Part 8

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A/N: I cannot thank you guys enough for the support you've given me and this story. Blown away. I try to respond to all of you, so you know how much it means to me! I had a request to continue their date in Finland, and I hope you love this! Also, want to thank my friend who was the one who sent me the details regarding the arctic resort in the first place (you know who you are)... ENJOY!! Xo


I startle awake when I feel a tickle on my neck. Unaware of my surroundings as my dream vanishes. Then I hear Dakota giggling.

"Sorry," she whispers. "Didn't mean to scare you."

I grin, slowly opening my eyes into her beautiful blue ones. She rests her chin on my chest and smiles up at me.

I tuck her hair behind her ear. "Morning, beautiful."

She smirks. "Good morning, handsome."

"Don't let me interrupt," I say. "Please continue."

She pauses a moment then kisses my sternum. Her breath tickles my chest hair, igniting the goosebumps across my skin.

"What's on today's agenda?" she asks, trailing her lips further south.

I quickly forget she's asked me a question. "Um, you first then we'll see."

She offers her shy smile. "How about you first then a shower?"

She continues to scoot down the bed, nipping at the skin above my navel. I'm already hardening under her, and I know she can tell, because the mischief behind her gaze gives her away.

I mumble, "Waking up naked with you every morning will be the best part of you moving in."

She scrapes her nails over my abs, causing me to squirm. "And having you cook for me will be the best reward."

"Reward for what, baby?" I love tempting the temptress. Two can play her game.

She giggles and chooses to answer with her tongue as she takes my length in her soft hand to stroke it. "I want an Irish breakfast," she whispers, licking the tip.

I moan when she sucks me into her hot mouth. My hips bucks instinctively and she hums her approval.

"Dakota," I breathe.

She pops me out to say, "Or maybe a protein shake."

I try to chuckle at her joke, but all humor is lost as I fall into the abyss of my girl pleasuring me the way she knows how.


Morning sex is the best sex, and I can't wait to add that to our routine once she's under the same roof every day. I declined to shower with her after our escapade, because she doesn't know I have breakfast being delivered. I'm bouncing around the room, hoping it arrives before she finishes or she'll be upset I denied her invitation for nothing.

I hear the shower stop, and just when my mind starts to race through excuses there's a knock at the cabin door. I trip over myself to answer it before Dakota comes out stark naked and gives the resort employee an early show.

"Morning, sir," an older woman greets.

"Hi, hello," I say, checking over my shoulder that she's still in the bathroom. I faintly hear the hairdryer and know she's bought me some time.

"Your breakfast." She presents me with a tray that has two covered dishes.

I set it on the table and retrieve the other one that holds a pot of coffee, a pot of tea, and fresh squeezed orange juice.

"Thank you," I tell her, offering her a large tip.

Her eyes widen as she takes it and stuffs it into her pocket. "Thank you. Enjoy, and please let us know if we can assist you further."

I nod, bidding her adieu. With a tip like that we'll be lucky if they don't offer to buff our shoes. But it got her on with her business so I can worry about getting everything ready for Dakota.

I pour her a cup of coffee, adding some milk before filling a smaller glass with orange juice. I repeat the same for me, opting for tea instead. I set them on the nightstands on either side of the bed then gather the silverware and napkins.

I hear the bathroom door creak open behind me, and Dakota is standing there fully dressed with her hair framing her face. I take a deep breath and spread out my arms to display the food to her.

"Breakfast in bed?" she asks with a smirk.

"We're on holiday, why not?"

"Treat yo-self," she mocks Donna from Parks and Rec. We spend too much time laughing at reruns on Netflix.

She hops onto the bed, scooting back up against the headboard and waits patiently, wiggling her toes. I can't help but smile at her childlike eagerness. Her joy is infectious in all things. I gather the tray with our plates and join her on the mattress. As soon as I hand her the food she lifts the lid to see what I ordered. But I know her well.

"Blueberry pancakes?" Her eyes light up.

I chuckle. "Will that work?"

"Of course, yum!"

I remove the cover on mine and take a minute to bask in the aromas that escape.

"What'd you get?" She bumps my shoulder to look.

"Hard to go wrong with bacon and eggs."

"Mmm," she hums. "Good call."

I smile, jumping right in to stuff my face. We've been burning calories in and out of our room, so I'm starving. Yesterday we'd gone on a sunset hike, which was truly spectacular. When I think of places to vacation Finland has never been a spot I'd consider, but when I did some research and found this place I knew Dakota would love it—it's peace, tranquility, and natural beauty. Attributes she shares with this marvelous location. And now that we've been here a few days, I've fallen in love with this rare hideaway that Dakota and I are making lasting memories in.

I hold up a piece of my bacon for her to sample, and she giggles before taking a bite. I toss the remainder in my mouth.

"Thanks, babe." She lifts a forkful of blueberries and pancake to return the favor. "Here."

I eat it from her fork, licking my lips as the sweetness invades my senses. "Wow, those are some fresh berries."

She nods. "Everything here is so exquisite. You know how to pick 'em. Talk about having a leg up in the competition."

I laugh, swallowing my eggs before I speak. "You could choose a hotel on the side of the road in Arizona, and we'd find a way to make it fun."

"True, but I figured a week in Hawaii would win you over. After this, I think I need to compete harder."

I hold up my hand. "Pump the breaks. Hawaii is perfect. Keep it on the table."

She giggles. "I want to see you swoon. You've made me swoon."

I feel my cheeks blush. "Have I? The Northern Lights and hiking does it for you?"

She rolls her eyes when I look over. "Yeah, so basic, you're right."

I chuckle and enjoy our breakfast banter. I look forward to this being part of our daily routine as well. And I definitely don't mind arguing over who can choose the better holiday. She hums to herself while she eats, a sure sign she's delighted. I bask in the confidence of knowing what satisfies my girl. Dakota has never needed grand gestures to be pleased, but I love taking her breath away like she does mine. So I will continue to woo her in any way possible—even if just by ordering pancakes.

I check my watch to realize her next surprise should be here any minute. "Almost done?" I ask.

She chews on her last few bites and nods. "Why? Got a date?"

"Yes, with you."

"And what might that entail?"

I lean in to kiss her cheek while she finishes. "See, that I can't tell you."

"Am I dressed appropriately?"

She's wearing a Stones t-shirt and jeans.

"Wear your boots," I say. "And maybe a sweater."

The weather has been outstanding. A brisk autumn breeze during the days, and chilly evenings that offer the perfect excuse for wine by the fire.

She bites her bottom lip. "Can I wear your sweatshirt?"

I look over at the chair where it's been tossed. "That one?"

She nods.

"It's dirty, but if you really want to."

She's glowing. "That means it smells like you."

I laugh, although my heart is beating wildly over her innocent confession. "Then be my guest."

She crawls off the bed and grabs it, sliding it over her slim frame. It hangs adorably around her waist and I reach for my phone to capture the moment.

"No photos!" she jokes, holding her hands up.

"Come on, just one."

"Whatever." She sticks her tongue out and I take it.


She walks over and sits beside my hip, moving the phone to check the picture. She giggles. "Ridiculous. Your turn."

She snatches my phone and before I can protest her lips are on my cheek and I'm smiling like a goon. She snaps the selfie successfully.

"Now we look ridiculous together." She winks.

I lean in to kiss her and she meets me halfway, holding me in place to savor it. Another knock at the door interrupts our moment.

"That's for you," I say.

She eyes me before standing. I grab her arm to stop her for a second.

I add, "Because I can't give you the farm in Colorado yet."

Now her expression is completely confused and she practically sprints to answer. I hear her gasp when she opens it to a man standing on the other side.

"Morning, ma'am."

She turns to look back at me, pointing beyond him. I nod with a wide smile that hurts my cheeks. Mission accomplished.

I get up to join her, and offer the man my hand. "Good morning."

"I'll be your guide today," he says, "if you both want to pick a horse."

Dakota is outside before either of us can respond, and she's immediately drawn to a beautiful brown horse with a black mane and tail.

"This one," she whispers, petting its muzzle. "Hi, pretty baby."

I grin, the butterflies alive in my stomach at the sight. "Then I'll take this one." Mine is a reddish brown with matching hair.

The man stands behind Dakota to help her mount the horse and I don't know why, but a hint of jealousy strikes. Maybe I should make it my job to help her on and off the rest of the day to keep that emotion at bay. I jump up as well and get situated. Dakota reaches between the two horses for my hand. I grip hers and kiss the back of it, returning her gentle squeeze.

"Where are we going?" she asks, looking beyond me to the guide.

I interrupt before he can answer, although he knows everything is a surprise. "You'll see. Trust me."

"With my life," she mutters for only me to hear. I crinkle my nose, our little inside gesture.

Dakota and I ride in silence as we listen to the guide give us the backgrounds of our horses and their names. Mine is Cinnamon, and Dakota's is Boots. He goes on to dive into the rich history of Finland, and everything we could possibly want to know about the area. I would come back in a heartbeat, and by the way she's reacting I think Dakota would agree.

We approach our destination, the mix of colors even brighter thanks to the sun. I can't contain my happiness as Dakota's eyes widen at the reds, blues, and oranges mixed between the green of the berry fields.

"Where are we?" she asks.

"All of the wild berries grown in this area are ready to eat," the guide says.

"What, like off the vine?" She looks at me and I nod.

"Yes, ma'am," he replies. "They are all safe, no chemicals."

I offer him my hand and he responds with a small plastic bag. I thank him before passing it onto Dakota. She takes it with a wrinkled forehead.

"Care to pick some berries?" I ask.

She chuckles, clearly surprised by the horseback ride and now an open field of fruit.

"We'll be back in about an hour," the guide says, hopping off of his horse to tie our two together.

I slowly dismount then walk over to lift Dakota from hers. She doesn't wait for him to leave to attack my lips. Her arms are around my neck and her warm mouth is on mine. I hold her to me, embracing her close.

"This is amazing," she says. "You're amazing."

I smile. "Maybe tomorrow morning we can add our own berries to pancakes."

"Or I can lick their juices from your skin. We'll see."

A tingle runs down my spine at her delicious tease.

I narrow my gaze. "Pick some berries before we get arrested for public indecency."

"Why? Are you going to fuck me right here?" She bites her bottom lip and everything south of my belt awakens.

"I think we'd scar that little boy for life."

She turns to notice a family a few yards away picking berries and laughing together. She snorts, burying her face in my chest. I kiss her hair. Today she smells like flowers, and I want to get lost in her garden.

"I didn't even notice there were other people." She laughs at herself again before untangling from my embrace.

"Behave." I slap her ass when she bends to pick some raspberries from the plant beside us.

She squeals. "Take your own advice!"

I step around her and walk a few feet to gather some blueberries. I pick a few to eat then pick a few to keep. I chuckle when I look back to see Dakota doing the same with the raspberries. We continue our task, each gathering a few here and there to toss into the bag to take home. She drags me along to some amber colored berries.

"What are these?" she asks.

I shrug. "Maybe they're not ripe yet."

An older man who is bent down beside us filling a basket shakes his head. "Cloudberry," he says.

"Pardon?" Dakota responds.

"These are cloudberries." His accent is thick, but we both understand on the second time.

"Are they good?" she asks. Dakota doesn't know a stranger.

"Very good," he says, giving her a thumbs up.

She giggles and picks one off. They look like mini pieces of corn. "Try it."

I smirk. "Why me? You try it."

"I want to see if you like it first."

"Try for the girl," he chimes in.

Now that the spotlight is on me I concede, and Dakota pops it in my mouth. I chew, allowing the juice to burst against my tongue before swallowing.

"Tart," I say, "but sweet enough."

Trusting my opinion, she swipes another one and this time tries for herself. She nods and gives both the older man and me a thumbs up. He laughs, and walks on.

"Enjoy," he says.

"These are delicious," she tells me. "Grab a whole bunch. We can get blueberries and raspberries at home, but these are specific."

I can't help the goofy grin I have about her excitement over this new culture we're experiencing together. She's definitely happy to be here, and I'm grateful my surprises keep paying off.


Dakota's arms are wrapped tightly around my waist as I unlock our cabin door. She giggles against my back when I walk inside with her still hanging on. I toss our bag of fruit on the table.

"Do you have more plans or can we spend the rest of the day in bed?" she whispers in my ear.

I instantly want to cancel the evening activity I've set for us. "I think we can work in both." I break apart her arms to turn toward her.

She brings her hands up to rest on either side of my face, staring me down. "What are we doing?"

I shrug. "Well, I thought we were getting ready to have sex."

She shoves my shoulder and laughs. "I meant later."

"Oh, later." I wink. "I like seeing you surprised, so maybe I'll keep it to myself a little longer."

"Can I wear this?"

I nod. "Kinda turns me on, you in my clothes, leaving your scent behind."

"Good, I was going to ask if I could borrow your Louis Vuitton suit."

I snort at her humor. "Ha-ha. Right now I'd prefer they end up on the floor."

She grins. "Smooth criminal."

I chuckle as she pushes me backwards to the bed, falling on top of me. My hands snake under both my sweatshirt and her tee to feel her heated skin. She lifts them out of the way and tosses them onto the floor, pressing her naked torso against me.

"No bra," I mutter.

"Lucky you." Her mouth is on mine. We fight for dominance as our tongues tangle, and I tug on her bottom lip.

"Sit still," I say between kisses. I halt her grinding hips with my hands and she moans.

She reaches between us to pull my shirt up, her soft hands skating across my abs and to my chest where she plays with the hair that adorns my sternum.

I flip her over to trade places. She giggles as she settles into the pillows and watches me. I lean in to suck my way down her neck. I feel her shiver as I move southward to her chest and then her breast. I take her nipple between my lips, swirling my tongue until it's hard. I move to offer the other equal attention before kissing my way across her slim stomach and navel. She reaches her arms above her head, pressing her breasts forward and I almost salivate at the sight of her anticipating my next move.

I stand, making fast work of my shoes, shirt, jeans, and boxers, dropping everything to the floor to stand naked before her. Her face is flushed and I can see her breathing has quickened. The heat between us is now radiating. I straddle her legs long enough to undo her jeans and slide my thumbs under the waistband of her lace thong, removing it all in one fluid motion along with her boots.

She parts her legs and I smirk, kneeling down to kiss my way up the inside of both of her thighs. I can hear her panting and I meet her gaze in time to catch her lick her lips. I take that as my cue, dropping my tongue to her wet center. She arches, but keeps her arms up, gripping the pillows behind her for support.

I dip my tongue through her folds, tasting her sweetness before adding two fingers. She moans loudly as I move them slowly in and out, a pace I hope to recreate in a moment.

"Jamie," she gasps. "Please."

I cease my actions, kissing back up the path I'd previously set. Her hands tangle in my hair when she seeks my lips. I groan into her throat as she feverishly tries to taste herself on my tongue.

"Baby," I breathe.

She pushes my ass with the heel of her foot and I can't stop my chuckle at her eagerness. How quickly we get ourselves to this point never surprises me. The passion between us is unparalleled.

"Thank you," she says across my mouth.


"Today. Every day. And all the days to come."

I kiss her. "I love you."

"I love you so much more."

I shake my head, but she silences me with another kiss.

"Show me," she begs.


Dakota and I took a brief nap after our round between the sheets. We're both redressing so I can take her out for the evening on part two of our adventurous day.

"Shirt," she says.

I toss her the black tee, and hold my hand up for her to throw me my jeans. We smile at one another as we exchange the clothes we're retrieving from the floor.

"What do I need to bring?" she asks.

"Nothing. It's all set up."

"What is?"

"Your nose seems to be troubling you." I laugh when she flips me the bird.

"Not even a hint?"

"Food is involved."

She giggles. "Well, thank God because I'm starving again."

"Worked up an appetite?" I sit on the edge of the bed to put my shoes on.

"A lot of riding today."

I chuckle. "We can make good use of that sauna tonight."

"Ooh," she claps, "I forgot we had a sauna!"

I shake my head as she continues dressing. I check my phone and notice I received a notification that our rental will be ready for pick-up in a half hour. I also have a picture message from Amelia of the girls. I smile when I open it, seeing their happy faces as they run through a sunflower field.

Beautiful. Tell them we'll FaceTime tomorrow. Thx.

I hit send and Dakota is at my side. She kisses my shoulder. "What are you grinning about?"

"The girls." I show her the picture and she aww's.

"They are so gorgeous. You should frame this."

I nod. "It really is a great photo with the sun and flowers as a backdrop."

Amelia replies, and I know Dakota can see the message. You need to call. They talk about you constantly. Dakota too...

The three dots at the end of her text elicit an eye roll from me. She's expecting a reaction. All I give her is, We'll both chat with them tomorrow. Make sure Dulcie's iPad is charged.

I bought it for her. I don't call Amelia unless it's urgent. Anytime I want to talk to my daughters, we FaceTime on Dulcie's account.

Dakota sighs. "She sounds thrilled."

"She can get over it. Of course they talk about you. They love you."

"And probably drive her crazy."

I put my phone in my pocket and shrug. "Not my problem anymore."

She goes to answer, but I kiss her.

"Holiday. None of that," I remind.

She holds her hands up. "Fine. I can't wait to see their faces."

"Me too," I whisper, kissing the side of her head. "We need to get going."

She nods, lacing our fingers as she guides us out of the cabin. I take the lead, walking us toward the rental garage. I catch a glimpse of Dakota's face when we head down a dirt road in the woods.


She furrows her eyebrows, but then quickly relaxes. "I trust you."

I squeeze her hand with a smile, good to be reminded of that once again. We walk a little further and the building comes into view. There are a few people out front practicing on the various equipment they have.

"What is this?" She laughs.

"Care to rent an ATV?"

She snorts at that. "You're joking?"

I shake my head. "You find this hard to believe?"

She stops. "We're really going to rent an ATV right now?"

I nod. "Yep. And we're going to race to the lake where we'll enjoy a private dinner cruise."

She takes a deep breath, bringing her free hand to her mouth to chew on her thumbnail. I can't see her eyes as they scan the various dirt bikes and golf carts around us.

I attempt to reassure her. "If you're scared then we'll just take one and I'll drive."

She turns to look at me, and her baby blues are clouded with tears. My heart sinks as I pull her into my chest to wipe them before they fall.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replies. "Literally nothing is wrong. I can't believe...I can't believe you've done all this for me, Jamie."

"I would do anything for you," I reiterate. "How many times can I promise you this?"

She shakes her head. "I'm overwhelmed, that's all."

I sigh. "Is that a bad thing?"

She smiles, cupping my cheek. "No, baby, it's not. This is perfect."

I kiss her nose. "Then no tears."

"Okay," she whispers.

I grab her hand and walk us to the two men standing outside with jackets that match the garage logo.

"Pick-up for Dornan," I say.

The one reads his clipboard before nodding. "Two Yamahas for the lovely couple."

Dakota rubs my arm as the other man retrieves the keys and helmets.

"For your safety," he says, handing them to us.

We each take one set of both, and put the helmets on. And of course we can't stop our laughter when we look over at one another.

"You drive before?" the first man asks. His accent is as thick as the old man we met earlier.

"Yes, we have," Dakota answers for us.

"Enjoy and be safe. Many hikers and horseback riders in the area."

We nod, already having done both activities on this trip. The second man ushers us to the Yamahas we've been assigned.

"Roll them out front then start," he instructs.

He helps Dakota push hers as I follow their lead and roll the ATV onto the dirt path. We both get on and start them up. They rev to life beneath us and I can hear Dakota's laughter over the noise.

"Hey, Dornan," she says.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Slow on the gas, remember?"

She's referencing when we were filming in France and I shot us through the water on the jet ski, scaring the shit out of both of us. We had a good laugh about it then, but I clearly didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Glad I didn't injure one of us in the process.

I answer with, "You lead the way, smart ass."

She sticks her tongue out and a second later she takes off. I accelerate to trail behind. In an instant we're both kicking up dust as we speed down the pathway toward the water.

I ride up beside her and she narrows her gaze, giving it the gas to inch forward. I laugh. If she wants to race, we'll race. I return the favor, flying past her since there's no one to be seen on our straight shot to the lake. She catches up quite effortlessly, waving like Her Majesty when she rolls past. I am laughing like an idiot when she finally slows to let me catch up. I look over and she's doing the same.

"So fun!" she yells.

"I'm glad," I holler back.

We ride side-by-side the rest of the way, enjoying the scenery that flies by. In the distance she points to a group of horseback riders. The sun is just starting to fall from the sky and I'm looking forward to a sunset dinner on the water. We press on the breaks as we approach the shoreline where a few boats of varying sizes are docked.

I nod at the one named "Arctic Loon," which is ours for the evening. She leads the way, riding in that direction. We come to a stop in front of the boat as an older man comes out from inside. He waves, and we wave back.

"How was that?" I ask her.

"A blast!"

We remove our helmets and toss the keys in them to carry on board with us. She runs to me squealing, and links our arms. I can't help my delighted laughter at this giddiness.

I kiss her disheveled hair. "I'm happy you're having fun."

She looks up at me under her long lashes. "I've never had more fun. This is the greatest trip I've ever been on, and I'm glad to be on it with you."


The old man outstretches his hand. "I'm your skipper this evening. My wife, Sanna is in the kitchen preparing your meals. You can call me Henri."

"Henri," I shake his hand, "I'm Jamie, and this is my girlfriend, Dakota."

She smiles at me before offering him hers. He kisses the back of it.

"Pleasure to have you both. Dinner will be ready soon. In the meantime, join me aboard."

He steps on and I go to follow but Dakota stops me. I wrinkle my forehead.

"Maybe we can come back for our honeymoon."

My heart leaps into my throat. I stop to admire her standing in front of me with the boat, lake, and sunset shining behind her, promising me forever. I retrieve my phone to capture this exact moment I can see into my future. She tucks a hair behind her ear and flashes me her shy smile—I snap the photo.



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