Chapter 6: Weathertop.

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"Where are you taking us?" Frodo asked Strider.

"Into the Wild." Strider answered.

"You alright, Sansa? You seem quiet since we left Bree." Sam noted.

Sansa breathed in and out. "I thought I saw something. I thought I saw... my sister."

Frodo looked at Sansa confused. "You don't think you were the only one who got mysteriously sent here do you?" He asked.

"Well I was the only one present when it happened." Sansa answered.

"Maybe some other people were put in as well. It's not fully understood how magic works." Pippin suggested.

They Hobbits and Sansa followed Strider through more woods. Sansa was glad that she was wearing boots otherwise she would grip and complain. 

"How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?" Merry asked Frodo.

"I think a servant of evil would look fairer." Frodo answered. "And fell fouler."

"He's foul enough." Merry replied.

"We have no choice but to trust him." Frodo decided.

"Works for me. Anything to get us away from the Nazgul." Sansa commented.

"But where is he leading us?" Sam asked.

"To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. To the House of Elrond." Strider answered.

That made Sam widen his eyes at the thought of going to Rivendell. "Did you hear that? Rivendell." Sam asked.

"What's special about Rivendell?" Sansa asked.

"We're going to see the Elves, Sansa." Sam answered.

Traveling through the country was easier said than done. There were no signs of any civilization anywhere. Even when going to Bree. There were still houses and places in the Shire. But this was open space. Something that Sansa was not used to. 

There was also a time one day when the Hobbits decided to unload in a clearing until Strider looked back.

"Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall." Strider informed. 

"What about Breakfast?" Pippin asked.

"You've already had it." Strider answered.

"We've had one, yes. What about Second Breakfast?" Pippin asked.

"Second Breakfast?" Sansa asked like Pippin had just said the strangest WTF. "That's a thing?"

Strider ignored Pippin continuing on.

"Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." Merry noted.

Pippin looked in horror at the thought of No Second Breakfast. "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?" He asked nervously.

"I wouldn't count on it" Merry answered. But right after Strider threw a couple of Apples in their direction.

It did make Sansa laugh. But it would only be for the moment. Because if the Snow on the ground didn't make Sansa feel at home. This next part would.

They Group traversed through some swamp lands that reminded Sansa of The Neck. With Bugs flying around them.

"Stupid Bugs." Sansa complained.

"What do they eat when they can't get Hobbit?" Merry asked about the bugs.

"Well it's not like that time when we traversed the Neck back to King's Landing. Arya thought it was a good idea to get my shoes all muddy. Or splash some water on my hair as I tried to put it in a Southern Bun." Sansa pointed out. 

"Southern Bun?" Merry asked.

"I was going through a phase, okay." Sansa answered. 

That night, Strider had managed to hunt a deer down and that's what they had for dinner. And Frodo and Sansa could hear Strider singing a song. 

"Tinuviel the elven-fair. Immortal maiden elven-wise. About him cast her night-dark hair. And arms like silver glimmering."

"Who is she?" Frodo asked. 

Strider turned to look at Frodo. "The woman you sing of?" Sansa asked.

"Tis the lady of Luthien. The Elf-maiden who gave her love to Beren, a mortal." Strider answered.

"What happened to her?" Frodo asked.

"She died." Strider answered. And there seemed to be some heartbreak in his voice as he said that. "Get some sleep you two."

Frodo went back to sleep, but Sansa didn't. Strider's singing reminded her of the times when she would sing to herself in the Gods Wood alone while her Brothers played on their own. There was a part of her that wished she played with her siblings too, instead of just ignoring them and thinking they were the ugliest people in the world. Especially the way she treated Jon Snow. Now that her other brothers were dead along with Arya who was most likely dead along with their parents. Jon was all she had left. And he was at The Wall unable to help her. If not for the beam of light that transported her to Middle Earth, who knows what would've happened. But there was not turning back now. She was here in Middle Earth. She was wearing Pants, she was with Hobbits, along with some random Ranger, and in the Wilderness.

Things could literally not get any weirder.

This went on for some time now. Until Strider led the Company to what looked like a Ruined Tower. That looked even more ruined then Harrenhal. 

"This was once the Great Watchtower of Amon Sul. We shall rest here tonight." Strider informed.

"This place?" Sansa asked.

Strider ignored her until he pulled out some small swords each for the companions. "These are for you. Keep them close. I'm going to have a look around." He said.

"Are we being watched?" Sansa asked.

"Possibly. Someone's been following us since we left Bree. And I don't think it was the Nazgul." Strider answered as he left.

"Wait!" Sansa called out. "I don't know how to use this."

"Stick them with the pointy end." Strider replied and then left. Leaving Sansa to just stare at the short sword.

Meanwhile Arya and The Hound looked at the tower of Weathertop at nightfall and saw a single fire lit.

"Geez. How stupid is your Sister?" The Hound asked.

"Very stupid." Arya answered. "Unless she knows we're coming." 

"Seriously doubt it." The Hound replied. "All Starks. Brave intentions but stupid."

"We're not stupid." Arya snapped.

"Tell that to your Father. He got himself killed like an idiot." The Hound pointed out.

"My Father was not an idiot." Arya said sternly.

The Hound looked straight at Arya. "Deny it all you want, girl. But I saw what he did. What he tried to do. He was an idiot."

"You know, I'm starting to remember why I put you on my kill list-" Arya started. But The Hound hushed her.

"Quiet. What's that sound?" The Hound asked.

Sansa was trying to sleep and hoped that Strider would be back soon. That was when she smelled something burning. "Frodo? Is something burning?" She asked.

Frodo woke up as well and turned to Sam, Merry, and Pippin trying to eat something. "What are you doing?" He asked in horror.

"Tomatoes and some nice crispy bacon." Merry answered. "We saved some for you Mr. Frodo."

"No you idiots. Put it out." Sansa cried as Frodo kicked down the fire extinguishing the light. To the annoyance of the Hobbits.

"Okay. Maybe they didn't see it." Frodo said. Until the Nazgul started to shriek.

"Seven Hells." Sansa muttered in horror. The Nazgul had found them. 

Frodo could look down to see the Nazgul approaching from the bottom. He drew out his short sword as did the other Hobbits. "Go!" The five climbed up the tower. And all could see where this was heading.

"We're trapped." Sansa squeaked. She closed her eyes to wake up from this bad dream. "This is not happening. This is not happening. I'm back in Winterfell. I'm back in Winterfell." She started to develop tears in her eyes.

That was when a Nazgul had come forth. Frodo could see him coming as could the other Hobbits.

"I'm in Winterfell with my family. I'm in Winterfell with my family." Sansa insisted as the Nazgul drew his sword. 

The Hobbits all looked in fear at the new threat while Sansa opened her eyes to stare at the horrifying sight. A worse sight than when she saw her Father die. "Please let me go home. I won't forsake my family, I won't commit treason. I swear it." She pleaded with whoever was listening.

But the Nazgul walked forward along with 4 others. They pointed their swords at the Hobbits and Sansa as the group tried to move back. But they were cornered.

"BACK YOUR DEVILS!" Sam yelled. He slashed his sword at the Nazgul. But the Nazgul had simply thrust Sam out of the way. Merry and Pippin had stood in front of Frodo and Sansa, but were thrown out of the way themselves.

That left Frodo and Sansa alone against the Nazgul. "Stay away from him." Sansa warned as she tried to fight off the Nazgul. However that too was in vain. The Nazgul had grabbed Sansa by the head. 

"You will watch as the Halfling dies, She-Wolf." The Nazgul hissed.

Frodo dropped his short sword and fell back. 

"Frodo, Run!" Sansa yelled. 

Frodo pulled out the ring. Earning the attention of the lead Nazgul. He took out a sword and started heading over to Frodo.

Frodo crawled back until his back was against a fallen pillar. The Nazgul raised the sword into the air until Frodo went invisible.

Hopefully to Sansa. Frodo was gone and long after. Until she saw a Nazgul ready to strike down Sansa. "No! Please don't!" She pleaded. "NOOOOO!"

That was when something grabbed the Nazgul's attention. It was large and imposing and carried a large Greatsword.

The figure grabbed the Nazgul thrusting it back.

Sansa looked up and saw the figure and he looked awfully familiar. "Looks like the Little Bird flew to a new land." The gruff voice said.

Sansa recognized that voice anywhere. "Clegane?"

From the sight of the Ring, Frodo could see what the Nazgul looked like under the hoods. It was as if they were men. Kings in fact. But Ghosts of themselves. The lead one was reaching for the Ring. Frodo pulled his hand back. And that was enough for the Nazgul to realize that Frodo was there. He stabbed Frodo with the blade, and Frodo screamed in pain. The Nazgul tried again, but suddenly it realized that something was coming. And not just from The Hound.

Strider jumped out carrying his sword and a torch fighting off the Nazgul and drawing them away from Frodo. Frodo had to take the ring off, and the pain was excruciating.

"Frodo!" Sam yelled running over to his friend.

"Frodo!" Sansa also yelled, but she was held back by The Hound. 

"Bigger Problem." The Hound informed pointing to the Nazgul. He drew his sword and fought against the Nazgul as well. But it was really Strider that did the work with the torch. He stabbed one Nazgul wit the torch setting the Nazgul on fire.

He then fought another Nazgul making him topple over the edge as the Nazgul tried to get away from the fire. It did make the Hound stand back a little.

"Strider!" Sansa yelled over to the remaining Nazgul. And Strider threw the torch right at the hood of the Nazgul. 

The Nazgul lit on fire as it ran away from the edge. At last it was over.

"Are you alright. Sansa?" Strider asked.

Sansa nodded.

"Just keep that torch away from me." The Hound snapped at Strider.

"Who are you?" Strider asked.

"He's The Hound." Sansa answered. "Someone I knew from Westeros." And then she seemed confused. "Wait, what are you doing here? How did you get here?" She asked.

"Sansa?" Another voice called out. This girl had short brown hair and a sword of her own.

Sansa knew that voice. "Arya?" She asked. "Is that you?"

"You're wearing pants?" Arya asked looking at Sansa's clothes. 

"Your hair is shorter?" Sansa asked back. She smiled at the crude joke that Arya made. Arya smile back and did hug Sansa.

"I thought you were dead." Sansa said.

"Oh please. As if I could die. Though I did think that I was dead when I got to this place. There was flash of light and then The Hound and I got stuck here." Arya explained.

"Flash of light?" Sansa asked. "You got-"

"Strider!" Sam yelled. "Help him Strider."

Strider ran over to Sam and Frodo who was still on the ground.

"Oh no. Frodo." Sansa ran over as well. 

"Who's that?" Arya asked.

"They're my friends." Sansa answered.

Arya took a look at the Hobbits. "Sansa. Your friends are dwarves." She noted.

"They're Hobbits." Sansa corrected. 

Strider was looking at the blade that stabbed Frodo. "He's been stabbed by a Morgul Blade." He said as the blade dissolved to dust.

"Can you help him?" Sansa asked.

"This is beyond my skills. He needs Elvish Medicine." Strider answered picking up Frodo.

"But we're 6 days from Rivendell. He'll never make it." Sam protested.

"All the more reason we need to hurry." Sansa replied.

Arya just looked confused by all of this. "Sansa?"

"Oh, sorry. Arya these are my friends. Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. Hobbits, this is my sister, Arya." Sansa introduced. "Sorry, but we'll have to cut this short. There's a lot of stuff going on that I can't explain and on top of that, Frodo's about to die."

"Do you know what's going on?" Arya asked The Hound.

"Not a clue." The Hound answered.

Frodo in the meantime was still in pain. "Gandalf!" He yelled out. Where was the Wizard?

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