Chapter 31: Fight to Survive

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Megatron blocked as the scout fired on him. The warlord swung at him and the bot jumped away. Bumblebee ran up a building and flipped over the cons helm as he fired. He kicked the con in the back with both peds and jumped over his helm again. The scout continued to dodge and fire at the Decepticon. The warlord growled angrily and caught the bots ped as he jumped again. He slammed the bot into the ground and glared at him. The Decepticon leader picked him up and slammed him back down even harder. He grabbed the bots leg and twisted a little. Bumblebee grit his teeth as pain shot through him.

"Go ahead. Call for help." Megatron seethed and he twisted again, this time harder.

Bumblebee stiffened and squeezed his optics shut. Megatron sneered and twisted harder. The scout felt something break and he involuntary cried out in pain. The con smirked as the scouts broken voice echoed of the buildings, Optimus would come to his aid shortly. The warlord dropped the scouts mangled leg and flexed his servos. Bumblebee felt tears of pain come to his optics and he glared at the con. He fired at the Decepticon again and got punched in the helm.

"You've been a thorn in my side for far to long." Megatron growled as Bumblebee tried to get up. "Your spark will make a fine trophy." He smiled wickedly.

The young bots optics widened in fear. Bumblebee brought his servos up and stopped the cons digits from penetrating his chest plate. Megatron growled as he fought against the young bot. He pushed harder and managed to slice through some of the scouts metal plating. He growled and brought his other servo up. He unsheathed his sword and placed the tip under the bots chin. Bumblebee strained his helm away as he also tried to keep the cons other servo away from his spark. He grunted and squeezed his optics shut as the sword pressed against his neck cables.

"Megatron!" The Decepticon leader looked up.

There were few things that scared him, but that tone sent a chill down his spin. He looked over his shoulder and smirked when he saw Optimus Prime walking towards him. The Autobot leader did not look happy. The warlord stood up and placed a ped on the scouts chest plate to keep him there. Bumblebee struggled and the con pressed down.

"Optimus, I can't say I'm surprised they brought you here." The warlord growled. "I'm sure you didn't hesitate when they told you I killed your beloved medic." He smirked. Optimus glared and clenched his servos as he approached. He glanced at the scout and saw the injuries the Decepticon had given the young bot.

"I'll deal with you in a moment. I have a bug to squish." Megatron growled as he raised his sword. The scout struggled some more and the con pressed harder. Bumblebee gasped as he felt his chest plate cave a little. The con smiled wickedly as he watched him struggle. He brought his sword down and there was a clang as Optimus deflected the blow with the Star Saber.

"Megatron! Stand down." He said firmly as he shoved him away from the scout.

The con stumbled a few steps and glared at the Autobot leader. He punched Optimus in the helm and kicked him in the side. The bot regained his balance and swung his sword at the con. Megatron blocked and shoved him against a building. Optimus used the Star Saber to block the sword as it came closer. Megatron growled at the Autobot leader as he pressed him against the wall, and brought the blade against his neck cables.

Bumblebee fired on the con in an attempt to help his leader, the villain growled angrily. He punched Optimus in the midsection as hard as he could and the bot sank to his knee plates. Megatron walked back to the scout and grabbed him by the helm. The young bot desperately grabbed at his servo as the con started dragging him along the ground. Bumblebee tried to get up but couldn't with his mangled leg. Optimus shook his helm and his optics widened as he saw them. Megatron growled and threw the injured bot into a building.

"I'll deal with you later." The con seethed angrily. He then shot at the building and walked away as it collapsed on top of the bot.

"Bumblebee!" Optimus yelled as he watched.

He glared at Megatron and got to his peds. The Autobot leader yelled and swung at the con. Megatron staggered a little and gasped slightly as the blade cut into his side. He touched the wound and glared at the bot. The con yelled angrily and swung his sword at Optimus. He dodged and punched the con in the face plate as he stood back up. The Decepticon leader stumbled and swung his sword again, this time as Optimus dodged the con kicked him hard. The Autobot staggered and got kicked again, he collided into a building and Megatron punched him repeatedly. Optimus fell to his knee plates again. The Decepticon kicked him hard and he fell to the ground. Optimus groaned as the con kicked him again and he rolled on to his back.

"I will have your spark." Megatron growled as he stood over him.

Optimus yelled as he felt the cons digits rip through his chest plate. He grabbed the cons arm and grunted as he tried to push him back. He felt the villains digits penetrate his spark chamber. Megatron smiled wickedly as he pulled some of the plating back. Optimus squeezed his optics shut and yelled again as the the con dug at his spark chamber. He set his peds on the cons chest plate and kicked as hard as he could. Megatron grunted as he landed hard on his side. He looked at his servo as the bots energon dripped from it.

Optimus groaned and rolled to his side. He shakily tried to get up as his energon dripped to the ground. The warlord smirked and got to his peds. He could see the Primes spark just through the gaping hole he had made. Optimus groaned and felt the wound. He looked down at it and swayed a little, he was losing too much energon. He heard metal sliding as he tried to stop the bleeding. He looked up as the warlord unsheathed his sword.

"I've waited a long time for this." Megatron growled as he raised his sword and aimed for the bots spark. Optimus grunted in pain as the Decepticon smiled wickedly and brought his sword down.

Rachet came out of nowhere and slammed into the cons side. The Decepticon leader stumbled and looked up. His optics widened as the medic glared at him.

"WHAT?!?" Megatron yelled in shock. The con involuntarily took a few steps back.

"You act like you've seen a ghost." Rachet growled as he glared. He transformed his servos into blades and walked towards the con.

"How is this possible?!" The con yelled. "I ripped out your spark!!" He took another step back as the bot approached. Rachets optics darkened with anger as he glared at the con.

"I won't let you kill Optimus." The medic growled as he raised his blade. Megatron yelled and swung at him.

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