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Chapter 28:

It was the time of the evening, the birds were hovering in the sky. A car stopped outside the Khanna mansion and Neil got down of it. Neil entered the Khanna mansion and his phone rang. Neil took out his phone and moved forward. Neil picked up the call.

Neil: Hello, yeah Vidyut.

Neil was walking and he stopped to hear Vidyut. Neil was shocked.

Neil: What?

On the other side, Vidyut was standing in his room.

Vidyut: Yes, I have been trying your number since then but, you were not picking up my calls nor did you call me back.

Neil caught his head.

Neil: Sorry. I was busy in a meeting. I saw your calls but I thought to talk to you once I reach home.

Vidyut sighed.

Vidyut: Now what?

Neil thought.

Neil: Do as she said.

Vidyut was shocked.

Vidyut: Are you mad? You…

Neil: Vidyut… listen.

Neil talked to him.

Vidyut: Are you sure about it?

Neil thought.

On the other side, Avni and Neav were in the room. Neav was drawing his book. Neil entered the room and Avni saw him. Neil smiled.

Neil: Hi…

Neav: Hi… Papa.

Neil: What are you doing, Tiger?

Neav: My homework.

Avneil smiled.

Neil came to Neav and sat on the bed and kept his hand on Neav’s back.

Neil: Did you take care of Mama?

Neav nodded and Avneil smiled. Avneil looked at each other.

Neav: I fed Mama Lunch and then I made her sleep.

Neil: Hmm. Wow… Good.

They smiled. Neil looked at Avni and sighed.

Some days passed and Neil, and Neav in fact the whole Khanna family took care of Avni and Avni recovered. 

One night, Neil entered the room and he stopped when he looked up because Avni was standing in the room. Avni was alerted to see Neil because she was waiting for him. Neil was surprised to see her and he thought. Neil looked at Avni and slowly he came to Avni. Neil and Avni were looking at each other. Avni passed a check to Neil. Neil looked at the check and then he looked at Avni. Neil took the check and it was the check of thirty-two lacs. Neil raised his eyebrows.

Neil: Thirty-two lacs! 

Neil craved his lips downwards. Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: Why Thirty-two lacs? You had to give me thirty lacs.

Avni: The Hospital's bill was thirty lac and twenty-five thousand. 

Neil nodded.

Neil: OK and remaining?

Avni: I stayed in your home and you bought things for me like medicine, fruits, and other things. So...

Neil nodded.

Neil: OK... One minute.

Neil went to the cupboard and he took out a file. Avni was confused. Neil came to Avni and Avni was looking at the file and Neil. Neil passed a file to her. Avni looked at the file and then she looked at Neil. 

Neil: Hmm.

Avni took the file and opened it. Avni was shocked to see the papers. Avni looked at Neil who was looking at Avni. Avni looked at the papers and turned the pages. She was shocked.

Avni: These are...

Neil: Your home's papers. 

Avni looked at Neil shockingly.

Neil: Right. I bought it for you.

Avni was shocked and she saw that Neil had given Avni and Asha's home to Avni. Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: means Avni sold her home and Neil Khanna bought that home and gifted it to his wife, Avni Neil Khanna but both are the same means the home again came back to you and I got my money back so this means you are still under my debt.

Avni shocked.

Avni: How? I gave you money.

Neil: And I gave you a home.

Avni: I didn't ask you for it.

Neil got emotional.

Neil: But I gave you because I know what is the importance of this home in your life.

Avni looked on. Neil took a step to Avni and cupped her face. Avni looked at Neil’s hand and then she looked at Neil. Avni was shocked to see Neil's moist eyes.

Neil: Avniii… Avni, I don’t want money. Do you really think that I am a money-minded person?

Avni looked on.

Neil: No, Avni, I don’t want money. I want you. I want my Avni back.

Avni got emotional.

Neil: I don’t want money. I just wanted to keep you with me. I asked you to come back home but you denied that; then what would I do? I didn’t have any other option except forcing you. I thought when you would come home then I would give you immense love that you would forget any other thing.

Avni was looking at Neil with moist eyes.

Neil: Avni, I love you.

Avni shivered. Neil gulped.

Neil: I love you.

Avni was looking at Neil.

Neil: Avni, when you left me I really missed you but I was satisfied that wherever my Avni is, she is fine though I never get peace and daily get worried for you but I made myself understand that my Avni is fine and maybe this is the reason I realized my mistake but didn't get any lesson from it but this time...

Neil sighed.

Neil: This time, I felt the pain of losing you and I realized my mistake. I realized that I was wrong only... I tried to pacify you but I failed so I got angry and because of that anger, my mind stopped working. Avni, you know about my anger. I am a bull-headed person. When I get angry, my mind doesn't work but now Avni, I have realized my mistake and I will never repeat it. I promise.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: Avni, I have no control over my anger though I try a lot and sometimes, I get successful and sometimes not. Avni, if in the future, I get angry and talk nonsense then get angry at me but please don't go like before. Please. Now, I am tired. This time, I will not be able to bear that pain. I will die…

Avni kept her hand on Neil’s lips. Neil smiled and Avni realized what she did so she took away her hands. Neil smiled. Avni avoided eye contact. Neil saw the file in Avni’s hand.

Neil: Avni, this is your home please don’t sell it. It is your Mama’s sign please don’t sell it. It is good that Vidyut told me else if you had sold it then I would never have forgiven myself. Never.

Avni got emotional. Neil cupped Avni’s face.

Neil: Please, don’t go away from me. Please. Please forgive me. Please accept me back in your life. Don’t go from this home. This is your home. Your family is here. Your son is here. Your Neil is here. Please don’t go leaving us. Please. Please. Please.

Neil touched his forehead to Avni’s forehead while saying, please, please, please.

Neil gulped and they cried.

Neil: I love you please don’t leave me. Please.

Avni gulped and slowly Neil fell to his knees and hugged Avni’s waist. Avni shivered. Neil cried.

Neil: I beg you please don’t go. Please don’t leave me. Please.

Avni gulped and held Neil’s shoulders. Neil cried and kissed Avni’s arm. Avni cried. Avni hugged Neil slowly and caressed his hair. Neil sighed and smiled but soon he cried. Avni was also crying. Avni sighed.

Avni: Ne, Neil. Neil, get up.

Avni tried to pull Neil but Neil shook his head.

Neil: No, first you say that you will not leave me.

Avni: Neil.

Neil shook his head.

Avni: OK, fine, I will not go.

Neil got alert.

Avni: Now get up.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: You are telling the truth?

Avni made a face.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: Don’t get angry, I am getting up.

Neil got up and smiled. Avni looked at Neil and avoided eye contact.

Neil: You will not go, right?

Avni shook her head looking down.

Avni: No.

Neil smiled and got happy. Neil hugged Avni who was shocked. Neil sighed.

Neil: Thank you, Avni. Thank you so much.

Avni smiled. Neav came there and stopped at the door.

Neav: Huggy without me. Hmm.

Avni saw him and Neil turned. Neav came inside and Avneil broke the hug and looked at Neav who was glaring at them. Avneil smiled and they looked at each other. They sat on their knees and spread their arms. Neav hugged them and Neil kept his hand on Avni’s hand by mistake. Avni looked at the hands and then she looked at Neil who also looked at her. Neil smiled. Avni took away her hand and Neil’s smile faded. Avni kept her hair behind her ear.

After that, Avneil and Neav were sitting on the couch and the dinner was kept on the table Neav was sitting in the center. Avni and Neil fed Neav and Neil fed Avni also.

Neav: Mama, you also feed Papa.

Avneil looked at Neav. Avni was surprised and Neil looked at Avni. Avni looked at Neil and then she looked down. Avni broke the morsel and she fed Neil. Neil smiled. They had dinner and then Neil and Neav talked but Avni was listening to them and was smiling. Avni thought and Neil looked at her. Neil thought.

Neil: Ab, Shall we go out for an outing tomorrow?

Avni looked at Neil and Neav got excited.

Neav: Yeah… I will go out with Mama and Papa.

Avneil smiled and Avni thought.

Avni in mind: I was doing wrong keeping Neav away from his father and family. He is so happy here.

Avni thought.

The next day, the sun was shining in the sky and the birds were flying in the sky because it was the time of the morning. Neil was getting ready for the police station and Neav was ready for school. There was some activity in the school so Neav was in civil dress.

Neav: Papa, hurry up.

Neil made a face and turned to him

Neil: Daily you do late and I yell and today you got up earlier and got ready now you can't wait.

Avni smiled.

Neil: Wait for some time.

Neav made a face and went to sit on the bed. Neil got ready and he came to the bed where his things like cell phone, hanky, and keys were kept. Neil took his things and stuffed them in his pocket. Neil took a file and read. Neav got up.

Neav: I am bored. I am going to play.

Neav ran.

Avni: Neav...

Neav stopped and turned to Avni. Neil looked at Avni. Avni became silent.

Neav: What happened, Mama?

Avni looked down and shook her head. Neil understood what happened to her.

Avni: Nothing. You go.

Neav nodded.

Neil: Neav.

Neav looked at Neil.

Neav: Yes, Papa.

Neil: Don't go outside, OK?

Neav nodded and went. Neil came to Avni who took away her hair behind her ear.

Neil: Avni.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: I am noticing that you are not saying anything to Neav. You don't prevent him from doing anything.

Avni looked down. Neil held Avni's hand in between his hands. Avni looked at the hands.

Neil: Avni, Neav is a kid. Forget his words. He said all those things in frustration. You are his mother. You have complete right to him... Avni, If we want to raise Neav well, then we have to teach him to avoid the wrong ones and do good deeds. We have to teach him the difference between right and wrong. We will have to keep an eye on it. We have to raise him the way you were raising him earlier. Don't stop yourself. Stop him where it is needed. Hmm.

Avni nodded looking down. Neil smiled slightly.

Neil: OK... I am going police station but I will try to come back earlier. OK.

Avni nodded. Neil smiled but then he thought.

It was the time of the evening, Neil entered the room and he came from the police station. Neil looked up and he saw Avni in a casual dress.

Neil slowly came to Avni who saw him and got up.

Neil: Avni, you are not ready till now.

Avni saw her dress and she looked at Neil.

Neil: I called you from the police station that I am coming.

Avni: I am ready.

Neil was surprised. Neil looked at Avni from top to toe. Avni was in her daily look and there was no excitement on her face. Neil remembered how Avni was used to getting excited about small things and was used to getting ready accordingly but today she is standing like a stranger. Neil looked down and nodded. Avni was also avoiding eye contact.

Neil: Where is Neav?

Avni: He is with Papa.

Neil nodded.

Neil: OK, I get fresh then we go.

Avni nodded.

Neil went to the cupboard and took his clothes. Neil looked at Avni and thought.

Soon, Neil got ready. Neav and Avni were sitting on the bed. Avni brushed Neav's hair and smiled. Neil saw them in the mirror and smiled. Neil set his hair with his hand and hairbrush and then he kept the hairbrush on the table. Neil turned his face and he was smiling.

Neil said while coming to the bed: So are you ready?

Neav: Yes.

Avneil smiled.

Neil: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Neil clapped. Neav and Avni got up. They were about to move but Neil's phone rang and his phone was on the bed. Neil looked at the bed. Avni also looked at the phone and then Avneil looked at each other. Neil avoided eye contact and he took his phone. Neil saw DD's number.

Neil: Ab, one minute.

Neav tapped his foot on the floor.

Neav: Papa.

Neil: One minute only.

Neav made a sad face.

Neav: OK.

Neil picked up the phone and looked at Avni who avoided eye contact. Neil felt bad.

Neil: Hello.

DD: Sir...

Neil and DD talked and Neav became impatient.

Neil: OK, you send the evidence to the forensic lab maybe they get some fingerprints or something else.

DD: OK, Sir.

Neil: OK, bye.

Neil cut the call and sighed. Neil looked at Avni who was looking down. Neil smiled to see Avni.

Neil: What happened? Let's go, we are getting late. Come on.

Neil came to Neav while banding: Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

Neil picked up Neav. Neav giggled and Avneil smiled. They looked at each other.

Neil: Let's go.

Neil and Avni moved and they went.

First, Neil took Avni and Neav to the park where Neil and Neav played with the football. Neil looked at Avni who was sitting on the bench and was looking at them. Neil kicked the football and Neav went to bring it. Neav came and gave the football to Neil. Neil signed Neav to come to bring Avni to play with them. They went to Avni who refused. A football was in Neil’s hand. Neil and Neav held Avni’s hands and they took Avni to play. Neil threw the ball to Avni who sighed and kept the ball on the ground and kicked it. The football hit Neil and Neil was smiling and he turned his face. Neil was shocked and his smile faded.

Neil saw that Neav was standing there. Neil looked around and he saw Avni sitting on the bench. Neil realized that it was his imagination. Neil felt disappointed. Neil thought and looked at Neav. Neil signed Neav to bring Avni. Neav called Avni who shook her head. Neav insisted but Avni refused. Neil and Neav got upset. Neil called Neav and kicked the football to him. They played.

After the park, they went to the Beach where Neil and Neav played in the water. They jumped and splashed water on each other. Avni was standing at the side and was looking at the sunset. Neil picked up Neav and twirled. Neil saw Avni and his smile faded. Neil kept Neav down and gulped. Neav pulled Neil’s shirt and Neil looked at Neav. Neav signed Neil to come. Neil bent to Neav’s level. Neav talked and Neil smiled. They signed to each other and they went to Avni but stopped at some distance. They splashed water on Avni who flinched. Avni looked at them and they splashed water on Avni who blocked her face with her hands and ran away from there. Neav chuckled but Neil got upset.

After that, they went to the restaurant where Neil ordered the food. They had dinner. Neav and Neil talked and Avni answered them what they asked. Avni and Neav were talking and Neil smiled to see them. A car was moving to its destination. Neil was driving the car and Avni was sitting in the passenger seat. Avni turned her face and she saw Neav sleeping in the backseat. Avni smiled. Neil also turned his face and smiled to see Neil and then Avneil looked at each other. Avneil smiled and Neil focused on the road and Avni also looked straight.

Neil: he got tired.

Avni smiled and said, hmm. Neil smiled. Neil thought and looked at Avni’s hand and then he looked at Avni who was looking out from the window. Neil looked at the road and he held Avni’s hand in his hand. Avni was surprised and she looked at their hands and then she looked at Neil who took Avni’s hand to his lips and kissed it. Avni shivered. Neil looked at Avni and smiled. Neil didn’t leave Avni’s hand until it was needed.

Soon, they reached home. Neil took Neav in his arms and took him to the room. Avni went behind them. Neil made Neav lay on the bed and Avni covered him. They looked at each other and smiled.

The next day, Neil went to the police station, and like always, he was waiting for Avni’s call. Neil rested his head on the chair and thought. Neil took his phone and checked whether Avni called him or not. The day turned into the night but Neil didn’t go home. Neil wanted to check whether Avni would call him or not. Neil was waiting for Avni’s call.

Neil: Once, Avni, just once call me. I swear, I will come running to you. Please call me once.

Neil waited for Avni’s call.

On the other side, Avni was sitting on the bed and she saw the time. It was 10:35 at night. Avni thought and Neav was watching a cartoon on the tab. Avni was looking worried. Neav looked at Avni.

Neav: Mama.

Avni looked at him.

Neav: Papa didn't come back yet?

Avni was looking at Neil and thought. Avni smiled and leaned toward Neav. Avni caressed Neav’s hair.

Avni: He must have stuck on some work. Don’t worry, he will come soon.

Neav: He has never been so late.

Avni looked on and her smile faded. Avni thought.

Neav: Mama.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neav: Call Papa.

Avni was shocked and looked on.

Neav: Mamaaa…

Avni looked at Neav.

Neav: What are you waiting for? Call Papa.

Avni lowered her gaze and gulped. Avni nodded. Avni moved back and turned. Avni saw her phone on the side table and she picked up her phone. Avni thought. Avni dialed Neil’s number and thought. Avni was in a dilemma about whether she call Neil or not. Avni thought.


1. Neil: Hmm, why? Why were you calling me back to back, hmm, answer me.

Avni: Neil, I…

2. Neil: When I was not receiving your call then why were you calling me again and again?

Avni closed her eyes and shivered.

3. Neil: Don’t you have a mind (Neil touched Avni’s side head) to understand that I am busy.

Avni: I, I am sorry.

Neil: Sorry? Sorry? Will your sorry make everything fine? The embarrassment that I have bear there will everyone forget that?  Do you even have an idea how embarrassed I felt there today? Commissioner Sir also scolded me just because of you. Just because of you.

4. Neil jerked Avni slowly and turned. Avni looked down.

Neil: aur asi konsi qayamat tot pari thi ke tum mere ghar aane tak ka intazaar nahi kar sakti thi. (And what storm was on the verge of breaking that you could not wait for my coming home?)

Avni remained silent.

Flashback ended.

Avni was lost in her thoughts.

Avni looked at her phone and thought.

On the other side, Neil was waiting for Avni’s call.

What do you think, Avni will call Neil or not?

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