Chapter 20: Ruthless

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Megatron brought his sword down on the scout. It stopped suddenly and he glared at the bot who caught his sword with his own. Rachet grunted under the strain but held firm as he glared at the con. The Decepticon leader pressed harder on his blade and the medic grunted as one of his knee plates hit the ground.

"You're slower and weaker than I remember." The warlord sneered.

The medic groaned slightly as more weight was added. He felt himself start to shake as he tried to stay up. Megatron brought his free arm up to hit the medic, but it wouldn't move. He looked at it and saw a black ninja bot grunting as he held his arm back. Arcee ran up the side of a building and launched into the air. As she came down she fired rapidly at the Decepticon leader.

Megatron yelled in annoyance and took a few steps back. Prowl jumped up and kicked at him to prevent him from going back. Rachet collapsed to his other knee plate. He heard a cannon go off and he looked up in time to see Megatrons blast soar over his head to Bumblebee.

"NO!" The medic yelled.

He whipped around optics wide. He heard the explosion and shielded his face plate as debris flew at him. When it settled he was afraid to look. He slowly lowered his arm optics growing wide.

Bumblebee clenched his free servo and fist pumped. The young bot jumped to his peds and gently slapped the medic on the back as he ran passed. As though he was thanking him. The older bot just stared after him in surprise. He had no idea how but the young bot seemed to have a lot of luck. He watched as the bot fired on the warlord in an attempt to help the others. Rachet got up and went to help Bee who was still battling Blitzwing.

Bulkhead yelled as he swung at Lugnut. His mace smashed into his head and the con punched him. Optimus extended his ax and swung at him. He hit the con a few more times and dodged as he hit back. Doc bot used his magnetic field to keep Soundwave back, but was struggling as the con stepped closer trying to fight against it. The doctor grunted and pushed the communication specialist into the building behind him. Soundwave fought against the field and transformed his servo into a cannon. He struggled against it and tried to shoot at the bot.

Blitzwing came out of nowhere and slammed into the bots side. The doctor tumbled in the street and slid to a stop. Soundwave fell to his knees but quickly recovered. Bee and Rachet had gotten caught in the fight with Megatron.

The warlord yelled angrily and grabbed Prowl by the ped. He flung him against the building and proceeded to do the same with Arcee and Bee. The scout kicked the con in the side causing him to stumble.

Soundwave whacked Optimus in the side with one of his tentacles. He then attached it to the bots chest and electrocuted him. Optimus yelled and Bee looked up optics wide. The little bot got up and ran to him.

"Take this Decipti-freak!" He yelled as he put his stingers together and shot at the con. Soundwave arched his back as he got hit. Blitzwing ran at the little bot.

"I'm going to crush you into- a daisy!" His red face said before it turned to black.

He grabbed the little bot and threw him as hard as he could down the road. The bot tumbled and landed next to Doc bot. He looked up optics wide as Blitzwing jumped into the air and shot at them as he came down, laughing hysterically.

Sari followed the sound of crashing and fighting. She had snuck out of their hiding place to go help the bots. She just knew they would need her help. The girl stopped as she hid behind some rubble. The Autobots were fighting as hard as they could as the Decepticons tried to crush them. Prowl jumped onto Megatron and tried hitting him with his nerve attacks. The con attempted to get him off while trying to hit the others. Sari watched as the bots worked on leading the Decepticons out of the city. The girl felt someone touch her shoulder and she screamed.

"Relax it's just me." Raf said. She punched his arm. "Ow." He complained.

"Don't scare me." She hissed. "What are you doing here anyway?" She said angrily as she folded her arms.

"Making sure you don't get yourself killed." He shot back as he rubbed his arm. He suddenly realized how Jack felt when he tried to reason with Miko. The kids watched as the Autobots and Decepticons fought each other in the middle of an intersection.

"I've had enough of this!!" Lugnut shouted as he shoved Bulkhead and Optimus away. He brought his fist up high above his head then brought it down. Everyone's optics widened.

"Lugnut you idiot!!" Blitzwing shouted as his face spun to red.

The big con punched the ground and there was a big explosion. The two kids hid behind a building and hoped they didn't get hurt. Bots and cons flew up in the air before landing hard on the street.

Megatron was the first to recover from the unexpected event. He shakily got to his feet and silently vowed to have a little talk with Lugnut who was currently out. Soundwave, who had transformed and flown away from the explosion. Landed on his peds next to the warlord and glared at the Autobots.

Optimus groaned as he heard heavy ped steps approaching. He looked around and sighed with relief when he saw everyone was close by. He looked up at the approaching Decepticon leader and glared at him. Megatron stopped a few feet away from the first two bots and glared at the leader that was further away. He clenched his servos as Soundwave stopped just behind him.

"Hand over the relic!" Megatron growled angrily as he towered over the fallen Autobots. They looked up at him and glared.

"Over our.... ugh.....Sparkless shells." Doc bot growled as he tried to get up, but failed.

"Not mine..." Bee groaned. Megatron glared at them for a moment, then a wicked smile spread across his face plate.

"Very well." He sneered as he stepped closer to one of the bots laying on their back. Arcee who was further away, jumped to her feet and stumbled a little as she went to stop him.

The con reached down and dug his razor sharp servos into the medics chest plate. Rachets optics widened in surprise and his face plate twisted in pain. He grabbed the cons arm in an attempt to stop him. Megatron growled as he grabbed the beating spark and yanked it out of the medics chest. Rachet gasped shakily and his optics widened.

"NOOO!!" Arcee cried in anguish, she felt weak and fell to her knees.

"RACHET!!!" Raf screamed as he stared in horror. Bumblebees optics widened as he tried to get up.

Their cries filled the medics audio receptors as he felt himself fade away. He wanted to answer, let them know it would be alright. He gasped again and looked towards the others.

The warlord laughed darkly as he watched the Autobots light fade from his optics. The others stared in horror and shock as the medics body went slack and collapsed against the rubble. Rachet felt himself fade into nothingness and his world suddenly went dark.

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