A New Beginning or Ending

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Chapter 05:

It was the time of the night, the moon was shining in the sky and the Chamko café was shining on the earth because it was decorated with lights, flowers, and red and white balloons. Avni was standing there and was looking around confusingly.

Avni: KK…

Person: Avni…

Avni was shocked to hear the voice and she thought. Avni turned and she saw no one is there. Avni looked around and then she looked straight. Neil came there and looked up. Neil was dressed in a black 3-piece suit with a white shirt. Neil saw Avni and smiled while coming to her. Avni was just looking at Neil whose eyes were on Avni also. Neil came to Avni and stood beside her. Avni turned to Neil.

Neil: so you came back.

Avni looked down. Neil nodded while lowering his gaze and smiling. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: and you didn’t find the need to inform me.

Avni was looking down.

Neil: Impressive.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: by the way, where had you gone?

Avni: I went out of town…

Neil: where?

Avni: Manali.

Neil: Manali?

Avni nodded avoiding eye contact.

Neil: why?

Avni looked down.

Avni: I had some personal work.

Neil got hurt and angry.

Neil: personal?

Avni was looking down.

Neil: and why your number was off?

No reply. Neil was getting angry. Neil was trying his best to not lash out at Avni. Neil grinned his lips in anger.

Neil: you didn’t even think for a second about me what will happen to me.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: I will get worried about you… you just vanished.

Avni looked down. Neil sighed and closed his eyes and turned his face. Neil looked at Avni and thought.
Neil: what has happened to you all of a sudden? Everything was going well then what has happened to you?

Avni looked at Neil and then she avoided eye contact.

Neil: Avni, why are you ignoring me?

Avni looked down.

Avni: no, nothing is like this.

Neil: then?

No reply. Neil thought and looked at Avni.

Neil: you are doing it because of that night? Because of our kiss…

Avni didn’t dare to look up and got embarrassed.

Neil: Are you guilty of that?

Avni looked at Neil sadly. Avni looked down to hide her emotions. Neil held Avni’s hand who looked at the hands and then she looked at Neil. Neil held Avni’s hand in his both hands.

Neil: say, Avni. How will I understand what is in your heart until you tell me?

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: do you think that we did a mistake?

Avni lowered her gaze.

Avni: Neil, we shouldn’t have crossed our limits…

Neil got hurt. Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: we have to maintain a distance between us.

Neil: why?

No reply.

Neil: Are you guilty of that?

No reply.

Neil: say, Avni.

Avni took her hand back and Neil looked at the hands.

Avni: I don’t know.

Avni turned. Neil got hurt and looked at Avni. Neil moved a step to Avni and turned her to him holding her arms. Avni didn’t dare to look up.

Neil: Avni, you cannot avoid the truth by turning your face like this… Avni, we have to talk about that… I don’t know about others but for me, it is a big thing. We kissed each other. I have never got attracted to any girl. You are the first girl who has stolen my heart.

Avni raised her head surprisingly.

Neil: yes, Avni, I like you in fact, it is more than that… I have feelings for you.

Avni was surprised.

Neil: And I know that you also feel for me… but your past is stopping you.

Neil cupped Avni’s face and Avni looked at Neil’s hand and then she looked at Neil.

Neil: Avni, all men are not the same. Not everyone is Ashish Mehta, and I...not at all. My feelings are true for you. I will never leave your side.

Avni: he also said the same to my mama that he will not leave her side.

Neil got hurt.

Neil: don’t you trust me… don’t you know me.

Avni: trust… my father… my own father abandon me and my mother for another lady and you are asking me about trust.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Avni: Neil, I have trust issues. I know, you are a nice guy but it doesn't take time to a person to change. No one can say when someone will show his or her real face.

Neil was looking at Avni with hurtful eyes.

Avni: Neil, I like you but we can’t be together.

Neil was shocked.

Neil: why? Why can’t we be together? Avni, just because of one man, you can’t make all men stand in the same line.

Avni: I don’t know about others, Neil, but my experience is saying that a man can never be sincere with his wife.

Neil: try me. I will prove you wrong.

Avni smiled sadly. Her eyes were moist.

Avni: Neil, I don't have the courage to bear any shock. My mama was very strong, she bear that man’s betrayal but I am not strong like her. I can’t do that.

Neil was looking at Avni.

Neil: till when you will live like this alone? Avni, everyone needs a partner in his or her life. It is not easy to spend life alone and you know that more than me.

Avni smiled sadly.

Avni: I have spent a long period of my life alone and I can live that in the future also as I am not habitual of living alone but if I got habitual of you and we got separated then it will be next to impossible for me to live alone. I won’t be able to live alone then.

Neil: why are you thinking so negatively?

Avni: Because things have always gone negative in my life.

Neil: But now everything is happening positively in your life... so why are you stopping yourself now?

Avni got speechless. Neil cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: Avni, happiness is knocking at your door. Welcome them with open arms.

Avni was looking at Neil emotionally.

Neil: Avni, no one knows about what will happen tomorrow as the future is not in our hands but our today, our present is in our hands so why should we waste our today thinking about tomorrow?

Avni was looking at Neil. Neil sat on his knees. Avni was shocked and she felt her heart got a sharp hit. Neil took out a ring from his coat’s pocket and Avni felt her legs weak. She could hear her own heartbeat.

Neil: one night, I went to the nightclub to red there. I saw a girl there and time stopped for me. I stared at her.

Avni smiled.

Neil: but the best thing is she was also looking at me.

Avni looked down blushing.

Neil: I arrested people there but that girl stole my heart secretly and just vanished from there. I arrested other people and she arrested my heart. I looked for her but my bad luck, I couldn’t find her.

Avni was stunned to hear Neil.

Neil: that night, when I lay on the bed and closed my eyes, her face came in front of me. I opened my eyes and looked for her. That night, I thought for her don’t know for how long, and slept thinking about her.

Avni was surprised.

Neil: the next day, I was waiting for an informer but I didn’t have an idea that destiny has taken me there to make me meet her. I again saw her and felt like I got my lost thing back. That day was stormy and my heart refused to go from there leaving her there. I went in her search and started finding her like mad.
Avni was looking at him.

Neil: I got her and got my breath back. And from that day, a single day has not passed when I didn't have thought about her. I prayed to meet her again and then one day, my prayer got accepted and I got her glimpse. I was going to my home and I saw a little kid running on the road. I got shocked and ran to save her but then all of a sudden, a girl came there and saved that kid.

Avni was shocked.

Neil: and you know who was that girl?

Avni was looking at you.

Neil: you.

Avni got shocked.

Neil: you were the one who saved that little girl and got a permanent entry into my heart. I got clean bowled.

Avni smiled.

Neil: After that, we met many times, and every time, I lost my heart to you. Avni, I love your every shade whether it is bold, shy, or any other shade. I love your every shade.

Avni was shocked.

Neil: I love you, Avni. I really do.

Avni’s heartbeat stopped and she got numbed.

Neil: I love you and will love you always. No one was in my life before you and no one will come after you…

Avni’s eyes got moist.

Neil: I don’t know, Avni that you will accept my proposal today or will reject it but one thing is there that I will always love you.

A tear fell from Avni’s eye and she wiped it and then another tear fell from her other eye.

Neil: Avni, time can never be the same. Ups and downs come. Maybe we fight in the future over things. The dispute can arise between us but I promise that I will not let that fight and dispute create a wall between us. If you want then you can beat me also. I am ready to become your punching bag.

Avni chuckled while crying. Neil was smiling and his smile faded.

Neil: I love you, yaar. I know, you have trust issues but I am not Ashish Mehta, I am Neil, Neil Khanna and I am a man of my words.

Avni was looking at Neil while crying.

Neil: so tell me, Avni, will you live in the cage of my heart? Will you become Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna?

Avni felt shiver to hear Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna. Avni was looking at Neil. Avni made Neil stand up and was crying. Avni nodded and hugged Neil who got surprised. She was not in a condition to talk. Avni cried badly and Neil’s eyes also got tears.

Avni said while crying: I love you.

Neil got numb.

Avni said while crying badly: I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you… I love you.

Avni cried and a tear fell from Neil’s eye. Neil tightened his grip on Avni’s shoulder and hugged her more tightly. Neil cried and Avni was already crying. They stood in that position for some time and then Neil wiped his tears and sighed. Neil squeezed his nose and he broke the hug. Avni looked at Neil. Neil cupped Avni’s face and shook his head. Avni smiled while crying and she also cupped Neil’s face and wiped his tears. They were falling into the emotions. Neil kissed Avni’s forehead who closed her eyes. Neil sighed happily and smiled but his eyes were still moist. Neil noticed the ring in his hand and then he showed it to Avni.

Neil: may I!

Avni forwarded her hand and Neil smiled. Neil held Avni’s hand and slid the ring on Avni’s finger and kissed her ring while looking at Avni. Avni blushed and looked down. Neil smiled to see her. Neil kept his second hand on Avni’s hand. Avni smiled to see that and then she looked at Neil.

Neil: I love you.

Avni: I love you too.

Neil smiled. Avni remembered that she came for KK’s birthday. Avni looked around and she saw a cake kept there. Neil followed Avni’s gaze and smiled to see the cake and Avni. Avni looked at Neil.

Avni: where are the birthday boy and the others?

Neil smiled.

Neil: no one is here except us.

Avni frowned.

Neil: KK’s birthday is not today. It was KK and Vidyut’s plan to call you here.

Avni understood.

Avni: only theirs?

Neil bowed his head while smiling and then he looked at Avni who was looking at him narrowing her eyes.

Neil: ok, stop looking at me like this, I was also involved.

Avni smiled. Neil tried to defend himself.

Neil: but they told me about that later.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil pinched his throat: seriously.

Avni smiled and Neil saw her and then he smiled. Neil spread his arms and Avni hugged him. Avni closed her eyes and Neil captured Avni in his arms. They felt the peace closing their eyes. Neil opened his eyes and kept his chin on Avni’s head.

Neil: Avni?

Avni’s eyes were closed: hmm.

Neil: can we cut the cake? It looks very delicious.

Avni frowned and opened her eyes and then she looked at Neil who made an innocent face. Neil was still holding Avni's back and Avni kept her hand on Neil's shoulder.

Neil: please.

Avni chuckled and Neil smiled to see Avni. Avni nodded. They moved away. Neil took the cone and wrote something. Avni was reading that.

Neil was writing: Happy three months of friendship.

Avni was surprised and she looked at Neil who looked at her and smiled. Neil made a smiley on the cake and sighed. Neil kept the cone on the table and sighed. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: Happy three months of our friendship.

Avni: you remember that?

Neil smiled.

Neil: how can I forget?

Avni was stunned.

Neil: you will not wish me.

Avni: oh yes, sorry. Happy three months of our friendship.

Neil smiled.

Neil: let’s cut the cake.

Avni nodded. Neil took the knife and gave that to Avni and then he held Avni’s hand. They cut the cake and fed each other. Neil saw the cake’s cream on Avni’s lips. Avni took the tissue to wipe her lips. Neil held Avni’s hand and Avni looked at Neil surprisingly. Neil leaned to Avni.

Neil: no need to clean it. I am here, I will wipe it with my lips.

Avni was stunned and her cheeks turned red. Neil moved close to Avni’s face.

Neil: these lips are so juicy. I craved so much to taste them again.

Neil moved to kiss Avni who pushed him. Neil looked at Avni.
Avni: don’t you dare to come close to me before marriage.

Neil: why?

Avni: No.

Neil: but we kissed that day also.

Avni: that day, I fell in emotions. But from now onwards no kisses till marriage.

Neil: that’s not fair Avni.

Avni: that is fair only.

Neil looked at Avni sadly.

Avni: understand, Neil, please.

Neil smiled and said ok.

Avni smiled and hugged him.

Avni: thank you for understanding me.

Neil smiled.

They sat there on the chair. Soon, the dinner came on Neil’s order. They had dinner and then they sat there on the bench and Avni’s arm was intervened in Neil’s arm and Avni’s head was on Neil’s shoulder. They were looking at the moon. Avni looked at Neil and smiled and then she looked at the moon.

Some days passed and Neil took Avni to his home to make her meet his family. Avni greeted them and took the blessings from Neil’s grandmother and parents. Everyone liked Avni. Neil already told them about Avni’s past so no one asked her about her parents and they accepted Avni.

The Khanna mansion was lighted by fairy lights. The guests were present there. Avni and Neil were sitting on the couches and the Khanna mansion was decorated beautifully. Avni and Neil exchanged the rings and everyone clapped.

Neil kissed Avni’s ring and Avni blushed. They did a couple dance and looked very happy. Everyone enjoyed the party and soon it ends.

Neil got drank as he celebrated with his friends. Avni was taking Neil to his room by giving him support and her dress was also heavy. Neil was not able to walk. Avni thanked God that Prakash and other members of the family had slept as he would have been rewarded with the slap on his engagement day by his father.

Avni was taking Neil from the corridor and Neil was stumbling. It was difficult for Avni to handle Neil and her dress at the same time.

Neil: Avni. Avni. Avni.

Avni kept her finger on her lips: ssshhhh…

Neil imitates Avni: Ssshhh…

Neil said, ssshhhhh to the wall, rail, and invisible things as he was drunk. Avni glared at Neil and when he looked at Avni, he gulped and kept his finger on his lips. Avni again started walking.

Neil whispered: Avni.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil whispered: Avni, where are we going?

Avni: to your room.

Neil whispered: room?

Avni nodded and Neil gave a mischievous smile to Avni and when Avni looked at Neil she frowned.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: naughty girl… we have just got engaged today, not have got married.

Avni got shocked.

Avni: shut up.

Neil made a sad face. Avni took him from there.

Avni opened the door of Neil’s room and took him inside. Avni took him to the bed and made him sit. Avni huffed. Avni held Neil’s shoulders.

Avni: Neil, sleep now.

Avni tried to make Neil lay and Neil held Avni’s wrist.

Neil pulled Avni: you also come.

Avni fell on Neil and her hair came on her face. Avni looked at Neil who smiled to see her. Neil took away the hair from Avni’s face lovingly and looked at her. They got lost in each other’s eyes and Neil looked at Avni’s lips. Avni noticed that and followed his gaze and then she looked at Neil cutely. Neil leaned to kiss Avni and Avni closed her eyes. The reality hit Avni and Avni got up from the bed. Neil got irritated.

Neil: Avni.

Avni wiped her upper lips and kept her hair behind her ear.

Avni: ab, Ne, Neil, sleep now.

Neil sat on the bed.

Neil: No, I don’t want to sleep.

Avni: then what do you want to do?

Neil gave a naughty smile. Avni frowned.

Neil: romance.

Avni widened her eyes.

Neil closed his eyes and made a pout.
Avni: no romance and all. Sleep.

Avni held Neil’s shoulder.

Avni: sleep.

Neil got up and stumbled.

Neil: no.

Avni glared at Neil and made him sit.
Avni scolded Neil: Sleep, Neil else… else…

Avni looked around and saw a vase on the table.

Avni: I will beat you with that vase.

Neil looked there and got frightened. Neil looked at Avni whose lips curved a smile to see Neil’s cute expressions but she controlled. Neil immediately lay on the bed and closed his eyes. Avni smiled. Avni was slowly moving to the couch as her back was paining. She thought to sit there until Neil sleeps and then she will go her home.

Avni stopped on the way and sighed. Avni held her forehead. Avni flinched and her breath stopped. Two hands held her waist and it was obviously Neil. Neil rubbed his lips at Avni’s ear who closed her eyes and then Neil moved to Avni’s neck and hid face in her hair. Avni squeezed her eyes.

Avni whispered: Neil.

Neil moved his hands to Avni’s belly from her waist and squeezed Avni in his arms, Avni shrunk her shoulders.

Again the reality hit Avni and Avni tried to come out of Neil’s grip.

Avni: Ne, Neil, leave me.

Avni came out of Neil’s grip and moved a few steps away and turned to Neil who was looking at her like an angry kid.
Neil turned and moved to the bed.

Neil said while going: now, I am katti with you, I will not talk to you.

Avni felt bad and she thought.
Avni came to Neil and Neil saw her and then he looked away. Avni smiled sadly and held her ears.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil looked at Avni and then he looked away.

Avni: sorry, Neilu.

Neil got shocked and looked at Avni.

Avni: forgive me.

Neil: no, you always do this. Whenever I come close to you, you jerk me away.

Avni: it is wrong na, Neil. We are not married.

Neil: but we will get married soon na then why?

Avni: there is a difference between got married and will get married.

Neil’s eyes filled with tears.

Neil: means you don’t trust me. You, think, I will cheat on you.

Avni: nothing is like that.

Neil then?

Avni avoided Neil’s question and looked down.

Avni: you should sleep now.

Avni looked at Neil and held his shoulder.

Avni: sit.

Avni made Neil sit. Neil held Avni’s hand and pulled her to him.

Neil: you also sit here.

Avni made a face and Neil looked at Avni from top to toe and back. Avni followed Neil’s gaze and then she looked at Neil.

Avni: what happened?

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: You are looking breathtaking in this dress, Avni, and this lipstick's shade, it is like a cherry on the cake. And you are my cake.

Avni was surprised to hear Neil.

Neil: I just want to...

Neil cupped Avni's face and make a pout but Avni stopped him. Neil looked at Avni with a grumpy face.

Neil: No, I want a kiss.

Neil tried to kiss Avni forcefully but Avni's phone rang.

Avni: Neil.

Neil looked at Avni angrily. Avni picked up the phone.

Avni: Hello. yes, Sonia, have you reached home?

On the other side, a girl of Avni's age was standing and KK was sleeping on the couch in the sitting position. Sonia is KK's wife.

Sonia: yes, just now we have reached.

Avni: thank God. And Kk?

Sonia: thankfully, he is sleeping.

Avni took a breath of a sigh. Neil was playing with Avni's hair and earrings.

Sonia: you say, how is Neil? Did he sleep?

Neil looked at Avni and hide his face in Avni's neck. Avni tried to make Neil away.

Avni: Neil.

Avni made Neil away who looked at Avni angrily.

Avni: no, yaar. I am trying for a long.

Avni looked at Neil angrily: but this monster is not sleeping.

Neil got shocked and angry.

Avni: ok, Sonia, you have rest and I handle this monster.

Sonia: ok take care.

Avni: you too... bye.

Avni cut the call and looked at Neil who was looking at her angrily.

Neil: I am a monster.

Avni was stunned to see him.

Neil: I am a monster, right? Now see, what this monster can do.

Neil held Avni's arms and hid his face in her neck. Avni tried to stop Neil.

Avni: Ne, Neil, stop. Neil, no.

Neil looked at Avni and again he started nuzzling Avni's neck. Avni closed her eyes.

Avni: Neil, no.

Neil made Avni lay who was bagging him stop. Neil hovered over Avni and was busy with his work. Avni was requesting him to stop and trying to push him but Neil didn't move.

Avni: Neil. Neil, stop. Neil, leave me...

The window of the room got closed because of the wind and the moon was shining in the sky.

Avni's sound was echoing: Neil, no. Neil, please. Neil, no.

Avni started to cry.

Avni crying echoed: Leave me... no...

The clouds covered the moon behind them.

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