Chapter 13: Lothlorien and The Lady Galadriel.

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The Fellowship had run out of Moria. The Sun had never shined so bright. The Air had never smelled so fresh. But the weather seemed like an insult after what had happened. They were clearly morning the loss of their friend, Gandalf. They were all heartbroken.

Arya threw down her sword needle in anger. Sansa fell down to her knees and started to get tears in her eyes. Sam was doing the same. Merry had tried to comfort a crying Pippin. And Boromir was hugging an angry Gimli.

"Is it... dead?" The Hound asked.

"His name was Gandalf!" Arya snapped.

"I meant... that Balrog thing." The Hound corrected.

Jon nodded. "But it took Gandalf with him." He answered.

The Hound looked at the 2 Stark Girls deep in despair.

Jon went over to Sansa. "Sansa..." He started to say.

"He watched for me when I got here. He's..." Sansa sobbed. Although she got to only know Gandalf for a couple of days, he felt like a Fatherly figure to her. Or a Grandfather.

Jon gave her a hug. He had a hunch over what Gandalf meant to her. Especially their talk in the Mines. That was when he noticed Arya took Sansa's hand. "I'm sorry." She said.

Sansa seemed to get back on her feet. "We'll destroy that ring. We'll throw it straight down that Mountain in Mordor. We'll do it for Gandalf." She declared. 

"For Gandalf." Jon agreed.

Aragorn was cleaning his sword off. "Legolas, get them up." He ordered.

Legolas seemed reluctant at first, but he trusted Aragorn's judgement. He went on to doing just that.

"Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Boromir exclaimed.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs." Aragorn pointed out. 

Arya grumbled. She would not want to encounter these Orcs again. "So where do we go?" She asked.

"We must reach the woods of Lothlorien." Aragorn answered. "Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Hound, Jon, get them up." He commanded as he reached a tearful Sam and lifted him. "On your feet, Sam." He then went over to Frodo. "Frodo?"

Frodo was walking away in the distance. "Frodo!" Aragorn called again. Frodo had stopped walking, tears rolling down his cheek. The death of Gandalf had effected him as bad as the others. He didn't want anyone to die for him. And now, Gandalf. The man he had known since forever was gone. Just like that.

"And who put him in charge?" The Hound asked.

"Gandalf did." Jon answered.

The Fellowship had run past a group of stream and set their sights at a meadow in the woods. There was something about the place that felt, mystical. 

"What's this place?" Arya asked. 

"Lothlorien, Lady Stark." Aragorn answered.

"Not a lady." Arya clarified. Sansa glared at her. "Seriously. I hate being called that."

"What is Lothlorien, exactly?" Jon asked.

"A place of darkness and evil." Gimli answered.

"Don't be ridiculous, Gimli." Aragorn replied. "There is no evil in Lothlorien. Unless someone brings evil with them."

"Like an evil ring." Sansa thought.

Once crossing into the Meadow. Gimli stuck to the Hobbits. "Stay close young hobbits." He cautioned as he held Frodo's arms. "They say there's a great sorceress lives in these woods. And Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell..."

Frodo could hear something in his head. "Frodo!" Frodo turned around to see who said that. No one.

"...And are never seen again." Gimli continued.

The voice sounded again. "You're coming to us." Frodo could see bright eyes like it was a vision. "Is as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here! Ring Bearer!" The Voice echoed.

"Mr. Frodo?" Sam asked.

Frodo continued on.

"Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily." Gimli commented. "I have the eyes of a hawk, and ears of a fox." He was then brought up abruptly by two arrows appearing in front of him. "Oh."

The Fellowship soon found that they had arrows face at all of them. "The Hawk and the Fox have slower reflexes than elves, apparently." Jon replied.

Legolas had drawn his own arrow in response. And the Hound and Jon started to pull out their swords but Aragorn had motioned them to sheathe them. Aragorn had simply held up his hands to show they came in peace.

An Elf named Haldir had stepped forward. "The Dwarf breaths so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." He said.

Gimli growled at that, while Arya chuckled.

The Elves had taken them high up in the trees on a leaf of the Mallorn branch, by nightfall. 

The Starks couldn't believe they were in a tree. "We're definitely not in The North anymore." Jon said.

"Welcome, Legolas son of Thranduil." Haldir greeted in Elvish.

"Our fellowship stands in your debt." Legolas replied in Elvish.

Haldir then turned to Aragorn. "Aragorn of the Dunedin, you are known to us."

Aragorn politely nodded. "Haldir."

"And who is this?" Haldir asked looking at Jon. "You do not come from Middle Earth do you?"

"No." Jon answered. "My name is Jon Snow. My Lord. Bastard of Winterfell. And the Son of Eddard Stark. These are my sisters, Sansa and Arya Stark."

Haldir said something in Elvish to the other Elves.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves! Speak words we can all understand." Gimli grumbled.

"We have not had dealings with Dwarves since the Dark Days." Haldir commented glaring at Gimli.

"And you know what this Dwarf says to that?" Gimli asked.

"Gimli, please don't provoke them." Sansa requested.

Too late. Gimli charged ahead. "I spit upon your grave! Damn stubborn elves!" He declared in a Dwarven language.

Aragorn turned to Gimli and slapped his shoulder. "That was not so courteous."

Haldir then set his sights on Frodo and Sam. "You bring great evil with you. You may go no further." He informed.

"No further?" Arya asked.

They turn to look at Frodo. "So much for getting help here." The Hound thought as Aragorn started talking avidly to Haldir.

"We need your protection. The road is fell!" Aragorn insisted in elvish. 

Jon couldn't make out what they were saying thought. "I wish that we may come with you." Haldir replied something in Elvish. 

"Please, understand, we need your support!" Aragorn pleaded.

Legolas turned around and looked at Frodo, who glanced at Sam. 

Sam looked away sadly. Frodo know how much he liked Elven culture. 

Merry and Pippin look at Frodo and turned away, and Gimli turned to look at Aragorn and bowed his head.

 "The road is very dangerous." Aragorn continued.

Frodo again looked uncomfortable and alone. Boromir could tell.

"Gandalf's death was not in vain. Nor would he have you give up hope You carry a heavy burden Frodo. Don't carry the weight of the dead." Boromir said.

Frodo had turned to Sansa. Sansa was nodding the same thing. 

Finally Haldir walked up to Frodo. "You will follow me."

"I guess that means we can go in." Arya thought. She just hoped these elves were as hospitable as the Elves in Rivendell. 

Haldir had taken the Fellowship across a forest hill to see an even larger mount of trees on a hill. "Caras Galadhon. The heart of Elvendom on Earth. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and the Lady Galadriel, Lady of Light." He introduced.

"Geez, you elves don't like grasslands or even mountains." Arya commented. 

"No." Legolas answered.

"Bah. As if elves could understand the superiority of the Mountains. We're the King of the Mountains if ever there was one." Gimli interrupted.

The Fellowship continued through the high trees, seeing even more elvish architecture. And large spiral staircases that wrapped around the trees. 

"Jon, are you sure this is a good idea?" Sansa asked. 

"We'll be fine, Sansa." Jon answered. "I trust Aragorn, and if he says this place is safe, that's good enough for me."

It was nightfall by the time that they reached the main building. And out coming from under the stairs were 2 bright flashes of light.

"If this is more, fire. I'm walking out of here." The Hound thought.

The lights dimmed and everyone could see the faces of this Lord Celeborn and the Lady Galadriel. And Galadriel was looking at Frodo. Or more like starring at him.

"The enemy knows you have entered here." Celeborn began. "What hope you had in secrecy is long gone."

"Uh, things got complicated." Jon replied.

"12 there are here, yet 13 there were set out from Rivendell." Celeborn said.

And The Starks grew quiet. "Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar." Celeborn requested.

But Galadriel's eyes met Aragorn's. "Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land." Galadriel said.

"No... he's-" Sansa couldn't find the right words to finish that sentence.

"He has fallen into shadow." Galadriel finished.

"That is not how I was going to say it." Sansa awkwardly said.

"He's dead from that giant Fire Monster thing." The Hound put in. "Balog or something like that."

"He was taken by both Shadow and Flame. A Balrog of Morgoth." Legolas corrected.

"Yeah... that thing." The Hound said.

The Elves looked like they had suffered a blow themselves.

"For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." Legolas added as Gimli looked down. It was his idea to go through Moria after all.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose." Galadriel explained. She turned her gaze to Gimli. "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dum fill your heart, Gimli, son of Glóin. For the world has grown full of peril. And in all lands love is now mingled with grief." She explained.

Galadriel looked at Boromir next with a piercing stare that Boromir couldn't stand. He was starting to shake as he casted his gaze downwards. 

"And you, children of Eddard Stark. It was not by accident that you have come here." Galadriel said to Jon, Arya, and Sansa.

All Stark children looked confused. "Wait... how do you know who we are?" Sansa asked. "We never told you that." She started to wonder for a moment as to if Gimli was right about Galadriel being a witch.

"I know all there is to know about you, Sansa Stark." Galadriel answered. "After all, it was you that prayed to the Old Gods to be taken away from your nightmare."

"Wait, what?" Arya asked confused. "What's she talking about?"

Sansa looked as confused as her sister. "I never... unless..." That's when it clicked for her. "You mean, when I prayed to the Old Gods to take me away from King's Landing. They sent me here." She realized. "To Middle Earth."

"You prayed to the Old Gods to take you away and you received your wish." Galadriel explained.

"You mean, Sansa Stark is the reason we're all stuck here in Middle Earth?" The Hound asked.

"Not intentionally." Sansa replied. "I didn't mean for us all to get sent here. Robb had just died, I was alone in King's Landing. I thought Arya was dead... and Jon was at the Wall." She started to get all defensive. "But I swear, I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"Hold on a second." Jon interrupted. "So if Sansa wished to get taken away from this nightmare. How did Arya and I get stuck here?" He asked.

"Because you were Sansa's family. The only family members that she thought were still alive at the very least. The Old Gods gave you to her as well." Galadriel answered. 

"Seven Hells." Arya muttered. "I don't see how this is much better, though. We're all stuck here, trying to toss a ring into fire. And we've literally encountered Orcs, and other monsters. And we got chased by those Nazgul. Bang up job, Sansa." She sarcastically said.  

"Arya. Not the time." Jon snapped. "Hang on. There's still one thing unaccounted for. Why is the Hound here?" He asked.

"Actually, he was the one person who was not supposed to be here." Galadriel answered. "He got here because he was with Arya Stark."

The Hound smacked his own head. "Well that checks out." He muttered.

Galadriel turned back to Frodo. As did Celeborn. "What now becomes of this Fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost." He asked.

"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all." Galadriel advised. "Yet hope remains while the Company is true." She looked at Sam and smiled. And Sam continued to gaze at her.  "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace..."  

She then spoke to Frodo in his mind. "Welcome Frodo of the Shire. One who has seen the Eye!"

And Frodo was not sure how Galadriel could do that to him.

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