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Peggy's dorm was nice, beyond nice. She didn't have a dorm mate and she said I was more than welcome to be hers.

I said I would think about it but really all I wanted to do was stay.

All I wanted was to be safe.

For the rest of the day we watched movies and talked about random things.

But then dinner time came.

We sat on the couch waiting for the pizza to arrive, I felt so anxious and sick. My stomach lurches as we hear the doorbell ring.

*** (an/they are named heather, heather, and heather)

Peggy got the paper plates while I tapped at my side nervously. What if she knows? What would I do? I feel like I am going to throw up. She brings the pizza box over to the living room and plops down on the floor.

"So, what should we watch next?" She says, turning around to meet my face.

I must've looked like a wreck because her face immediately showed concern.

"Maria? Are you okay?" She asks, doing that adorable thing where she tilts her head to the side again.

I nod, and we decide on Harry Potter.

The only time I smile for the rest of the night is when Peggy fangirls over Draco Malfoy, I mean hey, I could secretly relate.

We end up passing out on the couch, and there, I have a dream.



Wow this is short forgive me I've just been feeling really horrible lately and I feel like I just don't have the energy to update. But I will update soon.

Have a good day/night! Love you!


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