Chapter 4: The Storm

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White clouds lazily floated across the blue sky. Children laughed as they ran through the green grass. A light breeze ran through the park and fluttered the leaves. Some birds twittered happily and landed near a metal Titan. He offered them bird seeds and they ate happily.

Prowl smiled slightly as he sat cross legged under a tree. He was enjoying the peace and quiet for once. He held out a servo and a sparrow jumped on to one of his digits. The bot lifted the bird up to his eye level and smiled as it sang.

The little bird stopped mid note and looked around. The air changed and the whole park went deathly quiet. Prowl looked around but didn't see any danger. He was suddenly on edge. All the birds suddenly took to the sky and flew away. The Autobot noticed a group of people gather nearby and look at the clouds. He followed their gaze and noticed that some clouds in the sky were slowly spinning.

Prowl noticed the swirling clouds change to green and the spinning slowly increased. He narrowed his optics, something wasn't right. He called the base. The sky grew darker and the wind slowly became stronger.


Rachet was working on straightening the warehouse when the computer beeped. He growled and threw something into the corner.

"What is it now?" He snapped to no one inparticular.

"Optimus!" The leader walked over to the computer.

"What is it to noisy for you?" The grumpy medic grumbled.

"What's going on Prowl?" The Prime said ignoring the comment.


"Something is happening down at the park....." The bot said as he watched the clouds.

"Care to elaborate?" The medic grumbled.

"I'm not sure how to describe it. Even if I tried you probably wouldn't believe me." Prowl commented, he saw a camera bot fly past him and start filming.

"Go to the news station." He said as he watched more people gather.


Optimus walked over to the TV where Bumblebee and Sari were playing a game. He shut it off and turned to the news.

"Hey!" They protested.

"I was winning!" The little bot yelled.

"Not now Bumblebee." The Prime responded as he turned the volume up. The news station popped up.

"Breaking News! There appears to be a weather phenomenon forming in the park!" The reporter shouted over the growing wind. The camera focused on the swirling clouds. Thunder rumbled from inside the swirl, it was as though the sky was groaning.

"What is that thing?" Bulkhead asked.

"Trouble." Rachet said simply. Optimus noticed a crowd of people gathered in the park.

"Prowl get those people out of the park. We don't know what that thing is or what it could do. We're on our way now." Optimus said as he called the bot.

"Autobots, transform and roll out!" He said as he turned back to the team.


Prowl took in the situation as he thought of how to get the people out of harm's way. The police had already blocked off the park so no one else could get in.

"Direct route is always the best." He said to himself. He stepped closer to the crowd.

"Evacuate the area! This park is not safe!" Prowl shouted over the wind. No one moved and they looked at him.

"We're fine Autobot!" A man yelled back. Lightning shot out of the portal and struck the ground. A deafening clap of thunder followed and shook the earth. The crowd screamed and ran out of the park.

"That works too..." Prowl mumbled as he ran and helped gather the people.


After the blinding flash, Bumblebee had felt the ground disappear and he found himself falling. Raf yelled as he held on to his digit for dear life. Bumblebee shifted so he would fall on his back to protect the boy. He held Raf close to his spark chamber and put his energon stained servo over him. The scout squeezed his optics tight as he waited for the impact. He did his best to ignore the pain in his side. All he cared about right now was the boys safety.

Arcee saw Bumblebee just below her as they fell. Looking up she saw Rachet falling above her. The femme looked around and wasn't sure what would happen now. She had a daunting feeling that they might get separated. Arcee reached out and grabbed one of Bumblebees peds. She held on tight and looked up at the medic.

"Rachet! Grab my servo!" Arcee yelled as she reached for him. "We could get separated!" She yelled as he gave her a look. He reached out and swiped her digits. He grunted as he reached again and grabbed her servo. Arcee held on tightly and looked at him with concern.

"Do you have any idea how to get out of this?" She asked him.

"No!" He snapped, feeling slightly annoyed. "I don't even know what this is!" He yelled. Arcee rolled her optics.


"Go! Go!" Prowl yelled as he stopped at the police barricade. He looked back over his shoulder at the clouds. The sky had grown dark and ominous. The clouds were now swirling faster and the wind was picking up. The last of the people ran passed his peds.

"COME ON!!" The Chief yelled at him.

"No wait! I have to stop that thing!" He said without taking his optics off of it.

"How!?" The Chief shouted.

The bot didn't respond but ran back towards the swirling clouds. The wind howled as the clouds spun faster and became a blur. He jumped and landed on a tree that was closest to the phenomenon, thunder crashed again as the sky groaned. The bot pulled out one of his stars as he watched, ready to strike. He saw something come out of the vortex and fall to the grass below. No, three somethings.

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