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2020, the year that a strange new virus appeared and caused a ton of deaths. Some figured it was just another flu, if only that were true. The nation was sent into lockdown and faces were covered with masks. People died alone in hospital rooms, symptoms ranged from asymptomatic to burning pain the lungs. Despite a vaccine, the numbers continued to climb and there seemed to be no end. As years later after life began to recover the virus went feral again. The pandemic caused panic and the people began to fight over medical supplies. People broke into stores to get what they needed when businesses began to fire employees.

Poverty fell throughout the land which caused even more panic. All over the world nations began to blame each other for the virus. Which pathed the path for another world war. After years filled with panic, more violence over supplies, a few wars between countries. The United Nations passed a degree that any act of violence was illegal. If pain and fear had divided the world, then preventing it would rebuild everything. 

The advanced technology of the AI became the saving grace to people. The virus was finally cured as the doctors were now assisted by AI.Therefore no mistakes could be made in the medical world. Sickness and injury were prevented, and people relied on AI even more. Certain other jobs in education, government, and financial services were now handled by AI. The people thrived and the world once torn apart looked green again. With all of the new rules put in place, the United Nations declared no one would ever suffer again.

-Violence in any shape is forbidden all weapons are to be incinerated and no longer are sold to anyone.
-Science babies to avoid miscarriages, death in child birth, still borns, and other pregnancy problems.
- Arranged marriages at eighteen to nineteen years old to avoid cheating, divorce, abuse, or separation.
- Only two to three children allowed in a family to avoid over population.
-All children are required to attend the same school until they are eighteen then get a job.
-Jobs are all selected and assigned at birth.
- Money and taxes is handled by AI to avoid being stolen, credit card fraud, or going broke.
- Basic needs like food, water, clothes and homes are provided by the government as everyone is required to have them to avoid stravation, homelessles, sickness or being poor.
-Rule followers are rewarded with wants like entertainment, money, or acres of land
-Rule breakers are posted as criminals publicly and cast out to live in the wood.

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