Chapter Twenty Six

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I was openly mocked for the rest of the week by my friends.

Fortunately, Wyatt had heeded my warning. He didn't talk to me at all unless in his capacity as a teacher to fulfil his student placement obligations. Even then, there was some clear resentment in his tone. Well, I couldn't do much of anything about that. He could deal with his petty attitude in his own way.

Unfortunately, Wyatt's idea of getting over my refusal of him seemed to be by taking a shine to another of my friends.

And here I'd first thought Gideon was going to be the one pursuing all the impressionable eighteen-year-olds.

Georgia and I were a lot alike, except that she had far more patience for stupid people than I could muster. Although neither implied that their connection to one another was anything more than a polite friendship between a student and her peer, I couldn't help but suspect that there might be something more to it. I didn't think Georgia so stupid that she'd commit to anything before she'd graduated from school, and so I kept my opinions to myself. I just had to hope that Wyatt wouldn't pressure her for anything, otherwise I'd borrow my dad's steel-toe-capped boots and remind Wyatt what happened when he pushed his luck.

It didn't help that I could hardly spare the time for anyone but Jenny. I'd never seen my best friend so cast down. She wasn't just quiet; she was depressed. Charlie was breaking her heart with his silent treatment and I didn't know how long I could stand for it. Seriously, I had a good mind to give him a punch in the cheek for stringing her along the way that he had. If he didn't like her anymore, then the least that he could do was to be up front about it. That way, Jenny could deal with the hurt that came with it and move on naturally. She had a right to grieve for her crush properly without lingering between a vain, flickering hope and utter darkness.

It was as we were packing up for half-term that the news arrived.

Jenny turned here and there, looking for her phone when it sounded. She was taking much more care in her packing than I was. I didn't like that we had to take all our clothes home with us, but I supposed that it meant I could rotate out my clothes according to the demands of the weather. We'd also be gone for two weeks. It would be just my luck that I'd leave something behind in my room and, as soon as I got home, I'd wish that I'd brought it with me.

Jenny read the new message at speed, then again more slowly. After the third scan of it, she sat heavily on the bed, her eyes watering with tears she seemed determined not to shed. I didn't even ask before I snatched the phone out of her hand. The message was from Chantelle. It was the first communication Jenny had received since the party.

Goin 2 Switzerland 4 hlf trm. C+W not comin bk. Hav a gd brk!

'What does she mean that they're not coming back?' I asked. 'They've only been here two months! That's so stupid. What was even the point?'

'I don't know. Why Switzerland?' Jenny asked.

I recalled what Gideon had told me. 'It's where William's sister goes to university. I guess they could be seeing if there's a school out there that'll take them on, but it's totally ridiculous. She must be wrong. Charlie wouldn't just go and not tell you.'

'But he has. It is what it is, Beth. I can't do anything about it.'

At least Lisa and Chrissy had enough sense between them to keep quiet. It was for the best. If they'd said anything insensitive, I might have accidentally knocked their trunks down the stairs on the way out of the dorm. I hugged Jenny tightly, hoping that the embrace could express how bad I felt for her in place of words. It was hard to say anything that wouldn't come across as patronising.

I decided on, 'Maybe the break will be better for everyone. It could just be that he needs to cool down over how we all behaved at the party. After a couple of weeks, it'll be like this whole stupid thing never happened.'

'Do you think so?'

'Absolutely! I've seen the way Charlie looks at you. He's totally in love.'

Of course, I sounded confident.

If I hadn't, she never would have believed me.

Honestly, I thought Charlie was in love with Jenny. It was so obvious that their feelings were practically flashing like a blinding neon billboard. But I also knew the kind of girl Chantelle was. If she'd dragged her brother away with the intention of putting emotional distance between him and Jenny, then it might just work. Still, I couldn't say that to my friend. She was upset enough without having little things like truth and logic thrust at her.

'Look,' I stroked her back, 'if you want to come and stay at my place for a while, you're welcome.'


'Of course! We can go to the beach and stuff. It'll be freezing, but at least it'll be empty. Want to?'

Jenny nodded. 'Okay.'

'Right, you go home to your Mum for a couple of days, and then get Ben to drive you. I'll let Dad know. I promise I won't let him cook for us this time.'

'Why can't I come to your house?' Lisa asked. 'I love your Dad!'

'Yeah, in a totally creepy way. Besides, there's no room for all of us.'

'So mean.'

'So not sleeping on the floor just so you can both fit in my bed,' I corrected.

Meg cleared her throat so softly I nearly missed it. She piped up, 'I think that Charlie will come back, too. He's nice.'

'See? Even Meg knows it.' I elbowed Jenny gently. 'Cheer up and get packing. You're usually done by now.'

'That's so I can help you. You're terrible at folding anything.'

'Very true. And you're totally neglecting me right now. I don't know if I can forgive that.'

Jenny laughed despite the hurt I knew was building in her chest. Charlie was getting such a slap the next time I saw him. Yeah, I thought there was a chance he was going to come back. A slim one. But no boy had the right to make the sweetest girl ever born cry. Jenny deserved way better than someone so insensitive.

Ungrateful git.

I didn't stop to ask Wyatt what he was doing during the break because I didn't care, and I didn't want him to think that I did. While I was waiting outside for a taxi to the train station, I happened to see Gideon chatting to another teacher. Our eyes met, and he made excuses to cut their chat short. He jogged over and I tried not to appear too pleased that he seemed eager to be in my company.

I smiled when he joined me. 'Did you think you were going to leave without saying goodbye to me?'

'Never.' Gideon winked. 'I wouldn't forget my favourite pupil.'

The not-being-too-happy thing wasn't working well for me.

'Have you spoken to Wyatt?' I asked.

'I'd be lying if I said he wasn't - er - vocal about what happened between you. From what I understand, I should be wearing some kind of cup in your presence.'

I snorted with laughter and clasped a hand over my mouth to stop myself. I couldn't help it. I knew that it could really damage a guy to be struck in such a sensitive place, but he had deserved it. Any man who forced himself on a girl was asking for a serious injury, in my opinion. There was no excuse for it at all. If the guys in university were all like Wyatt, then I might ask my dad about signing up to self-defence classes during the summer before my enrolment began.

'Sorry,' I said, my voice still trembling with laughter, 'I shouldn't -'

'No, by all means. Anyway, I'm happy he's not interested anymore.'

'Why?' I pressed, hope building in my chest.

'I just am.'

I blushed. 'I - uh - I have to go home during the holidays. What about you?'

'I'll be staying with some friends. But I'm looking forward to spending more time with you when I get back. I'm impressed with your guitar playing. I'd like to see what you're capable of.'

'Really? I'm not. I suck at it.'

'You're better than you think. With some serious practice before your exams, you could be brilliant. Maybe some private lessons are in order. They'll make up for lost time.'

I already felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest when we simply spoke in private. Having him directing my fingers over an instrument and humming soft music to me in that beautiful voice of his was going to kill me. Still, I didn't object to the idea. In fact, it gave me something to look forward to.

I just wouldn't be able to tell Jenny about it.

I knew that if I did, then she would be genuinely happy for me. There wasn't an insincere bone in her body. I just didn't want her to feel like she had to be pleased for someone else while she was grieving a lost relationship. She deserved time to be miserable and not pressured to put on a smile for other people.

'Look, if you're in Cornwall in the next couple of weeks, drop in and see me,' I said. 'If not, I'll see you when I get back. And I will definitely take you up on those lessons.'

Gideon grinned. 'It's a date.'

The taxi couldn't have arrived at a better time. I needed to sit down before I fainted. The man was dangerous. He had a talent for taking the breath right out of me with just a flash of his dashing smile. It should have been illegal for anyone to be so attractive.

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