Chapter 10

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If it's not you it's not anyone~ 💌

× JiHo Pov ×

"What a pleasant weather today! I feel the day is will be good for us. What do you think Noona?" I asked as I looked the view of busy street and bright sky from the huge glass window of the cafe.

Reciving such a short reply I turned around with a frown and saw Noona who was busy completing an order and was in a haste "What happened Noona? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Jiho-ya I quickly have to finish this order and after that I have to return a book to the Library where Jane works because it's the last day today or else I'll be charged a fine" she said as she continued her task but here my heart made an abnormal flip after the mention of Jane's name.

"Uh.. Noona.. why to worry when you have me? If you're gonna do so much hurry you won't be satisfied with your work and then you'll be sulking the entire day about how you didn't met up your coustomers expectations, you finish with order while I'll return the book for you.. No issues" I said as I smiled at her

"You will? Oh thank you Jiho-ya! You're a life saver.. I owe you this one" She said as relief spread across on her face and I chuckled and replied
"If not me then who will? And don't worry you don't owe me anything.. I'm glad I came as a help, now tell me which book you have to return?"

"It's the one kept in my Tote Bag named 'The Long Game' okay? And tell Jane of why I couldn't come to meet her" She said and I nodded my head as yes and went to the kitchen fetch the book from her bag.

I took out the book and placed it neatly in a bag and packed some Red Velvet Cookies for Jane that I made in the morning.. She loves them.

"Bye Noona I'm leaving." I said before leaving
"Go safe!" Came her reply and I smiled, Aera noona is the best human on this planet.

Jane's library is not much far from our cafe, just a 15 minutes distance so I just decided to walk. The thought of meeting Jane sparked a new energy within me. I still remember when Noona introduced me to her for the first time, and I felt an instant connection. Day by day I started falling more for her and I love her very much, but I know the sad fact that this is only sided and will remain unchanged.

Jane knows about me liking her but she doesn't want to be in a relationship and I completely respect that, there's a past of her that has scratched deep wounds in her heart which makes her doubt every relation. I don't know what is it or how old is it.. but my love for her will remain the same no matter if she loves me back or not. I won't force her for anything, I'm ready to be in any relationship with her even if it's just acquaintances as long as I get to see her. My one.

I was lost in my thoughts and realised that I have finally reached the library, it's not that big just a medium cozy space with vintage vibes which makes someone to read here entire day. I went inside and saw her sitting at the reception while noting something in the register. Her focused eyes behind those glasses looking as enchanting as they always do while her brown wavy hairs tied in a ponytail.

"Hey!" I said as I stood in front of her and she looked up a bit surprised by seeing me cuz I'm not a library person.
"Hi Jiho.. what brings you here?" She asked

"Um.. I actually came to return the book Noona borrowed from the library, she was quite busy today so I offered to deliver it here" I said and handed her the book as she noted in the register.
"And these are for you Noona sent them.." I lied as I handed her the cookies because I didn't wanted to be the creep one sided lover who keeps disturbing the girl by sending her stuffs and as far as I know her she wouldn't have accepted it too.

"Thank you" she smiled and continued "it's a rule of the library that once you borrow a book you yourself have to place it back in the shelf, but since you don't know much about this place so come let me help you" she said as she took the book and went inside as I followed her from behind.

As we went inside there were around 5-6 big shelves for books and two tables kept at the end where few people where reading silently.

"Why books Jane?" I asked on our way to Romance section and I could feel her smiling at my question even tho her back was facing me.

"Because they are much better that humans. They might not listen to you but they give the best advice and I feel a sense of comfort and happiness as I'm near them. So yeah that's why books" she turned around and smiled at me which I reciprocated.

We reached the section as she kept the book back in it's place as we were about to leave, a small Spider landed near her hand and Jane let out a scream in fear before I could grasp what was happening she was in my arms.

I felt as if my heartbeat stopped for a second as I found her hugging me as she cluched on my shirt due to fear.
"I- it's okay Jane.. the Spider's gone you can relax now" I said trying my best not to shutter due to the proximity but failed. After a few seconds she realised what position we were in and she quickly released me and I let out an internal groan due to the loss of her warmth.

"I.. I am really sorry, I just kinda freaked out because it came out of nowhere.. I'm really really sorry" she said as she looked down but that didn't stopped me from noticing the crimson coated on her cheeks.
"It's okay.. come let's go" I said as we left the library with thick wave of awkwardness surrounding us.

•  •  •

+ Aera pov +

Thanks to JiHo who went to return my book so that I could finish this order on time. I looked at the final results and I was satisfied with it so I quickly packed it in a box and gave it to coustomer who was here to pick it up. "Thank you and shop again" I smiled as they paid the money and left.

"One blueberry cheesecake please" I looked up and saw another customer who was a girl in her teens, she's our regular coustomer so I easily recognised her.
"Do you want a takeout or would you eat it here?" I asked
"Uh.. eat it here" she replied and kept glancing behind me as she was looking for someone but I decided not to pay attention and I muttered an okay and was about to go in the kitchen to take the dish when she stopped me.

"Uh.. unnie.."
"Yes?" I asked as I saw her playing with her fingers in nervousness
"Where is Ji-Jiho oppa?" She managed to say as her entire face turned red.

"JiHo is out due to some work he'll be back after some time.. why?"
"Uh nothing.. thank you I'll sit there." She said pointing at the table nearby and went to sit there.

I went inside and chuckled while removing the dishes. Girl's and their crushes, it itself is a different phase of liking someone not that I've ever experienced it, apart from Fictional men.

Speaking of Fictional Men reminds me of certain doe eyed whom I haven't read in a while. No matter how many times I read 'Temptation' I still can't get enough of him even tho I've sworn to not to obsess much.

I shooed my thoughts away and focused on doing final touches to cheesecake. And kept in on the table where girl was sitting and was playing with her phone.

"Hi Noona I'm back" JiHo said as he entered inside and I saw the girl who was staring at him as he's the finest piece of art in a museum.

"You gave her the book?" I asked and he nodded as yes.
"Thank you so much. Really"
"Don't be so, it's not a big deal" he smiled and replied.
"Noona, I've to do some baking in the kitchen with the new recipe I'm inventing so I'll be inside, call me of you have any work okay?" He said and I nodded my head and he left.

•  •  •

+ Jungkook Pov +

"Welcome to Seoul all the passangers heading for downtown please take left" 

I opened my eyes as I heard the announcement. Seoul.. real world... I'm here???
But how am I supposed to find her? I thought as I felt something in my hand and saw a note I didn't knew I was clutching which said

'The Bakery Box
5th Street of Sun, Seoul'

I reached the street given on the address. It wasn't much hard for me to find it because Real World is not that different from Fictional World in terms of transport and communication but the people here Oh God!

Even the cameo characters in our books are much handsome and gentlemen than half of the male population combined here.

I sighed and searched around the street for the Bakery, and there I saw it, my heartbeat increased at the thought seeing Aera finally.

How will she react? Will she be happy? Sad? Surprised? Shocked? Will this work? Will all my sacrifices work? Will I able to make her mine?

Hell I was already her's since the day I saw her.

With all these questions running in my mind and my heart beating that it would pop out any moment, I went inside and opened the door as the bells chimed. There was no one at counter and some coustomers were having their sweets at the other side. I ring the bell at the counter to make then realise that a customer is here.

Then I heard footsteps approaching and my entire body turned numb as I looked down at my shivering hand.

I can do this. I can do this.

I kept chanting in my mind so I don't faint out of nervousness.

"Hey! What would you like to have?" I heard the sweet sound of her and all the memories flooded back of her laughing at my jokes in the book when I saw her at Viewers Hub and how I have fallen in love with her. I smiled as I gained my confidence and looked up with a smile.


She was a bit taken aback by my reply but I couldn't care as I was busy studying her. She looked so much beautiful in person.

Nah.. Taehyung was wrong. There is no way I could find someone even close to her in Fictional world. She is one and only. And Mine.

"Sorry I didn't got you" her reply broke me from my thoughts as I saw her face pailing a bit, maybe she too is recognising me, after all my painting is given at the last pages of Temptation.

"Aera you do remember me right?" I gently asked
"I... No I don't.." she said and I sighed
"It's me Jeon Jungkook side character of Temptation and the person you have been crushing on since months" I said and she let out a laugh.


"Sorry Mister, but what are you saying? I don't know you and yeah you look like Jungkook from the book but he doesn't exist he's fictional okay? He's just an ink on the paper. So if you need anything from the bakery just say it or else you can leave" she said in a firm tone.

"Aera this might sound absurd of what I'm about to say but it's me The real Jungkook and yes I exist not only me but Taehyung, Ara, and every one, all the fictional characters you have ever read exist we have our own world."

"Liar.. what a good story you have, you should write about it but please I don't wanna listen to it" she said and continued "and even if you really are Jungkook then what's the proof? How can I even believe you?"

" 'Hope Jeon Jungkook finds the one who truly loves him the way he deserves' written by you on the last page of Temptation and only you know this Aera you know that! And I've seen you write this from Fictional World" I said and saw the realisation on her face.

"Who are you?" She asked
"Your Jungkook Aera.. please give me your time to explain."


How was the chapter?? Do you think Aera will believe Jungkook??

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