Part 27

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A/N: This chapter really needs no introduction. My heart is full, this one is my absolute favorite. I highly expect it to be yours as well ;) ENJOY!


The plug has been pulled. Evelyn officially released my divorce announcement to the public once Freed hit theaters. And luckily the film didn't take a hit because of it, which was Universal's biggest worry, and why they forced so much bullshit on us for three years.

I've been hiding in the bedroom with Dakota since. Evelyn and Robin want us both to keep a low profile for the next few weeks, but Dakota's new project is getting ready to start, so it'll help showing she's off somewhere working while I'm MIA. We've been avoiding our phones and any interaction with the real world. We don't watch the news, neither of us check social networks—we're keeping our distance from the backlash I know is occurring, and the digging all the tabloids are doing.

My family has been beyond supportive like I knew they would be. They also don't update me on any speculation or negativity that's circulating. I'm quite enjoying my bubble, while Evelyn goes to great lengths to keep my name above water. None of my future projects have been affected, so I'm feeling confident the PR worked to alleviate a huge nightmare.

We haven't explained it to the girls, but there's really no need. They understand Amelia and I aren't together nor have we been for months. They're growing used to talking to me on FaceTime, having Dakota as an active part of their lives, and they're excited about future visits to LA or mine to London. Mandy is also keeping in touch with them weekly so that they remain comfortable with her even when she isn't needed.

For the most part, it's all unfolding as expected, and I have no complaints. Except knowing Dakota and I are going to be apart for a bit while she films. But that's where my surprise comes into play—I have a plan for us before she leaves me.

She emerges from the bedroom as if my thoughts have summoned her. I move my laptop off to the side, closing the lid to keep the contents on lockdown.

"You working?" she asks. She's leaving for her table read for this new role.

"Sorta." I shrug. "Looking over some emails from Evelyn."

She saunters towards me and sits on my lap. "I hope this doesn't take all day."

I give her a swift kiss. "Don't worry about us. Zepp and I will be fine."

She sighs. "I do worry though. I know you're doing your best to avoid any backlash from your announcement. I don't want you home alone reading that shit and letting it hurt you."

"It can't hurt me, baby." I smirk at her concern. "I knew there'd be consequences. And there might be for some time to come. But it doesn't matter. I've been living that lie for far too long. I've never felt better to have it in the open, because it means I'm one step closer to having you in the open."

She blushes. "They've never seen PDA like ours."

I laugh and hold her chin so I can kiss her deeper this time. She hums her approval.

"Hurry home anyway, because I'm a selfish man."

She tugs my hair. "Will do. You boys stay out of trouble."

Zepp wags his tail when she looks over at him.

"No promises. I love you."

She kisses me one last time. "I love you more."

I wait for her to collect her things and wave her off as she closes the front door behind her.

The moment I hear her car pull away, I reach for my phone and type out a message to Mel. If by chance Dakota isn't gone all day, I need my plans set before she returns.

Instead of waiting for her response, I dial my phone. It rings three times before he picks up.

"Jamie, what's good, man?" Don asks.

"Hey, Don, everything is great on our end. Despite the monumental news. But I do need a favor."

"Name it."


Zepp and I are in the yard when Dakota comes home. I toss his ball and he goes to retrieve it as she takes a seat at the end of my lounge chair, crossing her legs.

"How'd it go?" I ask.

"Good. Sorry it took me so long. I brought home In-N-Out as a consolation."

I raise my eyebrows. "Aren't you an angel?"

She snorts. "I try."

"So gimme the rundown."

She uncrosses her legs and sets them over mine as she leans back on her hands. "Filming will be in Vancouver. Of all places."

I smirk. "Vancouver was good to us. Most days."

She nods. "I'll have to go for four weeks."

"Okay. We can manage a month."

She wrinkles her forehead. "You're not coming with me?"

"I'll have to work something out with Evelyn first. Baby, we have to be careful still. I've done everything I can to lessen the blow to you. I won't ruin years of work over a few weeks apart."

She leans forward and I collect her in my arms as she nuzzles my neck. It's a hot day, but holding her close is never an issue. Heat be damned.

"I just want you to myself," she whispers in my ear.

I squeeze her tighter. "I know. And you have me. Forever. I wish so many things were different."

"But we will manage, because we always do." She kisses the side of my neck.

"I have a surprise, if that'll make you feel better."

She leans back to look at me. "Spill."

"Well, I can't tell you everything or it wouldn't be a surprise, but I want to take you somewhere next weekend."

She eyes me suspiciously. "Where?"

"That's part of the surprise. You'll love it, I promise. Do you trust me?"

She smiles wide. "Do you have to ask? With my life, handsome."

"Good. Now where's my burger?" I slap her ass and she squeals with a laugh.

"Inside. But you'll have to move me first."

Challenge accepted.

She grips the lounge chair, pressing herself into me further.

"You really think that's going to work?" I laugh.

She nods. "You might be strong, but I am your weakness."

She attacks my lips and I'm done for. She's right. She owns me. I relax beneath her, savoring her sweet Dakota flavor as our tongues tangle.

But she also shouldn't underestimate the fact that I'm her weakness. I tug her boob free from her tank top and pinch her nipple.

She gasps and in her alarmed state I'm able to push her off of me. I swing my legs over the chair to stand and she pinches my ass in return.

"Jamie!" she calls as I head inside.

"Yes, baby?"

She giggles and follows me toward the kitchen.

"You're a perv." She tosses a pen from the counter at me and I snort.

"Your perv."

She rolls her eyes as I retrieve my burger from the bag. She always orders me my favorite from their secret menu.

"I bring you your precious 4x4 and you pinch my tit out in the open."

I laugh even harder at her recount. "Yeah, out in the open of our private property. Sure thing."

She bites her bottom lip as I pass her her food.

"I'll kiss it better tonight, deal?" I wink, shoving my burger in my mouth.

"You have a lot of kissing to do if we'll be apart for a month."

"I can rise to the occasion."

She scoffs with a laugh. "My horny Irishman."

"All yours." I shrug as I devour my meal before I devour her on every surface of this house. As much as I tease, I'm going to fucking miss her. But first, my plan. I think it'll make up for the distance.


My surprise weekend is here, and one would expect a man in my position to be scared shitless, but I've never been more ready. I buckle my seatbelt as I settle in for our quick flight and the ride of a lifetime.

"Where are you taking me?" Dakota asks as she sits across from me on Don's jet.

I didn't think I was ever going to get her on it. She stood with her jaw on the ground, wanting to know why her father was lending us his private plane.

"You'll see soon enough." I wink, pouring her a glass of champagne that our stewardess was waiting with. It's clear we won't have enough privacy to renew our mile-high club membership, but what I have planned far exceeds this flight.

"Soon. So it isn't a long flight?"

I roll my eyes. "You're going to ruin the surprise. Sit back and relax, baby. This is all for you."

She blushes as she watches me while she sips her drink. "I still don't understand the surprise. We already celebrated Valentine's Day."

"Consider this an extension." I shrug. I can't let her keep guessing. She's too smart, and how it hasn't already registered with her is beyond me. Unless she's indulging my desire to give her this special moment. Either way, I've never been more excited. Yesterday's nerves have dissipated, and I just want to spend this romantic weekend with the woman of my dreams.

"You're always Prince Charming. I know whatever you've planned in that beautiful head of yours I will love." She clinks her glass against mine.

"Whatever it takes," I say.

For the duration of our flight she manages to keep the subject away from my plans. She tells me in detail about her upcoming project, and we talk for a long while about her desire to produce films. I'm so proud of her. She has this constant hunger to be the best version of herself, and it inspires me to do the same. I'll be her biggest fan as she earns the respect and success that'll rightfully come her way. And then I'll whisk her back home to our farm in Colorado, and we'll be us, raising a family amidst our careers.

As the plane descends, Dakota's face is pressed against the window to make out where we're about to land.

I watch her—she's like a child, filled with excitement and wonder. Her young heart is what drew me in. I knew I'd never be bored with her around. She fulfills me in ways I never realized I was lacking.

She gasps, breaking me of my admiration. "Aspen?"

I smirk with a nod. "You're good."

She's also grown up with this descent most of her life.

"God," she whispers. "Aspen is so lovely this time of year."

She's back to watching the plane fall below the clouds, but her hand is resting over her heart and I know it's not an accident.

I let her bask in the moment silently while the plane lands on solid ground and taxis to the car Mel promised would be waiting. Her parents really did go above and beyond to chip in for this once in a lifetime trip.

I help Dakota collect her things as we make our way out of the aircraft and toward the Escalade. I thank both the pilot and driver before joining her in the backseat.

She looks at me suddenly with a bit of panic behind her gaze. "My family isn't meeting us here, right?"

I chuckle. "No, baby. Why?"

She checks that the driver isn't listening before lowering her voice to respond. "Because I didn't pack family appropriate attire."

Her words go straight to my groin. Message received. "This trip is just for us, I promise. A romantic getaway before you leave for filming."

"Good." She wraps both her arms around one of mine and rests her head on my shoulder.

She isn't paying attention to our route, because I think she's lost in thought, and this works out better for the surprise. I kiss the top of her head, breathing in the sweet intoxicating scent of this woman. She smells like home. She feels like home. She is my home.

The driver pulls down the private road that leads to the property and Dakota finally perks up.

"Jamie..." She trails off and I know she knows. Of course she knows.


Her eyes bounce between mine, and the view of Mel's old house appearing amongst the trees.

"How?" she asks, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

"Your mum worked her magic. Since it hasn't sold it's still hers, so she's letting me do whatever I want with it this weekend."

Dakota shakes her head, dumbfounded I think. But I don't have time to gauge her reaction as she pulls my lips in to meet hers. I cup her face, deepening it without hesitation. Her tongue is slick and tastes like champagne as it glides against mine.

The driver clears his throat and we both realize he's stopped in front of the house. Dakota giggles as I get out, offering her my hand while the driver retrieves our bags.

We thank him, heading toward the entrance. I fish the key Mel gave me from my pocket and unlock the door as Dakota takes in her surroundings. Mother Nature is putting on a show. The sun is shining through the trees, illuminating the snow and causing it to sparkle. Perfect mood setter.

I'm also glad to notice the details Mel and I worked out seem to be complete. I'd asked for the fireplace to be lit upon arrival as well as a bottle of chilled wine beside two-dozen long stemmed red roses.

Dakota joins me and I step to the side, letting her see everything for herself.

"Oh my God," she mutters, noticing the flowers first. She walks towards them, glancing at the burning fire on her path.

She picks one up to smell it and I watch her with pride. But a second later she drops it, burying her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking.

"Hey, hey." I rush to her, turning her to look at me.

The tears are streaming down her face faster than I can catch them.

"Baby, no," I whisper.

"You did all this," she answers.

I nod. "Anything for you. You know that."

She whimpers. "Jamie, I'm..."

She's unable to finish her sentence as I pull her into my chest. She sobs against my shirt and I rock us back and forth, kissing her head over and over.

"I love you," I say, swallowing my own emotions.

She leans back to cup my cheeks in both her small hands. "I love you more than anything else in the entire world. You are my world. You give me the world."

"And I always will. Always, baby. I want to make you happy for the rest of my life."

She sniffles. "You do. These are happy tears."

We share a laugh.

"I'm glad to hear it," I say. "I was worried you'd poked yourself with a thorn."

She snorts and just like that we're back to us.

"What do you have planned?" she asks, wiping her face clean.

"Well, I thought we'd start with some wine while I cook you dinner. Then the night is yours."

She bites her bottom lip as she steps back to pick up another rose. "We can make love by the fire."

My groin hears that too.

"Absolutely." I swallow audibly and she notices as she chuckles.

"So Mom and Dad helped you plan all this?" She takes the wine stopper out of the bottle and pours us both a glass of white.

"They're pretty great," I say, accepting the drink she passes me.

"They love you," she says quietly.

I step up to her, pecking her button nose. "They love you, baby."

She rests her cheek against my chest once again, sipping her wine as I hold her shoulders.

"Wonder if Mom still has her..." Dakota doesn't finish her sentence as she breaks our embrace and fishes in one of the drawers for something.

She shows me a remote and I raise an eyebrow. She aims it at a box above the fireplace and a second later the downstairs is flooded with music. I laugh at Dakota's adorable expression over her discovery that the sound system is still active.

"I know which CD this is," she says. "I can't believe Mom left it." She stands on her tiptoes as she flips through the songs until she settles on one she loves.

She holds the remote to her mouth like a microphone as Al Green begins his crooning. I start to wonder if Mel didn't leave it, but had it left here on purpose.

"I, I'm so in love with you," she sings. "Whatever you want to do is all right with me. 'Cause you make me feel so brand new, and I want to spend my life with you."

My heartbeat increases as I watch her serenade me. I grin, joining as I set both our glasses down. She squeals when I pull her into my arms and begin dancing around the open living room.

"Let me say that since, baby, since we've been together." It's my turn to sing to her. "Loving you forever is what I need. Let me be the one you come running to. I'll never be untrue."

I spin her all the way out and back into my embrace, dipping her as she giggles. I slide my hand down to her waist, pressing her hips against mine as we sway, her arms wrapped around my neck.

We sing the chorus together. "Oh baby, let's stay together. Lovin' you whether, whether times are good or bad, happy or sad."

She scratches the hair at the nape of my neck. "We used to sing this as a family," she says. "It's one of my very favorite songs because of all the memories it brings back."

"I hope you'll add this memory to your list," I mutter, staring into her mesmerizing gaze.

"It went straight to the top." She smirks. "You're perfect."

"Far from it."

"For me," she finishes.

"Right." I lick my lips. "All for me."

I lift her in my embrace to kiss her fully. She pulls me to her even tighter and I lose myself in her passionate show of gratitude. It's only just begun.


Dakota is gazing out the back door with her glass of wine in hand while I finish cleaning up after our dinner. It's started snowing, and she's giddy that we're going to get snowed in. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do than be stuck here with her, making love by the fire, and forgetting about the outside world.

I dry my hands and take a leveling breath. I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and she laughs, nestling into my embrace.

"It's so beautiful," she mutters.

"Yes, you are." I kiss the soft spot behind her ear and she raises her shoulder.

"Thank you for bringing me here. I'm going to miss this house and all the memories it holds."

"I'm not done making memories," I whisper.

She turns to face me, so I take the opportunity to grab her wine glass and set it on the end table beside us. She pouts briefly before encompassing me with both hands, resting them on my shoulders.

"We have the whole weekend," she says.

I smirk, wanting badly to kiss her and have her every way she'll let me, but I have to hold out. I did all of this for one reason, and it's time I explain myself to her.

"You want to know something?" I ask.

Her eyes are light and joyful. "Anything."

"The moment I walked into the audition with you, I was transported to a nostalgic place I've never wanted to come back from."

Her eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean, babe?"

I clear my throat to calm my emotions. "Your heart, your mind, your aura, your spirit are all contagious. I don't know much, but I do know you're my fate. That audition was karma, God, the universe, whoever's way of bringing us together. And maybe part of me believes my mum had a hand in it, because baby, she would've adored you."

She gasps at my confession, her eyes welling up to match my own.

"I know you feel it too."

"I do, Jamie." She sniffles. "Without a doubt I know you're meant for me."

I try to offer her a smile, but my levee is about to break. "We've fought tooth and nail for this freedom. I walked through hell and back to get us here, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you'll always be mine."

"I will." She runs her fingers through my hair. "I'm not going anywhere. I want to build a life with you and only you."

"And I'm going to make sure every one of your dreams comes true. Every single one. The Colorado farm. The horses. The family. I will give you those things, because you've changed my life and made me unafraid to be the man I truly am. You set me free. I would've waited a lifetime to be with you."

"Jamie, I—"

I silence her. "Will you let me take care of you for the rest of my life? Will you let me provide for you, and make you laugh, be your partner in all things? Will you accept my daughters as your own and start a family with me?"

"Yes," she whispers, her eyes wet with tears as mine begin to fall.

I grin, my heart about to burst. "Marry me."

Her eyes widen as her mouth falls slack. "Baby..."

I pull the box out of my back pocket as I drop to one knee. She sobs, her hand covering her mouth as I open the lid.

"Build a life with me. Be mine?"

She nods, both of us overwhelmed with emotions. "Of course."

"Is that a yes?"

She giggles. "A million times yes."

I slip the ring on her finger and drop my lips to kiss it once it's in place. She tugs my shirt to force me to stand and I fold her into my chest.

We cry it out, freeing ourselves entirely, and committing to a life together. I couldn't wait any longer. Even if the timing is off and she can't wear the ring publicly for months, I am relieved to know she's mine. Forever. Finally.

She grips my neck to force our lips together, and our tears mix as I pour my love into this woman. She said yes. We're engaged. She's going to marry me.

"I love you," she mumbles against my mouth. "You are my every dream come true."

"Baby," I kiss her tears away, "I love you with all that I am."

"Let me have all of you," she says, sliding her hand down to the base of my shirt. Her fingertips graze the skin there.

"I'm yours."

She grabs a fistful of my shirt and pulls it slowly up my torso. Her eyes are fixated on the skin she reveals. She tosses it away as her hands run across my shoulders, down my back, up my stomach to my chest. She pauses over my heartbeat, which is racing wildly.

"I want to kiss every inch," she mutters.

"Mmm, please do."

I tangle my fingers in her soft hair as she begins trailing her lips from one side of my chest to the other and kisses a path southward as she drops to her knees.

They grow weak when her blue eyes gaze up into mine. She pecks a line across the top of my waistband.

"Mine," she breathes and begins undoing my belt.

"You're so beautiful," I say, captivated by my future wife.

"And you are delicious." She swiftly tugs my jeans and boxers down as I spring free, already hard for her.

I groan when she kisses the length of my dick. "Dakota..."

"For the rest of my life," she says before licking a line from base to tip. "I'll exist to make you happy."

My breath hitches. "You do, baby. In every way imaginable."

She doesn't answer as she sucks me into her mouth. I stumble, but she grips my thighs to keep me upright while she goes to work. She sucks and pumps my length the way she knows I love. I'm entranced. A moment ago we were crying over our engagement and now she's on the floor worshipping my body.

I moan long and low as I gently thrust my hips to her rhythm. Her perfect mouth that I get to kiss and taste for the rest of my days. What a lucky bastard.

"Let me love you," I say, cutting her off before I explode.

She slips me out of her mouth, stroking my dick a few more times before nodding. I help her up and tug her to my lips. Her kiss is tender though as she sways her hips against my length that stands at attention between us.

"Hang on," she says, breaking the intimate moment.

I watch as she steps over to the couch to retrieve a thick blanket and two pillows. She tosses it all on the rug in front of the fireplace. She meant it. This is where she wants to make love. And despite the surprise I have waiting for her in the bedroom, I'll give her this simple request, because I'd be lying if I said it isn't a fantasy of my own.

I kiss her again once she's within reach. My hands glide down her back to drag her shirt up over her soft skin. The black lace bra she's wearing from her lingerie line causes me to swallow my thirst. God, what a perfect portrait of the female body.

I reach around to unclasp it, letting it slip from her shoulders before I remove it entirely. She's admiring me as I take gentle care of her petite frame. I tilt her head to the side, sucking a line down her neck and she hums her approval. She bends in my arms as my lips reach her hard nipples, taking each one into my mouth and giving them a firm suck. I lower to my knees while I mirror her previous actions, kissing a line to the top of her pants. Once I shimmy them down her legs, she kicks them to the side.

"Come here," I say, reaching for her hand.

She takes mine and lowers to the ground with me. I motion for her to lie back onto the blanket as I nestle between her thighs. She props herself up with a pillow, biting the tip of her finger. Her engagement rings glistens in the light of the flames beside us as they crackle and pop, setting the perfect ambiance.

"You're gorgeous right now," she mumbles.

I chuckle. "Just right now?"

She huffs. "All the time, but there's something about this moment."

"By the fire with the snow falling outside." I kiss her inner thigh and she gasps.

"You're actually mine."

I wrinkle my forehead. "I always have been."

"For real now." She wiggles her finger to display her diamond.

"We're getting married." I can't help my excited laughter.

"Husband," she says, her smile lighting up the room.

"Wife." I bury my face between her legs and she arches, her nails digging into my scalp.

She moans and breathes my name over and over as I suck her clit, slipping my tongue between her folds and tugging them gently.

I look up to see her eyes fixated on mine. It's so erotic to watch her watch me pleasure her the way I know how. The way she showed me. I've never been good with women, but Dakota makes me feel like a man. I feel sexy and unashamed to fulfill her pleasure and accept hers in return. This is by far the healthiest relationship I'll ever have in my life, and thank God it's with the woman who wants to marry me. Me, the cute kid. Mr. Self Deprecator. The guy who can't ever sit still. She knows how to handle every side of me.

This thought spurs me on and I find myself trailing my lips up her body to meet hers. She swirls her tongue with mine, tasting herself. I hold her face between my hands as I tease her folds with the tip of my length.

She giggles. "It's hot."

"Us or the fire?" I snort.

"Both." Her playful eyes make my heart leap.

"We can move to the bedroom."

She shakes her head. "One round here then we'll move."


She bends against my chest as I sink into her. I nip her shoulder, thrusting in and out at a leisurely pace. Her nails scrape down my back to rest on my hips as her heels dig into my ass, pressing me even closer.

I bring one of her knees up to slide in deeper. It's hot, like she said. The fire, our bodies, her tight core. I'm lit ablaze for this woman.

"I love you," I say against her ear, my breathing uneven as her hips match my fervor.

She smiles when I lean back to look at her. "I love you, Jamie."

I rest my forehead on hers, our eyes locked as our lips brush one another's with every thrust.

"Please," she begs.

I slam into her harder, not breaking our contact. I've never felt a stronger connection than the one we're currently sharing.

"Let me have you," I say, the sweat beads threatening to trail down my face.

She reaches for my hand and I let her interlace our fingers as I slide our adjoined hands up the blanket for leverage. I offer her the thumb on my free hand and she sucks it hard between her lips. My dick responds, twitching inside her. I move the damp finger to rub her clit and she cries out as she detonates around me.

I follow suit, filling her over and over as I ease my pace. Her walls throb as we lay connected, sweaty, and breathless.

"Is that what you dreamed of?" I ask, pecking the side of her neck, attempting to roll off.

She holds me tight on top of her small body. "More than I imagined."

I capture her lips softly but briefly, and she cradles my head on her chest as I relax in her arms. She kisses my hair, running her fingertips through it.

"It's really hot," I mumble.

We both laugh.

"Maybe not so close to the fire next time," she says.

I feel her lips on my forehead and I've never felt this loved in my whole life. Except by my mother in a way only a mother could love a child. But Dakota also loves me unconditionally. I never have to impress her—I want to. I want to give her the best in life, because she's given me the best life just by loving me for me.

"Let's take this party upstairs."

She nods, letting go so I can untangle myself from her and stand. I help her up, but can't resist slapping her ass when she leads the way.

She grabs my hand to pull me up the stairs, and I feel the metal of her ring against my finger. The ring I gave her.

"This is the perfect accessory," I say, trailing behind her.

"You or the ring?" She snorts at her own sarcasm.

"I don't mind being your arm candy, baby."

She doesn't answer as she rounds the corner to the master suite. Oh yeah, that other surprise I forgot about.

She turns to look at me as I admire the rose petals scattered from the doorway to the bed and from the bed to the bathroom. Mel's also had her people arrange bouquets around the room with a bottle of champagne on ice by the bed.

"Seriously?" she asks. "Prince Charming has nothing on you."

I laugh. "Cause for celebration, don't you think?"

She walks in ahead of me, straight toward the champagne. We left our discarded glasses of wine downstairs, but that is the least of my concerns.

"Pop it," she says, handing it to me.

She hates the noise, and although I'm not a big fan of champagne, this was Mel's treat to celebrate us, so I'll drink it with pride.

She cringes as I pop the bottle, managing to keep all the contents inside and not spill it on the carpet of a house Mel's trying to sell. I pass it back to Dakota, and she fills both our glasses.

"To our future," she says.

"Yes, to the future Mrs. Dornan." I wink as we clink our glasses and take a sip.

She saunters over to the bed and crawls in. I watch her fold the covers down before she pats the spot beside her. I join with my champagne, sitting against the headboard so she can nestle in beside me. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she does exactly that, kissing the spot above my heart.

"We're engaged," she says, admiring her ring.

I press my lips against her temple. "You said yes."

"What else would I say?" She giggles. "I've wanted this since the day we met."

My heart races over this information. It blows my mind that we both felt the exact same way about each other from day one. All this time later, she's finally mine, and I'm all hers.

"You could've said not yet." I shrug.

"You're lucky I didn't say about time!"

We have a hearty laugh at that as we sip our champagne in bed, basking in our afterglow before round two.

"My parents know, don't they?" She strokes my cheek, looking up at me.

I nod with a wide smile. "I'm sure they're splitting at the seams for you to call. I owe them a lot."

She bites her bottom lip as she memorizes my face. "Did you ask my dad?"

"Of course."

Her gaze dips to my chest and her cheeks blush. I tip her chin back up to see her eyes are bloodshot. We're both fighting the constant overflow of pure joy.

"We talked at the Giants game," I say.

"Wow, that long ago?"

I chuckle. "Baby, you know I've wanted to marry you for years. Don and I don't get much one on one time, so I wanted to ask in person."

"Such an honorable man," she whispers. "How did I get this lucky?"

"I'd like to know too. Your family is exceptional and I can't wait to call them ours."

She scratches at my beard. "You need to tell your dad."

"And the girls."

"Will they understand?"

I purse my lips. "Probably not, but they understand we're in love and live together, so it's not like our lives will change much more. Until we move and have our own kids."

She smirks. "We're really doing this. It's all happening."

"Every dream," I remind her, "I'll make them come true."

"I don't doubt it for one second." She toasts to us again as we sip our drinks.

"If we could get married anywhere in the world, money and travel no issue, where would it be?"

"Italy," she answers without hesitation.

I raise my chin. She's wanted this her whole life.


"Italy, Spain, South France."

She wrinkles her nose. "South France is out for obvious reasons."

I chuckle. "You're right. Although we made some great memories, not the best PR of our lives."

She snorts, shaking her head. "We could do Spain. Antonio would help us with the venue and local caterers in his hometown."

"Would your mum be okay with that?"

"I think so."

"I like Italy though," I mutter.

Her eyes light up. "You do?"

This is her dream. Her expression and tone makes it quite obvious. I thumb her cheek with a nod.

"It'd be perfect."

"Finland still for the honeymoon?"

I swallow audibly. She hasn't forgotten what she said to me that day before our dinner cruise.

"Sounds lovely."

She searches my face. "You want these things too, right?"

I raise an eyebrow. "What? Of course, I want it all with you. I don't care when or where as long as you'll meet me at the end of that aisle."

"It's our wedding, not just mine."

I kiss her, letting it linger before I answer. "Again, as long as you're there and say 'I do' then nothing else matters."

She chuckles. "Okay."


It's her turn to take my champagne glass from me as she places them both on the nightstand. I smirk when she rolls on top, her legs draping on either side of my hips. I run my hands up and down her soft thighs.

"I want dessert," she says.

"There's chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge."

"Wait, seriously?" Her eyes widen.

I nod, tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well, I meant more of you, but if there's strawberries..." She squeals when I flip her over.

"The strawberries will last, I won't."

She envelops me in her arms as our lips meet again, and we spend the rest of the night making love, soft and slow until the sun begins to rise. We fall asleep in the morning light, sated, engaged, and happier than ever.


Deep breaths and lots of tissues...I totally get it! Please don't forget to vote and/or comment. Your interactions help rank this story and get it recognized in the Wattpad community! Thank you so so much!

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