Part 13

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A/N: This is a very Daddy Dornan centered chapter. I would say mainly the first half, but I think the second half you'll agree is a different "daddy" LOL! Also, yeah, that second half is really NSFW...I know you'll enjoy it though ;) thank you for your love and support! I'm overwhelmed in the best way!


I'm putting icing on the last few cupcakes in the kitchen as the girls play in the living room. Baking had been my best attempt at a distraction, because everything I did and said seemed to be an issue for them. They started off mad when they discovered Dakota didn't come with me this time, which tore up my heart, but I couldn't push any unnecessary ripples when we were dancing along the line of freedom.

Naturally the girls argued over what flavor batter to use, what color icing, and who got to do what job. So much for a mood booster. I hate seeing them like this, and having to be alone with them when they're fussy is hard.

"Give it back!" Dulcie yells, breaking me of my decorating reverie.

"Hey," I say sternly and they both look up. "What's the problem now?"

"She took my playing piece."

They had a Moana board game spread on the floor that they brought with them.

"Can you please be a different character this round?"

She crosses her arms. "I'm always Hei Hei."

"Hei Hei," my youngest coos.

"Why are we arguing about everything?" I ask. "Is something wrong you need to tell Daddy about?"

"She always takes my stuff!"

"Sweetheart, she's little. She's learning."

"You and Mummy say that all the time."

"Because it's true," I reply. "She doesn't know the difference in yours and hers. She wants to play with her big sister, and you won't let her."

"I don't want to be a big sister." She turns her back to me and throws a piece of the game across the room.

"Excuse me," I raise my voice. "First of all, we don't throw things. You know better. Second of all, you don't give Daddy the cold shoulder."

She ignores me as the little one keeps repeating Hei Hei over and over. I set down the cupcake I'm working on and head into the living room. I sit on the couch and snap my finger.

"Look at me please."

It takes her a minute, but Dulcie finally turns.

"We can handle this one of two ways. You either pick up the piece you threw and play with your sister, letting her be whatever character she wants then we can have dessert. Or you forfeit everything and go to bed now. Your choice."

She huffs. "Fine."

"What's it gonna be?"

"I'll play."

"Good," I say. "Thank you. Come here first."

She reluctantly stands and moves in front of me. I pull her in and kiss her hair. She giggles when I tickle her sides, rubbing my beard against her neck.

"I love you," I tell her. "And I don't like to see you upset. We don't spend a lot of time together, so I want us to have fun when we do. Sound like a plan?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry. I love you too."

"Okay, baby girl. I'll finish our cupcakes while you guys play a quick round."

She runs off to get the game piece before plopping down beside her sister. "Here, Sissy. You be Hei Hei."

She glances over at me and I wink. I stand to leave them to it, praying they'll behave the rest of our time together, but knowing I've probably only bought myself a few minutes.


I get the girls dried off from their bath as they struggle into their clothes. Dulcie puts her shirt on backwards, so I snap a picture to send to Dakota.

"I tried," she whines.

I chuckle. "I know, darlin'. Daddy thinks you're cute is all."

"We can call Kota?" she asks.

"Let's get into bed, and we'll see if maybe she can read a story with us, okay?"

She squeals in excitement, grabbing her sister's hand and running off down the hall. I check my messages to see she hasn't responded to the photo. I send her a text and warn her the girls want to call.

Hey baby, read a bedtime story with us please?

They were elated when she called last night and read to them before bed. It'd made my night too to know that no matter how far away we were, she was part of our routine. She continued to prove how perfect of a stepmum she'd be to them.

I trail down the hall to their room and walk in on them jumping on the bed. I go to stop them when the baby falls over, almost rolling off. I catch her just in time.

"See? This is why we don't jump on the bed!" I say.

"We're excited, Daddy."

"I understand that, but you know the rules. Why are you ladies testing me?" I sigh and sit on the end of Dulcie's bed, waiting for Dakota to save the day.

She sits beside me as the little one scratches at my beard. I stare aimlessly at my phone while they both quiet down.

"Sorry," Dulcie whispers.

I swallow my frustration. "Me too. It just made me nervous your sister was going to get hurt. I know you were having fun, I didn't mean to get upset."

"We forgot the rules."

I look over at her and smirk. "Nice try, weasel."

She giggles. "I'm not a weasel!"

"You know what Kota calls Daddy?"

She shakes her head, her blue eyes bright, and they make my heart full.

"A chipmunk."

She laughs again. "Daddy's a chipmunk."

"Dulcie's a weasel," I mock.

"What's Sissy?" She points at her.

I stand her up and eye her, which causes them both to chuckle. "What are you, little one?"

"A chicken," Dulcie says.

I snort. "Where did that come from?"

"She's funny like Hei Hei."

"Isn't Hei Hei a rooster?"

Dulcie rolls her eyes. "No, Daddy."

I tickle her sides, and she falls onto the mattress. "Don't roll your eyes at me."

She laughs uncontrollably and her sister collapses on top of her. I grin, watching them play wrestle and laugh. I find my leg bouncing impatiently at Dakota's lack of response. It's past their bedtime and I can't wait for her much longer.

"All right, young lasses. It's time for bed."

"Daddy, no!" Dulcie protests.

"Pardon? You're breaking too many rules today. I think that's enough. Let's read a story then lights out."

"What about Kota?"

"Kota is clearly busy. We'll have to read without her tonight."

She huffs and I almost do the exact same. I help my youngest down and into her bed. I take care to tuck them both in very tight, kissing their foreheads.

"How about Goldilocks, for my two little Goldilocks?"

Neither responds, because they're obviously pouting that I've tucked them in against their will. So I pick up the book and begin reading.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, she came upon a house."

"Kota, Kota, Kota," the baby coos.

"Be quiet," Dulcie says.

I narrow my gaze at her and she looks away. "Can Daddy read or are we going straight to bed?"

"Tell her to stop talking about Kota, she's not here."

I take a deep breath before my emotions unravel. "We can see that, Dulcie. You don't have to be mean to her."

"Call her," she says.

"She's busy."

"Kota!" the little one yells, mistaking Dulcie's use of "call."

"All right," I say. "Daddy's done. You don't want to listen to the story then let's all go to bed. Kota can't answer her phone and she couldn't come this time, so forget it."

They both stare at me, and I realize I've let myself ramble.

"You sad," Dulcie says.

"I'm not sad, I'm tired. Daddy needs sleep, too."

They don't respond to that, and I know they know I'm lying. I wish it didn't tear me up so damn much to be away from Dakota. I love my daughters and value every second we spend together, but I can't stop my mind from wandering to my other girl. I am whipped.

"Goodnight, I love you both."

"Night, love you," Dulcie says.

"Wuv you," her sister adds.

I switch on the nightlight between their beds and head out the door, flipping off the overhead one on my way.

I close the door to my room, pulling my phone from my pocket. Still nothing. I try calling to see if she's driving and couldn't answer the texts yet.

I undo my pants and pull off my shirt as the line rings on repeat. I toss the garments on the chair when it goes to voicemail. I decide to leave her a message, because I need to talk to something other than a child.

"Hey, guess you're out and about. The girls wanted a bedtime story with their Kota, and I just wanted to hear your voice or see your face. Please call me back so I can say goodnight. Love you."

I hang up and crawl into bed, switching the television on to catch up with today's sports. We've spent the better part of our day with either a cartoon or movie playing in the background. Sometimes it's the only thing I can distract them with to get them to behave, as much as I hate them watching TV. Plus it was too damn muddy to let them go outside and potentially get sick over playing in the chilly weather. Amelia would never forgive me for sending them home ill.

My fingers are itching to call Dakota again. It's helpless and desperate of me, but I find myself tossing my phone around in my hand. I need to end my day on a good note.

I decide to try FaceTime, not sure why I think she'll answer that over my texts and calls, but worth a shot. I stare at myself while I wait, noting my wrinkled forehead and the bags under my eyes. I look exhausted, and I wish more than anything I could fall asleep in Dakota's arms. Maybe then I wouldn't be mentally exhausted from missing her.

The video doesn't connect. "Dammit!" I hit the mattress as I slam the phone down face first.

"Daddy?" I hear a little voice.

I look over to see Dulcie peeking through the crack of the door. I wiggle my finger for her to come in and she does, dragging her blanket behind her.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I try not to be frustrated with her, but it took me long enough to get her down and now she's up. Less than fifteen minutes later.

"My nightlight stopped working." She sticks out her bottom lip.

I sigh. "Okay, baby girl. Let's go get you a new light bulb, but then right back to sleep, deal?"

"You mad at me?"

My heart clenches as I stand to walk to her. "Not at all, sweetheart. Daddy tried to make some phone calls that didn't go through and he's upset."

"To Kota?"

Fuck, how can every female in my life call me on my shit?

"She was one of them, yes." I smile down at her—she was all of them. "Daddy wanted to tell her goodnight. We can call her together in the morning."

She nods, grabbing my hand. "Okay."

I lead her down the hall toward the cupboard with extra bulbs. She stands beside me, hugging my leg as I stretch for one. I pull it from its box and show her.

"One nightlight, coming right up."

She giggles. "I carry it."

"Let Daddy carry it, please. It's glass."

She huffs, but doesn't argue thank God. A late night breakthrough. I bend to pick her up and we head back toward her room, blanket in tow. She rests her head on my shoulder, so I kiss her rosy cheek, but she doesn't react.

We reach her bed and as I lay her down I notice she's fallen asleep that quickly. I take comfort in knowing all she was worried about was Daddy fixing her problem, and she knew I was going to.

I run my hand over her forehead before quietly exchanging the bulbs. Flipping the light back on, I admire her peaceful expression one last time as I dip out of her room and back into mine. I shut the door behind me and my phone starts ringing from the sheets. I scurry toward the noise, searching for where I left it. After chasing it under the comforter like a cat chasing a mouse, I answer.

"Dakota," I say breathless.

She comes into view and chuckles. "Were you working out?"

"Huh?" I notice she is at home, our home. "Oh, no. I couldn't find my phone."

She grins. "You've been trying to reach me and suddenly you can't find your phone? You're adorable."

I roll my eyes. "How are you?"

"Good," she says. "Busy afternoon. You? How are the babies? I'm so sorry I missed story time."

I take a deep breath. "They're wild. But I'm fine now that you've returned my call."

She cups her heart. "I'm glad to see you too, handsome. Dulcie looked so freaking cute with her shirt on backwards."

I nod, resting against the headboard as I grab my headphones so our conversation doesn't wake the girls. Last thing I need is them wanting to talk to Kota and getting too excited for sleep.

"Why do you have that grumpy expression?" She pouts.

"Because I've tried to contact you multiple times in the last hour and you didn't answer. It's getting late. I wanted to talk before bed."

She narrows her gaze, and I don't mean to be short with her. "Well it's an 8-hour time difference and I wasn't in a place to answer. I'm sorry, baby. You know I miss you so much."

I rub my beard, trying to turn my mood around. Seeing her always helps. "I miss you too. That's why I'm fucking grumpy. I want you here with me."

"And I want to be there. I would be there if last time hadn't been so rough for us, and for your daughters to see."

"Yeah, well if their mother didn't act like a goddamn—"

She cuts me off. "Jamie, don't do that. You're better than name-calling."

I close my eyes to regulate my emotions. "Sorry, you're right. The girls have been testing me since the moment I got them, and I needed to see your beautiful face to make it okay again. I'll stop being grumpy."

Her smile is infectious and I find myself grinning back at her. "You're an amazing daddy. They're little, that's their job to annoy and push you to your limits. It'll be fine. They love you, you love them, and I love all three of you."

I chuckle; she makes me feel better effortlessly. "We love you, baby. God, so much it hurts when you're not around."

"Trust me, I understand. I'm trying to stay busy to keep my ass off an airplane and flying over to end our torture."

"Do that. Please do that now. I could use an attitude adjustment."

She snorts. "You mean you could use an orgasm."

I shrug. "It never hurts. Usually works, doesn't it?"

She bites her bottom lip and nods. She's such a siren. "It'll be even better if we wait and not act like crazed horny teens who can't be apart for more than a few days."

I laugh. "It's really...hard."

"Is it?" She raises an eyebrow. "How hard? Show me."

I wet my mouth. "Are you proposing phone sex, ma'am?"

"We could both use the relief, why not help each other? We can't be together, but we can come together."

That does the trick; I can already feel myself hardening at her words. "You're naughty."

"Since when do you get shy about our sex life? My dirty Irishman."

I nod. "Fine. You lead since you want this."

"Maybe you should lead since you need it." She shrugs.

I shake my head. "You're alone. I have two kids that could wake up and hear some things that'll cause me to pay for their therapy someday."

"Oh, so you do want to play dirty?"

"I'll take whatever you give me, baby. I could get off just staring at you."

She blushes. "We can start there."

"Nah. I'm going to watch you lose yourself."

She licks her lips. "Your accent can do some damage to a girl's panties."

I smirk. "Is that so? You're saying if I talk you through touching yourself you'll come for me?"

She nods. "Tell me what you'd do to me if you were here."

I watch her as she stands with her phone and heads toward our bedroom. I grin, knowing she's serious about this and that manages to excite me further.

"Since it's been so long—" I begin.

She cuts me off. "It's been a few days, don't be dramatic."

I laugh. "You want me to talk or not?"

She pretends to zip her lips. Amazingly she's turned this around so that I'm the one leading, despite me telling her to go ahead.

"As I was saying, since it's been more than a day...I'd take it extra slow. Worshipping that toned body from head to toe."

She lies back against the pillows, using mine to prop herself up further. "Where would you start?"

"With those plump lips. I'd bite and suck at them until they're even more swollen."

"Mmm," she hums. "I miss the taste of your soft tongue massaging mine."

I can feel myself growing harder by the second and she's not even naked. But I can change that. "I'd trail my lips down your neck, latching onto that pulse point that drives you wild. You'd squirm, rubbing yourself against me and it'd light the fire inside. I'd sit you up and dispose of that shirt and bra."

She giggles. "What if you discovered I wasn't wearing one?" I watch as she pulls the shirt up over her delicious abs, exposing her nipple.

"All the way," I mutter.

She sets the phone off to the side so I can watch her jerk it over her head. She rests into the pillows again, lifting the camera up to show me her bare chest.

"So sexy," I say. "Look how hard your nipples are and neither of us have acknowledged them."

She blushes and I find myself even more turned on that she's flushed over my words. "They're anticipating your hot mouth."

"Touch them for me," I whisper. "Imagine me sucking on them and dragging my teeth across their sensitive peaks."

She moans, wetting her thumb and forefinger as she tugs on one. I am hard as a rock at the sight of her touching herself and it's only her boobs. My God, whipped doesn't even cover it.

"I'd lick a path down your soft stomach, kissing the top of your pants before jerking both your leggings and panties down. Because now that I've tasted part of you, I'm in a hurry to taste all of you."

She adjusts the phone as she wiggles herself out of her bottoms. She winks when she's done, biting the tip of her finger.

"Let me see," I practically beg.

She shakes her head. "I think I'd roll you over and strip you at this point."

I click my tongue. "Shame I'm already naked then."

"Are you?" She raises an eyebrow. "Show me how hard you are for me."

I swallow my nerves as I pan the camera down to my boxers and laugh at my own tent.

"Amazing," she whispers. "I haven't even talked about licking that thick length and you're already hard."

"See what you do to me?"

"Well, let's not waste it," she says. "After stripping you, I'd lower to my knees, nipping at your sculpted abs that make me weak. I'd tug your happy trail with my fingers before freeing you from that constraint."

I give into her words, pulling myself from my boxers and she moans. "Then what?" I watch her lick her lips and I can practically feel her expert mouth on my dick.

"I'd stroke you a few times, feeling you harden in my hand before lowering my mouth on the tip."

My shame dissipates as I pump myself slowly and imagine disappearing between Dakota's lips. She watches me intently, still massaging her breasts and I'm weak. I want to come on her chest at the sight, but I fucking can't.

"I'd stop you," I mumble. "Because I'd know how close I am to losing it, and I'd want to save it for you."

"But I'd protest, wanting you to come in my mouth."

I stop stroking myself and pan the camera back up to my face. She huffs.

"Sorry, baby. You're not here to take control, so I'm going to redirect before I blow."

"That's the point, Jamie. Let go and stop overthinking it."

I laugh. "I'm not overthinking it. I want to watch you too, and I haven't even talked about licking the wetness I know is between your legs."

She smirks. "Am I wet for you? How would you find out?"

"I'd put my tongue to good use. Your turn, baby, let me see you touch yourself."

She turns the camera downward, and I watch her trail her fingers over her soft skin and to the apex of her thighs.

"Not so fast," I say. "I'd first kiss you everywhere other than where you want."

"Yes, because you're a tease," she interrupts.

I ignore her comment. "Your thighs, for example. I'd suck on the tender skin there, biting at you before soothing it with my tongue."

She follows my direction, scraping her nails down the insides of her thighs.

"Then I'd drop my mouth to that very wet core and lose myself in your intoxicating scent."

"I'd run my fingers through your soft hair," she adds. "Tugging the ends when you put your tongue to work." She dips her fingers between her legs and I try not to explode.

"And I'd lick every ounce of you up. Sliding the tip through your folds, sucking on that swollen clit. You'd be writhing, begging for more until I slip a finger inside you."

She does exactly as I say, inserting a finger and I moan. I can't stop it from escaping while I watch her feel herself.

"One more," she pants, adding a second finger.

"Yes, you love when I fuck you with two fingers." I'm going to lose control. I can sense my own words getting nastier as I imagine doing to her everything I say.

"Jamie, please."

"Please what, baby? Keep going. You know I wouldn't stop yet."

"I can't," she breathes, ceasing her actions.

I tsk. "We're playing tit for tat?"

She flips the camera back to her shit-grinning face. "I'd ask you to fuck me now before I come on your hand."

"I'd probably let you come," I narrow my gaze. "Then I'd plunge into you before your spasms ended and fuck you to another."

"Why don't you come with me then?"

I nod. "Tell me."

Her cheeks heat again, and I'm surprised the shame has shifted from me to her. I think we surprised ourselves by how dirty we can get when we want it so bad.

"Flip me over and fuck me from behind."

I groan. "Mmm, your favorite. I'd slap your ass and as you cry out from the sting, I'd sink into you."

She turns the camera again, and I follow suit as we both watch each other.

"I want it hard," she says. "So I start slamming my hips back to meet you thrust for thrust."

I find it difficult to respond while I watch her finger herself, and I fist my dick, pumping it as I imagine disappearing into her warmth.

"I hit that sweet spot over and over," I manage to mumble.

"I'm so close, Jamie," she pants. "The tip of you stroking me where I like, knowing this position like the back of our hands."

"Your walls start to quiver and I can feel your orgasm on the edge."

"Yesss," she hisses, thumbing her clit as I speak. "I come around you, pumping yours from you while my legs shake."

"That's it, baby," I whisper. "Milk me."

She lifts her hips off our bed and I feel my orgasm release, covering my hand and shooting down my leg as she comes with me.

"Fill me," she pants as she slows her hand.

The last of my orgasm leaks from the tip as our breathing overpowers our ability to talk. Fuck my life, that was sexy as hell, and I'd never imagined coming without her.

I watch her camera flip back to her face, so I do the same.

"You good?" she asks with a giggle.

"Wow." I nod.

She snorts. "Phone sex."

"You're amazing no matter how I make you come."

"Forget sexy pictures, let's do this from now on."

I stick out my bottom lip. "I love your naked surprises."

"Well, I love when we can orgasm together from miles away."

"Fine, this is better, you're right."

She looks away before tucking a hair behind her ear. "You're the only man in the world I'd ever have phone sex with."

I hadn't really thought about it, but I'm glad to know this information. "Your first time too?"

She nods. "We shared our first together."

"I like making any kind of memory with you. But the sex ones are my favorite. Now if we can experiment with that back door..." I trail off.

"The connection is breaking up, I missed that part. Sorry." She smirks.

"Right. Well, someday you'll let me have all of you."

She watches me, not answering for a long beat and I almost wonder if the video did actually freeze.

"You have all of me," she whispers. "For the rest of my life."

"And you own me." I wink. "No other woman would get me to be so brazen. But for you, I'd do anything."

"We can make it our routine when we're apart."

I wrinkle my forehead. "I'm hoping that won't be too often, because nothing beats the real thing."

"Don't I know it. My fingers don't quite fit the bill."

I laugh. "We'll make up for it soon. I love you."

"I love you too. Thank you for entertaining my wild fantasies."

"Thank you for the attitude adjustment."

She snorts. "Goodnight, handsome."

"Goodnight, baby."

I hang up and drop my head onto the pillow. I don't even have the strength to clean myself off, but I get the odd sensation to cry, so I cover my eyes with my arm and set my emotions free.


What did you think? Need a pump of Jamie's inhaler, or is the sexual innuendo still too strong? Hah, please don't forget to vote and/or comment! Thank you so very much for reading :) 

Additional note: Some of you may have seen my tweets, but I received specific Dakota hate on my last chapter, which was posted on her birthday. So let me make it clear that if it happens again, your comments will be removed and you'll be blocked. This isn't the place for your hatred, this is fiction, and we're all trying to have fun! Respect that. 

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