#31: War & Peace

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Related to #4: History. 

War and peace. Especially if your story is about an MC in a world of chaos, fighting their way through oppression and discrimination, but at the end of the book they find peace, you might want to take a step back, view the world out of the MC's head, and see exactly how war was started or peace was created.

Why do you wanna do such a thing? Sounds like a pain in the neck.

Well, you want to convince the reader that the war isn't just there because you want the character to suffer, right? You might also want to convince the reader that you didn't just make this peace happen because you need to just finish the book, right?

There is a reason for everything, even if that reason is stupid, evil, silly, or a mistake.


If war is currently ongoing in your world, what started it? Who started it? Why was it started? Did it slowly develop over the course of many years, or did it sprout up suddenly?

If it came out suddenly, what fueled it?

In general, what is the main reason the two or more sides are fighting? For each side, list up the reason for the fight and their goals they hope to achieve through fighting. (This will help you get a clearer picture about why your characters are fighting in the first place and what they aim to achieve at the end.)


First, it is tricky to define peace. Tell me how you define peace for your world. Does peace mean no one is fighting but some races or species are being oppressed? Or, does that mean everyone is miraculously getting along?

If it is currently peaceful, how come your world is peaceful now? What brought everyone to this stage?

How is the peace being kept? Like I mentioned above, is it at the cost of some other race or species? Is there a government or militant force keeping the fighting at bay?

If your world had a long war prior, how was peace established? Treaties? A trade, perhaps?

War & Peace

Are there places that are enjoying peace while others suffer from war? If so, why is it like this? Why aren't all areas suffering or, why aren't all areas enjoying peace?

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