?

General: [On Radio] We're tracking their orbital platform. No movements yet.

Anne: I don't trust this, let's stay alert.

Chris: Knowing them, they're already a step ahead of us.

Michael: Let's be careful and see what happens.

The pandora began slowly descended as the team were following the plane until the pandora landed on Darwin Glacier, Antarctica.

The team landed on the ground as they deactivated the archwings and fixed their suits and began looking at the plane.

The team along with Mercer and other sentinel operatives began walking towards the pandora as they opened the hatch. Suddenly multiple Atlas soldiers began shooting at them but they managed to neutralise the hostiles.

The team saw the crates as the sentinel operatives got the crates and began transporting it towards the warship which was called Guardian five.

Mercer: Alright, after we load up the cargo. Let's get out of here.

General: [On Radio] All units be advised. We've picked up an Atlas QRF on approach. Drop pods are inbound on your position.

Suddenly multiple drops pods landed on the ground as multiple Atlas soldiers began shooting at them as they all took cover and began shooting at them.

The team along with Mercer began shooting at the hostiles as the sentinel operatives were transporting the cargo towards guardian five.

The team were protecting the operatives from the enemy as they continued taking down the hostiles until the operatives said something to the team.

Sentinel Operative: Cargo has been secured.

Mercer: Get out of here now!

Pilot: [On Radio] Roger that. We're lifting off.

Guardian five began lifting off as the team noticed something as they saw what it was.

Michael: They have an AST!

The AST began firing at the team but they managed to take cover. The AST saw guardian five were gonna fly away until the AST began firing multiple rockets at the warship, destroying it.

Pilot: [On Radio] We've been hit! We lost stabilisers!

The AST fired multiple rockets at the team as the explosion sent them back as they were on the ground. The team were struggling to get up until the ice began to break and then. . .

The team began flying until they landed on the ground as darkness surrounded them. The team managed to get up and spoke to each other.

Mercer: Is everyone alright?

Chris: Never better. We have to get back up.

Anne: We have to make our way towards guardian five.

Jack: If Atlas captures the cargo then we'll never know what Manticore is.

Benjamin: I'm trying to contact the General, signals too weak.

Michael: We have to head back to the surface to get contact.

Mercer: Alright, let's keep moving.

The team grabbed their weapons and continued making their way through the cave. They continued moving until they noticed Atlas soldiers walking around as they began firing at the hostiles.

Anne shot three hostiles in the head as another atlas soldier was gonna attack her but she managed to take down the enemy.

Anne shot the hostile in the head as the team continued firing at the hostiles.

Benjamin shot three hostiles in the head as another atlas soldier was gonna attack him but he took down the enemy.

Benjamin shot the hostile in the face as the team continued firing at the atlas soldiers.

Michael shot three hostiles in the head as another atlas soldier was gonna attack him but he managed to take down the enemy.

Michael shot the hostile in the face as the team continued firing at the enemies.

Chris shot three hostiles in the face as another atlas soldier was gonna attack him but he managed to take down the enemy.

Chris shot the hostile in the face as the team continued firing at the hostiles.

Jack shot three hostiles in the face as another atlas soldier tried to attack him but he managed to take down the enemy.

Jack shot the hostile in face as the team continued firing at the enemies.

Alex shot three hostiles in the face as another atlas soldier was gonna attack him but he managed to take down the enemy.

The area was cleat as the team continued making their way towards the surface. The team were walking on a ice bridge until an AST jumped down and began firing at the group.

The team destroyed the ice bridge as the AST fell down and the team jumped towards the other side as the team managed to get up and continued making their way towards the surface.

The team made it to the surface as they saw smoke in the distance and continued making their way there.

The team eventually made it to the crash site as they saw some Atlas soldiers transporting the cargo into the warship as the team spoke to each other.

Benjamin: Dammit, they got the cargo.

Chris: We need to stop them. We can't let them get away.

Anne: There's too many of them but we have to take them down.

Mercer: There's a sniper. I'll use the sniper to shoot down the hostiles.

Micheal: The rest of us will head down and take down the soldiers.

Jack: We need to hurry or we will lose them.

The team jumped down and began firing at the soldiers as Mercer was shooting some of the hostiles using a sniper rifle.

Some time has passed and all the hostiles have been eliminated. Suddenly an avalanche was happening as the team got a sample of Manticore and jumped towards the extraction chopper as the chopper began flying away from Antarctica and Mercer spoke to the team.

Mercer: We got a sample of Manticore. Let's head back to HQ and analyse it.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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