Chapter 1: The Relic

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The thick dark clouds rolled across the sky, thunder rumbled in the distance as the storm approached. The air was thick with anticipation, and eerily quiet. A small towns residents took shelter in their homes to wait out the dark storm. Had any of them looked outside their windows, and into the desert. Had they taken a moment to gaze at an outcropping, they would have seen a figure illuminated by the first flash of lightning. It stood nearby as it watched over them, protecting them.

Optimus Prime gazed at the town called Jasper, he didn't flinch or move as the first flash of lightning lit up the sky. He remained still as the thunder shook the earth beneath him. The Autobot leader simply watched the small town for a moment.

He thought of the many humans that lived in the town. The ones he strongly believed needed protection from his war, that now plagued their home world. He looked at the dirt for a moment and thought about the danger below that was the earths core. Thunder shook the sky again and lightning cut through the clouds as it started to rain.

The Prime thought about what had happened in the past few months, and how the humans had helped in some way. He smiled slightly at the thought and looked back up at the town. The humans had a strong desire and determination that reminded him of past Cybertronians. Megatron had asked him why he cared for these 'primitive creatures', as he had called them. If only he knew.

Optimus saw two people run with each other out of the rain, laughing as they did. He hid himself further behind the rocks so they wouldn't see him. The Prime looked off to the horizon and smiled slightly as he thought of their human allies. He closed his optics as he felt the rain, and realized this planet truly was something worth fighting for.


Rachet grumbled as another clap of thunder echoed through the base. He hated the storms and most things this planet had to offer. He growled again as he heard the rain start up.

After a few minutes he heard a truck drive up the tunnel. He glanced over his shoulder and saw who it was before going back to his work. Optimus transformed and walked over to the computer. The medic could tell he was in a better mood then when he left.

"Having a good day?" Rachet grumbled without looking up. Another clap of thunder echoed through the base.

"Indeed Old Friend." Optimus said as he looked at the tunnel for a moment. "I feel as though I have renewed strength, to fight for those who dwell on this planet, which we call home." He said smiling ever so slightly. The medic raised an optic ridge as he looked at the leader.

"You got that from standing in the rain?" Rachet asked grumpily. Optimus set a hand on his shoulder and looked at him for a moment.

"I know it's difficult for all of us to adjust to this planet. But we must do our best for the time being." The leader said kindly.

"Well it won't ever replace Cybertron." The medic grumbled as another clap of thunder echoed through the base.

"No it will not." Optimus admitted as he started to walk away. "But Earth makes a good home away from home." He said as he left the room. The medic looked back at the screen and listened to the rain as it hit the base. He huffed and went back to working on the computer.

Next day.

Optimus went over the Iacon files as he tried to decode some of it. After a few minutes, the computer beeped and he narrowed his optics as he read what was decoded. The relic was not familiar to him.

"Rachet." He called to the medic. The bot was quietly teaching Raf how to read and understand Cybertronian.

"What is it?" He mumbled without looking up. Raf was trying to figure out a particularly difficult set of writing, and the medic was prepared to help if he needed it.

"I am not familiar with this particular relic." Optimus replied. The medic looked up and furrowed his optic ridges. He told the young boy to hold on and walked over to his leader. He read the writing and his optics widened.

"By the All Spark." Rachet gasped. "I didn't think they succeeded, it was just a myth in my mind." He mumbled to himself. He typed a little to get more info.

"What do you know about it Old Friend?" Optimus asked.

"Not much." Rachet admitted. "It's of Desepticon origin. All I remember is a rumor going around....." He trailed off as he thought for a moment. "When both sides were hiding energon deposits on other worlds. Some of the Desepticon scientist believed they could hide energon in different dimensions." He explained. The room was quiet for a moment.

"I didn't think they would actually succeed." He mumbled again. Optimus narrowed his optics as he thought about what Rachet had said.

"I fear that Megatron would use this device to travel to other dimensions and destroy them in an attempt to rule them." The Prime said thoughtfully. "We must retrieve this relic and destroy it if necessary." He said seriously.

"Keep it out of Megatrons hands no matter what." The medic mumbled. Optimus nodded and contacted the others to return to base. After he did he walked into the other room to retrieve somethings for the mission.

"Rachet I did it!" Raf said excitedly, he smiled up at the bot as he showed him the translated code. The medic looked over at him and smiled slightly as he read it.

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