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... i say we ditch. ❜

       MINKYUNG feels a wide range of emotions as she stares up at the unfamiliar campus, ignoring all the weird looks she receives that increase tenfold with every step she takes. The closest to the campus she's ever been is the front gate, every time she had to wait for her brothers to finish school, but never once has she stepped foot on the premises. The boys at Gangnam Institute are their sworn enemies, for reasons that Minkyung does not yet know, but she assumes there's a good reason for it, and doesn't bother to question it.

       She fiddles with the hem of her uniform instead, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Minhyung's already disappeared off to his little group of friends, and even Daehwi, sweet little Daehwi, is gone, leaving Minkyung to face this unfamiliar school by herself. Several boys stop to look at her, whispering softly, and Minkyung assumes that word about this ridiculous trial has already spread across town. Her Gangnam Academy uniform leaves very few other options for what she could possibly doing on the front steps of the district's all boys school. 

There are no new text messages on Minkyung's phone, her lock screen void of any new notifications from Yeji, who said she'd be there five minutes ago and has yet to turn up. The more Minkyung is left to stand by herself the more anxious she becomes, because her uniform stands out like a sore thumb, and she seems to be the only school aged female in the vicinity, despite the fact that classes are supposed to start in under half an hour, and there should be eight of her classmates suffering here with her.

How is it that she's the first one to arrive, when Minhyung spent at least ten minutes looking for one of his shoes this morning, and they left the house at least ten minutes later than they usually do on weekday mornings? I mean, sure, the travel time is almost halved, because they're all being dropped off at one school instead of two, but Minkyung is distressed and she misses the familiarity of the Gangnam Academy, where everyone wears the same uniform as her, and she can place a name to almost every face.

"I'm here!" comes a familiar female voice as a body comes skidding to a stop beside Minkyung, and she lets out a breath of relief at her best friend's appearance. Any situation is always less overwhelming when Minkyung and Yeji (and sometimes Minhyung) are together.

Yeji looks out of breath, if her pink cheeks are anything to go by, clearly having run across the carpark to get to Minkyung. She's definitely not late by any standards – the first bell isn't supposed to ring for another twenty minutes – but Yeji was raised by parents that always stressed the importance of being on time, and she had to drag her older brother out of bed that morning just so that he would drive her to the Gangnam Institute. She already feels slightly out of place, because she doesn't know the building the same way she knows her own school.

       Yeji smiles sheepishly. "Where's everyone else?" she questions, sparing a quick glance around.

Minkyung shrugs. "I don't know. But Minhyung and Daehwi ditched me as soon as we got out of the car, and the longer we stand here, the more I consider we just ditch."

"I think we should just do it," Yeji says, glancing around, and frowning when she doesn't see any familiar faces. Not that she really knows anyone from the Gangnam Institute that well, but she's been to plenty of parties held by her father's rich friends that she thought at least some faces would ring a bell.

"Don't get any ideas," comes another voice from behind them, and the pair turn around to face Seonhwa. "We're not ditching. Yeji, you're not supposed to encourage her."

"Yeji's the most rebellious one here," Minkyung pipes up. "The innocent look is all a front. Don't be fooled."

Yeji grins, a mischievous spark in her eye. Seonhwa sighs exasperated. She figured that if anyone was going to be onboard with this trial, it would be every teacher's favourite student, Choi Yeji. Apparently not.

       A hush falls over the the front courtyard as a car pulls up in the drop off bay. Seonhwa furrows her eyebrows, confused for a moment, because she has no doubt that this school is used to all kinds of fancy cars dropping off students given their financial backgrounds. But upon closer look, she realises that it's not just any car, but one of the Ryu Family cars, and anything associated with Ryu Corporations is usually enough to turn heads on its name alone.

       People stop and stare when Sol steps out of the car. She's dressed in the same uniform as Seonhwa, Minkyung and Yeji, yet there's something about her that screams sophisticated and elegant. She certainly knows how to make an entrance, as she flips her midnight locks over her shoulder and walks up to the group, looking like she's made of money. Almost every student from either school is from a well off background, but no one quite comes close to the only daughter of South Korea's richest businessman.

       "Anyone else completely dreading this whole trial?" is Sol's greeting to the trio.

       Before anyone has the chance to answer her, they're interrupted by the slam of a car door, and they turn to watch Sohee aggressively slam the door of a nice red car with much more force than necessary. She's wearing one of her most lethal expressions as she spins on her heel, leaving Han Jisung in the driver's seat of his car. The scene is no different to the one that the girls at Gangnam Academy view on a weekly basis, and the girls have since grown used to the dramatics of Hyun Sohee. The boys at Gangnam Institute, however, are not.

       "You look ready to murder someone," Sol comments once her best friend is within earshot, while the others greet the newcomer.

       "Only if you help me hide the body," Sohee comments darkly, her shoes aggressively hitting the ground with every step she takes.

"It's barely eight o'clock and you're already plotting murder?" says Juyeon, appearing out of nowhere, like she tends to do. Neither Sol or Sohee flinch, more than accustomed to their best friend's habit of suddenly materialising beside them. Minkyung and Yeji, however, are not, and the pair are noticeably startled at the sudden appearance of Juyeon, cradling a warm drink to her chest, desperately trying to keep her fingers warm while her blazer offers no help.

       "Blame him," Sohee grumbles, shooting a glare off in the direction she came from, as she reaches out to take the warm drink from her best friend and bringing it to her lips. Juyeon doesn't bother protesting, not even when she hands it to Sol. She's more than used to sharing drinks between the three of them, and it's why she's taken to upsizing every chance she gets. While Juyeon's usually not one to share, both of her friends are stubborn, and despite nearly being adults, neither Sohee nor Sol are above physically fighting her over the drink.

       "When you murder him can I have his car?" Juyeon asks, finally taking back her warm drink, and wrapping her fingers around it tightly. She begins to drink the liquid at a quicker pace, trying to swallow as much of it as possible before someone tries to pry it from her hands again. 

       "It's all yours," Sohee assures her. "You can have all fifty of them."

       "He does not have fifty cars," Sol says. Sohee ignores her.

       "Let's try and make it to the building before we kill anyone," Seonhwa placates before their dramatics turn into actions, because if there's anyone who might actually go through with it, it's Gangnam Academy's very own Bermuda Triangle.

       "Don't worry, I know how to make it look like an accident," Yeji pipes up, smiling innocently.

       "That was not the kind of response I was hoping for," Seonhwa mutters, her voice low enough that no one else hears, as another car rolls to a stop on the front of the school. Despite the fact that the students of the Gangnam Institute are equally as rich, and probably see their own fair share of luxury cars on a daily basis, people still turn heads when the Na Family car pulls up into the drop off zone.

Ahreum had spent the entire trip to school scowling, engaged in an intense staring contest with her half brother, who's expression mirrors hers. It must make for a very awkward car ride for Blodwyn, the only other occupant in the car, but the Na siblings can be very immature when they want to be, and Ahreum's already had enough of her brother for the day, and it's not even nine o'clock yet.

       They're running a bit late, since they had to turn around and go back because her idiot of a brother forgot his lunch (and Na Yeonwoo is quite possibly the fussiest eater Ahreum has ever met, and refuses to eat food from the school cafeteria), but he acts as if it's Ahreum's fault that they're running later than usual. Ahreum doesn't even know why he's so concerned, since there's still plenty of time until the first bell rings, and she didn't exactly take her brother for a model student.

       She's relieved when they finally pull up in the carpark of the Gangnam Institute, if only so she can put as much distance between her and Yeonwoo as possible. Unfortunately, not even the entire length of the large boys school is enough distance in Ahreum's opinion, but she'll have to settle for what she can get.

There's still time before the bell rings, but the driver looks frazzled, probably used to making sure that both Ahreum and Yeonwoo are at school bright and early. Ahreum's still not sure how they managed it, but she's not in the mood to pick a fight with her brother. He clearly doesn't share the same sentiment.

"We would have been here earlier if we hadn't picked up your friend," Yeonwoo sneers, glaring at Ahreum as Blodwyn climbs out of the car, looking relieved that the trip is finally over. Ahreum feels bad for her best friend, and she's already trying to come up with ways to apologise for putting the girl through that. Ahreum's going to have to buy her lots of Japanese stationery to make up for it.

"We pick your friends up everyday," Ahreum snaps back at Yeonwoo, grabbing onto her best friend's arm.

Yeonwoo doesn't have a reply for that, and he storms off up the front steps.

"Your brother really is awful," says Blodwyn as she watches them go. She'd been otherwise silent during the entire trip, but she's starting to realise why Ahreum much prefers to hang out in her dorm rather than invite Blodwyn over to her house after school. If she had a brother like Yeonwoo, she'd probably do the same.

       "He's a nightmare, honestly," Ahreum says.

       Yeonwoo has already sauntered off, already out of earshot, and not even bothering to offer to show Ahreum and Blodwyn where to go, not that either girl had really expected that after the awful car ride with him.

"Well then," says Ahreum, staring at the school in front of them. "Any idea where we're supposed to go?"

"Nope," says Blodwyn. "But I can see the others over there."

       It's Juyeon who waves the pair over, ever the social butterfly. Blodwyn wouldn't consider herself very close with the girl, but she's always been an absolute sweetheart on the few occasions they've actually spoken, so Blodwyn isn't surprised that she's so popular around the academy, even if her two best friends can be rather intimidating.

       "You made it," says Seonhwa, looking relieved for a minute, before she starts to do a head count.

       "You guys ready to leave, too?" Minkyung addresses the new pair. "Because I reckon we can still make a run for it."

       "I'm in," says Ahreum.

       "No one is going anywhere," says Seonhwa. "Also, has anyone seen Eunyeon? She promised she wouldn't be late."

       "Maybe she's skipping?" Blodwyn suggests, knowing full well that if any of the nine of them would be likely to skip, it would be Choi Eunyeon. She's never actually met the girl personally, but her reputation precedes her, and Blodwyn doesn't even need to listen to the gossip to know that Eunyeon's attendance rate isn't setting any good examples.

       "Then she's the only one out of us who actually had any sense," Sol comments, folding her arms across her chest and glaring at a group of boys who attempt to approach them.

"Maybe it won't be that bad?" Blodwyn says tentatively. Maybe it's because she doesn't understand the history of this ridiculous rivalry between the two schools (although, to be fair, she doesn't think any of the other girls do, either), but she's having trouble with this whole hating them for no apparent reason. Her old school wasn't like this. "I mean, they can't all be assholes, can they?"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," says Minkyung, still frowning.

"I mean, your brothers aren't that bad," Yeji points out.

"You don't have to live with them."

"Yeah," Ahreum agrees. "All brothers suck."

"Okay then," says Seonhwa, in an attempt to steer the conversation in a different direction. Quite frankly, when she was given the position of Head Girl, she didn't think this would be part of her job. "Let's head towards the administrative office, shall we?"

"I don't know, we still have enough time to make a run for it," says Sohee.

"No one is going anywhere. We're already here anyway, so let's just get this over and done with." The Head Girl begins to usher the group towards the front steps, all seven of them following reluctantly, their feet dragging across the floor with every step, like a small child being dragged around the supermarket by their mother. Eunyeon still has yet to arrive, and Seonhwa only bites her lip, praying that her best friend has enough sense to actually turn up.

"I'm here, ladies!" comes another voice, as Eunyeon walks up to them, a smirk on her lips, only moments before the first bell is supposed to ring. Her shirt is rumpled, a result of her laziness when it comes to ironing, her tie is askew, done quickly with almost no precision that it's a wonder it still somewhat resembles a tie, and her socks rest at uneven lengths on her legs. She only offers the remaining eight girls with matching uniforms a lazy smile.

"You were supposed to get here on time," Seonhwa stresses, linking her arm through her best friend's nevertheless, and begins pulling her in the direction of the all boys school, the rest of the group following suit. "We need to at least try and make a good impression."

"I am on time," Eunyeon protests, grin stretching across her lips as the bell sounds and everyone begins shuffling towards their actual classrooms instead of standing idly in the courtyard and not-so-subtly staring them down. "I got here before the bell went, didn't I?" Seonhwa only huffs exasperated. She should be thankful Eunyeon even turned up at all, considering she was heavily considering staying at home altogether.

They walk towards the administration office together, as a large group, all huddled up so that they can fit through the hallways together. They're clearly not built to enable nine school aged females to walk side by side, and they end up having to move through in smaller groups, trying their best to avoid the gazes of their male schoolmates, and the few cat calls that escape their lips.

(Eunyeon very nearly punches one of them, and once again, it's Seonhwa who has to hold her back, now out of obligation and having to make a good impression as the Head Girl than anything else).

Unfortunately, the time they spend in the administration office isn't actually very long, and they're in and out within twenty minutes. "I was hoping that would take longer," Minkyung comments when the secretary all but shoos them out of the office and sends them off to their first class. And then, as if to make up for the short time they spent at the front office, they end up getting lost in the now empty hallways, where the classroom numbers don't seem to go in order.

        ("Why can't they just number their classrooms in order, like normal schools do?"

"Whoever designed this school needs to be fired."

"Okay, I think we might actually be in the wrong building.")

       By the time they actually manage to locate the right classroom, their first period is almost over, and the teacher stands awkwardly at the front of the classroom, only eight of the student desks occupied by a group of boys all decked out in the familiar blue Gangnam Institute uniform. Several of them look rather scruffy, shirts wrinkled, and ties hanging askew, but none of them are paying any attention to the teacher, who stands awkwardly at the front, a lesson plan written on the board. 

       "Well, ladies, it's nice of you to finally join us."

       That catches everyone's attention, and then suddenly all nine boys are looking up, their expressions a mix between curiosity and annoyance. There's a flicker of recognition that bounces around the room, not all the boys unfamiliar to them. The Head Boy is the first to stand up, his eyes never leaving the group of newcomers. A silence stretches across the classroom.

       No one says anything for several long moments, and just when the teacher goes to interrupt, hopeful that things might just work out, all hell breaks loose.


artificixl cherrychans linosaurs sadults velvetseulgi vettyhyo -CUPIDJINNIE -Mimiso

        so i know i said that the boys would make an appearance in this chapter, and originally they were supposed to but then it started getting really long so i decided to end the chapter here instead. but i promise that they'll be in the next chapter, as soon as i get around to actually writing it. don't forget to vote and comment.

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