Chapter 5

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There was a sudden, loud thump at the door. As if someone had slammed there face against the door. You looked out the door to see three kids slamming a kid with no arms against your door. You recognized these bullies before. They have made fun of you and Napstablook for being shy and emotional. They have also made fun of Frisk for his small eyes and inability to talk-once. It didn't end well for them when they made fun of Frisk. Heh heh.

You opened the door. The armless kid fell face first unto the floor as the bullies laughed at him. You felt anger rush through your body.

"L-Leave him alone." You say trying to sound tough but actually sounding scared.

"And what are you going to do? Cry?" Said the bully in the middle while the other kid laughed.

"I...uuhh..." You think frantically for a comeback. But you can't think of one.

"Oh look! They're getting ready to cry!" The kids contuinued to laugh. It was true. You felt yourself getting ready to cry and you couldn't stop it.

The armless kid stood up, he had a black eye and several cuts and his face. You felt so bad for him. You can tell that his HP was low. He turned to the bullies and with a face of complete bravery, said "Yo! Don't talk about them that way! They didn't do anything! Undyne's going to beat you up till you see stars!"

The kids laughed. "Oh no! Did you hear that? Undyne's going to beat us up! I'm so scared!" The kid in the middle said mockingly. "Yeah right. Undyne's in Waterfall. No way she's coming all the way out here to defend a handicap and a crybaby."

As the armless kid defended you, a fish in armor and a skeleton with a red scarf caught your attention. The skeleton pointed toward you and the fish began walking quietly toward with one finger over her lips.

"Yo! Undyne is going to put you guys in your place!"  Said the armless kid.

"Really? Well then, where is she?"

"Right here, punks." said the armored fish lady.

The looks on the kids faces went from 'yeah sure' to 'i just saw ghost'.  You tried hard not to laugh.

"I thought I told you punks what happens when you pick on someone. Do I need to you that lesson again?" Undyne said grabbing one of the kids by their shirt.

"No. We learned our lesson Undyne. We won't do it again. Promise." All the kids nodded in agreement.

"Good. But just incase, I'm telling your parents." She said while grabbing the shirts of the other two and dragging them through the snow while giving the armless guy a smile.

"She's so cool! I'm Monster Kid! Are you ok?" The armless kid said.

"Uhh...yeah..." you replied. "Uh... Thanks for, um, sticking up for me."

"No problem. I've seen them call you that the other day. You looked lonely and hurt. I didn't know what to do and Frisk said that you liked to draw. So i thought 'Yo! I can draw them a picture so they can feel better! I had just finished it and was on your porch when those bullies came and began to pick on me. They tore up the picture and slammed my face against your door after kicking me. But yo! I'm still alive! And youre okay! Im going to go draw that picture again!" He said as he began to walk to your porch steps.

"W-Wait," you said.

He stopped and turned around.

"Y-Your HP seems, uh, low. L-Let me get you something to, uh, something to eat." You said quietly and slightly embarrassed.

His eyes went big and he followed you inside. You led him into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and offered him something. You didn't have much. 3 cinnabunnies, a nicecream cone, some spaghetti that had been given to you by that skeleton you saw earlier, some astronaut food, a lot of tem flakes, and a peice of monster candy. You gave him your peice monster candy and some tem flakes.

"Yo! Thank you so much!" He said.

"Uh, no problem. Do you know where Dr. Alphys' lab is by any chance?"

"It's in Hotland! Undyne can tell you exactly how to get there! Frisk can too! But I suggest Undyne."

"Okay. You should get home." You say putting the food in a pouch around his neck.

"Okay! Bye!"

"Bye monster kid."

Knowing that you have a new friend fills you with determination.

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