Chapter 17: The House of Healing.

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In the end, it was victory, but at a very high price. Gandalf, Pippin, Arya, and Summer moved forward through the wreckage of the battle. Smoke and dust littered the air along with the dead bodies as the Rohirrim sought to the wounded and collected the dead. 

Arya still walked as if remembering their saviors. Only for it not to be the Rohirrim, but instead be an Army of the Dead. Green Ghosts that struck through the entire city flooding over the Orc invaders. She could hear the loud banging on the doors. And then, just like that... howling out from the Orcs flooded the city. "What's going on down there?" She asked. And she looked down to see Green Ghosts down below. And then the doors stopped banging entirely. And all the Gondorians looked confused.

"Open the door." Gandalf instructed. "We're quite safe." He assured the Gondorians. And as the doors opened, they could see Ghosts finishing off the Orcs and Trolls that had tried to break in, before returning down. 

"Were those... Ghosts?" Pippin asked a little nervous.

"Yeah..." Arya answered nodding her head in shock. "Did we just... win?" She asked.

She kept that pondering in her head as she saw Aragorn standing before the army of the Dead. And the King of the Dead. 

Sansa, Jon, and the Hound were by Aragorn.

"I don't know what to say except... thank you. All of you." Sansa thanked the Army of the Dead.

"You're welcome." The King of the Dead replied. Then he turned to Aragorn. "Now then, release us." He said to Aragorn.

"Bad idea! Very handy in a tight spot these lads, despite the face they're dead." Gimli suggested.

"Gimli." Sansa scoffed.

"You gave use your word." The King of the Dead reminded Aragorn.

"If Aragorn gave the Army of the Dead his word, he has to honor it. It's what our Father would've done." Jon said to Gimli.

Aragorn and Jon were of the same mind, and he wasn't afraid to say it to the Army of the Dead. "I hold your oath fulfilled. Go. Be at peace." He told the Army.

The King of the Dead smiled finally ready to be released. A Great Wind had sounded, and the Army of the Dead disappeared, their souls finally at peace. And Aragorn turned around and he saw Gandalf bow low to Aragorn. Which made Aragorn smile.

Jon also turned to see Arya standing there. "Jon..." Arya said softly. And she ran fast as she could to Jon and they both embraced in a hug. "You came." 

"Of course I did." Jon replied.

"Arya." Sansa cried also hugging Arya.

"Told you she'd be fine." The Hound said. 

"Why is it we can never meet in a subtle and quiet place where there's no destruction?" Arya asked.

"We rode here as fast as we could, we were so worried about you." Jon explained.

"Oh... I can handle Orcs." Arya assured as she sheathed Needle. "But you would not believe... what I have been through in this nutjob city. This crazy Steward tried to burn his own son alive. Boromir's Father by the way." 

"Wait. You met Boromir's Father?" Jon asked. 

"The Steward of Gondor, yeah." Arya confirmed.

"Burn his own son alive?" Sansa asked.

"Boromir's little brother, Faramir." Arya clarified. 

"What was he like?" Sansa asked.

"Think a crazier, loopier version of the Mad King that Father always told us about." Arya answered.

"Is that even possible?" The Hound asked.

"You'd be surprised." Arya replied. And she turned to her right to see a completely burned body. "Then we had to deal with the Orcs here. And the Nazgul. And Trolls, Siege Towers... and don't get me started on that!" She pointed to Grond by the Main Gates that were breached.

Sansa turned to look at the Battering Ram. "Is that supposed to be a Wolf?" She asked in disbelief as to her, it felt like an insult to their House. "If that's not an insult. I don't know what is." 

"It's been hectic." Arya said. "And that's not all-" 

"It doesn't matter." Jon interrupted. "You're safe. And we're all together again.  That's what's important." 

"Not all of us." Arya sighed. She looked at her Siblings. "Guys. I have something I need to tell you." 

That was when Jon noticed Summer standing by Gandalf. "Summer?" He asked.

"What?" Sansa also asked stunned to see Summer standing there. "What's Bran's Direwolf doing here?"

"Yeah. Listen. There's no easy way to say this, but..." Arya said. And she took a deep breath. "Bran's alive." It made Jon and Sansa gasp. As far as they were concerned. Bran was killed at Winterfell. Theon burned the bodies and put them on display. 

"Bran's alive. He's still crippled. But... um..." Arya continued.

"Is he here? Is Bran in Minas Tirith?" Sansa asked in a frantic tone. 

"No." Arya answered. "The last anyone saw him was Faramir, Boromir's little brother. And he was traveling with Frodo and Sam into Mordor." 

"Oh Gods." Jon gasped. "Bran went with Frodo and Sam into Mordor? Alone?!"

"Not alone. According to Faramir. He was with Hodor." Arya started.

"That Oaf who kept repeating the same thing over and over, but Father said was a dear friend?" Sansa asked.

"Yeah." Arya answered. "And with Meera Reed and Jojen Reed as well. You know. From House Reed in charge of the Neck." 

"We know the House." Jon replied.

Sansa looked at Jon. "Jon... Bran got sent here just like we did. And he's... going into Mordor with Frodo and Sam!" She cried in a frantic tone. "We... we have to get him. We have to-" 

"Sansa. Calm down." Jon instructed. He knew there was nothing they could do. They didn't know where Frodo was going specifically, and they didn't have the time to go out and look for him. "Where is Faramir now?" He asked Arya.

"In the House of Healing, the poor guy got attacked by arrows, and then nearly burned by his Father." Arya answered. "Right, Pippin?" She asked, but she noticed that Pippin had just seen Merry's cloak on the ground. 

"Merry." Pippin realized.

"What is it?" Arya asked. And she saw Merry's cloak. "Oh Gods. Did Merry fall?" 

"I don't know. He ran to help Eowyn kill that Nazgul with a helmet on his head. I was fighting the Orcs on his tail." Jon answered.

"You mean the Witch King?" Arya asked. "That's the guy who stabbed Frodo on Weathertop." 

"He's dead." Gandalf informed.

"Oh man. I wanted to be the one to kill him for what he did to Frodo." Sansa pouted.

"You and me both." Arya agreed.

But both sisters were interrupted by Eomer's screaming. "NOOOOOOO!" And all Starks looked to see Eomer run up to Eowyn's body on the floor and pick her body up. He screamed even more as he cradled his sister in his arms.

"Eowyn?" Arya asked running up.

Aragorn heard him and looked across. A tear started to form in his eye. While he didn't love Eowyn, he still cared for her. 

Arya ran up to check for a pulse. "She's still breathing." She assured Eomer.

Eomer nodded frantically.

Gandalf looked on as well.

"I'll take her to the House of Healing." Aragorn informed.

"I'll stay out here and help Pippin look for Merry." Arya added.

"We'll help you look for him." Jon said. "Come on, Sansa." 

All the wounded from the battle, both Gondorian and Rohirrim were being treated for their wounds. Eowyn laying down and Eomer sitting next to his sister. He was now in Minas Tirith, the city where he would rule as King now. And one of his first things he would do in the city was help to heal his people. One of them being Eowyn. He examined the arm noticing the markings from striking at the Witch King. And so Aragorn worked his healing abilities. He placed a wet cloth that was squeezed and bathed her head with it. All Eomer could do was watched with grief in his eyes. 

Moments passed before Eowyn breathed in heavily and then opened her eyes to look at Aragorn.

While outside, night had fallen, but Pippin, Arya, Jon, Sansa, and the Hound continued to search for Merry on the battlefield. Still littered with dead along with plenty of dead Oliphants. 

"Merry!" Pippin shouted. "Merry!" 

"We're looking for a needle in a haystack, Pippin." Sansa pointed out. 

"Well, we're not giving up, Sansa. We're going to find him." Pippin shot back.

"I wasn't saying that we should give up." Sansa replied. 

Summer barked. He had found Merry.

Arya ran over. "Guys! Summer found him!" She yelled.

Jon and Sansa ran over followed by Pippin. While the Hound just walked up.

Merry was half concealed beneath an Orc. Pippin rolled the Orc off of the Hobbit on the ground.

"Merry!" Pippin cried as he picked up Merry. "Merry it's me. It's Pippin!" 

Merry opened his eyes with a bit of blood on the side of the mouth. "I knew you'd find me." 

"Well, Summer did." Pippin clarified.

"Who's Summer?" Merry asked. And he looked at Summer the Direwolf. "Ah!" He screamed.

"Don't be alarmed, Merry. This is Summer. He's Bran's Direwolf." Arya introduced.

"Arya." Merry grinned, but then he pondered something. "Wait... Bran as in, your brother, Bran?" He asked.

"That would be the one." Sansa answered. "A lot's happened. And I'm having a hard time processing it." 

"Yeah. We're going to need to talk to Faramir once he recovers." Arya agreed.

"Who's Faramir?" Merry asked.

"It's a long story." Arya answered.

"I've got time-" Merry said. "OW! OW! OW! OW!" He yelled out as Sansa tried to take him by the arm.

"Oh, sorry." Sansa apologized.

"Yeah. Still very stinging. That Nazgul can really pack a punch." Merry muttered.

"Well he is the guy who stabbed Frodo." Arya said. 

"Let me see." Jon took a look at Merry's scars. "Doesn't look all that bad. But you are going to have to get into the House of Healing." 

"You going to leave me?" Merry asked.

"Not a chance." Arya answered. "Well the Hound might." 

"Now that's just hurtful." The Hound grunted.

"Truthful." Arya corrected.

"You two are impossible." Sansa sighed.

"Don't worry, Merry. I'm going to look after you." Pippin assured as he covered Merry in his cloak. "We're going to the House of Healing." 

The Stark Siblings had taken Merry to the House of Healing. With the Hound carrying Merry on his back.

"He needs a Healer." Arya told the people in charge. 

Jon walked inside to see a lot of the wounded. And then he saw Eomer walk up to him. "Jon. Good to see you and your sisters made it in one piece." He said.

Jon turned to see Pippin, Arya and Sansa escorting Merry. "I'm just glad they're safe is all. I swore my Father's ghost, I would keep them safe. And so I will." He replied. "Where's Eowyn? She isn't-" 

"She's fine." Eomer assured. "She's making a full recovery. Looks like I was wrong about the Hobbit. He pulled through after all." But then is expression turned cold. "The same however can't be said for... the King." 

Jon knew what that meant. Théoden was dead. "I'm sorry." He said.

"Uncle always wanted to go to the halls of his Fathers, unashamed. And I believe he's accomplished that goal." Eomer said. 

Sansa walked back into the room. "Merry should make a swift recovery. So... fingers crossed." She said. Then she looked at Eomer and Jon. "I um... also heard some of the Rohirrim saying that the King-" 

"I'm afraid it's true, Sansa." Jon confirmed.

Sansa felt sorrow. Théoden was a good king. And while Sansa didn't get that impression at first when she first met him. That was Saruman's doing. "I'm sorry for your loss, Eomer." She said. "What happens to Rohan now?" 

"My Uncle is dead, as is his son, Theodred. So, the throne shall pass to me." Eomer answered. "It will be difficult shoes to fill, but... I intend to rule Rohan justly and wisely as my Uncle did." 

"I wish you the best of luck to that." Jon replied.

Sansa quickly bowed to Eomer. "Forgive for me misspeaking, Your Grace." She quickly said.

"You can still call me, Eomer." Eomer replied.

Arya walked into another area of the House of Healing. And she could see Faramir awake. And exchanging words with Eowyn.

And both saw Arya come in. "Hello, Arya." Faramir greeted.

"Faramir. You're up." Arya noted.

"Yes, imagine what having actual Medicine can do." Faramir joked, which made Eowyn laugh. "I see the city is still standing. I knew I was right to entrust the defenses of this city to you." He said to Arya.

"Well, it was mostly Gandalf." Arya admitted. "All I just did was help encourage the Men to fight back." 

"Still an admirable thing to do as a defender. And if what I heard from the Men correctly, you helped kill off the Orcs, and you shot a few arrows at the Fell Beasts, and you stood up to the Witch King, all while saving me from being burned by my... Father." Faramir swallowed those last words bitterly.

"Yeah... he went off the deep end." Arya replied awkwardly. "Oh, by the way... sorry for the lower levels getting well... leveled." 

"Oh, that's okay. It's not as bad as Osgiliath." Faramir assured.

"Not that it's a contest, but... I was the one who killed that Witch King was it?" Eowyn pointed out.

"You stole my kill. I wanted to be the one to kill him for stabbing Frodo and breaking Gandalf's staff." Arya said.

"Sorry. He killed my Uncle." Eowyn replied.

That was when the doors opened. Jon, Sansa, and the Hound walked through and Summer had walked up to Faramir. "Hey, Summer." He greeted.

Eowyn looked at Summer surprised to see a Direwolf in her presence. But considering how Faramir was unafraid clearly showed how much of a connection they had.

"Oh, Faramir. This is my Sister, Sansa Stark, my Brother, Jon Snow. And that's the Hound." Arya introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Faramir greeted.

"You're Boromir's brother, right?" Jon asked. "You look a lot like him."

"I'm just hoping he doesn't lose his mind like his big brother." The Hound commented. 

"Yes." Faramir confirmed. "And Arya, Sansa, and you look a lot like your brother, Bran. And I can see it in a bit of you, Jon Snow." 

"I suppose. I did look a little bit more like Robb though..." Jon admitted. "But speaking of Bran. Arya told me that you saw him last with Frodo and Sam." 

"Yes." Faramir confirmed. "Almost a week ago. I sent them off to continued their quest to Mordor to destroy the One Ring. Bran gave me Summer to take care of and he's been with me ever since." 

"And... were Hodor, Jojen and Meera Reed there with them?" Sansa asked.

"Yes." Faramir answered. "Best I start at the beginning." He looked at Eowyn. "You don't have to stay for this."  

"I've got nothing but time. Besides, I thought Sansa and Jon said their brother was dead." Eowyn replied.

"We thought so too." Jon pointed out. 

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