Part 24

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A/N: Thank you guys again for getting this story to the 70k mark with your votes, comments, and shares! I appreciate every single one of you, and I hope you never forget how much your support means to me. A little side note (sorry), when I originally began writing this story, Jamie was using the name Phoebe for his second daughter and not Elva, which is why I decided not to name her, to avoid the confusion. But from here on out I'll just use her real name since it's public knowledge. Hope you enjoy this chapter! A little prelude to some Freed promo ;) xo


I'm in the living room watching sports when Dakota re-emerges from her shower. She went to hot yoga this morning and has some afternoon appointments to fill. Zepp wags his tail against the floor as she scratches him when she passes on her way to me.

"I need to leave soon," she says approaching.

"Do you have to?" I smirk, dropping my feet from the coffee table for her to sit on my lap. She straddles me and drapes her arms around my neck, pecking my lips.

"I have to pick a dress for the premiere and coordinate accessories in advance."

"Mmm," I hum. "Something sexy I hope."

She giggles when I slip my hands under the back of her shirt to tickle her soft skin.

"I was thinking a turtleneck." She purses her lips to keep from laughing.

"You're hilarious, baby, really." I kiss her again. "And you smell like me."

She grins proudly. "Do I? Must've used the wrong body wash. My bad."

I chuckle. "Glad I haven't made a similar mistake and gone out smelling like berries."

She snorts. "I might have to steal some of yours next time I'm on a trip, so I don't get separation anxiety."

"Or we'll just glue our hips together and not worry about it."

"Would make for awkward sex." She scrunches her nose.

I shake my head. "Will you be home for dinner? I was thinking steak and baked potatoes."

"Yum. Yes, I'll be home in time to enjoy my man's cooking." She winks.

I go to add to our witty banter when the doorbell rings. I wrinkle my forehead. "Are we expecting company or a package?"

"I don't think so."

"Then let me get it." Very few people have our address, and that's to avoid unwanted visitors like this.

I unlock the door, answering it, and my mouth drops open.

"Daddy!" Dulcie yells and tackles my leg.

Amelia stands on the threshold with Elva on her hip. "Hello, James."

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Did you miss me, Daddy?" Dulcie diverts my attention.

I look down at her and pull myself together. "Of course I did!"

"Kota!" She ditches me and runs off toward her.

Dakota catches her, lifting her into a hug. "Hello, pumpkin."

"Can we come in?" Amelia asks.

I narrow my gaze. "I can't very well say no, can I?"

Her smug smirk isn't lost on me as she walks by and sets Elva down. She waddles off toward Zepp who is excited to have visitors.

"Amelia," Dakota says, nodding at her before her eyes shoot to mine.

"Yes, hi," Amelia responds.

"You have a pool?" Dulcie asks Dakota.

"We do." She puts her down as Dulcie runs to the door and looks out.

"We," I hear Amelia mumble.

"Jamie, can I have a minute?" Dakota asks.

"Please," Amelia says, "talk amongst yourselves."

I roll my eyes, following Dakota down the hallway to our room while Dulcie and Elva play with Zepp.

"What the fuck is happening?" she asks.

"I have no idea what she's doing here. I'm as surprised as you, baby, I swear."

She sighs. "I don't want to leave you alone to fend for yourself, but I really have to go."

"It's fine. I'll figure out what she wants."

"I love you," she says. "Don't let her get to you. I'll be home as soon as I can to be your back up."

I smile as her soft tone soothes my anxiety. "I love you, too. Please hurry."

She laughs, taking my hand as we walk back out into the living room.

"I'll see you little ladies later," Dakota says.

"You're leaving?" Dulcie pouts.

"I won't be gone long." I notice she says this while looking at Amelia. I swallow my nerves.

"Pick something I'll like," I mumble, cupping her waist.

"I will, don't worry." She kisses me in front of all three of them and I can feel my blush. My bold woman doesn't give a fuck about the drama that showed up on our doorstep. I couldn't love her more.

"See you in a bit, baby," I say. This is our house. Amelia doesn't want to see our affection then she came to the wrong place.

"Bye," she whispers, waving at us before heading out the door.

"Girls," Amelia says, tearing them away from Zepp. "Why don't you take the mutt outside?"

A mutt. Every little thing she says has the potential to set me off. Not in front of the girls, I remind myself. I'll keep my cool as I've promised Dakota.

Once they're out of earshot I turn to her. "What the hell were you thinking, showing up unannounced?"

She chuckles. "Your daughter has been begging to go to Disney, about time you fulfill your promise. You know, before you abandon her for good."

"Oh, please." I cross my arms to keep myself protected. "She knows how much I love her. They both do. And how much Dakota loves them, so you can keep your trash talk to yourself."

"Don't worry, James. What you and your roommate do doesn't interest me as long as you don't parade it in front of my daughters."

I laugh. "So when you need money or a favor they're my daughters, but when my future wife is involved they're yours?"

"Future wife? Don't degrade me. We're not publicly divorced yet."

"You remind me of that every waking hour. Don't forget you signed on the dotted line, agreeing to these terms."

She rolls her eyes and I can feel the vein in my head throbbing. "Whatever. Besides, we have a premiere to attend. According to our little agreement."

The anger inside is now boiling. "A premiere? You really have lost your damn mind."

"You owe me publicity, James. Why do you think I'm here?"

"That's right," I tap my temple, "how stupid of me. I thought you wanted to make Dulcie's dreams come true by taking her to Disney. Of course you're here for you. It's always about you, Amelia."

"As long as I let you live this lie with your little tramp then yes, you owe me."

"Call her one more name and you'll be on your ass outside. You won't disrespect her in front of me or in our house, understood? I'm done fucking playing."

"Calm down." She sighs and checks to make sure the girls are still outside. "If you don't give me this then I expect other opportunities. Your end of the deal isn't complete."

"Fine, I'll make sure we get photographed at Disney and around LA looking like a family. But fuck if I let you anywhere near Dakota or that red carpet."

"We never would've worked." She chuckles, shaking her head. "You're so dramatic. Everyone thinks you're sensitive and laid back, poor little Jamie, but you're a weak sorry excuse of a man."

"Leave!" I raise my voice, my heart about to burst out of my chest. She's done nothing but make me look and feel like a coward since the day she trapped me. She knows how insecure I am and she's fed off of it. Not anymore. If Dakota were here I'd let her slap the shit out of her right now.

"I was on my way out," she says, opening the back door. "Girls, we're leaving."

I hear them whining as she turns to me.

I narrow my gaze. "You're not welcome back here ever again, is that clear?"

"You can't—"

"I can. I'll see to it that my lawyer writes it in our custody agreement that when the girls come here they are to be accompanied by a third party. I don't want you on this property."

Her mouth falls agape and I've managed to stun the wicked witch. "You'd do that?"

"I will do that, Amelia. I'll make the call the second you leave. Our girls are welcome here anytime, but not you. You won't come here and disrespect Dakota or me. Not how this works anymore."

"Go fuck yourself," she spits right before both girls stagger in.

"I'll leave that job to Dakota." One final nail in the coffin.

She huffs, grabbing Elva and storming toward the door. Dulcie tugs my hand, and I look down into her nervous eyes.

"Daddy, can I come back when Kota is here?"

"Absolutely." I smile wide, knowing her mum is listening.

"Zepp too?"

I chuckle. "Zepp will be here."

"I really like him, Daddy."

"I know you do, baby girl. Daddy's going to work on a surprise for you, how about that?"

"A surprise?" Her face lights up. "When can I have it?"

"Tomorrow," Amelia answers.

"Seriously?" I meet her gaze.

"I'm not in the mood," she says. "Tomorrow or so help me."

I turn my attention back to Dulcie. "Tomorrow. So be a good girl and go to sleep on time tonight and I promise we'll have fun in the morning."

"Okay, Daddy. I love you."

I bend to kiss her. "I love you, too."

"Wuv you," Elva coos.

"I love you, little lass." I wave as Amelia snaps for Dulcie to come along.

And just as quickly as they came, they leave me standing there with my anxiety through the roof. This week will fucking suck—she'll make sure of it.


I'm outback grilling our steaks for dinner when I hear the door slide open. Zepp starts barking the moment his mummy appears. I turn in relief to finally have her home. I'm glad she wasn't here earlier for the fiasco that Amelia always brings.

"God, I'm so happy to see you."

She gasps when I tug her into a full hug, burying my face in her soft hair. I breathe her in and let her familiar Dakota scent bring me down to Earth. It's easy to see I'd be lost without her. Hard to believe I lived so long with her absence in my life. She truly is the other half to my soul.

She rubs her hands up and down my back to soothe me. "I take it things got ugly?"

I nod into her neck, kissing the sweet spot behind her ear.

"Want me to kick her ass?"

I laugh and pull back to look down into her light gaze. "Not your worst idea. But no, I've caused you enough issues by thinking she'd be your friend."

She snorts. "Yeah, that was a nice pipe dream, babe. She had no interest, no matter how nice I tried to be."

"Well, you don't have to fake it anymore. I told her she isn't welcome back."

Dakota's eyes widen at this information. "How'd that go over?"

"She called me a weak excuse for a man and told me to go fuck myself. Not the worst she's ever said."

Dakota sighs, shaking her head. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here."

"It's better this way. She continues to prove her hatefulness, and you didn't have to experience it."

"That doesn't excuse hearing those words. I know they mean nothing to you, but she couldn't be more wrong. You're an incredible man, Jamie. The best thing to ever happen to me. You're strong, confident, tender, loving, supportive—I could go on. Stop me when you feel better."

I chuckle. "The moment you came home I felt better. But thanks for the ego boost."

She cups my cheek. "I mean it. You're one of the few good men left, and the type of man I deserve."

"Good thing I'm all yours then."

She smirks. "Plus, last time I checked, which was a few hours ago, you're all the man I need." Her hand trails down to the zipper of my jeans and we both laugh.

"Our dinner will burn," I say.

"Then you better just kiss me and I'll take a rain check."

I nod, leaning in to latch onto those plump lips that I'm now imagining on another part of my body. I hold her in place and show my gratitude by slipping my tongue in to taste her. She moans against my mouth, taking everything I offer her.

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me, too," I mumble, resting my forehead against hers.

"Thank God you can cook." She smirks. "Need help?"

"You can set the table, everything else is handled."

"My my, a man who takes care of his woman."

I nod. "Repayment for you taking care of me. Especially now."

"I'll never abandon you." She pecks me again before heading inside to prep the table.


After dinner, I spent over an hour booking park tickets, talking to my lawyer, and on the phone with Evelyn. She was pissed too. Said Amelia showing up was reckless, insecure, and uncalled for. Exactly why Evelyn works for me—she understands where I'm coming from most of the time. She said she'd arrange for photos to be taken to ensure it shed a positive light on my relationship with the girls.

So fuck it, Dulcie would be elated to go to Disney and that's all that mattered. I could give them reasons to be excited to come visit Daddy and Kota in California. Whatever worked to align our future I would get on board with. Amelia was merely around for her last chance at publicity.

I made a tray with tea and shortbreads for us. It'll have to do as dessert. Dakota's been outside since I've been on my own mission inside. Our dinner talk was subtle. I told her I'm taking Dulcie to Disney, and I'll have to do some family photo ops, but she merely nodded along. She agreed it's necessary to our overall image, and will make the girls feel less nervous about visiting.

I step out with the goods and she looks up from her book. "Hi," I say.

"Hey, baby." She smirks.

"I made you some tea, hope that's okay."

"Of course," she says. "You make it better than me anyway."

I chuckle, setting everything on the glass patio table. "Yes, because I don't put hot sauce in it."

She snorts. "That was one time."

"So far," I say, motioning at her feet propped up on a chair.

She slides them down so I can sit, and sets them in my lap once I'm settled. Her toes slip under the hem of my shirt and they're chilled.

I gasp as she runs them up my stomach. "Why didn't you come inside? You're freezing."

"I'm okay. I was engrossed in my book and didn't want to bother you."

"Baby, you could never bother me. Don't worry about that."

I feel guilty that our sudden intruder has thrown her off, making her feel uncomfortable in her own house. I'm tempted to ship Amelia back to London alone and keep the girls for a while. I can't believe she has the nerve to act like Dakota is an outsider in my life. She's the center of it. Her and my daughters.

"I'm fine. Don't overthink it please." She grins, she knows she's caught me doing exactly that.

I hold my hand over her toes that are still under my shirt. "We can go in now if you want?"

She shakes her head. "I want to enjoy evening tea together in our backyard. Let's bask in life's simplicity while we have it."

"I won't let her hurt you in the upcoming weeks," I say.

Dakota laughs. "She can't. I may resign to allowing certain behavior if it benefits the girls, but she doesn't scare me anymore. Let her have her final moment. If that fills a sick need in her then good for her. We're fine at the end of the day, and that's all I care about, Jamie. You and me at the finish line."

I nod, my heart races in my chest over her loving confession. "And we've made it. Nothing can deter us now. I'm sorry another hurdle has been thrown in our path—"

She holds her hand up to silence me. "Babe, we're fine. Let us be fine, deal?"

She's right. Why fret over something that doesn't matter in the long run? I'll make my girls happy and then we can keep things moving the way we'd planned.

"I love you," she says.

That's the only reminder I need to snap me back. "And I love you. What book are you reading?"

She blushes and looks over at it. "A guilty pleasure."

"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow. "Elaborate."

She giggles. "It's a trashy romance novel about an American girl who falls in love with a dashing Scotsman. She leaves her life behind to go live with him there."

I pick it up and toss is over onto a nearby lounge chair. "Not happening."

She laughs louder. "Leave me and my sleaze alone."

"I won't be traded for a bloody Scott." I wag my finger at her.

"Have no fear, I can barely understand you most days. How would I understand him?"

I grip her ankle to remove her foot from my shirt and pull it up to bite the pad of her big toe. She squeals and tries to wiggle free.

"I know plenty of ways to make you understand."

She sighs when I begin to massage her heel. "Are you okay? Now that the heat of the moment has passed."

I nod, continuing to rub. "I'm frustrated obviously, but okay. In her own selfishness, she's given the girls a great chance to love LA and want to come visit us. That's the silver lining I'm holding onto."

"I think they missed Zepp too." She winks.

Dulcie loved going over to see Dakota when we were filming in Vancouver to play with Zepp for hours. "You're lucky they didn't throw a holy fit that they couldn't take him."

I huff, looking down at Dakota's manicured toes.

"Where'd you go?" she asks, knowing me too well.

"Am I an asshole for not letting them stay here?" I meet her gaze and she chews on her bottom lip before answering.

"I can stay with Mom if you want them under your watch."

"What? No. You're not leaving. I meant just the girls would stay, not Amelia."

"I know, but she's not going to let me stay here with y'all while she's alone in a hotel room."

"She doesn't have that kind of control. If she wants to make a lonely ass out of herself then let her."

Dakota shrugs. "If you'll feel better to have them here instead of across town then I don't mind staying somewhere else to avoid more waves."

"I shouldn't have brought it up."

"But you did because it's weighing on your mind. You tell me what you want, Jamie."

"For you to be here with me. Not running from your own house."

She gives me a soft smile. "This isn't my call."

I take a deep, leveling breath. "They're fine with their mum. I'll make sure to give them reasons to want to come back."

"We could have a pool party," she suggests.

I nod, massaging her other foot. "They'd love that, but I technically banned Amelia from coming over. This is our house, let's not jinx it with her presence."

She snorts. "I meant just the four of us. We could grill hot dogs and bake cupcakes or something then swim and play games. It'd be fun. They'd definitely want to come back to Daddy's house if they got to swim and play with Zepp."

I laugh. "Only one of the reasons I love you. Your mind is beautiful and thoughtful. Let's plan on it then."

"Good." She drops her feet from my lap and stands.

"Where are you going?"

"I've been wearing this outfit all day. I'm going to change into something lazy."

I nod. "We can relax with some wine. Unwind before shit gets wild for us."

"Sounds perfect." She grips either side of my chair, leaning down to kiss me. I want to deepen it, but let her go. We've both had an emotionally taxing day, and I'm ready to cuddle up for the rest of the night and ignore our upcoming obligations.

She disappears into the house with Zepp on her heels. I watch her path through the glass windows as she heads toward our bedroom. I hop up, collecting the dishes.

Zepp comes galloping back in the kitchen when he hears me in the refrigerator. I snicker.

"You've got me pegged for a fool."

He stands on his hind legs and begs, his tail wagging furiously.

"Don't tell Mummy." I toss him a shortbread and he catches it midair.

I chuckle and head into the living room to scan the channel guide for our options. I check ESPN quickly to see the afternoon highlights I missed.

I hear Dakota padding down the hallway, so I switch over to the Roku before she rolls her eyes at more sports. She comes in wearing leggings and one of my plain white t-shirts. It hangs loosely on her, but she looks stunning in her simplicity. I'd probably find her sexy wearing a trash bag.

"Can we just watch a movie?" she asks.

"Of course, baby."

She grabs a pillow from the chair and a blanket from her folded stack before she saunters towards me. I lay flat on the couch, opening my legs for her to rest between them. She smirks before tossing the pillow onto my stomach.

I huff when she plops down. I hear her chuckle as she nestles into the pillow and covers herself and my legs with the throw.

"What are you in the mood for?" I ask.


Quite frankly, me too. Today was annoying and I'm beyond frustrated with Amelia for showing up unannounced with the girls to guilt trip me.

"Good choice." I scroll through some options, waiting for her input.

"Stop," she says when I land on Billy Madison.

"Can't go wrong with a classic." I press play and tangle my fingers in her hair as she watches the TV from my lap.

We lay like that with Zepp keeping an eye out from the recliner. Soon he is snoring and my heart is content. I massage Dakota's scalp and her soft sighs and moans eventually dissipate halfway through the movie. I've lost her. She's so easy. Put a film on and she passes out. Like magic.

I doze on and off until I jolt awake to see the app is back to the home screen. Dakota stirs. I didn't mean to startle us both.

"Ready for bed, baby?" I ask.

She rolls over to rub her eyes. I smirk, watching her toss the pillow on the floor.

"I can't move," she says.

"You're moving now," I argue.

She chuckles, sliding up my frame so she's resting on top of me. I hold her tight as she nuzzles my neck. This is the intimacy I crave. Just my woman and me, at peace in each other's arms.

"You're a great pillow," she whispers, kissing a spot behind my ear.

"You're a great blanket." I slip my hands down to cup her ass.

"Jamie," she warns.

"I'm teasing, baby. Let's go to bed."

"Let's sleep here though. I'm comfy."

I snort, kissing the top of her head. "We can do this in our bed. Come on, up."

She pretends to snore, but gives herself away with a giggle as I tickle her sides.

I grip the back of the couch and manage to pull us upright.

"Okay, monkey," I say.

She grips my neck tighter and I laugh with her.

I swing our intertwined legs off the couch and stand in one swift move. She instinctively wraps herself around my waist.

"Your mummy is a princess," I tell Zepp as we pass him.

"A queen," Dakota corrects. "And her king knows how to treat her right."

I chuckle, carrying her limp frame to the bedroom. I toss her down on the mattress and she glows as she gazes at me.

"Do I have to undress you, too?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, if you do that we won't get any sleep."

I wiggle my eyebrows. "Where's the issue?"

She tugs her shirt off swiftly and tosses it at my face. I catch it before it hits me, biting my lip.

"You're lethal," she mumbles.

I join her, pulling off my shirt and undoing my jeans. I really do want to recreate our living room scene and have her fall asleep in my arms. She's my security blanket after such a shitty day.

I watch her shimmy out of her leggings and panties. On second thought she's right, I'm tempted to take her. I slide my boxers off to match.

"No risky business," she warns with her finger.

"Maybe in the morning." I wink and she rolls her eyes, slipping under the covers.

She taps the mattress beside her. "Join me?"

"Gladly." I flip off the light and crawl in with her.

She hums as I wrap my limbs around hers. She's soft, warm, and inviting. She snuggles into my chest, curling herself up in my embrace.

"I love you," I say. "More each day."

She kisses a spot above my heart. "I love you, Jamie. With all of me."

I breathe in her intoxicating scent before kissing her hair. I mumble a song to her as we both fall into the abyss.


Hope you guys enjoyed this update, despite the brief interference of drama! I've chosen to only write about the LA Freed premiere for this story, because I'd like to keep the story line moving and not get hung up on Fifty stuff! Thanks for all you love, sending it right back to you!

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