Chapter Sixteen: Collapse

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October 23 2025 [Two Months Later]

Two months have passed since Sentinel destroyed Manticore. They have been trying to collect evidence for the last two months in order to arrest Saul and shut down Atlas. However Saul was smart and destroyed all the evidence about what he has done for the last four years.

The team also spoke to their loved ones and they were glad that the team were alright and hoped they will meet each other again. The loved ones also told the team to take care of themselves.

Right now, Saul Matthews was at the United Nations as he began his speech and everyone was listening to what he was gonna say.

Saul: I am honored to be the first CEO of a private corporation to become a member of the United Nations Security Council.

Everyone began clapping for him as Saul was looking at them before he continued his speech.

Saul: Unfortunately, my appearance today has been clouded by speculations that my company is developing a weapon capable of mass destruction. I want to address these allegations head on.

Everyone was silent as Saul said something and everyone was listening to him.

Saul: Are we developing such a weapon? No we are not. . . . Because we've already developed it.

Everyone was shocked by what Saul said as Matthews continued speaking.

Saul: But with all due respect. The United Nations is a relic from a different time when nations were unique in their ability to solve the world's problems. But that just isn't the case anymore.

Everyone was silent as Saul was staring at them until Matthews said something to them.

Saul: Primarily because you have outsourced that job to me. I have sent people to die in your battles. So I feel uniquely qualified to tell you, your battles don't work! Which is why my priorities have changed from profits to policy.

Everyone was silent as Saul was staring at them and continued his speech as everyone was listening to him.

Saul: Because the world doesn't know how to solve their problems, but I do.

Matthews continued staring at everyone until he finished his speech.

Saul: So let's be clear. I am here to solve the world's problems and I believe the world's problems. . . begin with you.

Meanwhile at the Sentinel Headquarters, the team along with Mercer were watching the video footage of Saul's speech as they were talking about it.

Chris: I can't believe this.

Michael: Saul is declaring on the entire world.

Anne: But we destroyed Manticore. Without it, Atlas doesn't stand a chance.

Benjamin: Guys, you need to see this!

The team were looking at Benjamin and Jack as they began speaking to them.

Jack: I cracked the encryption on the last set of uploads.

Mercer: What did you find?

Jack: This.

Benjamin: These are potential targets. Saul had a fallback plan if Atlas was ever backed into a corner.

Chris: A preemptive strike. He's gonna try and knock us out before the fight has even begun.

Anne: Saul has gone crazy. We need to stop that lunatic.

Jack: What's the plan? No way Atlas can hit all of them at once.

The team were looking at the map until they managed to find the location of the first attack as they spoke to each other.

Michael: The first attack is happening in San Francisco.

Mercer: We need to stop the attack! Everyone, we're going to San Francisco.

October 24 2025 [ 8:25 a.m]

The team were inside a armoured car as they were getting their weapons ready and were monitoring around the checkpoint while speaking to Mercer on the radio.

Mercer: [On Radio] Everyone, report in.

Benjamin: So far everything is clear. I already don't trust this.

Jack: We'll continue monitoring the checkpoint and give you updates if something happens.

Mercer nodded as the team continued monitoring the checkpoint until a van quickly drove past the checkpoint as the team immediately started the vehicle and began chasing the van.

Mercer: [On Radio] What happened?

Michael: A van just drove past the checkpoint. We're in pursuit!

Mercer: [On Radio] There could be anything in that van. Pursue but do not engage.

Chris: [Looks at the scanner] We have a problem. Three vehicles just broke the checkpoint. They're heading our way.

Anne: They were hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike. We need to stop them.

Suddenly three hostile vehicles began shooting at the team as the team began firing at them. Suddenly the hostiles shot rockets at the armoured vehicle but the team managed to dodge the attacks as multiple explosions were seen.

The team managed to destroy three hostile vehicles as multiple Atlas vehicles began surrounding the team and the team began firing at the hostiles.

The team continued taking down multiple Atlas vehicles until. . . .

The team were holding on as they managed to destroy eight hostile vehicles as the team continued chasing the van until they made it to the golden gate bridge.

Mercer: [On Radio] All units, we have multiple Atlas vehicles converging on the bridge! We need reinforcements!

Suddenly one truck hit the armoured vehicle causing the car to hit another van on the bridge. The team were in pain as they kicked down the doors and exited the vehicle.

Jack: Is everyone alright?

The team said to each other that they were fine as they continued speaking.

Michael: The armoured car is destroyed. We need to move on foot.

Anne: That's right. Come on, we're almost at the van.

The team continued moving forward as multiple Atlas soldiers began shooting at them as they took cover and began firing at them.

Chris: Multiple mini gunners are surrounding us.

Benjamin: Their armour is too strong. We need to use incendiary rounds.

The team began firing incendiary bullets at the mini gunners along with the other hostiles as all of them were neutralised.

The team continued moving through the bridge as they were getting close to the van and spoke to each other.

Jack: We spotted the van.

Alex: Wait. Two Atlas soldiers are exiting the vehicle.

The team made it to the van and the Atlas soldiers surrendered as multiple police officers along with Sentinel operatives arrested them and the team began walking towards the van.

Mercer: [On Radio] Open the van. Let's see what's inside.

The team nodded and opened the doors of the van as they stepped back and saw what it was.

Sentinel Operative: Drones! Take them out!

Suddenly the van exploded as everyone went back until they saw multiple drones flying towards the cables of the bridge and attached themselves on the cables.

The team along with the officers and Sentinel operatives were gonna shoot the drones until. . . .

Everyone was shocked as the bridge began to collapse as everyone began running away until multiple explosions were seen at the bridge as the team continued running until. . .

The team were holding on as they continued running until they saw multiple sentinel extraction choppers as Mercer was shouting at the team to get to the chopper.

The team continued running as they saw multiple sentinel operatives along with officers getting inside the chopper as the team made it to the chopper and the extraction chopper began flying away as the team saw the destroyed bridge.

A/N: Thanks for reading and stay cool :)

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