Part 22

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A/N: I just noticed today this story hit 60k reads, so I had to edit this chapter and post it in celebration/gratitude! Thank you for supporting it, and sharing it with your friends. It means the world to me that my hard work on this story is appreciated! Enjoy our last family and Belfast chapter, xo


I wake up to Dakota's soft limbs wrapped around me. Her legs tangled with mine, and her arm across my stomach. I smirk over at her snoring face pressed into my pillow. What a sight I love to see first thing, my beautiful girl right here safe with me.

I brush her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear and she rustles a bit, tightening her grip on my waist.

I kiss her forehead and take a deep breath in. I may fuck up sometimes and we may argue, but there's no one better equipped to get through the bullshit with than this woman.

"Morning," she mumbles.

"Sorry," I whisper. "I'm selfish. I wanted to see your face."

Her eyelids flutter open and those soft blues stare back into mine. "This is my favorite view."

I nod. "Mine too."

She moves onto my pillow entirely so that we're nose-to-nose. I kiss her gently, but she deepens it.

"Mmm," she hums into my throat as her fingers trail up my shoulders to grip my hair.

I drop my hand to her lower back, caressing her smooth skin there before pulling her closer. She tastes, smells, and feels like Heaven.

She giggles when I tug her to roll on top of me. Her lips drop to my neck and it's off to the races. Morning sex is the best sex. Right behind make-up sex, which we had already on this trip. My toes are still curled from it.

"Breakfast of champions," she says, scooting down the bed.

I link my arms behind my head, prepared to watch her suck me off and start my day right.

We both jump when we hear a knock at the door.

"Daddy, Kota," Dulcie says.

"Shit," I spit out.

Dakota scrambles to her side of the bed to find her clothes from last night.

"Here." I toss her my shirt and she catches it, pulling it on as she slides on some leggings from her suitcase.

"One second," I say to the door. I tug some boxers on before unlocking it to let her in.

"Morning!" she exclaims, absolutely and luckily clueless as to what she's walked in on.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Dakota says. She's back in bed, sitting against the headboard.

"Yes, good morning." I ruffle her hair as she giggles and launches herself up onto the mattress with Dakota.

"Whatcha doing?" she asks her.

Dakota opens her arms and Dulcie crawls into them, nuzzling her chest covered by my shirt. The best of both worlds.

"Waiting for you to get up, sleepyhead." Dakota kisses her disheveled blonde curls.

If my heart grows any larger it'll burst out of my chest.

"Your sister still sleeping?" I ask.

Dulcie shakes her head. "She's playing in the floor."

I sigh, heading down the hall to retrieve her. I walk into their room and the little one is attempting to read a book upside down.

I laugh. "What's up, buttercup?"

"Daddy," she coos and reaches for me. God how much I love my babies.

"Come here." I lift her and toss her as she giggles. "Let's go cuddle."

I bounce her on our path back to my room as she laughs the whole way. When we enter I'm greeted with the sight of Dakota and Dulcie cuddled up watching cartoons.

"I found a straggler," I say.

Dakota smiles as I playfully toss the little one onto the bed. She crawls across Dakota's legs, sitting up between them.


Dakota sticks her tongue out, making both girls laugh. "Where did you come from?"

She turns to point at me and I chuckle.

"Did Daddy carry you here?"

She nods, sucking on her fingers.

"You want to cuddle too?" Dakota pats her other side and she launches herself toward her.

I snort as Dakota catches her and sets her under her empty arm.

"No one move," I say. I retrieve my phone from the nightstand before walking to the foot of the bed to take a picture of them like this.

"Say cheeseburgers," I tell them.

They all smile wide and say it. I admire the photo after I take it, immediately setting it as my background.

"Daddy move," Dulcie says. She waves her arm for me to step out of the way of the TV.

"Excuse me?" I bend to grab her ankle and she squeals with loud laughter as I pull her down the bed. I move her shirt to leave raspberries to her tummy. She kicks and pushes at me as she laughs.

"Okay, okay!" She pants and I release her.

"Anyone else?" I ask.

Dakota bites her lip and shakes her head along with the baby.

"It's time for breakfast," I say, as much as I don't want this scene to end.

"Can we have French toast?" Dulcie asks.

"Well, let's see what Grandma and Grandpa want. Come on."

Dulcie jumps to the floor without further hesitation and goes running down the hall. Dakota flips off the television before lifting the little one.

"I can get her," I say.

She smiles. "It's okay, babe. I don't mind."

I feel my cheeks heat and my heart race, this vision giving me the vision of a future I can't wait for. She stops in front of me for a swift kiss. I smirk against her lips.

"Give Daddy a kiss," she whispers.

The little one leans in to kiss me and somehow everything in my life is aligned in this exact moment. I never want to break it.

"I love you both," I say.

Dakota winks and follows Dulcie's path. "We love Daddy, don't we?" She kisses my daughter's temple, carrying her down to where my parents await our arrival.


"Daddy can we go to the park?" Dulcie asks from where she's playing with her dolls. Her sister is attempting to brush one of the doll's hair with the wrong side of the tiny brush.

I look over at my dad who's reading the newspaper. He winks at me before going back to the articles.

"Of course we can. Weather looks like it'll hold up." I squeeze Dakota's shoulder as she sits beside me on the couch, nestled against my torso.

"We could go on a picnic," Samina says.

"A picnic!" Dulcie exclaims. She's sold now, no turning back.

"How does a picnic sound?" I kiss the top of Dakota's head.

"Amazing," she replies.

"Then it's settled," Samina says. "We can pack up some goodies and head to the beach."

"We go swimming?" Dulcie asks, batting her eyelashes.

"I'm not sure the water is that warm, baby girl. But we can definitely put our feet in, deal?"

She huffs and I fear an argument. "Okay, Daddy."

Dakota sits up from my embrace. "I'd love to help make lunch."

Samina smiles warmly. "Of course, darling. I'd love that too."

They both stand and Dakota turns to smile. I pull her down to kiss her quickly. I don't miss the blush on her round cheeks as she follows Samina to the kitchen.

"You kiss a lot," Dulcie says.

My dad chokes on his sip of tea at her comment.

"And what's the problem in that?"

She shrugs. "You kiss me too."

"Your sister as well."

"So you kiss people you love?"

I nod. "That's right. I love all of you very much. You know that."

She giggles.

"Why don't you clean your toys up so we can get ready for the beach?"

She tosses her dolls back in the bin my parents keep in their living room. The little one follows suit and throws the doll and brush in behind Dulcie.

"Gentle," Dulcie says to correct her.

I clear my throat and she meets my gaze. "Remember you have to set an example for her."

"I forgot Daddy."

"It's okay, but don't scold her for doing what you did, understood?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Thank you, love. Now give Grandpa a kiss since you love him and then head upstairs to change. Help your sister too."

She laughs and hops up to tackle my dad. His face is elated as he bends to return her kiss before seeing her off.

"They're growing so fast," he says as he watches Dulcie hold the little's hand en route to their room.

"Too fast." I rub my beard, my heart constricting over the longing in his voice and gaze. "I promise I'll bring them by more often, Dad. And when Dakota and I have kids we'll bring them here all the time. I know I don't deserve a do-over, but if life is giving me one then I'll do it right this time."

He smiles at me. "Son, you've always been hard on yourself. Not everything is a one-way road. I don't want you to feel solely responsible for everything. We're grateful to see you all under the same roof. And whenever you're able to come back, we will be just as happy then. This resentment you've created in your mind is misplaced."

I disagree. "It's not, Dad. I resent her for keeping them from you. Keeping me from you. She manipulated me and I let her. That is solely my fault."

"Then if Dakota is your do-over, make sure you do it right. That's all that can be expected, yes? You don't like how your last relationship was so you make this one the way you both deserve. You love her hard and go above and beyond to keep her happy, I assure you this'll be what you've always dreamed of."

I nod. "I plan to."

"Set an engagement yet?" He smirks.

My stomach flips over his question. "No, not yet. I don't want to give her another ring she can't wear on that finger."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Another?"

"I gave her a promise ring for her birthday last year. So she knew I meant it. That I wasn't just saying what she wanted to hear. I was going to move heaven and earth to be with her."

"Well you did it, son. Reap the benefits."

I chuckle. "Thanks Dad. I appreciate your wisdom."

"I just want to see you happy and to stop blaming yourself for every little thing. Life happens. We get back up and keep moving. You and Dakota will be fine. As will the rest of us. We're not going anywhere."

I wish that could be guaranteed. But time with my aging father wasn't promised. Especially after his recent cancer scare. There was no room for further errors.

"Then let's go enjoy an afternoon at sea, what do you say?" I stand and offer him a hand up.

"Sounds like a memory in the making." He claps my back in a quick Dad hug.

This trip is exactly what my soul needed. And I'm ecstatic Dakota and I are making small leaps in our relationship just by sharing it together.


I let Dakota step out of my dad's Audi before I help get the girls unbuckled from their seats. They each hop down into my arms. The moment I set them on the ground they're off chasing birds. Samina calls after them to stop running as my dad carries the basket and blankets behind her.

"It's so beautiful here, Jamie." Dakota squeezes my hand tight as we follow everyone to a spot in the sand.

"I know it's not Southern California, but I love it."

She stops us as my parents and the girls lay out the blankets. Turning, she cups my cheek in one palm. "Cali has nothing on this place. And I love it because I imagine you as a kid here. Like your girls are here now."

I smirk, meeting her gaze. "Someday we can bring our family here too."

"I want that more than anything." She nods.

"Dulcie said we kiss a lot," I mutter. "Which is what I want now."

Dakota snorts. "Did she? Well, she's not wrong."

I lick my lips. "Definitely not."

She chuckles and meets me halfway. I hum against her plump mouth, sucking on her bottom lip before pulling apart.

"Never enough," she whispers.

"We'll make out later when we're alone."

She smirks. "I enjoy acting like careless teenagers."

"You make me feel that young again."

"Daddy!" Dulcie calls my attention.

I tug Dakota in that direction. "Yes, love?"

"They have swings!" She points to the side where the playground is.

"They sure do. We'll try them out after we eat."

She looks at the food my parents are unloading. "We can go now."

"We will go later. Let's sit down."

She huffs, plopping on the edge of the blanket. Her sister joins her. I shake my head and lead Dakota to their spot. I help her sit with them before taking my seat behind her, pulling her between my legs.

She relaxes back against my torso, wrapping my arms around her stomach. I kiss her temple and notice she's closed her eyes in contentment.

The girls are distracted as Samina starts passing them their sandwiches. She winks at me when she notices our embrace. It reminds me of shooting the meadow scene for Freed.

God that day tore me up. Seeing Dakota with a bump and giggling with little Kai. It was almost as if life gave me a mirror to my future. I'd do anything for a son. And Dakota would make an incredible mum to a boy. She's girly when she wants to be, but she's not afraid of getting messy in the name of a good time. Plus she loves the outdoors. He'd be the perfect horseback rider and rugby player, we'd make sure of it.

"Your heart's racing," Dakota whispers.

I feel the blush on my cheeks. "Is it?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"The past. The future," I mumble against her hair.

"The present seems like a pretty great place."

I look at my girls who are chomping on their food while my parents laugh with one another. The seagulls squawk overhead as the waves crash beside us.

"You're right. The now is spectacular." I hug her tighter, the whole world at my feet.


"Kota you sit on that one," Dulcie instructs Dakota which swing she wants her on at the playground.

I chuckle. "Don't be so bossy please." I sit the little one in the baby swing.

Dulcie doesn't answer as she and Dakota assume their positions.

"You're pushing us, right?" Dakota asks with a wink.

"Your legs are broken?" I smirk.

"If you don't want to..." she trails off, swinging herself.

I walk around behind them, pulling both girls back before releasing them. They start giggling as I step up to Dakota's and grab both chains to stop her.

She laughs loudly when I kiss the side of her neck.

"Changed my mind," I say, tugging her as far back as I can reach and push her forward.

"Daddy, I want to go high like Kota!" Dulcie is kicking her feet to gain momentum.

"You promise you won't let go?"

She nods. "Promise."

"Hold on tight then." I pull her back a bit farther than last time and release her.

She holds on as I notice my parents are watching closely. I wave at them and they laugh before looking away. Peeping Toms.

"Swing your feet," Dakota says to Dulcie. "You can get higher without Daddy's help."

Dulcie checks Dakota's movements and begins to mimic her. Both of them gain height and speed.

"Now put your feet straight out and let it come down."

Dulcie listens to her, ceasing her actions as they both slow to a stop.

"Good job! Now see if you can work yourself back up."

Dakota watches as Dulcie leans back and forth, kicking her feet to get higher.

"You got it now," Dakota says.

"Daddy, I'm swinging!"

I laugh. "Yes you are. You're such a big girl now."

I push the little one and walk around to Dakota again. I hold the swing on either side of her, pulling her into me so we're face to face. She bites her bottom lip.

"You seem distracted," she says.

I shrug. "A bit."

"What's on your mind?" She lowers her voice, and I look over to see Dulcie trying to teach her sister to swing the same way.

"Thinking about Freed."

"Promo or filming?" she asks.


She grips her hands around mine against the swing. "It'll be fine."

"It will. This is the last time we have to play the game."

"Exactly." She rubs her thumb over my knuckles. "Plus we can have some fun with Nino's shoot when we get back, and it'll all be over before we know it. No more pressure."

"Freedom." I kiss her nose.

"Freed." She giggles.

"A bit fitting, isn't it?"

She nods. "We're gonna be okay, Jamie. I promise. No matter what is coming we will make it. We've been through worse."

"You're right. I just don't want to leave this bubble we're in. Leave the kids. My dad. Go back to the paparazzi and gossip."

"It only seems overwhelming because we're not public. But babe once we are, none of the noise will matter. We'll always be in our own bubble. The two of us at the end of every day."

"And the two of us every morning."

She leans up to kiss me, and I struggle not to deepen it in front of the girls. "I love you," she whispers.

"I love you too. Finish line here we come."

"Now push me," she says with a grin.

"As you wish." I walk backwards with her swing before releasing it.


Hope you guys loved all the little moments! Please don't forget to vote and/or comment. Thanks so much for reading!

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