Prologue: The Story of Smeagol.

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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who has been with me right from the start of this journey. And now without further adieu. Let us conclude the Lord of the Rings/GOT Trilogy with the final installment of Return of the King. Enjoy the Show!

It was a pleasant day out in the Shire. On the Gladden river sat two Stoor-hobbits who were fishing on a boat. These two Stoor-hobbits were named Smeagol and his cousin, Deagol.

Smeagol had a wiggly worm in his fingers. Perfect bait for catching fish. It was a relatively slow day for the two. At least it was until Deagol's line had suddenly felt a shank. 

"Oh, Smeagol! I've got one!" Deagol announced while laughing. "I've got a fish, Smeagol, Smeagol!" 

"Pull it in!" Smeagol insisted urging his cousin on. "Go on, go on, go on, pull it in!" 

And Deagol started to... but as it turned out, the Fish had an even stronger grip than Deagol did. It pulled Deagol into the water. 

Smeagol remained on the boat wondering what had just happened. "Deagol!" He shouted. 

The Fish had pulled Deagol along to the bottom of the river while the hook was still in its mouth. Unfortunately Deagol had let go. But what he found next was something shiny buried in the silt of the dirt. And then Deagol had grabbed it. It was a Ring. A single Golden Basic Ring that Deagol had taken into his hands. He then crawled back up onto the grassy bank. Spluttering and coughing as he did. 

When he stood up, he opened his hand. And he stared mesmerized at the shiny ring, covered in mud. Deagol looked on with fascination as he fingered the ring. 

"Deagol!" Smeagol had suddenly shouted, running up to him, laughing. "Deagol!"

It wasn't a peace that was to last. Smeagol then looked at the Ring in Deagol's hand. His happy expression changed and he also became mesmerized by the ring as well. As if he had suddenly entered entrancement. 

"Give us that! Deagol my love!" Smeagol suddenly demanded. 

Deagol looked back at Smeagol with strange curiosity. "Why?" He asked now sounding defensive. 

"Because." Smeagol answered as he put his arms around Deagol. "It's my birthday and I wants it." And then he proceeded to quickly grab the ring, but Deagol had snatched it away. They looked closely at each other with Smeagol smiling at Deagol but Deagol tried to snatch the ring again like a Seagull looking for crumbs. 

The two were now circling each other with their faces close to each other. Deagol held the ring behind him. Smeagol was at that point trying to snatch it and pry it from Deagol's fingers. They began to struggle to get at the Ring. Smeagol trying to get the ring away from Deagol. Deagol in the meantime was trying to push Smeagol, forcing him away. Which was a bad mistake as Smeagol bit Deagol on the wrist. Deagol yelled out in pain and forced Smeagol away. 

He then proceeded to try and get away from Smeagol, with Smeagol jumping onto Deagol's back and making him fall down and drop the ring. Both were trying to grab the ring now, and grabbing the ring. But Deagol had managed to grab hold first. He turned around and attacked Smeagol, grabbing him by the throat with one hand. Smeagol struggled but managed to push him off, grabbing Deagol with both hand by the throat. He forced Deagol to get choked out. Both hands by the throat. Strangling Deagol to death. 

When all was said and done. Smeagol had read over and took the ring from his hand. His prize for which he now called his own. "My Precious." He declared. Suddenly he stopped as if he could hear Ravens overhead. All crowing over him. And a young boy with black hair looking at Smeagol.

Smeagol looked at them. "My Precious." He gripped the ring closer to him. "Nasty birds won'ts take them from us! We must go! Go! Hide! Hide!" And he cowered away as the Ravens cawed louder.

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