Ch 24. Final Decision

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Here it is, folks. The trial.


The next morning, Isaac came into my room to wake me up for breakfast. Since I was nervous about the hearing today, I didn't say much and he didn't either. We just sat in silence, by the window, and ate whatever the buffet had to offer. Dante was staying in the same hotel as we were; I was paying for his room as a thank you for all the help he's been. I offered to pay for Isaac's as well, but he pretty much protested, finding the idea absurd.

He said he was here because he wanted to be, and would pay for his own room.

Since the hearing wasn't until later that afternoon, I decided to occupy my time by sitting on my bed and reviewing all the documents Dante had given me. I was an academic growing up, and I prided myself on my intelligence and perfectionism. I wanted everything to run smoothly, so it was only natural I made notes during our practice runs back in his office. They were basic answers to questions Mr. Moore or the judge could ask me.

Once I was fed up with studying, I tried on the three outfits I'd packed for the hearing. Dante said he thought that it wouldn't last more than two days based on the lack of evidence he suspected he had. In his opinion, it wouldn't last more than a day. Every time I tried an outfit on, I'd walk into Isaac's bedroom to ask about his opinion. He was doing some basic home workouts to keep up with his football training. He'd pause mid-exercise, assess my outfit, then tell me I looked as good as I did in the last one.

When I finally decided on the cropped jacket and matching pants, I glanced at the time to find that we were nearing the time set for the meeting– four o'clock. At that point, I was a bundle of nerves. I refused to have lunch with Isaac out of fear I'd throw it back up. Instead of thinking about seeing Adam again, or the possibility Adam would also get custody of Leo, I forced myself to mentally revise everything again. Dante had told me it wasn't necessary since he'd do most of the talking as my lawyer, but I felt like I had to.

A knock on the adjoining door interrupted my revision, and when I glanced at the door, I found Isaac coming towards me, his phone in hand, "Yeah, little man. Your mama is right here." He said, handing me the phone with a pointed look.

I instantly brightened up at the thought of talking to my baby. Grabbing the phone from his hands, I glanced down to find Leo looking at me, Antoine's figure towering behind him, "Hi, mon cher," I chirped, eyes running over his figure on the screen. The background was unfamiliar. "Are you still at the camp, baby?"

He nodded, "Oui, mama," He replied, glancing behind him. "Tony let me use his phone to call you."

At the statement, Antoine leaned down so his head was in the frame, "Sorry if we're bothering you, tata. Coco and Cece came looking for me since I'm in a different group and told me Leo really wanted to talk to you. I tried your phone but it said it was off, so I called uncle Zac."

I shook my head, a small smile on my face, "It's okay, Antoine. Thank you," I said before averting my gaze to Leo. "I miss you, baby."

"I miss you too, mama," He pouted, eyes wide. "When are you coming back?"

"Hopefully tomorrow night, mon cher," I replied, smiling at him. His nose crinkled at the reply, clearly not happy with it, and I decided to change the topic. "Are you behaving for tonton Dyl and auntie Rose?" I asked in a motherly tone.

He nodded enthusiastically, "Oui!" He grinned. "Auntie Rose let me sleep in your room yesterday. She stayed with me too!"

I swallowed thickly, not liking the distance between Leo and me. I knew bringing him along wasn't a good idea, but I'd never been this far away from him before. I liked having my child with me at all times. What if Adam got shared custody? That meant that Leo would have to travel to stay with him too and I didn't think I'd be able to cope with that.

Isaac, seeing my thoughts run rampant, stepped into the frame, placing a hand on my shoulder to bring me back to the present, "Do you want us to get you a gift, Leo?" He asked in an overly excited way. "I think I saw a store that sold Legos when I went on a run this morning."

Leo's eyes widened at the mention of a gift, "Yes please!" He exclaimed, eyes flickering between me and Isaac. "Can you bring me a cadeau, mama? Please?" He dragged out, jutting out his bottom lip. [... present...]

"Of course, mon cher," I replied, forcing all thoughts of the trial to the back of my mind. "Anything you want."

He cheered at my agreement, which put a wide smile on my face. I didn't like seeing Leo as sad as he was at the start of the call. The phone shook as he jumped in excitement and I glanced up at Isaac to find him staring at Leo with a fond smile.

I glimpsed at the time displayed on the top of the phone, feeling my heart drop when I realized I had to get ready. Masking my sadness, "I have to go now, mon cher," I said, watching as the phone stilled on his face, a small frown tugging on his lips. "Remember that very important meeting I told you about? I have to get ready for it."

He blinked before nodding in understanding, "I'll ask tonton if I can call you again cette nuit." [... tonight.]

I smiled at his words, "I'll call you, baby. As soon as the meeting finishes, you're going to be the first person I'm going to want to see." I told him honestly.

"Okay, mama," He replied waving a hand good-bye, a grin on his face. "See you later. I love you."

"Love you too, baby," I whispered, repeatedly folding my fingers against my palm in a good-bye manner. "I'll see you ce soir."

With that, he hung up on the call. I stared at the black screen, thoughts of the trial bubbling up again. I could not let Adam get custody of Leo. I couldn't let him see how much this entire ordeal affected me. I'd have to go into the hearing with my head raised high and a stoic expression plastered on my face– confidently.

I had to be confident he was going to lose.

I handed Isaac his phone back, "Thank you."

He pocketed the phone in his sweatpants, "You ready for the trial?" He asked softly, eyes roaming around my face.

"I'm scared shitless," I breathed out, cracking my knuckles by pulling on my fingers. "But, it'll hopefully be okay."

"Remember what Dante said," He started backing away to the adjoining doors that we kept open in case we wanted to go into the other's room. "The chances of him getting custody are very low."

I nodded, repeating his words in an attempt to ease my stress. I kept repeating the sentence, a small smile growing on my face the more I said it. He smiled at me, "Everything will run smoothly, my love."

"Hopefully," I added, hoping he didn't jinx anything.

"Hopefully." He repeated, and with that, he turned around and walked back into his hotel room. I breathed out, glancing at the outfit splayed on top of the bedsheets.

Amber Amity is nothing but confident, and that was all Adam was going to see from me.


I've never been to a courthouse before. When Dylan gained custody of me, he went about everything himself. He presented documents to show he was a suitable guardian and signed the documents to make everything official.

Dante arrived a few minutes prior, and Isaac and I met him outside of the courthouse. Since this was a private trial, we didn't have to go to a courtroom. Instead, the security guard directed us to an area at the back of the courthouse reserved for things like this. There was a large, dark oak double door that led into a room we were meant to have the trial in. On either side of the double door were benches. The three of us sat there while we waited for Adam to arrive and so that the judge could let us in.

Isaac wasn't allowed to enter the private trial since he wasn't related to me or Leo in any way. That didn't stop him from dressing up in a polo shirt and a pair of dress pants. He was going to wait outside on the bench until the trial ended. While we sat on the bench, Dante's briefcase on his lap, I worked on my breathing exercises. The thought of being close to Adam brought back the memories of the robbery I tried to forget. While I appeared calm on the outside, I was a raging mess inside.

The security guard's walkie talkie buzzed when someone on the other end started talking. Without a word, he turned around and left the area we were in. That prompted Dante to stand up and look at me, "Adam and his lawyer are here."

"Great," I muttered, standing up to smooth down my outfit even though I had it pressed after deciding to wear it.

"If he approaches us and says anything to you, do not reply," He informed me, giving me a serious nod. "He can use anything you say against you. We'll all be witnesses to that."

I nodded in understanding, feeling my nerves heighten at the command. Deep breath in, hold it, then out, hold it. Adam can't hurt me anymore, I wouldn't let him. Dante and I spent that last few days making sure he'd lose the trial, and I couldn't let a few nerves stop that from happening. Adam didn't hold any power over me.

A few seconds later, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching us. Deep breath in, hold it–. Adam and his lawyer followed after the security guard. My eyes caught his, and they instantly hardened at the sight of the small smile on his face. –then out, hold it. I kept my expression stoic as I stared back at him, shoulders squared, chin up.

His eyes flickered to Isaac, who stood behind me, his hands in his pants' pockets. Then, he looked at Dante, who stood beside me, briefcase in his grip. While he took in my entourage, I took a look at Mr. Moore, who seemed really young. He looked older in the virtual meeting, but in person, he appeared to be my age. He gave me a curt nod and I returned it.

"Amber," Adam addressed me, his voice just the way I remembered it.

Do not reply.

He blinked when I didn't reply with anything, and his gaze swept around the room before settling back on me, "Where's my son?"

I stiffened at his words. His son? What, he took one look at him on a magazine and decided that he deserved to call Leo his son? Sure, maybe biologically speaking, Leo was his, but that was as far as their relationship went. They shared fifty-percent of his DNA, nothing else.

"Safe," Isaac sounded from behind me, answering his question with a deep voice as he took a protective step forward.

Adam glanced at Isaac, his eyes widening at the sight of his figure before quickly masking it. I caught it, though, but I didn't know if anybody else did. This wasn't the Adam I thought I dated– the one I once knew was nothing but a sweetheart, and I couldn't believe I was deceived by him for two years.

Mr. Moore put a hand on Adam's shoulder and pulled him away from the three of us. They took a seat on their bench and we returned to ours. I swallowed thickly– Leo was not Adam's son, he was mine. I suppressed the urge to get up and hit Adam. Deep breath in, hold it. Isaac's fingers snaked themselves around mine, and he squeezed them in reassurance. Then out, hold it.

The security guard's walkie talkie buzzed again, and next thing I know, he's walking forward to open the large double doors. Isaac leaned onto my side, "Good luck, my love." He whispered. "I'll be right here when you get out."

Dante patted my shoulders, a sign that I should stand up. Deep breath in, hold it, then out, hold it. The security guard gestured for Adam and his lawyer to enter the room first. Dante explained that that was because he was the one who filed the lawsuit. After a few seconds, he ushered us in. I silently thanked him and followed after Dante into the room.

The room was large and spacious. There were large windows at the back that allowed the sun's rays to stream through. In the center of the room was a long, rectangular table. The judge sat at the head of the table, her body clad in a black robe. To her left sat Adam and Mr. Moore. There was a seat worth of space between her and the lawyer. A new security guard asked Dante to take a seat opposite to Mr. Moore, a seat away from the judge, while I had to sit opposite Adam.

The judge nodded, and the security guard closed the door. She glanced around the room before picking up the piece of paper in front of her, "This private trial pertains to case number 48-283-02-C in which the plaintiff, Adam Hindley, demands shared custody over Leo Amity, his presumed biological son. Ms. Amity has denied him custody, is that correct?"

I glanced at Dante, who nodded, "Yes, your honor. Ms. Amity believes that the plaintiff is unfit to have custody over her child."

The judge then looked at the two men sat opposite to me, gesturing for Omar to speak, "My client believes that the defendant is also unfit and so asks for shared custody." He said, looking directly at the judge. I glanced at Adam, my eyes blazing with fury. I raised my child for three years and a bit for him to call me unfit? I wasn't the one who went to prison, was I?

"Very well then," She announced. "Let's start this off by considering who can financially support a child. I'd like to see the defendant and plaintiff's official documents, please– annual income, letter stating their employement, and monthly expenses."

The trial was spent with Adam and me sitting silently by our lawyers as they handed the judge whatever documents she required. Like rehearsed, Dante also brought up Adam's criminal records. I also had to talk about the psychological damage I had to deal with after what Adam did. What with my PTSD and pre-eclampsia that the doctors predicted were a result of my stress which was all thanks to him.

Like Dante predicted, their entire argument was built on my public image. They brought out magazine articles as evidence, claiming that this could be a dangerous environment to bring up a child in. They presented the judge with evidence claiming that children who grew up in the limelight were more likely to develop mental illnesses, but Dante quickly shot them down by stating those magazines were a result of a night out with a public figure; Isaac. I wasn't in the limelight, Isaac was, so as long as Leo was with me, he was safe.

They also tried to bring up the video Isaac talked about, claiming that I was way too 'hostile' to bring up my child. They said that a change in households could be good for Leo, but again, Dante explained what actually happened in the video; I even had to give a recollection of the events. So while we denied most of the accusations they tried to throw my way, they couldn't refute any of the arguments Dante made.

He brought up how Adam had a history of being a con artist and could therefore never be trusted. He explained how he had never had a job up until he got out of prison, and that most of the money he made was through selling things he stole. If he did all those things to me, a person he said he 'loved', what was stopping him from doing the same to Leo? Growing up in the limelight was better than growing up with a criminal.

Adam wrote something down on a piece of paper and slid it to Mr. Moore, who nodded in understanding, "My client believes that Leo Amity should grow up with a father figure."

The judge blinked, "There are instances where those are not necessary, Mr. Hindley. Same-sex couples don't necessarily raise their kids around a male figure. However, you do bring up an interesting point in regards to having a support system." Then, she looked at me. "Ms. Amity, raising a child on your own can be challenging with your successful career and busy schedule. Do you have a proper support system to help you when things get hard?"

"Your honor, if I may," Dante spoke. "Ms. Amity surrounds herself with people she can trust with Leo in the events that she can't take care of him for whatever reason."

He glanced at me expectantly, and I nodded. We had never rehearsed this, but I already knew what to say, "My brother, Dylan, and his wife, Rose, love spending time with Leo. He's actually with them right now– they signed him up for a winter camp he attends with his cousins. I also have friends at work that I can ask to take care of Leo if I have a very important meeting to attend. There's also Isaac."

"Mr. Jacobs?" She interrupted, glancing down at the notes she's made. "His name has come up a few times today."

I chuckled, "Yeah, he's a very good friend of mine. I'd actually consider him to be the father-figure Mr. Hindley is very worried about. Leo and he have developed a bond I can only describe as one I've seen between a parent and his child. He's a football player, and he usually takes Leo with him so he could hang out with his team member's kids. He also makes sure I don't overwork myself. He even came along, he's, uh, waiting outside."

She glanced at the security guard, "Bring him in," She ordered before looking at us. "I'd like to hear his description of his relationship with Leo Amity and the defendant."

I glanced at Dante, who didn't seem worried by what was happening. Instead, he just nodded in understanding. I then averted my gaze to Adam as the doors opened, and he had his jaw clenched, unhappy with the way things were unfolding. Did he really think he'd be able to win? To get custody?

A second later, I heard Isaac's familiar footsteps, "Mr. Jacobs?" The judge asked. I glanced behind me to find him nodding, his hands folded behind his back. "Please take a seat next to Ms. Amity." He pulled the chair beside me and took a seat, shooting Adam a quick glare before setting his eyes on the judge. "I'd like you to start with your description of your relationship with Ms. Amity."

His eyes flickered to me, and gave me a small smile before starting, "Amber and I met when I was about nine or ten. Our older brothers were friends and they introduced us when we went out once. We lost contact for a bit until we bumped into each other when she was pregnant. She was moving to Paris, and I already lived there since that was where we trained. We grew close after she gave birth to Leo. I'd help her out with him whenever she needed a break and refused to admit it and she supported my career in return."

I smiled softly, stealing a quick glance at Adam, who was now glaring at the table. This wasn't going his way, and he was getting angry. With being a con artist, I'd imagine it was hard when he planned for shit and it turned out to be a major bust.

"Can you give me examples of how you 'help her out' with Leo Amity?" She asked, writing down something in her notes.

"Uh, sure," He said. I caught him wiping his sweaty palms on his pants. "Sometimes, if Amber has a really important meeting, I take Leo with me to my training. He usually hangs out with the coach and occasionally tries to play with us. I bathe him– just the other day, Amber and I taught him how to build a Lego set. Sometimes, I take him and Amber and out for dinner if she seems to be exhausted with work."

I've always been mindful of everything Isaac did for me. I'd honestly be a mess if it weren't for him. I didn't depend on him to take care of Leo, and I never asked him to, but he knew when I was reaching my limit and needed a break. Zachy was always there when I needed him, even if I didn't know I needed something.

He knew me better than I knew myself.

She nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Jacobs," She said, glancing at the security guard. "Can you please escort him back outside?"

"Thank you, your honor," With a pat on my shoulder, he followed the security guard out of the room. I glanced at the judge, who was reviewing her notes attentively.

"Do any of you have anything else to add?" She asked, looking at the four of us expectantly. When both lawyers replied with a 'No, your honor', she stood up. "I'm going to review the facts you've presented me with. I'll be no longer than five minutes."

I watched as the judge stood up from her seat at the head of the table, her robe flowing as she moved. She gathered up all the documents she had in front of her and disappeared through a door that led into another room. The security guard stood in front of the now-closed door, eyes trained ahead of him as the room drifted into a very tense silence. Mr. Moore and Adam were both staring at the table we sat on. I glanced at Dante when he discreetly nudged me beneath the table. His eyes flickered down, and when I followed them, I found him giving me a thumbs up.

Was that meant to tell me to calm down, that everything would be okay? Or was he telling me that we had this in the bag? I nodded shortly, feeling slightly relaxed by the gesture as I pressed down on my fingers to crack my knuckles.

Deep breath in, hold, then out, hold.

I adjusted my posture, making sure I was sitting up straight, all the while I stared openly at Adam. How did I never see him for who he truly was– a fucking piece of shit. He came into this confident he was going to win, and throughout the hearing, I saw his arrogant smile slip off his face.

Like the judge had said, she came out of her chamber five minutes later. She seemed to only have one document in her hand as opposed to the many she left with. She took a seat at the head of the table. She set the piece of paper face down and looked at all of us, her gaze lingering on Adam before it fell back on me. I shot her a shaky smile which she returned.

"After reviewing all the evidence I've been presented with, I've come to a decision," She started, twisting her neck so her gaze was strictly on Adam. "Mr. Hindley, you do not have a steady source of income, you have a track record of working with gangs and psychologically manipulating people– it is evident that you cannot provide a child with a healthy environment to grow up in." She then glanced at me, expression soft, "Ms. Amity has raised Leo Amity for the past three years with the help of the people she surrounds herself with. Based on what I've heard, I can tell that you've offered your child whatever you can."

She leaned back into her chair and flipped the document over, "The plaintiff's demands have been rejected. Mr. Adam Hindley has not been granted custody over Leo Amity– Ms. Amber Amity still has one-hundred-percent of the custody over her son." She said, smiling softly at me as she flid the document towards Dante. I stared at her, eyes wide with shock as she delivered the news. "This is a document confirming everything, and it has been signed by me and the court. The plaintiff is not allowed around Leo Amity without your or your child's consent."

I blinked, still overwhelmed with shock. I tore my gaze away from the document to look at Adam, who was now glaring daggers at me. I swallowed thickly before looking back at her, "Thank you."

She nodded, "Of course." She pushed herself up from her seat. "Case dismissed."

Giving Adam a pointed look, she turned around and went back into her chambers. The security guard opened the door and gestured for me and Dante to leave the room. My mind took over my body as I followed Dante out. Isaac greeted us by the door, anxiously waiting for our news.

"So?" He asked, glancing between me and Dante expectantly. "Did he lose?"

Dante glanced at me, waiting for me to deliver the news. I snapped out of my state of shock and stared at Isaac, "He lost." I breathed out, still overwhelmed by everything.

Isaac grinned, "He lost?" He repeated excitedly.

When it all finally settled in, a smile painted itself onto my face, and I threw myself onto Isaac, whose arms instantly materialized around me, holding me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "I won!" I yelled into his year enthusiastically.

He chuckled at my happiness before setting me down. I twirled around to face Dante before I pulled him into a hug too, "Thank you," Fuck, I felt like crying happy tears. "I'm so happy papa hired you."

He patted me on the back, "Congratulations, Amber," He smiled, pulling away from the hug. "Leo is rightfully yours."

I couldn't help but jump with excitement, "I have to call Dylan and Leo!" I exclaimed, feeling happiness wash over me.

I haven't felt this free in so long.


To avoid conflict, we had to leave the area so that security can escort Adam out without causing an altercation. Dante said he was going to leave tonight since he still had work to do tomorrow morning, while Isaac and I agreed that we'd leave tomorrow afternoon. After seeing Dante out, and thanking him repeatedly for all his help, I ran back upstairs to call Dylan and update him. I had a smile on my face the entire time that I couldn't seem to wipe off.

I was so fucking happy.

After promising Leo I'd see him tomorrow, he ran off to play a game with Tony, leaving me with Dylan, who was just as happy as I was. After hanging up on him, Isaac said he was taking me out for dinner to 'celebrate my freedom'. Thankfully, I already had an outfit in hand, in case I did end up winning– which I fucking did.

Fuck, I hadn't felt this happy and free in what felt like forever. Adam was always in the back of my mind, but now, he didn't have to be. He had no reason to torment me anymore– the document the judge had given me also served as a restraining order against him. He couldn't come three meters within my or Leo's proximity.

"Are you ready yet?" Isaac groaned from his room, his voice traveling through the gap created by the open doors separating our rooms.

"You can come in if you want," I yelled, strapping my heels on. I stood up from my bed and hurried towards my suitcase so I can retrieve my clutch. Isaac had found a very fancy restaurant whose menu looked good. It had a very strict dress code, which meant we both had to dress up.

I stuffed my phone, lipgloss, and wallet into the purse before looking at the mirror to make sure I looked fine. Isaac hadn't come into my room and I guessed that he was probably lying down on his bed, waiting for me to finish. I rolled my eyes and smoothed down the just-above-the-knee length, white dress I had on. Pushing his door open, I smirked when I saw him splayed on his bed, phone in hand as he scrolled through it.

He lifted his head from his bed at the sound of my heels clicking against the floor and did a double-take at the sight of my dressed-up figure. I grinned at his reaction and did a small spin, "How do I look?" I chirped, knowing damn well I looked fucking hot.

He took in my figure before his eyes settled on mine, "Beautiful."

If possible, my grin widened, "I feel beautiful." I said, watching as he stood up to grab his wallet from the desk. He was dressed in a black suit without a tie around his neck. Isaac always avoided ties unless he absolutely had to wear one. The only people who could force him into one were his coach for when he had a press conference, and me for when we attended Dylan's gala.

He opened the front door for me as I continued, "I've been living with Adam in the back of my mind of years now," I told him, walking down the hallway by his side. He glanced my way at the confession and quirked a brow. "I cannot explain how freeing it was to see him again and watch the judge wipe the smirk off his sorry face."

"I wish I was there to see it," He joked, nudging my shoulder with his arm.

I smiled, "Me too, Zachy."

We stepped into the elevator and rode down to the lobby. We silently stood side-by-side as we waited for the valet to bring Isaac his car. Once in the car, I put on the playlist I'd made which incorporated both our music. The smile on my face did not falter once, and my cheeks were starting to hurt. The restaurant was at the top of a tower and the waiter had given us a table right by a window that overlooked the entire city.

The waiter handed us the menu, and Isaac immediately turned it onto a specific page before looking for what he wanted. I was sure he already read through the menu while I was getting ready. I flipped through the menu, reading through the limited, yet delicious, options, "What are you getting?"

"Grilled tuna," He replied, leaning back into his seat. I could feel his gaze on my face as I studied the options.

Once I decided on the tagliatelli, I waved a waiter over to put in our orders. He disappeared with our menus leaving us alone. I glanced out the window, looking down at the twinkling lights and cars that drove by every now and then. I released a relieved breath– I won. Adam lost and Leo was safe. Nothing has gone my way in a while now, and it felt so fucking good to know the universe didn't hurt me.

I tore my gaze away from the window and looked at Isaac, who was looking back at me. I grinned at him, happy he was here, sharing my excitement. Maybe whatever he said also helped the judge realize that Leo was in good hands with me; that he didn't need Adam because he already had us.

"You seem sad, my love," He joked, smile widening at my grin. "You okay?"

My eyes flickered between him and the window that overlooked the city, "I'm on top of the world, Zachy."

I felt like it too.


– 28/07/20

Amber's dress is attached above.


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