Chapter Twenty Nine

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As I left the room and heard the door close gently behind me, I thought it might be time to take stock of my feelings. Sometimes I thought of Gideon, I only saw a handsome guy close to my age, and I wondered if we might be more than just friends. Then he would say or do something like giving me advice or treating me with the fondness that a teacher might have for a student, and I questioned whether I truly did fancy him, or if I just respected him.

I felt that, as I had grown up with boys before joining the academy, I had an advantage over my friends. I knew how to interact with my male peers more naturally, and I didn't lose my mind at the thought of being in their company. Yet, all it had taken was one handsome face and my feelings had been tied up in such elaborate knots that I didn't know what they were or where they were trying to lead me. The more I thought about them, the more I considered that I may only like Gideon as a friend. He was still handsome, and I was still going to look at him the same way the other girls in my class did, but I didn't think that we would make a good couple.

Frighteningly, I thought I might be better off with someone my own age.

I smiled when I saw a familiar face in the hall. Georgia and I had spoken little since the half term break. We were in different classes most of the time and it was hard to meet one another around her schedule and all the recent drama. With everything that was going on with Jenny and Charlie, I'd felt like my best friend needed my company more. That didn't stop me from sneaking up on Georgia and scaring the crap out of her when I grabbed her waist from behind.

'Jesus! Don't do that!' She turned and hit me playfully.

I laughed. 'Sorry, I couldn't resist.'

'You're not sorry at all.'

'No, I'm not. How was your break?'

'Oh, you know...' Georgia rubbed the back of her neck. 'Nothing to report really. I - uh - I started going out with someone. Well, sort of. It's not that official yet.'

'That is a huge thing to report! Who is he? Does he live near you?'

'No. Actually, he's from this school.'

'You're kidding! What, like a new kid? Do I know him?'

'Yeah... Yeah, I think you do.'

The only boys I'd made a point of holding an extended conversation with were Charlie and William. As they'd both left, I couldn't imagine that it was either of them. I had nothing against the other boys who'd arrived at the same time as them. We didn't talk much unless it was necessary in class, but they seemed harmless. I was happy to get to know him if he'd won Georgia over.

'Who is he? Point him out!'

'I think you'd know him by name.'

'I doubt it,' I said. 'My memory is too terrible for that.'

'No, you would. It's... Wyatt.'

Wait, what?

It took a minute to process. At first, I tried to recall whether any of the other boys shared that unfortunate name; I was desperate to come up with anyone besides the obvious. Georgia could see the pains I was going through as my every rational thought battled with the notion that my sensible, wonderful friend had somehow been brainwashed by the most ridiculous person to ever grace my presence. Georgia was, without a doubt, one of the most sensible people I'd ever met. There was no way that she'd find anything appealing about Wyatt, of all people.

'Okay, I knew I shouldn't have told you,' she said.

'No - I - I just can't quite - are you sure?'

'Yes, Beth.'

'But - but why?!'

'Does there have to be a reason?'

'Yes. Yes, there does. Is he blackmailing you? Tell me, and I'll put a stop to it. I mean it, Georgia. Jenny has contacts. They'll never find his body.'

She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. 'I knew you were going to be like this. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you.'

'By this, I assume you mean totally reasonable. No one would want to go out with Wyatt willingly. Not ever. And I mean ever.'

'Just because you don't like him, it doesn't mean no one else does.'

'And you like him?' I asked. 'Are you sure? Like, did he drug you? Or do you need a therapist? Should I be getting you sectioned right now?'


I held my hands up defensively. 'I'm just saying that you can do better. I mean, a lot better. Jesus, Georgia, you could have anyone you want. Why Wyatt?'

'We're just seeing how things go. No one's talking about marriage or our entire lives. I haven't had anything close to a boyfriend before Beth, and he asked me to consider him. So, I'm going to try, and I'll get to know him. If it doesn't work, then we'll stop.'

'I still think you're making a mistake,' I said. 'I'm sorry, but I have to say it. But... if this is what you want, I can't stop you.'

'Can't you at least pretend to be happy for me?' Georgia implored.

I groaned. 'Do I have to?'

'Are you my friend?'

'Of course, I am! And that's why I can be brutally honest about what a horrible idea this is!'

'Beth, if you don't like it, then I can't do anything about that. Just try not to comment on how much you hate it.'

That was easier said than done.

How could I not comment on it?

That was like saying that I couldn't relentlessly mock the ludicrous hats Chantelle wore to Ascot when they cropped up on her social media pages. That Georgia was my friend and Chantelle was not made me think I ought to hold my tongue whenever I was inclined to insult Wyatt. At least around her, and only for the sake of not losing our friendship over a boy. Just so long as she didn't think that I approved, then I could keep things civil.

Still... Wyatt! Of all people!

If he really got his claws into Georgia, then we'd never be rid of him.

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