Part 17

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A/N: Real quick, in case you've missed my note and tweet: As a thank you/gift for almost 36k reads on this story, I'll be posting a Damie Christmas one-shot this week that'll be separate from here! So just stay tuned for it in case you don't get the notification :) Thanks for your patience as I finished a tough semester of school, I appreciate your love and support! Hope you enjoy ;)


Dakota and I enjoyed the rest of our private Hawaiian vacation. Locked up above the ocean in our own personal paradise, away from the hustle, bustle, and drama that usually consumes our lives.

She's currently in the kitchen getting everything together for our unofficial house warming party. She'd mentioned it after she moved in that she wanted to have everyone over, and I felt now was a better time than ever to have her surrounded by family and friends. She needs to get back to her norm after everything life has thrown at us.

"The outside is ready," I say as I watch her turn down the temperature on a crockpot.

"Great," she says, distracted. "Did you clean the pool out?"

I nod, although she's too busy to look at me. "Yes, the pool is good to go. I've set up the volleyball net and the grill is cleaned and gassed up."

"Thanks baby, you're the best." She quickly smiles at me.

"You're the one doing the work. But I'm going to take Zepp for a walk if you're okay here? He's antsy."

She wipes her brow. "Yeah, he knows something's up. But everything is prepped and ready. Just letting it all simmer now."

"Why don't you grab a shower and enjoy an empty house? I'll be back in a bit."

I walk over and give her a swift kiss on the cheek and she returns the gesture. "Okay thanks."

"Dude," I say, catching Zepp's attention when I pick up his leash. "Let's leave Mummy alone to catch her breath."

He runs to me, his tail wagging furiously as I link him to it. He immediately takes off towards the door, dragging me along.

"Have fun with that," Dakota calls after us.

I laugh and catch up to him. "Wild like your mama."

She makes some sarcastic remark that I miss when I close the door. Zepp barks at a bird and we're off to the races.


When I get back from our walk I see Mel's car in the drive. She promised she'd come early and help, and she always makes good on her promises.

I open the door and unhook Zepp's leash. He immediately takes off towards Mel.

"Hey, buddy!" She bends down to let him shower her in kisses.

"Hi, Mel," I say, walking in her direction.

She meets me with a warm hug that always comforts me. "Sweet boy, how are you?"

"Wonderful. You look great, you've been well?"

She smiles and holds me at arms length. "Flattery will get you everywhere. I'm just happy to be here. We're going to have fun invading your space."

"Kinda weird not having you host," Dakota pipes in.

She's freshly showered and her dark tresses are wrapped into a bun. She's changed into her bikini, underneath a see-through cover up. I brush my perverted thoughts to the side for now.

"Weird for you, a nice break for me," Mel says. She changes the subject. "You both have the cutest tans."

I laugh. "You'd think we'd keep a tan living in LA, but we definitely don't spend enough time at the pool or beach."

"When are we ever home?" Dakota asks.

Hearing her call this place our home causes those girly butterflies to creep in.

Mel waves her hand. "Oh, don't worry about being stuck in one place. You both have the means to travel and you should do it while you can appreciate it. Never settle, life's too short."

Her comment makes me grin. "I'm going to call you whenever I need a confidence boost."

"Honey, you do that. I'm old and wise for a reason."

Dakota and I share a laugh.

"If you're good I'm going to clean up," I say to Dakota.

"Hurry, you've got like a half hour until people will be here."

Mel looks at me and rolls her eyes. "She gets overly excited for no reason. It's just friends and family. Oprah isn't coming."

I snort and Dakota narrows her gaze. She'll use that against me later in the bedroom. And I'll probably like it.

"Mom, I don't want to fuck this up," she argues. "It's supposed to be a welcome to our house, not welcome to our mess and bland food."

"I'll handle her," Mel says, "get your shower, darling."

I turn and walk down the hall, Zepp hot on my heels as Mel reassures Dakota everything is perfect.

"Women, am I right?" I look at Zepp and he cocks his head before lying on the rug beside our bed.

"Okay, you're right. Your mama's got me trained better than that." I collect my clothes while he ignores my thinking out loud.

I shake my head, amused at myself and hopeful for both of us that today is a hit. I haven't had many chances to impress her friends. No time like the present.


"Here," Jesse says as he brings me more burgers out to the grill.

I'm burning up and super jealous of everyone having fun in our pool. Once this food is done I'm diving in, and dragging Dakota with me.

"Thanks, man." I smirk at him.

He stays with me, bending to the cooler beside the door. "Another beer?"


He passes me one and it's ice cold. I groan inwardly, wanting to roll the bottle across my neck and forehead.

"How was Hawaii?" he asks to break the silence.

I flip a couple of burgers and roll the hot dogs to the other side. "Incredible. We had a blast."

"You went parasailing, right?" His eyes are shaded behind sunglasses as he looks at me.

I blush, but it'll be lost on him for as hot as it is out here. "We did, Dakota told you?" How much has she shared? He's not laughing, so surely he doesn't know I was a chicken shit beforehand.

"Nah, she'd asked before you guys left what company I used when I did it."

"Oh, well in that case, thanks for the recommendation. The guys we had were hilarious. I think I entertained them a bit as well."

He chuckles. "It's a thrill, and fucking beautiful when you get up there."

I nod as I let my mind wander back to Hawaii—the crystal blue waters, the white sand beaches, and my gorgeous girl tan in her teeny bikini. I catch a glimpse of her on a lounge chair with Grace. They're both laughing as they share a bottle of tanning oil. I look away and think of snow and ice to keep my body's natural reaction at bay.

"We had fun." I scoop the food off the grill and onto a platter.

Jesse yells for me, "Burgers and dogs are done."

Blake and Chase amble over to fix them a sandwich. They offer me a smile and Blake shoves Jesse's shoulder.

"Bring your guitar?" he asks him.

"Of course. We're going to start a fire and then jam." Jesse looks at me with a nod.

"Can't wait to hear you sing," Chase says to me. "Dakota loves your voice."

It doesn't matter how many times I'm told this, it makes my heart race to know she loves everything about me. Especially my passion for music. I've long since let that dream go, but I'll sing to Dakota for the rest of my days if it makes her happy.

"I could say the same to you." Someday I'll be able to attend one of Chase's shows with Dakota, and without fear of being caught.

"Looking forward to it." She winks before trailing off to the table where Addison and her boyfriend sit.

"Thanks for the food," Blake says.

"Thank Dakota," I reply. "She's done all the hard work."

He gives me his goofy Blake smile, and I'm elated to be surrounded by Dakota's loved ones. Sharing part of her inner circle brings me peace—these people have our backs. The love and respect they shower my girl with makes me proud to know them. And I suddenly can't wait to repeat all of this in Belfast with my family and friends. Blending our lives together gives me immeasurable hope that we're going to come out of this just fine.

Jesse and I are alone again and he continues his small talk. "Please tell me Dad didn't embarrass you at the Giants game?"

I laugh out loud. "He's a cool dude. We had a great time. He grilled me a bit, but I was expecting it."

"He's a total dad. Don't worry about him though. If he didn't approve he wouldn't let you near his daughter."

We share a chuckle, but I know Jesse is exactly like him. He'd be on my ass quicker than Don if I hurt her.

"Wish they were able to make it," I say. "I know Dakota's missing him."

Don, Kelley, and the boys are out of town supporting Don's upcoming work. Tippi couldn't make it either due to being on the road doing some motivational talks. Dakota's whole family is inspiring and hard workers, I'm lucky to be in their presence. They push me to be the best version of myself.

"Wish who could make it?" Dakota asks, snaking her arms around my waist. She presses her lips to the center of my back before resting her cheek on it.

I want to shrug her off because I'm sweaty and gross, but she clearly doesn't mind. "Your dad."

"Yeah, I wish so too. I need to call him." She releases herself from my body.

"I talked to him this morning," Jesse says. "They're all fine. Dad's just exhausted from so much press."

Dakota nods, biting off the end of a hot dog from the plate. I laugh.

"Are you going to eat or pick at everything?" I ask.

She nudges my hip. "I ate on and off while I made it all. I'm not hungry. Come swim with me."

"I gotta get these burgers finished."

"I can take over," Alex says as he comes out of the house.

"You're burning up, babe," Dakota adds. "Let's cool off. My bros both got this."

"Actually," Jesse looks around at the crowd and starts counting. "Why don't we form teams and play chicken volleyball?"

"What the hell is that?" I laugh.

"The girls play volleyball while on our shoulders. Anyone can hit, but they can't fall off or they're eliminated. Last couple standing wins."

This could get me in trouble. Dakota's slick wet skin sitting wrapped around my body? Dangerous, but I'm intrigued, and it sounds hilarious at best.

"I'm down," Dakota says. "Will you be my partner?"

I kiss her swiftly. "I suppose."

Jesse leaves us to round up players. Addison and Jeremy, Chase and Blake, Emily and Jesse, Stella and her boyfriend, and Derek and Grace all team up. This is going to be priceless. Mel grabs her camera to take pictures, she's so excited, drink in hand to watch us embarrass ourselves.

"Sister's on one side," Dakota announces as we walk to the pool. Grace and Stella get in with their partners.

The water feels incredible on my hot skin, and I'm grateful I'll be on the bottom in the pool the whole time.

"Ready?" she asks with a giggle.

I nod and sink beneath the water. I feel Dakota sit on my shoulders, she grips my hair, and I stand back up. I wipe away the chlorine as we wait for the others to do the same. Everyone laughs when Grace slips right off.

"Told you not to oil up," Stella yells.

Dakota's skin is equally slick, so I grip her ankles tight in hopes she won't fall off and cost us the game. I can tell this is going to go from funny to serious in a heartbeat. Dakota and I are both competitive, I can only imagine the rest of her siblings are too.

"My game, I'll start," Jesse says.

"My house, my pool," Dakota argues.

I run my hand up her calf and squeeze it to signal my approval of that sentence.

"Shut up." He shakes his head and tosses the ball in front of him.

He hits it between Stella and Grace, but Stella manages to reach with her long arms and strike it back. Blake goes to bump it and he trips, causing Chase to slide off. Everyone laughs when they come up out of the water.

She shoves his shoulders. "Way to go."

"Out!" Jesse yells.

"Sorry, sheesh." Blake tosses the ball over the net and I reach for it, handing it up to Dakota.

She hits it toward Addison, and Jeremy manages to hit it back before it touches the water. Grace goes for it this time and slides right off into the water.

"Dammit," Derek says, slapping the surface.

"Evened it out." Jesse smirks.

Dakota flips him off and I snort.

"You two be nice," Mel says.

I don't have to see Dakota's eyes to know she rolled them, just like Jesse so clearly did behind his shades. I throw the ball to him and he sets up another shot.

This one comes right at my face, and even though I flinch Dakota manages to bump it over the net. Jesse and Jeremy both go for it and their collision causes Addison to topple over.

"Thanks for saving my face, baby," I say, kissing Dakota's soft thigh.

She cups my cheeks in her hands, scratching my beard in response. "Hey dickhead, next time watch your aim," she yells at Jesse.

"Sorry, bro," he says to me. "Bad hit."

Bro...I love being a part of her world, even if it is just a nickname for him, it makes me feel included. Like I'm here to stay, because I am. Forever.

Stella takes her turn, trying to knock down Jesse and Emily. Emily bends just in time and hits it back. Dakota and Stella both reach for it, but Stella slides off before her boyfriend can save her from slipping.

Dakota cheers and I'm momentarily confused since Stella was on our team, but now I get it. She and Jesse are competing against each other. Never mind Emily and me.

"You got this, baby," I say for moral support.

She readjusts herself higher, gripping my hair in the process. I laugh as they both square up.

"Let's see your best shot," Dakota teases.

"Game on." Jesse tosses the ball up to Emily who doesn't miss a beat in spiking it to us.

I suddenly feel like I'm in a movie, time standing completely still as the ball hurls in our direction. I'm vaguely aware of everyone watching from the side, Dakota's sisters cheering, and Mel taking pictures.

I shuffle to my right and Dakota leans to hit the ball. It bumps off the heel of her hand, barely making it over the net. Jesse slides to hit it but misses, and we win as Emily falls to the water.

"Fuck yeah!" Dakota yells.

I sink down so she can get off and when I stand up she pulls my lips in to meet hers for a victory kiss. Her family and friends yell and clap while Jesse curses us both under his breath. I smile against her mouth, happy to have my girl back in her full form—competitiveness and all.

"We won," she says to me.

"What's our prize?"

She pecks me again. "You'll find out soon enough."

And with that seductive warning, I bring my body to heel until I can have her alone. The wait will be torturous.


We spent the rest of the day laughing, swimming, drinking, and playing guitar by the fire once it turned night. Chase's voice is remarkable. I was so fired up about her deserving more recognition, and she made me promise to come to a show when Dakota and I are free to be together. None of them realize how much it hurts us, waiting for that day to come.

Everyone said their goodbyes one by one until they all had departed. Mel stayed to help clean up, but Dakota eventually begged her to go because she'd already done too much for a party she hadn't hosted.

Dakota and I have switched roles, as she makes sure everything outside is secure until morning, and I stand at the sink rinsing the dishes.

"Are we done cleaning up?" I call, switching on the dishwasher.

Dakota walks back into the house with my guitar strapped around her bikini clad body. She shuts the door behind her and turns to face me. Holy fuck.

"I think so." She's smirking and my body instantly reacts.

"Are you going to play something?" I cross my arms to keep my hands to myself for the moment.

She strums it carelessly. "Oh, I'm not that great. Maybe you could teach me."

I chuckle. "Maybe I could."

I watch her stroll over to where I'm standing. I pull her closer, turning her to face away from me. She pushes her ass against my dick and I groan at the contact.

"Behave," I whisper.

I grab one of her hands and wrap our adjoined fingers around the neck on the instrument. I try not to focus on her warm skin pressed against my torso. She wants a lesson, I'll give her one she'll never forget.

"Now what," she breathes.

"Mmm, put these fingers here." I move them to the right note.

"Then here." She does as she's told.

"And then these here." She stretches them along with mine. "Strum with those chords until you get a feel for it."

She hesitates only briefly before she does as I've shown her. I drop my hands, letting her play. My lips graze across her shoulder and she misses a note. I smirk against her skin.

"You're distracting me," she says.

I run my fingertips down her arms to her hips where I rest them. "Good, because I've been wanting to do this all damn day."

She strums once more and I can see her mouth has dropped open in anticipation. I untie the string on one hip where her bikini is secured.

"Oops," I mutter.

She giggles, shuffling her weight to her other foot and brushing my erection. So I undo the other string, both of us watching the flimsy fabric fall to the floor at her feet.

"Playing guitar naked in my kitchen," I say. "A dessert I never knew I craved." Which is a lie, I've been dying to see her with my guitar for weeks—opportunity finally presented itself.

"Hmm, not completely naked." She looks at me sideways, digging her teeth into her plump bottom lip and my body has shifted into overdrive.

"You're right. Keep playing." She strums a few reckless chords that sound as disoriented as I know she feels. I love taking her by surprise. I reach behind her neck and undo the tie there before unclasping the final barrier that stands between us in the middle of her back. I pull it from her beneath the guitar and toss it to the side to be picked up tomorrow.

"Turn around," I instruct.

She faces me, her cheeks and ears an adorable shade of red. My eyes gaze down to her hardened nipples behind the acoustic. It hangs perfectly at her waist and I try not to groan, knowing the guitar is skimming her where I want to taste her.

She strums the instrument to redirect my attention. Our eyes meet and the playfulness behind hers can't be masked. She's eating this up. "Better, but still incomplete."

I raise an eyebrow. "You look naked to me."

She rips the guitar off her body and sets it up against the side of the counter. I don't have a moment to whine about her ending the game as she attacks my mouth. Her fingers waste no time trailing down my abs to her destination. I want to stop her, but her kiss is unwavering. She slips her tongue in when I moan and I have to grip her face between my hands to hold her where I want her. She's delectable and this is what I've been craving. Her soft palm snakes beneath my trunks in an instant as she rubs my hardening length.

"You've turned the tables," I mumble against her lips.

"Have I?" She continues to stroke me. I finally put an end to it, grabbing her wrist to remove her hand. She squeals when I disarm her by spinning her, and lifting her to the counter.

"Here?" She sounds exasperated.

"Right here, baby." I drop to my knees and spread hers wide. I run my hand up across her toned stomach to roll her nipple between my fingers and she moans. It vibrates the entire counter straight to my dick.

I pull her ass to the edge before going to work. She arches, almost snapping in half when I lick a line up her warm flesh, sucking her clit between my lips.

"Jamie, oh fuck."

"Let's hear it," I say, desperate for her dirty mouth.

"You're incredible," she cries.

I hum against her, dipping my tongue through her folds before adding a finger. "I know you well, baby."

"Ahh," she squirms when I add a second finger, pumping her while I tease her swollen bud. She's already so wet and I have to stop myself from being selfish and sinking into her.

"Come for me," I beg.

"No," she pants as I continue. "Please take me."

"Seems the tables have turned once again." I smirk wickedly, quite pleased with myself. She's flushed and panting, kneading her breasts with her hands while I do the rest.

I stand and give into her request before I burst. In a surprise move she pushes me backwards and jumps off the counter, dropping to her knees.

"Baby, don't." I try to step away, but she sucks me into her mouth before I can, jerking my shorts off entirely.

"Mhmm," she moans.

"Shit, Dakota." Her hot expert lips pump my dick, meeting her hand halfway. I can feel her everywhere and it lights me on fire.

She pops me out to say, "You know not to challenge me."

"Oh, but I love your retribution."

She sheaths her teeth again and I feel every muscle in my body convulse.

"Not in your mouth," I force out. I was looking forward to fucking her on the counter, but in hindsight I see that might've been awkward considering the height difference.

She releases me and stands, grabbing my hand to lead me down the hall. I can barely walk as she's derailed my basic human functions. The counter would've been difficult, but this won't be.

She yelps when I tug her wrist and shove her against the wall.

"Here," I say.

"Right here," she mocks my previous comment.

I lift her leg and wrap my wrist around it, gripping her thigh. She crosses her arms behind my neck to hold on.

"Jump," I instruct.

She pauses for a beat, but she trusts me. She does as she's told and I catch her other thigh in my palm. I have control of both her long legs and I spread them as wide as she lets me.

"Now, please," she pants.

I gently press into her and let her adjust to my size and this odd position. I ease in and out a few times and she mewls, lifting herself on my length. It's so erotic how fast she meets my challenges.

I am going to come undone too easily. "You good, baby?"

"Yes, move."

I chuckle, picking up my pace. Her moans coax me on and assure me I'm not hurting her against the hallway wall.

Her nails dig into my shoulders as she manages to ride me while suspended in my arms. She's Aphrodite and my perfect match in all things.

"I'm close," I say against her ear.

"Harder, Jamie. Don't hold back."

I take that as my cue as I begin slamming into her, hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. She cries out and I bite down on her neck when she comes. Her orgasm throbs tight around my dick and I follow, filling her as both our bodies rattle in ecstasy.

She sinks against me, absolutely spent from all of today's activities. I muster up the strength to carry her the rest of the way to our bedroom. Her lazy kisses across my neck and cheek make me grin.

"Another shower then bed?" I ask.

She nods, so I carry her on to the bathroom.

"Today was fun," she mumbles.

"I enjoyed myself. Hope everyone else did, too."

"Of course they did. They love you. Just not as much as I do."

"I'm sure of that." I set her on her feet and kiss her lips gently. "But I love you more. Always more."

She shakes her head. "Don't bet on it."

She drags me into the shower and her exhaustion seems to dissipate as a new wave of passion strikes her. I let her take the lead this time, reveling in her worshipping my body.


How about that happy ending? LOL! Hope you loved their house warming party, the game, and of course the steaminess. Please don't forget to vote and/or comment with your thoughts. You are the ones who've made this story so successful and bring attention to it for other readers. I cannot thank you enough, I never imagined the support you've given me! More soon, xoxo

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