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hello~! My name is Julia Andrews, and my life totally sucks! i was abanded when i was little, and the people who found be abuse me1!1! Dosnt that suck like a ton? YOu know it does. I cri everynight, but nor tonight! Tonight i'm running away for suer! Oh yeah and the one thing that makes me happy is an anime called Hetalia,all the dudes are great.  they are all like mega hot and mega mine!

So like I packed my bag adn waited till everyone was asleep but like when i was gonna sneek out, my totaly braty little brother was up and he started thrweing stuff at me and yelling and screeming, so my abusive adoptive parents started running down stairs and i totes paniced and ran out the door, like mega fast. I ran as fast as italy and somehow managed to outrun the car that they took after me. I did it i was free! Yay~ I had run into the woods and like found a cave that I decied to sleep in because there couldnt possibly be bears or wolves or anything and yolo right? So I curled up in a ball and went to sleep, happily dreaming about the hetalia guuys.


This is probably the most beautifle thing I have ever written xD

Comment things you guys think I should have happen, this is going to be amazing xD

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