Chapter Fifty Seven

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Gideon continued to groan and writhe on the ground.

I knew that he wouldn't be down long and, when he got up, he was going to be pissed. My skull was still bruised to all hell and my arm probably needed the attention of a doctor, but those were all things that could wait until we were safely back in the hotel. I pushed myself away from the wall and grasped Lisa's hand.

'We need to go,' I said urgently. 'Now.'

The streets all looked the same in the dark and I was already thoroughly lost, but I led the way regardless, my fingers wrapped tightly around Lisa's. It wasn't the time to tell her just how stupid she'd been to run off with Gideon in the first place, nor to let her know just how much trouble she'd caused. I was too grateful that she'd tracked down her unfaithful lover and beaten him with a stool to chastise her. Besides, we still needed to put as much distance between the furious teacher and us as was possible.

My throat was hoarse and my lungs were raw as I fought to gulp in enough air as we tore through the winding streets, up over hills and down stone staircases, crossing bridges and skidding around corners to escape. There was no clear direction to our course save the sound of people. If we could hide ourselves amongst a group of tourists in some public place, then we could wait Gideon out until it was safe to move on. Even he wasn't stupid enough to confront or attack two innocent girls in front of a piazza full of witnesses.

We swung around a boutique and concealed ourselves in the grand doorway to catch our breath. I was doubled over, my hands on my quivering knees, and gulped in as much air as I was able.

'Nice shot by the way,' I said between gasps. 'Right in the face. Appreciated that.'

Lisa looked positively wild. Her curls were in disarray and her mascara had streaked her cheeks. It was obvious that she'd been crying. I wondered if that was why Gideon had been out alone rather than holed up somewhere with her; he'd walked out after an argument. She leaned back against the wall, a hand over her chest, and fought to regain her composure.

'Bastard!' she swore. 'He took me – we were at a hotel – he wanted –'

'He didn't...?'

'No! Third date. I'm not that cheap,' Lisa said. 'He left me there! I'd been looking all night, and then... then with you, he –'

'I don't want to think about what he tried to do with me,' I said. My heart was still hammering, but I'd recovered enough to keep moving. 'Let's go. We need to get to the hotel before he finds us.'

'What are you even doing here?' Lisa asked.

'You disappeared, I got a panicked call from Jenny, and, what, I'm meant to just not come out here to help?'

'Why?' Lisa's voice trembled. 'I was so horrid to you before...'

'We're sisters, aren't we?' I asked. 'Sisters fight. They make up. I wasn't going to let him hurt you just because you'd been a cow at school.'

The escape was delayed as Lisa flung herself into me. I staggered back against the wall and held her as she cried. Whatever she had to say was muffled against my chest, but I gathered that she was sorry for how she'd treated me, that she hated Gideon several times over, and that she felt like an idiot. There was no need for me to say anything. I stroked her hair and held her while she exhausted herself venting her feelings while I monitored the street. I didn't trust that Gideon would have just given up his pursuit of us.

In fact, I was certain that he was out looking for some payback against the girl who'd knocked him on his arse.

Finally, Lisa's sobs diminished into pathetic sniffles. She wiped her nose on her sleeve and brushed her fingers beneath her eyes to chase away any lingering tears.

I offered her my hand, 'Ready to run again?'

'Do we have to run?'

'Jog, then. Move quickly in a direction that doesn't lead to Gideon.'

Lisa placed her damp fingers into mine. 'All right.'

It was only by the grace of some deity that we found ourselves in familiar territory. The piazza had emptied of all but two people who lingered by the fountain. One was sat on the edge with their head in their hands, the other paced back and forth with a phone against their ear. Lisa and I emerged from a dark side street, and I breathed a sigh of relief when my gaze fell upon them.

Amanda and Will.

They both turned to face us when we appeared, no doubt alerted to our arrival by our heavy, exhausted footfalls. I laughed softly and leaned forward again, comfortable enough to catch my breath now that we were free and clear. The stitch in my side was absolutely killing me. I hoped that we could call a cab to get us back to the hotel rather than walking. I wasn't sure that my feet could take much more.

'Go on,' I said to Lisa. 'I'm right behind you.'

'Isn't that William Darcy?' she asked. 'What's he doing here?'

'Same as me. Go. Tell him to call Jenny and let her know we're heading back to the hotel. I need to catch my breath.'

Lisa squeezed my hand gently before jogging over to the pair, waving her entire arm at them, and reciting my instructions as a shout. Amanda caught the girl by the shoulders and briefly scolded her despite the pair being complete strangers. Will held my gaze from a distance before he looked back down to his phone, no doubt tapping out a message to Charlie or Jenny.

It was finally over.

I'd taken all of three steps in Will's direction when I heard racing footsteps and an arm looped around my waist from behind. I was jerked backwards into someone's firm chest with such force that the air vacated my lungs. I opened my mouth to call out to Will but managed only a strangled noise before a grazed, dirty hand closed over my lips to silence me.

'Beth!' Will shouted in alarm, alerting his sister and Lisa to the danger. Amanda pulled Lisa behind her protectively, an expression of horror settling across her face. Will glowered and yelled, 'Let her go!'

'No,' Gideon sneered as he clutched me tightly. 'I don't think I will...'

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