!! HEYO !!

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Hey my beautiful/handsome readers!

In this world of sorrows, love, sadness, jealousy, happiness and thousands of feelings that can't be named, poems are a way of expressing things your conscious mouth cannot express with words. 

So here I have a collection of poems written by me. Some are short like couplets, some maybe long (where you may need some patience to handle my stupidity;) )

Also to make this a little more interesting I have decided to add something interesting to this. After every poem that I post, what I challenge you to do is to try and comprehend what I am trying to say , express your views and also if you can guess(though I am sure many won't be able to but hey what's the harm in trying, let's see how much we are connected.) , from where  or from which book, movie, TV show, scene or anything I got the motivation to write that poem. And that is because my poetry are generally,(P.S. NOT ALWAYS) based on something that effects me a little to much . 

SO yeah let's see how much we understand words, and in how many millions of ways people can comprehend the same words.

#diversityinunity #poetry #worldofwords


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