Chapter Four

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I wasn't the only one who had made little effort.

While all the girls were ready for a high society fashion show, the boys clearly hadn't received the memo about the dress code. Their idea of casual was jeans and some variation of a shirt. So, at least they were half-way presentable, which was better than I'd managed.

I'd pictured cavemen, but my idea of boys may have been skewed by my lacking socialisation with them while at school.

I linked arms with Jenny, who was angelic as always, and avoided the disapproving stares of my peers as they silently judged my outfit and presence. I wasn't in attendance for them, anyway. I wanted to see why Lisa was in such a spin over the new boys. They'd sat apart from us in the morning assembly, and it was hard to pick out one or two attractive faces from a sea of students. Besides, with so many girls raising themselves out of their seats to get a good look, I'd given it up as being too much trouble.

The hall was sparsely decorated. There was seldom a requirement for any theme or extensive decorating during the first event of the year. The student committee usually decided such things, and they had free rein over seasonal events. The teachers had more important things to worry about than streamers and tissue paper, and so opted into classy and as-little-effort-as-possible. The lights were low, music played through speakers from a laptop with some generic downloaded playlist of the latest songs, and coloured spotlights danced across the floor where everyone was too shy to break from their friends and start dancing.

'It looks like it's just a couple of classes so far,' Jenny observed as she casually glanced around the room. 'And they're all younger than us.'

'Lisa won't be happy,' I said. 'She likes them older.'

I remembered what she'd said about my dad, and the bile rose at the back of my throat again.

'Well,' Jenny looked again, 'I see a couple who look about our age. But they're definitely outnumbered.'

'They must be enjoying themselves.'

'Beth, they're probably terrified. I would be if we were in their position.'

'We might be, but Lisa would be in her element if she was this outnumbered by guys.'

'Excuse me,' one of the forbidden creatures stopped us. Jenny and I turned to look at him slowly. Our shock was apparent to see as it played across our faces, both unable to think why he'd dare to address us of all people. He was cute, with fair hair and a handsome smile. It was a nervous expression he wore, but still attractive. The boy greeted, 'Hi, I'm Charlie.'

'Beth,' I said, 'and this is Jenny. Nice to meet you. Can - uh - can we help you with something?'

'Well...' he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. 'Look, I'm not good at dancing or anything. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? You're the only two people in the room who haven't crowded around us yet. Some of the girls are kind of –'

'Crazy? Clingy? Frightening? Forward? Out to claim you for their own?' I asked.

'All of the above,' he laughed, clearly relieved to have found a couple of normal people. 'It's a little overwhelming.'

'Then,' I made a show of bowing to him, 'allow us to be your bodyguards for the evening. Right, Jen'?'

Jenny made an awkward giggling noise. She blushed profusely. Humiliated, she stumbled over her words as she explained, 'I'm sorry! I - I just - with boys - I –'

'She's shy,' I said. 'She probably fancies you.'


'I'm kidding! Would you relax? You're fine with my dad. Talking to Charlie isn't any different, right?'

'I - I suppose.'

'There you go.' A wicked idea popped into my head, and I pushed Jenny against Charlie. He held her arms to stop her falling over in her ridiculous shoes and looked over Jenny's shoulder at me for an explanation. 'I have to go get something to drink. You two stick together, and I'll find you again in a little while, okay?'

'Beth! Beth, don't - Beth!'

Jenny was so comfortable in a girls' school because, whenever she found herself confronted by a young man, she lost all ability to speak until she was accustomed to his company. If Charlie was eager to escape the talons of the girls who wanted to date him before they'd said two words to him, then I knew Jenny wouldn't be in any danger. Besides, I'd come back when I thought they'd had enough time to get to know each other. And I couldn't do all of her talking for her. It would be a good way for her to practice her social skills. The way I saw it, some forced interaction was good for them both.

I knew that she'd kill me when we were back in our dorm, so I was going to enjoy the peace while it lasted.

Chrissy and Lisa had already found boys just as flirtatious as they were and were making absolute spectacles of themselves on the dance floor. They giggled obnoxiously and leapt around, almost knocking out a few of our classmates in the process. I did the only proper thing, which was to distance myself from them as much as possible and pretend that we were complete strangers.

'Did you not get the memo?' a scathing voice asked. A perfectly preened shadow loomed over me. 'This is an academy party, not a school disco. What do you think you're wearing?'

'I was going for clothes.'

'Shut up, Bennett. You're making us look bad.'

I stepped back, then circled Chantelle. I was taking in every inch of her outfit, from the hand-stitched embellishments to the expensive pearls sewn across the bust. It was a beautiful dress, but that didn't stop me from saying, 'No, I think you can look bad without my help.'

She was about to snap at me but was silenced by another young man. He didn't look happy about being there. In fact, he and Chantelle looked rather good next to each other. They both had the same disdain for other people, although he was markedly better looking than her.

'Chantelle, how long do we have to stay here?' he asked. 'If one more desperate girl asks me to dance, I'm going to be sick.'

'Are you related?' I asked before I could stop myself.

'Who are you?' he asked rudely.

'Beth Bennett. I'd say it's a pleasure, but I'd be lying.'

'Likewise. William Darcy. Congratulations on being one of the few sane people in this asylum.'

'I try,' I smiled briefly at him. 'If you'll excuse me, I'd rather not be here when you decide to projectile vomit in a rage all over the next poor girl to speak to you. Bit of advice, though? Try not being a dick to everyone. Girls are better at getting out bloodstains than boys, and you're outnumbered, here.'

I wouldn't give him the time to work out whether I'd made a period joke or a death threat. Well, I'd just sort of made a death implication. That wasn't anywhere near as bad and would never hold up in court. Rather than stand around alone like a complete loner, I sought out Jenny and Charlie again. I hung back when I saw how well they were getting along. Although she wasn't saying a lot, I knew from the way she smiled that she was fast developing a crush on the boy.

'Hey, loser.'

I jumped and pivoted to face the petite Asian girl who'd spoken behind me. I didn't hesitate to hug her joyfully. 'Georgia! I missed you!'

'I missed you, too! I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you over summer, but with Grandma –'

'It's totally fine. We have a million lunch breaks together before the end of the school year to make up for it, and I want to hear all about Japan.'

'You bet. And I brought you back some sweets, as I promised.'

'You're the best!' I held her hands in mine. 'So, what's the gossip? If anyone knows, it's you.'

'About what?' she asked coyly.

'About the mouth breathers sharing our air in here. Come on, which boys should I be keeping an eye on this year?'

'Ohh, that...' She grinned. 'You know that guy talking to Jenny?'

'Charlie? Yeah...'

'That boy is minted. Well, his parents are. And you'll never guess who his sister is.'

'Someone famous?'

'Chantelle Bingley.'

'You're joking! But he's so nice! I mean, like, he smiles and everything! Is he adopted?' I asked.

'No, I swear. Blood relatives. And he transferred over here with their childhood friend. He's called –'

'If you say William Darcy, I might actually cry.'

'How did you know?'


'I know because I just threatened him a bit. But he was being really rude! You'll never guess what he said –'

'What who said?' Charlie asked, beaming away at us, utterly smitten with Jenny already.

I opened and closed my mouth a few times and looked at Georgia for help. She held her hands up and shook her head. There was no way she was going to walk out into the minefield with me. I fished for a plausible response. 'I was just saying how your friend William didn't seem all that happy about the party. He... he might be tired, maybe?'

'Will just doesn't know how to have fun,' Charlie laughed. 'And he hates dancing. My sister's the only one who can make him do it.'

'Oh, your sister goes here?' Jenny asked. 'Do I know her?'

'It's Chantelle,' I said. 'Chantelle Bingley.'

'Oh. Oh. Well, she's civil to - I mean - nice. She's nice...'

Actually, Chantelle was nice to Jenny.

She just didn't like me all that much.

Jenny's family had old money, and they were respectable. Hell, even Lisa's family could make the same claim. I had a broken home, a flighty mother, and a father with a full-time job. We couldn't boast country estates on three continents or private helicopters.

We were just... normal.

As normal as we could manage, anyway.

That meant there was nothing to be gained from anyone being friends with me, save a meaningful relationship and a bit of fun. Therefore, Chantelle deemed me to be a waste of space.

'How about I introduce you to William?' Charlie offered Jenny. 'He'd be really happy to meet you.'

I nodded in encouragement so she wouldn't feel guilty about leaving us. I'd much rather have spent the rest of the night with Georgia, anyway. She could tell me all about her summer, and I wouldn't turn into one of the girls still struggling to get the attention of the members of the opposite sex.

Of course, if I found out that William had treated Jenny with the same disrespect that he had the other students, I might have to abandon Georgia to make good on my threat.

'I think I achieved something tonight,' I told Georgia when we were alone. 'World record for the worst first impression on a person ever.'

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