Chapter 12: The Siege begins.

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The Orcs were still at Minas Tirith. Their Siege Towers filled with Orcs armed to the teeth, approaching the City Walls. And being pushed by Giant Trolls. 

But before the Orcs could arrive at the walls. Something else had emerged outside the gate that just walked up. The Gondorian Soldiers could see it.

"Open the gate, quick!" One soldier ordered.

The Gates to the city opened to  a lone horse walked through, dragging the body of Faramir with Faramir's foot caught in the stirrup. And two arrows stuck in Faramir's armor. A Gondorian pulled the horse forward as the others shut the gates closed. 

Not that it bothered the Orcs. They were busy cranking back their catapults to launch their projectiles. The cranks being loaded. Gothmog rode through the lines on his Warg. Leading the troops on the ground, while the Witch King would lead from the air. He tried dismounting from his Warg, but he stumbled to get off. And an Orc that tried to help him was pushed away and Gothmog limped off on his own. So much for kindness. 

Above the Upper Level, Arya and Summer looked at the armies from above. And Arya was in complete shock at the size of the Orc Army, which was much bigger than anything she could've imagined. Needle dropping out of her hands. "Seven Hells." She thought out loud while Summer readied himself for battle. There was no way that Arya could defend the city all by herself. But that was when she noticed Gondorian Troops pulling Faramir on a stretcher. 

"Quick! Hurry!" Irolas ordered.

And Arya could see Faramir on the stretcher. "Oh, Gods!" She ran over. "Faramir!" 

"Keep away from him." Irolas said.

"Fat chance." Arya replied moving over to Faramir's side by the tree. And she could see the body. "I'm so sorry." She said to Faramir as the Gondorians set him down through the forecourt.

Denethor ran from the building with his attendants and Pippin following him. "Faramir!" He yelled.

"Oh, now he cares." Arya thought as she looked at Denethor in pure disgust.

"Say not that he has fallen." Denethor begged in a hushed tone as he approached Faramir's body.

"They were outnumbered! None survived." Irolas explained.

And Pippin looked visibly upset. Same with Arya. 

But Arya had another emotion through her. Anger. "This is all your fault." She told Denethor. And she started to run full tilt at him. And she would've succeeded if not for Denethor's servants restraining her. 

"You knew it wasn't safe! YOU KNOW FARAMIR WOULD GET KILLED!" Arya started to yell as she was restrained.

"Fear." Gothmog said taking a whiff of the air. "The city is rank with it!" He laughed. "Let us ease their pain. Release the Prisoners!" He ordered.

"Catapults!" An Orc with a human skull on his helm yelled.

The Orcs fired their Catapults firing off a bunch of severed Gondorian heads over the walls of the cities. And then the Orc laughed.

"Shields up!" The Gondorians all raised their shields. And while the heads did little to know damage. It certainly caused the Gondorians to recoil in fear as the heads all fell to the ground.

"My sons are spent!" Denethor said in despair while he also ignored Arya's yelling. "My line has ended!" 

"It wouldn't have happened if you didn't send Faramir to his death!" Arya tried to scream. "We should've raised defenses here in Minas Tirith while we still could!" 

"Arya, not now. We've got bigger problems." Pippin said trying to resort to reason.

And Summer looked at Arya to say that it was true.

Arya turned back to look at Faramir. And Pippin took his hand to Faramir's face. And he could feel a pulse. And his eyes widened. "He's alive!" He realized.

"What?" Arya asked as she broke free of the servants and could also feel a pulse from Faramir. "Oh, Gods. Faramir. Come on, please don't do this. Wake up." She tried to slap awake.

"The house of Stewards has failed." Denethor kept saying as he frequently looked back.

"He need medicine, My Lord!" Pippin yelled.

"Fetch the Maester!" Arya yelled. And it made all the Gondorians look confused. 

"What's a Maester?" Irolas asked.

"Right... they probably don't have one. Get Faramir someone who can heal him." Arya corrected.

"My line has ended!" Denethor yelled as he walked towards the ledge. Stopping to look over the walls. And the sounds of Pippin faded away as he looked down on the massive Orc Army outside the city. Doom had come to Minas Tirith. And it made Denethor's lips tremble as Trolls began loading boulders onto the Catapults. 

And Arya continued to try and wake Faramir. "Come on, Faramir. You've got to help us. Wake up." She begged in desperation. "The Orcs are out there! Gondor needs its Captain!" 

"Arya, I don't think Faramir's going to be able to get up in time." Pippin commented. "And he did put you in charge of defending Minas Tirith." 

"Against... all those... Orcs?" Arya asked. Her insides shaking. And there was no sign of Rohan. "By myself?" 

And Denethor looked at the doom that was now starring out of him. "Rohan... has deserted us." He whimpered.

The Catapults were let loose. One boulder hitting a tower that began to crumble down, and screams could be heard. The noise caused Gothmog to laugh. And as people inside tried to move out of the way.

Denethor's face now turned to anger. "Théoden's betrayed me!" He sneered. 

The Catapults launched a second volley. Firing down more rubble as Gondorian Soldiers all moved to get out of the way from the falling rubble. 

And how just would the Steward of Gondor respond to the threat on his city. The man who was charged to defend the city as the Stewards until a King could return? Well... the only thing that was expected of him. "ABANDON YOUR POSTS!" 

Irolas looked stunned. As did Pippin who looked on in disbelief. 

"WHAT?!" Arya asked in disbelief. 

And all the soldiers looked confused as they heard their steward. "FLEE! FLEE FOR YOUR LIVES!" Denethor commanded. 

"NO!" Arya screamed starting to run up. "NO! DON'T ABANDON YOUR POSTS!" She yelled trying to rally the Gondorians. And also to bitch slap Denethor.

There was no need for that though. Because as soon as Denethor turned. Gandalf showed up and whacked Denethor with his staff. He scoffed at Denethor, having had enough of Denethor's crap. He then struck Denethor across the stomach and hit him to the floor and then across his back. 

Now everyone was looking at Gandalf. And Gandalf was done playing nice. He would lead the defenses himself. And he didn't care that he attacked the steward. "Prepare for battle!" He commanded.

"And someone get Faramir some medicine!" Arya added as she drew out Needle. And glad that Gandalf was going to be the one to lead the defenses. She also looked at Pippin. "Come on, we gotta help!" 

"On it!" Pippin replied as he ran to grab a helmet.

"Summer!" Arya called.

Summer rolled out with Arya and Pippin.

Gandalf rode out on Shadowfax down to the city and past the Gondorian Soldiers all fleeing. "Hurry men! To the wall! Defend the wall!" He yelled the fleeing Gondorians.

And just like that, all Gondorians started to rally back to the walls with every one that Gandalf passed. "Return to your posts!" 

The Gondorians all started to get back to the wall. Standing in formation, with bows being drawn out and arrows passed around. The Battle for Minas Tirith was about to begin.

Gandalf himself rode out with Shadowfax to the wall and could see the lines of Orcs under the cover of the shadows approach the wall. "Send these foul beasts into the Abyss!" He ordered. 

Gondor released their own Trebuchets, firing boulders and pieces of fallen rubble down on the Orcs. One boulder hitting a line of Orcs near Gothmog. Which made a few Orcs scramble back. 

"Stay where you are!" Gothmog ordered, not fazed. 

The Orcs fired another Catapult but another Boulder from Gondor smashed right into one of the Catapults.

Both sides were now exchanging fire as another Trebuchet flung a piece of rubble onto the Orcs, smashing into a line.

"We need more rubble!" Soldiers yelled.

"Watch out!" A boulder hit the wall and smashed into the Gondorians. 

"Down to the Lower Levels! Quick!" Another Soldier yelled right as Pippin and Arya were riding out on Summer's back. 

"You could at least wear a helmet, Arya." Pippin pointed out.

"Too big." Arya replied. 

Boulders continued to fly back and forth between the two armies. One flew right into a Siege Tower smashing it to bits. 

"Tell the Trebuchets to fire at the Siege Towers!" Arya yelled. Another Boulder hit a Siege Tower.

"Nice call, Arya." Pippin praised.

Gothmog still stayed where he was. Until he saw a massive piece of Masonry fly towards him. The Orcs beside him all started to clear out of the way. And then Gothmog moved at the last second as the Masonry fell unharmed. 

A Troll blinked at it, then Gothmog proceeded to spit on the piece of rubble. "Where are those Nazgul?!" He thought.

Just then, a loud screech had rung from overhead, as the Nazgul, riding on Fell Beasts descended down upon Minas Tirith from the sky.

Arya looked above her. "Not those Nazgul again!" She yelled. 

Among the Nazgul was the Witch King riding his own Fell Beast. It's claws knocking soldiers off a bridge. The fear he and his fellow Nazgul drew was enough to drive the Gondorians into a state of panic. They all started to shelter away from the Witch King.

Pippin fell off Summer, his helmet dropping off him. 

"Pippin!" Arya tried to get to him, but her own hands covered her ears as she heard the Nazgul shrieks. Pippin also covered his own ears. And some of the Gondorian Soldiers also started to feel their own ears feeling the piercing sound. 

"And now I remember why I hate these guys." Arya thought as she grabbed Pippin from the ground and then saw a dropped bow and a quiver full of arrows. She grabbed them both as she got back on Summer. 

"Hold the Orcs back!" Arya yelled, until she saw a Fell Beast descend on a line of Gondorian Soldiers plowing into them like a Snow Plow clearing snow off the road. And picking up several then dropping them down again. "And stay clear of those Nazgul!" She added. 

"Hold them back! Do not give into fear! Stand to your posts! Fight!" Gandalf yelled on the front lines as Gondorian Soldiers began firing their arrows. 

A Trebuchet fired onto an advancing Siege Tower smashing it to bits, and making the Orcs Scatter. 

But the Nazgul started flying towards the Trebuchets. Knocking the Trebuchets to the ground, and scattering the Gondorians. 

"Seven-!" Arya started to yell at all the chaos. And she moved Summer to see the Nazgul now picking up Soldiers like Hawks to Mice and then threw them down on the city like raining men. 

"Arya?" Pippin asked.

"Yeah?" Arya asked. 

"Them using Fell Beasts is cheating." Pippin said. 

A giant piece of rubble fell near Summer.

"Look out!" Arya yelled as all jumped out of the way. Pippin fell to the ground in panic and got himself knocked over by bigger people trying to flee. 

Arya looked upward. Her bow and arrows still in her hands. She knocked one arrow into her bow to see one Nazgul approach down again. And she aimed her bow at one. "Come on." She grunted.  

The Nazgul made another pass dropping down another pack of men. Arya had to move closer. And she could see another Nazgul approach the line again. "Come on, you bastard." She had shot down wild animals before in Winterfell. Of course, the animals weren't bigger than her. And also weren't being rode by some demon like creature. Her heart beating heavy, and then she let her arrow fly loose. It hit the Fell Beast making it divert from its path. 

"Ha!" She yelled, and the other Gondorians started cheering for that. "See! They can be killed! Fire at them!" 

Catapults and Trebuchets continued to exchange boulder fire with each other as the Siege Towers neared the city and pushed by Trolls.

Archers released their arrows at the Siege Towers. But they had bounced harmlessly off the Towers. 

"Not at the Towers! Aim for the trolls, kill the trolls!" Gandalf ordered. "Bring them down!"  

The Archers readjusted their aim downwards onto the trolls. 

The Trolls were brought down, but not before one Tower reached the wall. A door fell down onto the top of the Gondorian Battlements. Rubble dust rummaged down and from out of it, the Orcs all emerged fighting. The Gondorians engaged now in a melee battle. But some Archers continued to fire their arrows. And some Orcs were flown off the Siege Tower. And also one Orc who just fell off the Tower, just like that.

Some Orcs still on the ground now ran for the Main Gate. And with a Battering Ram, similar to the one the Uruks used on Helm's Deep.

Only this time, the Gondorians on the wall over the gate were shooting off their arrows slaughtering Orcs on the ground. The Orcs started to run with their battering ram. But the Ram had no success. All it did was bounce off the gate. The Orcs were all sitting ducks outside the gates. Though some Orcs did return fire. 

But now more Siege Towers were arriving on the walls. 

"Fight them back!" Gandalf ordered. And he turned around to see Arya, Pippin and Summer and Pippin was looking confused. The overload of the battle getting to him. "Peregrin Took! Arya Stark! Go back to the Citadel!" 

"They called us out to fight." Pippin ordered. 

"Faramir told me to defend the city in his stead, so that's what I'm going to do." Arya said. And she had to breathe in and remember what Syrio Forel had told her back in King's Landing. 'What do we say to the God of Death?'

Another Siege Tower had now emerged at the wall. The Gates opened and more Orcs emerged fighting. And they were running past and smashing through the Gondorian defenses. And some now ran towards Pippin and Arya. Pippin looking afraid. 

"Not today." Arya said to herself and she engaged several Orcs with Needle. Her sword blocking down and even cutting through some of the Orcs own weapons. "Now that's just shoddy workmanship." She thought as she struck down several Orcs. Her body was faster and her fighting style was quick. She threw a tumble and sliced at an Orcs leg, then stabbing the Orc in the back. She also dodged more Orc swings, left and right. Letting Needle swing at them. But as more Orcs were arriving towards Arya. Gandalf jumped in, and placed himself in front of Pippin and Arya, fighting off the Orcs. Swinging both his staff and sword.

"This is no place for a Hobbit!" Gandalf yelled back at Pippin who just stood there. 

Arya continued to swing her sword at the Orcs. And Summer had thrown himself in front of the Orcs ripping one head off and slashing and barking at them. 

Gandalf also whacked an Orc with his staff, then his sword. He then swung a staff at another Orc. Then pulled a twirling move with his staff, striking yet another Orc down.

Another Siege Tower had emerged and more Orcs stormed the tower and onto the Gondorian Soldiers. Arya could see them. Too many and she was exposed. "I think we made them mad, Summer." She said to Summer. And then she started to run back to Gandalf. 

Gandalf was whacking away another Orc and into a wall. Then another Orc on the head. He did another twirl with his staff and then used it to whack down another Orc into stone stairs, killing the Orc. But an Orc was running up to Gandalf. Gandalf was too distracted with another Orc. He wouldn't see the advancing one coming. 

"Gandalf! Look out!" Arya yelled trying to run towards Gandalf. 

Until Pippin mustered up his courage. He drew his sword out and stabbed the Orc. Killing the Orc dead. Gandalf turned to see the Orc already stabbed. If not for Pippin, Gandalf would've been dead. 

And Pippin looked at his blood soaked sword in shock.

Gandalf nodded his head in approval. "Guard of the Citadel indeed!" He praised Pippin. And Pippin looked at Gandalf with his eyes smoldering. "Now Arya, take him back up the hill quickly now. Quick!" 

Pippin agreed in approval and turned up the steps with his sword in his hands. 

Arya on the other hand. "I'm not leaving you!" She protested.

"We don't have time! It's far too dangerous. Go with Pippin back up to the Citadel! You're the last line of defense for the city!" Gandalf ordered.

And Arya could tell that Gandalf was not in a mood to argue. "Fine." She grumbled and went with Summer.

Back at the Gates, the Orcs continued to try and breach the wall. But all they were doing was proving how incredibly ineffective they were at breaching walls. The Ram wasn't even making dents. And all the Orcs were sitting ducks to Gondorian arrows. The bodies were all piling up, and the Orcs were now trying to climb the bodies to try and break the door. 

And now the Orcs saw that it was pointless and started running away from the doors. 

"What are you doing, you useless scum?!" Gothmog demanded as he walked up to the fleeing Orcs.

"The door won't give! It's too strong!" An Orc reported.

And to prove his point, the Orc bodies continued all started to pile up in heaps. But Gothmog would accept that. They needed the Gates breached. Without it, Minas Tirith would still be standing. "Get back there and smash it down!" He ordered.

"But nothing can breach it!" The Orc protested. 

Gothmog paused for a second. The Orcs did have an ace up their sleeve and it was time to use it. "Grond will breach it!" He turned around to give the order to his fellow Orcs. "Bring out the Wolf's Head!" 

Large Horned animals started to push a large battering ram, that was helped out by Mountain Trolls who struggled to push it from behind. A Giant Battering Ram now moved, held by thick chains, and it was as great as a Forest Tree. 

The Orcs all chanting its name. "Grond, Grond, Grond, Grond, Grond!" 

Arya and Pippin heard the chanting. "What is that?" Pippin asked. 

"Grond, Grond, Grond, Grond, Grond!" The Orcs continued their chance. And Gandalf could see it coming from the Battlements. 

And Arya looked behind her to see the Grond being pushed towards the main gate. She could see the huge wolf's head, with fire lit in its mouth. It made Summer whimper in guilt. 

"Oh... now they're just being mean." Arya commented.

And it made Pippin grip back in shock. "Jon, Merry. You guys better get here soon. Or there's not going to be a city left to defend!" 

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