get away

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(tw; abuse; violence; stay safe)

"N-no James! Stop! It's--- It's not what it looks like!" I scream as I am held back by John Adams, Lauren's is being beaten up and there's nothing I can do.

I look around desperately, trying to find a way to escape John's grasp. But then I had an idea, maybe I won't even have to escape.

"John, listen to me" I say calmly, trying to hide my winces as Laurens is punched in the mouth again.

"Imagine what Abigail would do if she saw you right now." I feel his grasp loosen slightly. Yes! It's working

"She loves you, but would she feel the same way if she found out you were spending your time like this while she was away?" I press on, knowing there was some good in Adams, I just needed to bring out that part of him out.

I tried to wriggle my way out but he didn't budge.

"Listen up, Adams." I say, trying to put as much venom in my voice as possible.

"Let. Go. Of. Me. Or maybe Abigail will find out." This seemed to work, he lost the power in his grip for a second and I managed to yank my hands free. I lunge myself in the middle of James' fist and John's face. But he doesn't stop, he just seems more angry at me. James let's go of John's shirt collar and throws him aside.


I wince, but I still stayed, maybe I deserved this, maybe I was as useless as he always said I was after this.

He punches me again, but I don't respond, I am numb. John is unconscious, I catch a glimpse of his face and cringe at the sight of it. He was so hurt, and it was all my fault.

There is so much chaos, James was yelling something that I couldn't comprehend, I could feel the screams in my throat but not feel them, I saw a green figure tear James off me.

"Get away from her!" I hear a pretty girl in a yellow sweater yell as James struggles to get back to me, held back by the person in green.

The yellow-clad girl races over to me, sitting down and putting my head in her lap. I recognize her, Peggy was it?

"Peggy?" I lazily say, on the edge of consciousness.

She rubs circles on my back as she pulls me into a hug, rocking back and forth. This seems to calm me a bit.

"Shh, I know, I know. It's me, remember we just met? Save your strength, the ambulance will be here soon. No need to cry now I got you, your safe."

I cry into her shoulder and bury my head into the crook of her neck. Everything is aching and it won't stop. My sobs lessen as she starts talking again, I can't really understand what she is saying but it sounds nice. My body aches in waves, my heart beat slows down as I feel myself going unconscious. The last thing hear before I black out is her voice. Peggy's voice.


I AM SO SORRY. Okay for one, my bold and italics just don't want to work so I am sorry. and secondly, THIS CHAPTER PAINED ME TO WRITE BUT I HOPE IT WAS WORTH YOUR TIME.

Ugh school tomorrow i am stRESSIN.

So, have a good day/night! Love you!


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