Part 20

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A/N: I really hope you love this Belfast chapter. I wanted to make it special for all of you! There'll be more from his hometown after this, but here's the introductory part of their trip! Thanks for your love and support, I'm excited to write about them more and watch their future continue to unfold in real life ;) xo


Don was able to pull through with a private jet for us to fly to Belfast, and I'd be lying if I said Dakota and I didn't use it to our advantage. Mile-high club...again. She's divine.

The only thing I'm still leery about in all this is Amelia. She agreed to let my parents come get the girls, but I'm not entirely convinced she doesn't suspect I have a motive. However, I can't and won't worry about her until she becomes an issue, and this time I won't let her ruin our trip.

"Are you excited to see your family?" Dakota asks. She's sitting beside me in the rental car, our fingers intertwined on the console.

"I am. And I'm grateful to have you here." I pull her hand up to kiss the back of it.

"This place is beautiful," she says, peering out the window as the city of Belfast quickly fades into the coastal town I grew up in.

"You're beautiful in it." I look over and wink, catching her blush.

"Who all will be at the house?" she asks, but her gaze is fixed on the familiar scenery that flies by.

"I think just Jess and her family. Liesa couldn't get off work."

"Oh, she's lovely. That's too bad."

Liesa has adored Dakota since the day they met. They're kindred spirits—both hilarious and carefree. Jess has always been the more serious and determined type. She kept Liesa and me in line despite being wedged between us in age.

"She was pretty bummed," I tell her. "She loves you."

Dakota squeezes my hand in response, still lost in the simple beauty of my hometown. "That's adorable," she says, pointing to a building.

"They have amazing food there."

"It's a restaurant?" She looks over and I nod. "It's so rustic and ancient looking."

I snort. "It's the original building, but they put a pub inside it. Maybe we can go."

She caresses my knuckles with her thumb. "Can we go anywhere here where they won't know you?"

I shrug. "They're not snitches. I can work some magic. If you want to, that is."

She nods. "I want to experience where you grew up, not just see it."

"That's exactly what I want, baby. This town is the greatest place on earth because it made me. I want to show it off."

She smirks. "It made you the incredible man I love. It has to be pretty exceptional."

Dakota takes my breath away in her simple but powerful statements. If a man can be swept off his feet then consider me swept.

I park in front of my dad's house. "We're here."

She admires the stunning array of flowers in the garden. My dad and Samina take great pride in their property. It has always been one of the most beautiful homes in the Belfast area.

"Ready?" I ask.

She giggles and reaches for the car door. I meet her at the front, grabbing her hand as we walk to the house. I ring the bell and kiss the top of Dakota's head while we wait. She smells like coconut, and it levels me.

The door swings open and Samina is on the other side with a warm smile. "Hello, you two."

I let Dakota step in first. She hugs Samina as my dad walks up behind them. I trade places while Dakota hugs him—my eyes glued on their exchange.

"Welcome, welcome," he says to her.

"I'm honored to be here. You have a stunning home."

"Samina works harder on it than I do." He winks at Dakota.

"Thanks, honey," Samina says while I hug my dad tight. "Your sister just got here as well, why don't you both say hello?"

I nod, leading Dakota into the great room. The instant we round the corner Dulcie is on her feet and trampling toward us.

"Daddy! Kota!" she yells.

I dip to lift her, tossing her in the air as she giggles. I kiss her cheek when she comes down. "Daddy missed you."

"I missed you. And Kota." She reaches for Dakota, and Dakota leans in to hug her in my arms.

"I have missed you so so much," Dakota says.

"More than Daddy?" Dulcie asks, her smile completely filling her face.

"I don't know, Daddy's pretty stiff competition." Dakota smirks at me and my heart grows a size.

"Where's my little pumpkin?" I ask.

She's in Jess's lap, so my sister sets her down and she wobbles to me. I bend to release Dulcie, greeting my other daughter. She walks into my embrace and I kiss her soft hair.

"Hi tiny tot," I say. "Did you miss Daddy, too?"

She grabs my bearded face in both of her hands and giggles. "Daddy."

"And who's that?" I point up at Dakota standing beside me.

"Kotaaa!" she sings.

"Hi there, sweet thing," Dakota says.

She lets go of me to waddle to Dakota. I watch as she picks her up and sets her on her hip. Those instincts stir every emotion imaginable inside me.

"It's good to see you again," Jess says.

"You look great, sis." I wink.

"Kids, go hug Uncle Jamie," she tells them.

They both laugh before running to tackle my waist. I ruffle their hair and tell them how much I've missed them. I step up to shake my brother-in-law's hand and offer him a manly hug.

"Dakota, you look lovely," Jess says.

"Thanks," she replies. "I'm happy to be here with all of you. Such a gorgeous place you get to call home."

"We're very lucky," my dad says.

Samina chimes in as she links her arm with his. "Why don't we let the kids gallivant in the garden while us ladies get everything ready for dinner?"

"Dakota's our guest," I defend.

"I don't mind," she says. "I'd love to help."

I smirk at her eagerness. She doesn't have to try to impress my folks, they already love her because of how happy she makes me. But I digress—it's a beautiful thing to witness.

"Why don't you stay with Daddy?" I reach for the little one.

"No." She clings onto Dakota, turning her head away.

Dakota chuckles. "She's okay. She can be part of girl time."

"Me too, Kota!" Dulcie jumps up and down.

"Honey, go play with your cousins," my dad says. "You don't get to see them often."

His comment wasn't meant backhanded, but it stings. He's right.

"Yes, please," I say to her. "Kota will still be here later."

She huffs. "Fine."

My sister's kids grab her and they all run off toward the back of the house, squealing and laughing along the way.

"Stay out of trouble," Jess says to me when she passes.

"What kind of trouble can I get into?" I chuckle. "Your hubby is the bad influence."

He scoffs. "Speak for yourself."

My dad joins us after the ladies disappear, grabbing three glasses from his liquor chest. He lifts a bottle of what I can guess is scotch, and both of us nod.

I can hear the girls giggling already, followed by the sound of a champagne bottle popping. The weight of the world lifts from my shoulders as I settle into a relaxing trip.


Our first night in Belfast ended quickly. Dakota and I ate a delicious dinner that she helped prepare, paired with a few more drinks, and a quick game of Blackjack while the kids played in their toy room.

Jess's family left a few minutes ago, and now we're all huddled in the living room listening to the soft jazz my dad loves to wind down to. I don't mind the quiet or the music. It's calmed the kids and allowed me to watch them with Dakota. I can't wait to make her a mom. Tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough, but I won't push her. Our scare still lingers in my mind.

"I think it's time for bed," I tell Dulcie as she's fading in Dakota's lap. Although I'm selfish—I could gaze at them like this forever—but I want my woman to myself now. I've shared her for hours and am craving her contact.

"No, Daddy," she argues.

Dakota smiles at me before pecking her blonde curls. "We can go up together."

Yes, she's on my level. That's exactly what I want—to get her closer to the bedroom.

"Okay." Dulcie sighs and sits up, rubbing her eyes.

"I'll get the little one," I tell Dakota.

"Thank you for your hospitality," she says to my parents.

"We're glad to have you," Samina answers.

"Yes, anytime," my dad adds.

Dulcie hops down from Dakota's lap and reaches for her once she stands. I admire them walking hand-in-hand toward the staircase. My parents glance over briefly with sly smiles. I know they're trying to let us be ourselves without interference.

"I think we'll put the girls to bed then turn in for the night," I say.

My dad sets his book in his lap before nodding. "You've had a long travel day. Hope you rest well."

I smirk, hoping I'm not too obvious. "Say goodnight, Dulcie."

"Night, wuv you," she calls.

"Night, sweetheart, we love you," he tells her.

I lift my youngest from her play mat, setting her gently on my shoulder so to not wake her.

"Night guys, thanks again for everything."

"We love you, son. It's no problem."

"Love you too." I turn and follow Dakota's path toward the spare room my dad decorated for the girls. It makes me angry with myself that I've not brought them here more often. It'll become my top priority once Dakota and I are free.

I walk into their room, and Dakota's making funny faces as she tells Dulcie an animated story. She giggles while she watches her. What a sight.

"You're both having too much fun without me."

"Kota's silly, Daddy!"

I lay the little one down in her bed and look over at my other girls. "She is, isn't she?"

"You sleep in here?" she asks Dakota.

"No, love. Daddy and I will be right down the hall. Don't worry."

"You'll be fine," I assure her. "Your sister is here, and all of us are on the same floor. This room is so cool, you're lucky."

She giggles again. "My teddy sleep wif me."

"Yes, he'll be right here with you," I say.

"Goodnight," Dakota says before standing.

I move to tuck Dulcie in. "Tuck-a, tuck-a, tuck-a."

She laughs her full-on belly laugh. "You funny."

"I love you, baby girl." I lean down to kiss her forehead. "Sweet dreams."

"Wuv you, Daddy."

I step back and look at Dakota as Dulcie awaits her participation. She does so without hesitation and my heart skips a beat.

"Sleep well, beautiful," she tells her before kissing her goodnight.

"Wuv you, Kota."

Dakota's smile spreads across her entire face. "I love you, too."

I switch on their nightlight, leave a small kiss on the little one's hand, and follow Dakota out into the hallway.

I hear her sniffle as I shut the door gently behind me. "You okay?"

She nods. "Never better. It's overwhelming."

I lead her to our room and lock us in. "Talk to me, baby. What's overwhelming?"

She chuckles. "It's good, babe. Just a lot to feel in one day."

I wrinkle my forehead.

"Your parents are so kind, and your sister's family. You get it honest. Don't even get me started on those sweet little girls in the other room. I'm emotional, but I'm happy to be here. This feels—"

"Right," I say for her. "Baby, it's how this is supposed to feel."

She nods. "I know. It's all so intense. The way I feel for you."

I sit down on the bed and tug her to straddle my lap. She smirks as I hug her waist closer. We're nose-to-nose.

"I love you." I kiss her quick.

"I love you more. You're such an incredible dad. It makes me know..."

I attempt to read her expression. "We can try whenever you're ready."

"Now?" She scratches my scalp. "I wish. I wish I could have you in every way I want you. As a husband, as a father to our kids, in a house in Colorado."

I swallow the lump in my throat. I will give her all of that the moment we're allowed. No more waiting, she's ready. "Mmm, and the payoff will be worth it. We can move at whatever pace you want after we're free."

"Or at whatever pace we're told." She rolls her eyes.

"You already know I don't give a fuck anymore. Don't test me."

She laughs out loud, her cute little snort to follow. "You're gonna get us killed."

"What a way to go."

Her lips fall to my neck and I close my eyes, obsessed with her attention. "I do know what I'm ready for right now."

"Yeah?" I lick my lips. "And what would that be?"

"A taste of my man."

She drops to her knees the instant my stomach drops. She looks up at me, her eyes mischievous as she undoes my pants.

I tug my shirt over my head while she fumbles to release me. I laugh, and raise my hips to help her.

She pulls me free and begins stroking my length. "For me?"

I nod. "Yes."

I harden when she leans in to kiss my manhood—it's so intimate and erotic, and I've never been this loved in my life.

"Dakota." Her name is a plea on my lips.

"Hmm, you're the sweetest," she says, licking the tip.

I look up at the ceiling, praying for the strength to hold back. She sucks me hard between her plump lips, and I drop my hands to her hair.

"Easy, tiger," I say, slowing her movements.

She licks me from base to tip before saying, "You worship me all the time. It's my turn."

I groan when she doesn't relent. Her mouth is warm and slick and I am instantly rock hard for her.

"Baby, please."

She loves when I beg, because she only increases her actions. She pumps me with her hand, her tongue swirling, and mouth sucking with a force that makes my legs tremble.

"Holy fuck," I breathe.

"This is mine," she says.

"Yours," I oblige.

"Forever." She suddenly drops me from her mouth and stands. "I want you inside me."

I'm lucky I didn't just explode over those words. I pull her to me by the hem of her shirt. I push it up her frame and she helps me by tugging it off. Her boobs are perched perfectly in her black lace bra. What a stunning woman to call mine. I reach behind her and unclasp it, dragging it from her arms. Her chest is heaving in anticipation.

I start at her belly button and work my way up, kissing and nipping her skin. I take one nipple between my fingers and the other between my lips. She arches into my face, gripping my hair as I roll my tongue around the hardened peak, mimicking her tongue on my dick.

"Delicious," I say, sucking it to a perfect point. "Such beautiful boobs."

She giggles, sitting on my lap again. "You love them."

"I do, baby. " I lean her back to give the other equal attention.

She rubs herself against my erection and the friction is unbearable. She gasps when I flip her over onto the bed.

"But I love more than just those."

She raises her arms above her head, her nipples standing at attention as I slide her leggings and panties off in one swift movement.

"Wider, baby," I say when she closes her knees to tease me.

She opens her smooth legs and I lick my lips instinctually. "Is that what you want?"

I smirk. "Eventually."

I grab her ankle and lift her leg in the air. She watches intently as I kiss and lick a line to her knee. She squirms when I lower myself, sucking up the inside of her soft thigh.

"Please," she pants.

I kiss her mound, avoiding where she wants me. "Can you clarify your request?"

Her gaze narrows and I can't help but laugh.

"Put your face between my legs and stop talking."

I snort, because I love nothing more than to make her ask for it. And she never falters in her shameless desire for me.

"Alrighty then." I bury my face in her wet core and she jerks up from the mattress. I press her hips back down, holding her there as I unleash what she wants. I suck her swollen clit between my lips, tugging her folds gently. She grips the sheets in her hands as she grinds against my face. I dip my tongue inside her, unable to get enough of her intoxicating scent and flavor.

She runs her fingers through my hair, holding me where she wants me as she continues to ride her pleasure. "Jamie, don't stop."

But I do, and her whine is instant. "I don't think so. I want that orgasm on my dick not my tongue."

"You better keep your dirty mouth down or your parents will throw us out."

Her skin is dewy and she glows inside these four walls. Her beautiful baby blues watching me—her brunette locks fanned out on the comforter. I'd forgotten where we were. The moment takes on a whole new meaning once it hits me. I can't fuck her and pass out on our first night in Belfast. I've dreamt of this moment, bringing her here to the land I love, and that raised me. No, I want to savor this and imprint it in my memory.

"I want you so much," I spit out.

Her eyes widen briefly before she seems to understand. "You have me, baby. Always. I'm not going anywhere."

"I need this slow."

She nods. "Then we'll slow down."

I tilt her to the side, lifting her leg to set it on my shoulder. Her eyes are locked with mine as I sink into her one inch at a time. She moans, but doesn't break our contact.

"You're beautiful," I say, sliding all the way in.

She grips my wrist that rests on her thigh. "You're my fantasy come true."

Which is exactly how I feel about her. If ever there were a moment I wish we could make a baby, I'd choose this one.

"Love me," she begs.

So I do, picking up my pace as I thrust in and out of her tight folds. Our bodies meld together, made for one another. I lean down to kiss her and she catches my lips, holding my cheeks between her gentle hands. Her tongue slips in to find mine, and she matches the rhythm of my hips. I swallow her moans and gasps along with my own.

I rest my forehead on hers, our eyes meeting as I roll into her, hitting her sacred spot. "My dream come true."

She smiles, never faltering her gaze. "Please, Jamie."

"Slow," I argue.

"Let me come." She's begging, already helpless, but I'm on a selfish streak tonight.

"Eyes on me," I respond.

A few more long, deep thrusts and she takes a sudden breath as her orgasm unravels. She bites down on my shoulder to keep from screaming. Her legs shake and her tight spasms milk me of my own. I spill into her, groaning against her hair as she whimpers.

"Oh my God," she mumbles. She's still throbbing around my dick, so I ride her through it.

"Baby." I move to gaze down at her and her eyes are filled with tears. She rubs them away, thinking I haven't noticed.

"That was so intense," she says by way of explanation.

I kiss her damp cheeks, saying between each, "I love you. I love you. I love you."

She sobs with a smile. "You are perfect, and I love you."

"I'm not." I smirk, kissing her nose, still connected with her.

"You're perfect for me."

"That I can agree to." I kiss her hard again, letting her know how much I appreciate her honest emotions.

"Wow." She takes a deep breath and relaxes beneath me.

I adjust, pulling out so I can rest beside her. "Spectacular."

"One of the best orgasms we've ever had." She giggles.

I'm not ashamed of this information. "Agreed. That was special. For many reasons."

She offers me her shy smile and leans in to peck my lips. "Sex with your soul mate means the world."

My heart races inside my chest and I'm sure she can hear it. "It's truly indescribable. Every moment with you is mind-blowing."

"That's what I mean," she says. "Overwhelming. I've never felt these strong, deep emotions before. I'm trying to find room for them, and savor them, and express them to you."

"Baby, you don't have to try. I get it. We've spoken our own language since the day we met."

She dances her fingertips across my bicep, her eyes running over the details on my face. She's memorizing me—I know that look well, because I do the same to her. I could draw every freckle on this woman's body blindfolded. I know her better than I know myself, and that enthralls me. She's compassionate and enchanting. I've never met a human who is equally incredible in quiet moments as they are in their prime. She's never boring. I could watch her read an instruction manual and be captivated. That deep connection I felt on day one has never dissipated in the slightest. What we share is unreal and once in a lifetime.

"I knew I loved you before I met you," she sings softly.

I chuckle. "I have been waiting all my life."

Her cheeks redden when I finish the lyrics. "I expected the other line."

"But what about: There's just no rhyme or reason, only the sense of completion. And in your eyes." I rub my thumb across her cheek. "I see the missing pieces I'm searching for, I think I've found my way home."

She bites her lip before continuing. "I know that it might sound more than a little crazy, but I believe I knew I loved you before I met you. I think I dreamed you into life."

"I do," I say. "Think I dreamed you into life. Because day one, baby, I knew you were it for me."

"Day one," she whispers.

"And I'll love you until my last day on Earth. You know that?"

She nods, her eyes glistening again. "I feel it with everything in me, Jamie."

I nuzzle her closer, kissing her slowly.

"That should be our first dance," she mumbles against my lips.

"Not Elvis?" I raise my eyebrows.

She giggles. "I don't want to crush a man's dreams, but this song is kind of perfect for us."

I rub my hand up and down her back, outlining her curves—my favorite road map. "You're right. It's fitting. So when's the ceremony?"

"Go to sleep."

I laugh. "You don't want to talk about our wedding?"

"I don't want you and my mama hiring the staff tomorrow."

"Mel and I are going to plan the greatest day of your life, baby."

She grins. "I don't doubt that. But even if we married just a priest and the two of us it'd be the greatest day of my life. Because then I'd be yours."

"You don't need a ring for that to be true. You'll always be mine."

She holds up her hand where she wears the promise ring I gave her. "I already got the ring, buster. I meant legally."

"Oh, legally." I smirk. "So what would you legally call yourself?"

She scratches at my chest hair, trailing her fingers down and over my hip to hold me tighter. "Well, I'd be a Dornan, wouldn't I?"

The butterflies are flying rampant in my stomach at this information. "You'd change your name for me?"

She nods. "Johnson-Dornan."

"Your professional name?"

She laughs. "Yes, baby. I'd be yours for everyone, not just us. Unless of course you want to be called Jamie Johnson."

I snort, trying not to laugh too loudly and wake the whole house. "Sounds like a stripper name. I'm not so keen."

"Johnson-Dornan it is then."

"Our kids could take that name, if you wanted." I watch her expression.

"You've gotta get me down the aisle first."

My whole body is warm and delighted to be having this conversation where we're having it. "I don't think that'll be a problem."

"Me neither." She winks and leans in for a sweet kiss. "Now let's sleep before we get a crazy idea to do this tomorrow."

Goosebumps flare across my skin. "Don't tempt me."


"Kidding. I love you. And I'm so fucking excited you're here."

"I'm happy to be here. I love you, JJ." She cuddles into my chest and I kiss her hair with a chuckle.

I roll over to turn off the light before nestling back into her warm frame. She tangles our legs and we quickly fade into a peaceful sleep.


I always have to raise the emotions and feels lol! Hope you enjoyed everything!! Definitely took a lot out of me when I wrote it. Please don't forget to vote and/or comment, you guys are the ones who make this story successful, and keep my inspiration flowing! Xo

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