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Kayls POV

"So you got everything, need anything?" Maya asked her brother and he nodded.

"Now, don't be scared to call this number if you need anything." She said and he nodded again.

"I love you." She said hugging him making him hug back.

"I love you too." He said and she smiled.

"I'll see you later." She said and he nodded.

She then drove off to a big house.

Once she got there she looked at it in amazement, "Welcome!" she heard someone say walking out of the house wth a big smile.

"Hi, Mr.Cabanaugh." She said and he shook his head.

"Please, it's Toby." He said making her nod.

"Come in, come in." He said and she followed him inside. Once she got in she looked amazed, it was even bigger inside then outside.

"Woah." She whispered. He smiled and walked her to a room with a long table and chairs all around it, dining room she assumed.

"Ms.Hart," She heard Toby say gaining her attention, "some of the other guest has arrived so I'm going to get them, uh you can put your bags in your room. I think your roommate will be there soon." he said and she was confused. She thought that she would at least have her own room since it's so big, she shirt fed and walked to her room setting her stuff down.

She looked around in amazement at the room that she was in,

she saw a door in the room and opened it to find another room.

She figured that's what she meant by roommate. She then walked downstairs and heard chattering, she walked into the dining and her mouth opened slightly at the person in front of her.

"Riley?" She asked making the brunette turn around and smile.

"Maya." She said excitedly, she then ran up and hugged her tightly.

"Oh my gosh what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I need the money for..." She then stopped talking and looked down. The blonde decided not to ask her about it and just nodded.

"Well I wonder whose all going to be here." The blonde said changing the subject.

"Yeah me too." Riley said. As if on cue, the door opened making them look at the people that came out.

"Oh.." Maya said.

"My.." Riley said.

"Gosh.." Lucas said making Maya run up and hug him tightly.

"I missed you so much." She whispered as he kissed her forehead.

"I missed you too." He said to her girlfriend. Yeah I said it right girlfriend, they dated for a while and decided not to break up and do a long distance relationship. They haven't talked lately because...well I don't want to spoil everything now do I?

Pretty soon everyone came piling in and it became a reunion, it had the following people. Charlie Gardner, Joshua Matthews, Isaiah Babinaux, Marisa [Missy] Bradford, Farkle Minkus, Isadora Smackle, Yogi, Sarah Carpenter, Darby Walker, Peyton Clark, Sasha Pieterse, Troian Bellisario, and Lucy Hale.

They soon took their seats with a smile as Toby walked back with a smile, "We'll start as soon as two of our special guest show up." he said and moments later two people walked through the door. One was a brunette wearing a grey crop top and ripped blue jean shorts and the other had on a blue jean shirt and black capris with grey shoes.

"Welcome, this is my brother Tyler and my girlfriend Shay." Toby said wth a smile. They smiled and she walked towards him, giving him a quick kiss.

"What is this?" She asked pointing at everyone at the table.

"Oh, this is a game that I made up." He explained and she nodded. The only reason she hasn't heard of the game is because she usually isn't around at that time.

"So, this game is called 'Would You Rather'. Anyone heard of it?" Toby asked and they all nodded.

"Well not like this." He said and Maya's eyebrow raised.

"Before we start off we ask if anyone is having second thoughts they can leave now, without anything." He said and everyone looked around, Maya began to get a little suspicious as to why he would ask if they would change their mind but shook it off as she needed the money.

"Alright well let's get started then." He said as someone then stood up.

"Wait, why would you ask that?" He asked, it was none other then Yogi.

"That doesn't seem right, doesn't that seem sketchy." He asked them and they just looked at them.

"Something's off about this, and I'm going to f-" But he was cut off as a gun shot was heard and he was laying on the floor. It took a minute for them to realize that he had just been shot and Riley screamed making Maya cover her mouth.

"Shh." She whispered and the brunette nodded.

"Alright now let's continue shall we?" He asked making them nod.

"I want to see you guys. So, follow my directions alright? Lucas, Maya, Farkle, Riley, Marisa, Sasha, Troian, Charlie, Josh, Peyton, Sarah, Darby, Isadora, Lucy, and Isaiah." He said and they scurried to their spot.

"Now, like in the game we will give you choices and you have to hide from them. Only this time, you have to actually do the one you choose. For example, if I asked Maya would you rather kiss Lucy or Troian she would have to do whichever she chose." He said bringing out some type of headband thing. It was strapped to a box and hand three of them.

"Now let's start." He said with a smile.

He then put it on Lucas and Isaiah's head, "Mr.Friar," he started, "would you rather shock yourself, or shock Mr.Babinaux?" he asked.

"The green button is for you and the red button is for Isaiah." He said and Lucas looked at the chocolate boy. He sighed and pressed the green button shaking from the shocking sensation he just felt as Isaiah let out a deep breath.

Toby then took it off and put it on Isaiah and Lucy's head, "Now, would you rather shock yourself...or shock Lucy?" he asked making him look at Lucy then the button. He pressed the button and jumped as the shocking feeling went to him.

The game went on where Troian shocked Charlie, Charlie shocked Josh, Josh shocked himself, and so on.

It eventually went to Farkle and Toby smirked, "I want to change it up a bit." he said. He put the strap on Maya, Farkle, Riley and Marisa.

"Now, would you rather shock yourself, Maya, Marisa, or Riley?" He asked.

"That should be easy, we don't even like Missy, she was a bïtch to us." Maya said smiling and Riley nodded, Missy sighed and closed her eyes getting ready for the shock.

"Uh, which one is Missy's?" He asked.


"And Riley?" He asked.



"Red" He said, which meant Maya's was blue.

He looked at the buttons and pressed one.

Everyone looked at shocked at what just happened,

Farkle just shocked Maya.

She jumped at the feeling and they all looked at her as a tear came down her face, "Dude what the hell?" Lucas asked.

"Missy's was the yellow one." Riley said.

"I know." He simply said looking at Maya who looked at the table with her fist clenched.

"Alright, on to the next level," He said waking out. 

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