Chapter 15: The Journey across the River.

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The Next Morning saw the Elves giving the Fellowship getting new cloaks from the Elves. Galadriel was coming down the stream on a small boat.

"What's this?" The Hound asked.

"Never before have we had strangers in the garb of our people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." Celeborn explained.

"Well... I'm sure they'll come in handy." Jon commented not being really optimistic. 

"Might as well take them... Jon. I don't think we'll be going back to the Wall anytime soon." Sansa whispered.

Jon nodded. He could always keep his Night's Watch Cloak for later then.

The Elves also gave the Fellowship new boats to navigate the river and go downstream. Along the way, they also got new fresh supplies.

Along with bags of bread.

"Well, I suppose bread could be good." Arya said eating it. She found it was very filling. "What is this made of?" She asked. It didn't taste like the bread back home.

"It's Lembas." Legolas answered. "Elvish Way Bread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."

Both Merry and Pippin nodded their heads. As did Arya. "How many did you eat?" Merry asked Pippin.

"Four." Pippin answered with a burp.

"Well at least we'll be able to save enough food for weeks and weeks." Jon said as he loaded more supplies on the boat. 

"We're going by boat now?" Sansa asked.

"It's either that, or go by The Land route." The Hound suggested.

"Come on, Sansa. What have we got lose? We're part Tully after all. And we all know who great on the Rivers the Tully's after." Arya pointed out.

"Arya, it does occur to you that we've spent most of our lives in The North, and Mother moved into the North when we were born." Sansa reminded.

"Ye, of little faith." Arya replied.

Sansa didn't respond to that as she got into the boat. 

"Every league you travel south, the danger will increase. Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin. Nor will you find safety on the western bank. Strange creatures bearing the mark of the White Hand have been seen on our borders. Seldom do Orcs journey in the open, under the sun, yet these have done so!" Celeborn warned Aragorn. But he also gave Aragorn an elvish dagger. "Le aphadar aen." You are being tracked."

"By river you have the chance of outrunning the enemy to the Falls of Rauros." He added to answer Sansa's question earlier.

"Okay. That answers that question." Jon thought.

The Fellowship could also see the Elves and Galadriel bidding them farewell.

Earlier that day, Galadriel had given several of the members some gifts for their journey.

"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." Galadriel started to Legolas.

Merry and Pippin were given the next set of gifts. 2 Daggers. "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war." Galadriel explained. "Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage." She reassured the young Hobbit.

Sam was the next to recieve a gift. "And for you, Samwise Gamgee: Elven rope, made of hithlain."

"Thank you, my lady." Sam replied. He looked sidelong at the blades held by Merry and Pippin, then looked up hopefully. "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" He asked.

"And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?" Galadriel asked of the young Dwarf. 

Gimli who had ben looking at his shoes the whole time was wondering the same thing. "Nothing." He grunted. "Except to look upon the Lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth." Galadriel smiled at that. "Actually, there was one thing — ah, agh, that's quite impossible. Stupid to ask." Gimli requested.

Galadriel then turned to the Hound next. "I believe that there is one thing I can offer you, Sir Clegane." She offered.

"And what would that be?" The Hound asked.

Galadriel pulled out a large drumstick of Chicken.

The Hound nodded. "Hm, maybe you're not so bad after all." He admitted.

Galadriel then turned to Arya. "There is nothing greater to give, than the gift you already bear." Galadriel was referring to Needle the sword that Arya had received from Jon years ago.

"Sansa has her Needles. This is mine." Arya said looking at Needle.

"And as for you, Sansa Stark." Galadriel said.

"You don't have to offer me anything." Sansa insisted.

"You might need this. A blade of your own. More useful then that of the Orcs." Galadriel brandished an Elvish made Sword.

"A weapon of my own?" Sansa asked.

"To protect yourself from harm. Which you will need soon." Galadriel answered. She then turned to Jon handing him a dagger. "You ask for the strength to protect your sisters. May this dagger help you in doing so." 

Jon nodded. "Thank you, My Lady."

It was Aragorn's turn next. But like Arya. Galadriel told him the same thing. "I have nothing greater to give, than the gift you already bear. Am meleth dîn. I ant e-guil Arwen Undómiel...pelitha." (For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar... will diminish.) She cautioned.

Aragorn had been prepared for this response though. "Aníron i e broniatha ar periatham amar hen. Aníron e ciratha a Valannor." (I would have her leave these shores, and be with her people. I would have her take the ship to Valinor.)

"That choice is yet before her. You have your own choice to make, Aragorn... to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness... with all that is left of your kin." Galadriel replied.

Aragorn looked down. Still reluctant to go through with his birthright. "Namárië." (Farewell.) "Nadath nâ i moe cerich." (There is much you have yet to do.)" Galadriel wished.

Finally, it was Frodo's turn. She handed out a light to the young Hobbit. "Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star. May it be a light for you, in dark places, when all other lights go out." And on that note. Everyone was on the boat thinking about their new gifts.

Everybody was moving down the river. While at the same time. The Uruk Hai sent from Isengard were on their tail. Around this time, Jon, Aragorn, Boromir, and The Hound were all looking around as if they heard something.

"What was that?" Sansa asked.

"Not sure... let's keep moving." Aragorn answered.

Jon was looking at the dagger that he had received from Galadriel hopefully with that, and with his sword Longclaw. That would protect his sisters. He also looked at Sansa's new blade.

"Are you alright, Sansa?" Jon asked.

"I've never been so good at swordplay before." Sansa answered.

"Well, you did a decent job in Moria against the Orcs." Jon pointed out. "And Samwell Tarly wasn't that great of a sword fighter, but he would learn. And so will you."

"I just hope you're right." Sansa replied. "I don't want Arya to be better at me than this... she'll never let me hear the end of it." She chuckled a bit to herself.

Jon chuckled also. Maybe this whole journey to Middle Earth wouldn't be the worse thing to happen to them after all. And if they couldn't bet back. Maybe they could start life again in this new world.

By nightfall, the Fellowship had made camp. But Boromir and Aragorn had seen a floating log on the river. And something that looked like it had its hands on it.

"Golem." Aragorn said. "He's been tracking us since Moria." The floating log came to a stand still. "I was hoping that we lost him on the river. But he's too clever a waterman." 

"If he leads the enemy to our whereabouts it'll make the Crossing will be even more dangerous." Boromir didn't take his eyes off the log. 

Elsewhere. Frodo was sitting by the fire. "Have some food, Mr. Frodo." Sam insisted.

"No, Sam." Frodo replied.

"You haven't eaten anything all day." Sam pointed out. "You're not sleeping well. Don't think I haven't noticed." He then went up to Frodo who hadn't been all that well ever since they left Lothlorien. "Mr. Frodo-"

"I'm fine, Sam." Frodo interrupted.

"But you're not. I'm here to help you. I promised Gandalf I would." Sam replied. 

Frodo looked at Sam. The mention of Gandalf was growing even harder in Frodo. "You can't help me Sam. Neither can Sansa or her siblings. Not this time." He informed. That broke Samwise's heart when Frodo said that. "Get some sleep." 

Sam let Frodo go after that.

In the meantime... Aragorn and Boromir were still talking about the safest place to go. "Minas Tirith is a safer road. You know that. From there, we can regroup. Strike out Mordor from a place of strength." Boromir commented.

"There's no strength in Gondor that can aid us." Aragorn shot down.

"You were quick enough to trust the Elves." Boromir pointed out. "You have so little faith in your own people. Yes, there is weakness, there is frailty, but there is courage also, and honor to be found in men. But you will not see that." His voice was now getting into a pleading phase for the long lost king of Gondor which Aragorn was.

Aragorn started to turn away. But Boromir had grabbed him. "You are afraid! All your life, you have lived in the shadows. Scared of who you are, or what you are." Boromir accused.

Frodo was listening to their conversation as he tried to sleep. "I will not lead the ring within a hundred leagues of your city." Aragorn hissed.

The next day was a continuation across the river. Boromir paddled for Merry, Pippin, and Arya who were in his boat. And all the while, Boromir stared at Aragorn who was paddling his own boat. He had Frodo and Sam in his boat. He also tapped Frodo so he could notice something.

"How much farther are we?" Sansa asked. It felt like they were rowing for days. Until she looked up to see some statues. "What are those?"

"The Argonath." Aragorn answered. "Long have I desired to look upon the Kings of Old. My Kin." He said softly to the others.

The group passed the statues of Isildur and his brother Anarion.

Everyone except the Hound as well as Legolas and Gimli didn't look all that impressed. 

"We... don't have statues like that back home." Jon admitted.

"I did hear they had a statue like that in Braavos though." Sansa replied. "Though it probably doesn't sound as epic as this one."

Right in front of them was a waterfall. So the Fellowship decided to stop over by the river bank of Amon Hen.

They managed to get a fire going through some twigs. "First we'll make at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot." Aragorn announced. "We'll approach Mordor from the North."

"Oh, yes?" Gimli asked. "Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil."

"Emyn Muil?" Sansa asked.

"An impossible labyrinth of razor sharp rocks and after that it gets even better." Gimli answered sarcastically. 

"What could possibly be better then a discount Vale?" The Hound asked.

"Stinking, festering Marshlands as far as the eye can see." Gimli answered.

"He's kidding right?" Sansa asked.

"That is our road." Aragorn pointed out.

"Of course it is." Sansa thought.

Arya saw an opportunity and she took it. "What's the matter, Sansa? Afraid of getting your shoes wet and mother scolding you?" She asked.

"Arya, I've literally gone through Mines and other places that would make Mother ground me for the rest of my life." Sansa replied.

"Eh, I would've taken the fall for you girls. Your Mother hated my guts, anyway." Jon interrupted.

It made the Stark Girls laugh.

"I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf." Aragorn suggested.

"Recover my?" Gimli grumbled under his breath.

Legolas on the other hand had a different approach. "We should leave now." He advised.

"No." Aragorn shot down. "Orcs patrol the Eastern Shore. We must wait for cover of darkness." 

"It is not the Easter Shore that worries me." Legolas clarified. "The Shadow of Threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near. I can feel it." 

In the meantime. Merry and The Hound had brought more wood for the fire. All the while, Gimli was complaining about  what Aragorn had said. "Recover my strength." He scoffed.

That was when Sansa noticed something. "Where's Frodo?" She asked.

Everyone started to look around. Even Sam who grew a new level of concern.

"Follow up question. Where's Boromir?" Arya asked noticing that his gear was logged by a tree.

"Frodo?" Jon asked. "Let's look around and see if we can find him." He suggested. And that was how everyone began looking for Frodo.

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