Ch 15. Priorities

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When Dean 'broke up' with me, I didn't hear from him or about him until years later when he won an award for some short film he directed. I was happy for him, of course, he was doing what he'd always wanted to do. So I messaged him on Instagram, congratulating him and telling him that I was proud of him.

He didn't see the message, let alone reply to it.

Then, he started making a name for himself. He was featured in magazines and articles. Dean King– his 'stage name'– wins Oscar for this movie or Dean King caught walking the streets of Venice with some actress. And as his success grew, so did my anger and resentment towards him.

Three years together, not forgetting the others before we officially became a couple, and he just left me? Sure he wrote some letter that explained the reason he was leaving and got me a gift that I still, unfortunately, used, but I couldn't ignore the fact that he just ran away.

Doctor Vega, my old therapist, helped me understand that I wasn't a big fan of people leaving my life. My mom left me, Isaac went to Paris, papa died, and somebody who I'd loved deeply just left. That obviously didn't sit well with me.

I understood why he left, I just hated how he went about it. He quite literally ghosted me.

But I got with Adam, and we spent two happy years together before I learned of his true intentions. He got sentenced to a couple of years in prison and I haven't heard about him since I last saw him in the holding cell. After having Leo, I decided that I was better off without being any relationships.

When I started working at Fashionistique, I obviously started hearing more about Dean given we were both in the entertainment industry. The more his name came up, the more I got over it. I've seen his pictures floating around the internet enough times to not get affected by him anymore.

Which is why I didn't really care much when he popped up a few days ago. He was here to direct his stupid movie, and I was there to run a magazine. Between that and taking care of a three-year-old, I didn't have the time to worry, or think, about him.

I was over it.


I was woken up by being pushed off my bed. With my blanket tangled up around my leg, an 'oof' escaped my lips when my stomach hit the hardwood floor. It took me a second to realize what just happened, given I was still groggy with sleep. Once I did, I pushed the hair out my face to find the culprit staring down at me with a shit-eating grin.

I groaned and let my head fall onto my arm which rested on the floor, "What do you want, Zac?" I mumbled, my lips brushing over the skin of my arm.

"Mama!" Leo giggled from my right. I slowly turned my head so I could look at my son who was jumping on my bed, already dressed in a sports outfit. "Wake up!"

Isaac poked me in the stomach with the tip of his shoes, "Yeah, my love. Rise and shine." He sang.

I brought a fist down on his shoe, striking the area where his toes were. He retracted his foot and hissed. I pushed myself up and tucked my legs beneath me. I glared up at Isaac through sleepy eyes, "What time is it?"

"Seven o'clock," He replied as he stepped towards my bed. He crouched down in front of Leo, and the latter climbed onto his back.

"Shit," I cursed, realizing that work started in an hour and I haven't done shit. I had to make Leo breakfast, put everything into my bag again, and get dressed. I placed a hand on my mattress and got up onto my feet. I ran into the ensuite bathroom and left the door open. I placed some toothpaste onto my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

"For somebody who runs a magazine and has a child, you're the most irresponsible person I know," Isaac said, playing with the velcro straps on Leo's shoes. Leo had his arms wrapped around Zac's neck, his chin resting on his shoulder.

"What does irre–" Leo paused and furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to pronounce the word, getting it wrong every time. I chuckled as I walked out of the bathroom to kiss his cheek before hurrying down the hallway and into a spare bedroom I had. When I didn't have guests over, it acted as my closet. When I did, though, it doubled as my bedroom and closet– I usually just let the guests sleep in my room.

Isaac followed after me, "It means your mother is very messy."

As I looked through my many hangers in search of an outfit, I glanced at the football player, "Can you make yourself useful and make Leo breakfast?"

He rolled his eyes, "I already dressed him, made him go to the bathroom, and fed him some scrambled eggs. Didn't I, Leo?"

I caught my son nodding excitedly, "Oui!" He exclaimed right into Isaac's ear. He winced at the sound, and I smirked at his reaction. "It was very yummy."

Zac's eyes playfully widened and he shot me a look, "You hear that, my love?" He said, watching as I picked a matching set of a black crop top and skirt. He tilted his head to gently knock it against Leo's, "Very yummy. I bet you don't get that often."

I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to turn around with a twirl of my finger. He complied and turned so his back faced me. As I pulled my tank top off, Leo voiced out his opinion, "Mama is very good."

I smiled at the statement, feeling my heart warm. Isaac hummed, "Very good at what?" He asked, deciding to humor my son.

Leo threw his hands up in the air, "Good at everything!" He yelled joyfully before erupting into a fit of giggles when Isaac gasped, feigning surprise. My smile widened at his exclamation and after making sure my skirt was on properly, I scurried over to my son.

I plucked him off of Isaac's back and gave him a tight hug, which he eagerly returned by wrapping his small arms around my neck. Zac turned around and looked at Leo with wide eyes, "Everything?" He asked through an exaggerated whisper.

Leo nodded as I pressed a kiss onto his cheek, "Yeah!" He replied.

With my son still on my hip, I walked back to the clothing racks I had and looked for a blazer I could wear over my outfit to keep me warm. I placed my son down on the floor to put it on, and he ran out of the room, dodging Isaac's outstretched arms with a loud laugh. I pulled my hair out from beneath the blazer and glanced at Isaac, "Why are you here?"

"Wow," He dragged out, palming his chest. "I dressed and fed your son, then woke your sorry ass up, and this is how you treat me?"

I walked past him and pecked him on the cheek, "Fuck off. I thought we already agreed that you, Nelson, and Aren were going to come by at two for the shoot."

"Just because I have a photoshoot for your magazine– you're welcome for making that happen, by the way– doesn't mean I don't have training anymore." He said, following me down the hallway and to the living room. I picked up my tote bag and shoved my laptop into it.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, "Do you have high-intensity training today? I can't have you looking dirty in the picture, Zac. We don't have showers–"

"Relax," He rolled his eyes, passing me the lanyard attached to my ID. "We're just practicing some basic drills. Plus, we're going back home to shower before the shoot. I was thinking of bringing Leo with me– the little man can use a change of scenery."

"You're a fucking lifesaver," I told him, scurrying into the kitchen. I pulled out a small lunch box and opened the fridge in search of some fruits. I pulled out an assortment of berries and ran them under the sink. "I have the world's longest meeting today so we can discuss the magazine issue, and I didn't have anyone to take care of him. I was debating bringing him in with me."

I placed the berries into the box and placed the lid over it. I then pulled out a pack of small biscuits and a mango juice box– his favorite. I tossed them all into a small, green backpack and zipped it up.

"Leo! Viens ici!" I yelled, my voice echoing off the walls. I heard his bedroom door open before the faint sound of padding footsteps emerged down the hallway. His figure came barreling into the kitchen and he skidded to a stop. I handed him the backpack and he wordlessly put it on.

I ran a hand through my hair trying to remember what I forget. I looked into my tote bag, "Phone, laptop, wallet, ID– am I forgetting something?"

Isaac blinked, his gaze falling down to my feet, "Your shoes?" He stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"Mama forget to wear her shoes!" Leo laughed, making Isaac burst out in chuckles too. I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair before running back to the closet-bedroom. I picked out a pair of silver heels and pushed my feet into them. When I walked back into the kitchen, I found Leo perched on Isaac's hip as they both looked down at the latter's phone.

With the straps of my bag over my shoulder, I made my way out of the kitchen and towards the front door. I heard Isaac following me. I put in the pin to disable the security system, the pin Isaac knew, and the door unlocked itself with a click. Everybody walked out of my apartment and we stepped into the elevator.

I glanced at the time and groaned, "I'm going to be late again."

"How the fuck are you the boss if you're always late? You're not even fashionably late, it's just annoying at this point," He commented, giving me an incredulous look.

"You try planning the next issue of a magazine while taking care of a three-year-old. Shit isn't easy," I snapped, tossing my phone into my bag.

He raised one hand in surrender, the other still under Leo to hold him up, "I can drive you if you want. My car's parked outside."

I released a breath of relief and leaned my head against the elevator, "What would I do without you, Zachy?"

He scowled at the nickname, "Only Leo can call me that," He warned before his expression transformed into a smiley one. "I'm like your life-husband."

I blinked, "Life-husband?" I repeated as the doors opened. Zac gestured for me to step out first before he followed me out.

"Yeah. You know how there's a work-husband– he makes your life easier, and better, at work? I'm your life-husband in the sense that I make your life easier in general." He explained, opening the door of the passenger's seat for me. I stepped in and he slammed the door loudly, making me jolt in fright.

He laughed at my reaction and opened the door to the back. He strapped Leo into a car seat Dylan bought before he finally stepped into the car.

"Isn't that just a normal husband, though?" I asked.

He peeled out of the parking, and contorted his face into a disgusted expression, "That's just nasty, man. You're definitely not my type."

I scoffed and crossed my hands underneath my chest, "Feeling's mutual."

We drifted into silence after that– it wasn't tense though. We were both smiling as we stared at the relatively empty streets of Paris.

"Mama!" Leo groaned five minutes later. "I'm bored– music."

"Music, what?" I asked, glancing at him through the rearview mirror with a quirked eyebrow. His eyes caught mine and he gave me a sheepish smile.

"Music, s'il vous plaît!" He chirped and I chuckled before turning on the radio.

Leo started humming to the music playing through the speaker while Isaac drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. I rolled down the window and leaned my arm on door, my head bobbing to the beat of the French song. Once we neared the street, that was still closed off, Isaac slowed down the car and glanced around the place with mild interest.

"What's happening here?" He asked as I leaned down to grab my bag.

"They're filming a movie," I informed him, leaning over the console to give him a grateful kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for dropping me off."

"Anytime," He smiled. I threw open the passenger door as Leo started calling for me. I closed the door and opened one in the back. Leo reached two arms up and I leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead.

"You'll be good for Zachy?" I asked expectantly and he nodded wildly. I smiled down at him and brushed his hair out of his forehead. "Have fun, mon cher. I love you."

"I love you too, mama!" He returned. I gave him a final kiss on the top of his head before I closed the door. I waved at him and Isaac through the window, and they returned it before driving down the street.

After the car disappeared, I turned around and walked towards the gate. The same security guard who threatened to escort me off the premises was there, and once he noticed me, he scrambled to open the door. I nodded and thanked him as I walked past him.

As I stepped up the stairs, I heard someone call my name from behind me, "Amber!" I rolled my eyes and continued up the stairs until I heard his footsteps behind me. Dean ran up the stairs and stopped in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hi," He said through a breath.

"Hello?" I replied, stepping around him as I continued up the steps.

"I just wanted to ask you something regarding the movie," He said as I walked through the sliding doors. I smiled at the receptionist and security guard, who scanned his pass to let me through the automatic gates.

I turned around to face him. His cheeks were flushed because of the cold and he had his arms folded behind him just like he did when he came into the office, "I've got a lot of work I need to get done today. Can this wait until three o'clock?" I asked steadily.

His adam's apple bobbed up and down before he decided to nod, "Sure," He smiled. "I'll see you then."

I nodded in acknowledgment before spinning around to walk through the gates.


"This was the overall look I was going for in regards to the front cover," Christine, the Art Director, concluded, pointing to a sketch she had up on the SMARTboard. She looked at the photographer, who was analyzing the sketch thoroughly. "Do you think that's possible?"

The photographer peeled her eyes away from the sketch and to Christine, "Oui, c'est possible." He replied with a nod. "Do you have any specific requests for the individual pictures?" [Yeah, it's possible.]

Christine shook her head, "Not really. I'll be at the photo shoot, though, just to get an overall idea of how the final issue will look." The Art Director then glanced at me with pursed lips. "Is that alright Ms. Amity?"

I nodded with a soft smile, "Ça son bon. Merci, Christine," I replied and gestured towards her empty seat with a tilt of my head. She let out a relieved breath and unplugged her laptop from the board, scurrying over to sit on the chair. I stood up from my seat at the head of the table and walked around the table to stand in front of everyone. [That sounds good. Thanks, Christine.]

"Merci à tous d'être venus à cette réunion," I announced with a smile directed at everybody sitting in the meeting room. "This issue is a step in a new direction– Fashionsitique has never published an issue relating to sports. Fashion wouldn't exist without confidence and that's what this issue is all about; exploring confidence from a different perspective." [Thank you everyone for attending the meeting.]

"Since this is the first issue not pertaining directly to fashion, everything has to run smoothly. I will also be down at the studio to make sure everything is perfect. Victor," I started, looking at him. "Have the outfits been sent down to the dressing rooms?"

My friend, the man who was also in charge of the wardrobe department, nodded, "Oui. My P.A. brought them down thirty minutes ago. She sent me a text confirming it," He replied, shaking the phone that was in his hand.

I smiled before glancing at Anthony, the photographer, "And is the studio set up?"

"They're still setting up les lumières," He informed me. "They'll be done dans cinq minutes." [... in five minutes.]

I glanced at Emile, who was sitting behind me taking notes on the meeting, "Lili, what time is it?"

She glanced away from the notepad and towards her wristwatch, "Les gars arrivent dans dix minutes," She said, knowing that I wanted that information rather than the actual time. [The guys get here in ten minutes.]

I clapped, my grin widening, "That's great. That gives them enough time to set up the lights," I told the photographer and he nodded with a smile. "Editors, one of your two interviews will be recorded and posted to the YouTube channel, the other will be typed up and featured in the magazine."

The three Editors gave me a thumbs up signaling that they were already aware of the information and understood them. 

I glanced back at Lili, who was flashing the number seven with her fingers. I nodded in acknowledgment and glanced back around the table, "Okay, meeting dismissed. Victor, Christine and Anthony, I'm going to need you three down right now. As for the editors, you'll receive a call on when you should come down."

Everybody nodded and I smiled before turning around to round the table to grab my blazer from the back of my chair. The editors started talking amongst themselves as one of them powered on their laptop to show the rest something. Lili stood up as I draped the blazer across my shoulders, not bothering to put my hands through the sleeves. Christine, Victor, and Anthony stood up to make their way out.

"Anthony," I called before he could walk out the door. I hurried towards him, my heels clicking against the floor. "I have some ideas for the individual pictures I need to run by you," I said, walking down the hallway with him.

"Go for it," He invited as he pressed down on the button that called for the elevator. The doors opened up and we stepped inside.

"Four minutes," Lili informed me as she typed something away on her phone.

"Merci," I thanked her before glancing at the photographer. "Maybe we could have one of them doing tricks with a football– do you think you could capture that?"

My phone which was in my blazer's pocket vibrated, and I was certain it was a text from Isaac. Anthony debated the question for a bit before nodding, "Definitely. I'll have to run it by Christine first, madame."

The elevator dinged before the doors slid open.

I nodded, understanding why he did, given she designed the magazine, "That's okay. I'm sure she has other ideas too." I replied as I stepped out of the elevator. "Merci!"

I heard him let out a, "De rien!", before the doors closed behind me.

I walked through the automatic gates as Lili spoke, "They're rounding the corner nearby." She said as we stepped out of the sliding glass doors. I made my way down the steps, my eyes glancing around the edge of the blocked-off premises in search of Isaac's familiar car. Although I didn't find a car, I did see a familiar figure making his way towards me.

"Amber, hey," Dean greeted as he fell in step beside me. Lili's gaze flickered up from her phone at the sound of the unknown voice. "Can you talk now?"

I glanced at him before looking towards the streets by the makeshift gate. Isaac wasn't here yet so I had time, "What's up?"

Dean seemed surprised that I was actually talking to him and he paused before clearing his throat, "Well, I was hoping you'd let us film a scene in the building."

Emile glanced between me and Dean with narrowed eyes. I shot her a look to which she responded by rolling her eyes; she looked away, though.

It took me a minute to process his question, and when I did, I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why?" I asked. "Don't you have a set for these things?"

"They're here!" Lili exclaimed, hurrying over towards the security guard to inform him of who the three men were so he could let them in without any trouble. I snapped my head in the direction of the entrance and saw the three football stars looking around the street with interest.

I started walking towards them, and Dean instantly followed behind me, "There's been a delay in building the set, and it would just put us behind schedule," He informed me and I nodded to show him that I heard what he said. The three men entered the premise but my eyes were trained on my son, who was perched on Isaac's hip.

"Give me a second," I told him, putting a finger up as we neared the trio. Leo's face lit up at the sight of me, and he leaned away from Isaac's body, stretching his arms in my direction. I grinned at him and complied with his wishes, picking him up by the armpits. "Hi, baby. Did you have fun with Zachy?"

Leo nodded his head excitedly, "They let me play with them, mama!" He told me, unable to contain his happiness.

I glanced at Isaac and outstretched an arm for a hug, wrapping it around his neck, "Thank you for taking him," I whispered into his ear as he gave me a kiss on the cheek as a form of greeting. "I really appreciate it."

"Anything for my life-wife," He winked before gasping. "That rhymes!"

I chuckled and shoved him away to face the two men standing behind him. Aren and Nelson were Isaac's closest friends from his football team, and I considered them to be my friends too. This issue was focused mainly on the iconic trio. Aren, Nelson, and Isaac were forces to be reckoned with on the football field. They were usually responsible for most of their team's goals and worked so well together during their matches. Nobody knew who one of them was without knowing who the other two were.

They were some of the best players on the continent alone, let alone the country.

"Hey, Nelson," I greeted, reaching up to hug him before steeping back to hug Aren. "Hey, Ren."

Isaac threw an arm across my shoulder and grinned down at me. I looked at the three men and smiled, "Thank you guys for agreeing to do the interviews and photoshoot."

Aren looked at me in confusion before he narrowed his eyes at Zac, "Tu nous as dit qu'elle nous emmenait déjeuner." [You told us she was taking us out for lunch.]

My smile faltered at the statement, and I felt my heart plummet. I was working on this issue for way too long for it to be ruined by Isaac's stupidity. I glanced between Isaac and Aren in disbelief, "What?– Did you guys not get an email, because I made sure your email addresses were right and everything."

Nelson kicked his teammate in the shin, "Ignore them, Amber. He's just messing with you."

I scowled and urged my heart to slow down, "That wasn't funny."

"I beg to differ," Isaac chortled, picking Leo off my hip when he saw me struggle to carry his weight while wearing the heels. "Did you see your face? You looked like Dylan when I managed to convince him I hit you with my car."

I chuckled at the memory before remembering we had work to do. I glanced at Lili who was standing off to the side, discretely ogling Nelson, "Thanks for coming on time. Emile," I said, gesturing towards her. She snapped out of her reverie and shot them a smile paired with a wave. "Will show you guys to the studio. I'll be there in a second, I just need to get Leo settled in somewhere."

They nodded and walked off with Lili, while Isaac remained by my side, "There's some weirdo just openly staring at you," He whispered, eyes flickering to the side. I followed his line of vision to find Dean awkwardly standing, waiting for me to finish talking to the football players.

"Oh, shit, yeah." I stumbled, having forgotten I was talking to him. This magazine issue was my main priority at the moment, only second to Leo, who was drumming his palms against Isaac's torso. "Sorry– I had work to take care of."

He rubbed his nape, eyes darting between me, Isaac and Leo, "I understand," He said with a nod, eyes lingering at Isaac, who was staring back at him with amusement, before they fell back on me. "Do you think you have a spare office we can film in?"

I scratched the side of my nose as I tried to think, but at the moment, my mind was racing with details to do with the photoshoot that Isaac had to get to.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, I'm just really busy right now. I'll look into it and get back to you later today after I finish–"

Isaac cut me off, "I'm Isaac," He said, outstretching a hand for Dean to take. The latter shot him a glance and took his hand, "Long-term bestie."

Dean smiled and shook his hand, "I'm Dean, an old friend of Amber's."

I slapped Isaac upside the head before glancing at the director, "I'll look into it." I repeated. "We have to go now."

"Thank you," He grinned with a nod before turning around to walk into a tent.

I took Isaac's hand in mine and dragged him towards the building, "You've got to change into an outfit I planned specifically for you."

"An old friend, hm?" Isaac mused, and when I looked at him, I found him staring at me with a pointed look. "That wouldn't be the same Dean that–"

"It is," I snapped, interrupting his sentence. "Now shut up and get into that elevator. Nelson and Aren are probably at hair and makeup already."

He huffed but stopped talking to humor me. My eyes then fell on Leo, who was staring at me, waiting for me to acknowledge his presence. Like they always did, my heart warmed and my lips tugged into a smile at the sight of my baby. I outstretched my arms for him, closing and opening my fists to signal I wanted a hug from him– it was something we always did.

He grinned at the signal and leaned away from Isaac to fall into my arms. I wrapped my arms around his small frame. Leo pressed his two hands on my cheeks and squished them before kissing my forehead repeatedly. I laughed at the action. He suddenly stopped, his eyes brightening like he suddenly remembered something.

"Mama, look!" He exclaimed pointing at his knee. When I glanced at it and found a band-aid plastered on his skin, I felt my heart skip a beat.

I glared at Isaac through narrowed eyes, "What the fuck happened?" I seethed.

He let out a nervous chuckle and took a step back, "Funny story really–" A ding interrupted him, and as soon as the elevator doors opened, he turned around and ran down the hallway, in the complete opposite way of the studio.

I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior before looking down at the actual child, "Zachy is a big idiot, mon cher." I said as I stepped out, walking towards the studio.

Leo nodded like he was in agreement, "Very big," He said through a grin.

"A very big idiot," I corrected, pushing his curly hair away from his forehead so I could place a loving kiss there. I took my phone out of my blazer to call the idiot– this was important and I didn't want him messing it up for me.


– 10/07/20

I WANT A LEO (not the zodiac sign)

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