hands on me.

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... who did we royally screw over
in our past lives to deserve this?

as... IT'S YOU

Seonhwa is the epitome of the responsible mom friend who always seems to have her life under control. It's probably the reason why she was elected head girl of the academy, and unfortunately, made her the first option for this ridiculous trial. She's a bit of a teacher's pet, and she's the type of person who's never broken a rule in her life. Seonhwa's calm and collected, and never seems to get angry, but she's also the impulse control of basically her entire friend group, and she's probably the only reason that none of them have almost died or been arrested. She's best friends with Eunyeon, despite their contrasting personalities. But just because Seonhwa's a bit of a goody two shoes doesn't mean she doesn't know how to let loose every once in a while.

as... WEEK

Funnily enough, Eunyeon is the exact opposite of her best friend. She's lazy, but also extremely blunt, never bothering to sugar coat her words. She's also really good at procrastinating, and it's a wonder that she ever meets any deadlines (not that she often does, to be completely honest). Eunyeon's the type of person to do whatever she wants whenever she wants, and isn't often one to follow rules. Most of her teachers loathe her, because she never seems to be paying attention in class, and she's always either sleeping or talking in class (yet she still manages to pass). Despite her laziness, Eunyeon also has a bit of a rebellious streak that only seems to be fuelled by her impulsiveness.

as... DRIVE

       In one word Mikyung could be described as competitive. Competitiveness runs in her veins, and it's no surprise since she has five older brothers and needed to compete for everything growing up. There's nothing she likes more than winning, and it's always well deserved, because she's extremely hardworking, and once she sets her mind on something, she won't give up until she succeeds. Minkyung's also extremely loud, and never seems to stop talking or moving. She often has more energy than she knows what to do with, always bouncing around, and has since begun to channel that energy into sport instead, and it's no secret that she's her team's ace. Her best friend is Yeji.

as... PIT-A-PAT

       Choi Yeji is most definitely not your average nerd, despite having an IQ well above the rest of her classmates and being the daughter of two teachers. Sure, her teachers always say that one day she'll go on to cure cancer or make some equally big, life changing discovery, and sure she has a scary addiction to caffeine and a messed up sleeping pattern, but she's not exactly the type of person to spend hours upon hours studying, with her head in a book all the time. She's actually really lively (which might be a side effect of  all the caffeine), and very easy to talk to. And while she's not exactly a gossip, she always seems to know what's going on around school. She's childhood friends with Minkyung, and they're rarely ever seen apart.

as... GOTTA GO

       Despite being the new transfer kid, Ahreum is taking this whole situation in her stride. She's barely had any time to adjust to her new private school, and they've thrown her head first into a trial with her new school's "sworn enemies", but she's ready to go in with a smile on her face. She's usually a pretty easy going person, who kind of just goes through life one step at a time without stressing over things. Ahreum has an air of innocence that seems to bring out the protective instincts in almost everyone. She's chatty, and not shy in the slightest, much to her classmates dismay, and she seems to have an inability to keep still for long periods of time. Despite the line of people willing to befriend her, she's stuck to Blodwyn ever since she transferred.

as... LOVE U

       Blodwyn is the ditzy and whimsical foreigner that most people know, even if they don't make an effort to talk to her. She's known as the girl who always seems to be scribbling things down so that she won't forget them, on the nearest surface she can find. People won't deny that she's a talented writer, but they just find her weird, and don't like to associate with her, even though Blodwyn!s always been nothing but friendly, and doesn't notice others' hesitance to talk to her. Most of the time it's like her mind is somewhere else, and her thoughts are up in the clouds, but she's genuinely an interesting person to talk to, once you get past the bizarre things that she says. Blodwyn's always been a bit of a loner though, until Ahreum transferred.

as... DO IT

       The one person on campus that everyone wants to be, Juyeon makes up a third of the academy's most popular trio, The Bermuda Triangle. She's easily one of the most well known people across campus, even to those in the years below, and eyes follow her whenever she walks past. She's the petty and popular girl, the one who is friends with everybody and always seems to be smiling, so it's no surprise that almost everyone wants to be like her. Juyeon's the type of person who has a smile that lights up whatever room she walks into, and she's known best for her optimism and obliviousness, because a lot of the time it seems likes she's not quite with it. Despite being the most popular girl across campus, she never really seems to know what's going on around her school. 

as... BAD BOY

       On the outside Sol is the stereotypical high school bitch of every teenage romance movie. She's a malicious gossip, and always seems to get whatever she wants, whenever she wants it. But despite everyone's first impression, she's not the stuck up bitch everyone expects her to be. Sol makes up the second third of The Bermuda Triangle, but everyone assumes that she's the bitchy one out of the three. She's the walking example of don't judge a book by its cover, because she's actually really sweet, despite her intense resting bitch face, and hostility towards anyone other than Sohee and Juyeon. Her parents are two of the richest individuals in all of asia, and despite the seemingly perfect image from the outside, it's not exactly a picture perfect family

as... OFFSET

       With good looks and rich parents, Hyun Sohee is the final third of The Bermuda Triangle, and has everything her classmates dream of. Except she honestly feels more ostracised than anything. Sohee's continuously in the spotlight, whether it be because everyone thinks she's extremely pretty or because everyone is talking about the latest investment of her father's company. She doesn't really talk much, and honestly spends most of her time pretending to be someone she's not when she's around anyone other. than her two best friends, and it's completely draining. Behind everything, Sohee's actually a lot smarter than she seems, and she's more than a pretty face with a head full of air, not that anyone at her school ever seems to realise.


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