Prologue: On Westeros.

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Sansa had stood by the Godswood and praying. Praying for herself to reach to safety. She had been like this ever since she heard about her brother's death at the Red Wedding. Her brother was suppose to come to King's Landing and save her, but now... Now she was a prisoner in all but name. No one was coming now. Her father was dead, her mother as well, Robb was dead. Bran and Rickon to her knowledge were dead as well. Thanks to Theon Greyjoy, Arya was most likely dead. And Jon. She hadn't thought about Jon Snow since forever, and she didn't have the best relationship with him. Sometimes Sansa had to remind herself that her innocence was gone. Ever since she was little, she wanted to come to King's Landing. Until the Lannisters revealed their true colors and took her father's head. She thought she loved Joffrey and he turned out to be a Violent Sociopath, her idol Cersei was a stuck up bitch if ever there was one. 

She couldn't hear the words of Jamie Lannister and Brienne of Tarth who were observing her at the wall. But she was praying for help. She knew that she told her husband Tyrion Lannister that she didn't pray anymore, but she just couldn't help herself now. 

"Please... Take me away from all of this. Please..." Sansa pleaded. As she looked away because she heard a noise, she didn't notice the glow that was around the Godswood. 

"It was probably a bird." Sansa thought. She had to get up before Joffrey aimed a crossbow at her for being late again. And pretty soon, he would be getting married to Lady Margery of House Tyrell. She was on good terms with Margery though, but Sansa was also worried for her new friend. She couldn't stomach the thought of what a sadistic bastard like Joffrey would do to Margery if he got upset. That was something that Joffrey like to do often to Sansa.

Either way, Sansa started walking up the steps when she suddenly stopped. "What was that?" She thought. She started to move faster now as if she was being watched. For all she knew, that could've been Meryn Trent, whose favorite hobby was beating up little girls for pleasure. She walked down a wooden path. And then suddenly...

A large glow appeared around Sansa. "What the-"

Her words were cut off as she saw large flashes of light all around her. "What is this?" She asked. Were her prayers answered already? But that was about to turn to fear as she could swear another presence was behind her. Sansa turned to see what looked like a large reptilian eye starring right at her. 

"I see you!" The Eye roared in her head.

Sansa wanted to scream in horror but she couldn't feel her own voice. Her body was now glowing in a wave of light and then... she disappeared from Westeros entirely.


Arya and the Hound: A.K.A Sandor Clegane were trotting through the Riverlands. As in trotting. They were riding on Horseback. Arya had come so close to seeing her family again. But the Red Wedding happened. And she saw Robb Stark's Dire Wolf's head, on Robb's own body. She and the Hound were now going through the ruined Riverlands.

"When do I get a horse of my own?" Arya asked.

"The Lady wants a pony?" The Hound asked with a mocking tone in his voice.

"The Lady wants to get away from your foul stench." Arya corrected.

The Hound couldn't argue with that one. "Horses are hard to come by." The Hound replied. "Even if there were, you'd really think I'd put you on your own horse?" He asked.

"Why didn't you have any money?" Arya asked. "Didn't you steal anything from Joffrey before you left?"

"No." The Hound answered wishing that he did.

"You're not that smart are you?" Arya commented.

"I'm not a thief." The Hound replied.

Arya found that ironic. "You're fine with murdering little boys, but thieving is beneath you?"

The Hound said something else but Arya couldn't hear it.

"You think I'm going to escape? Where would I go? I'd be dead by nightfall without you." Arya continued to try to let the Hound at ease. "My family's gone, I've got no one."

No such luck though. He was the Hound. "You've got an Aunt in the Vale. Rich Aunt Lysa." The Hound pointed out.

Arya had never met her Aunt Lysa. Lysa Arryn was her Aunt on her mother's side. And Arya's mother, Catelyn never really talked about her. Probably for good reason, because she overheard her father and mother once talking about how King's Landing was ruining Lysa's sanity. 

"I'll give you to her, and she'll give me enough money to buy you that pony you want so much." The Hound informed.

Unfortunately. He wouldn't get the chance. Because that same strange glowing energy that had surrounded Sansa at King's Landing started to surround the Hound. 

"Uh, is that normal?" Arya asked perplexed.

"What are you-?" The Hound looked at himself. "Oh fu-" He never got to finish his sentence because he had disappeared completely in a flash of light. 

Arya laughed out loud at her captors fate. Now she was free! "Ha! That's what you get!" She laughed until that same energy started to surround her. "Oh, Seven Hells." Arya thought. She should've known that it was true good to be true. With just her amount of luck, she would be banished to the same place that the Hound was.

Meanwhile... Again.

Jon Snow, the Bastard Son of Eddard Stark, who was at the Wall to keep him safe from the hands of enemies against House Stark was stationed at Castle Black. He had heard the news about his brother Robb Stark. He and Robb were on very good terms with each other despite Jon being a bastard. His friend Samwell Tarly went to see how Jon was doing. He walked past all the archery fields.

"When last I saw him. He was at the Courtyard of Winterfell. He said, next time I see you. You'll be in all black." Jon started to say. "I was jealous of Robb my whole life. The way my father looked at him, I wanted that. He was better than me at everything. At hunting, at fighting, riding, and girls. Oh the girls loved him." He had his own chuckle in his voice. Sam only felt sad for Jon. "I wanted to hate him, but I never could." Jon admitted. He loved Robb more than anything. Just like Arya.

"Sometimes I want to hate you." Sam admitted. "You're... better at me than everything. Except reading." 

Jon smiled. At least Sam would have reading over Jon.

"They're ready for you now." Sam informed. And Jon knew where this was going. How, the Night's Watch was going to charge him with treason for going with the Wildlings and even laying with a Wildling Girl. This wasn't going to be pretty for Jon. And Jon knew it. 

"Thorne's wanted to hang me for awhile. Now he'll get his chance." Jon commented grabbing his cloak and Longclaw. 

"He won't hang you. You've done nothing wrong." Sam noted.

"I've done plenty wrong." Jon replied.

But that was when a large glow appeared around Jon.

"Jon?" Sam asked nervous. "You're glowing."

Jon turned around confused. "I'm flattered Samwell, but-"

"No, Jon, you're really glowing. You're white." Sam interrupted.

Jon looked at himself. He then thought he saw something. A horde of monstrous creatures around him. Fire everywhere. An Eye. And the words: "I see you."

"Sam?! What is this?" Jon asked.

"I... don't know." Sam was at a lost of words. "Someone help us!" He shouted. And that was when he saw Jon disappear. 

"SAM!" Jon started to shout before he faded away.

Sam stood there with his mouth dropped. "Oh, this is not good." He said. Where did Jon go? And why?

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